
You are nice and polite referring to legal lairs ( lawyers ) It is disgusting how they advertise their service , In the past they were called ambulance chasers to sue someone in a car accident and yes they are parasite in a traffic court room , they don't have to go in line like any body . The judge which is an other lawyer let them go ahead , while the suckers have to stay in line. The bastards encourage you to plead guilty, for lower fine , by rhe end you come out fine plus court cost it would be cheaper not to hire the bastard . Sorry

a) Hire a better lawyer who will advocate on your behalf.

b) Learn to drive better and not place yourself in a position where you end up in court for a traffic violation (ie, do not drive after you have been drinking, do not speed and obey the road rules).

c) Don't break the law and you will have no need for a lawyer. And if you ever do need one for youaffairs, I would suggest you go via recommendations from your friends and family who like you enough to not recommend you to a hack.
Lawyers are a necessary facet of civilization. Used car salesmen are a necessary evil of capitalism. Bad lawyers are empowered by capitalism.
The reason that capitalist societies have lawyers and realtors and accountants and advertisers and paparazzi and newscasters and union presidents and all the other professions that we love to hate is that capitalism works. It has created an enormous amount of surplus wealth (or "capital") that does not have to be spent on bare necessities.
Can't say much about used car salesmen in Madagascar, as I've never heard of any, although, apparently, they exist
I thought all they had in Madagascar are dancing lemurs. Maybe I've spent too much time on Youtube. Can't get enough of them dancin' lemurs!
Very good, but you could say the same about a lot of doctors, and they don't get the same bad press lawyers do.
They're sure starting to! The Washington Post just published the statistic that 500,000 Americans are killed every year by medical mistakes! That's way, way more than the recreational drugs that Congress is so determined to control, and a whole order of magnitude more than auto accidents!

Okay, who knows what the filthiest thing in a hospital room is? The doctor's necktie, which he waves in your face! Even his shoes get cleaned once in a while but most neckties are never cleaned. Nurses are campaigning to get doctors to stop wearing ties.
I am to old to go to jail, and if I go , There is free food free clothing , free medical attention and free room and board , it is retirement
Yeah, I guess if you enjoy being butt-fucked on a regular basis. To each his own.
The system is rigged to where one is forced to hire a lawyer for something as simple as child support hearings.
Child support hearings, simple??? Good grief, what country do you live in? Certainly not the United States.
The one lawyer I am acquainted with is frustrated that he has to do something very corporate-y to pay off his student loans. He'd rather be fighting for the rights of the under-represented. But when you have a 50K debt over your head... Gotta suck it up and hustle for the man.
Doctors have the same problem. That's why they don't start working for charity until they're older. For that matter, a sizeable number of college graduates in every field come out with massive debt. Considering the great number of college graduates who are unemployed and sleeping on their parents' sofa, I think it's time to wonder why so many people think they have to go to college. There are a whole lot of really important jobs that don't require a degree. Maybe they don't pay as well, but you don't need as big an income if you don't have a student loan to pay off. Besides, some of them pay very well if you're good at it. Check the stats in any small town in America and it's very likely that the most prosperous person who's not in the city government feeding at the public trough is the plumber.

Instead of going to college, apprentice yourself to a plumber. After your apprenticeship (which might not be any more agonizing than a university degree program, and it doesn't require getting shitface-drunk every week) you open your own shop and hire your own apprentices.
You are nice and polite referring to legal lairs ( lawyers ) It is disgusting how they advertise their service
I (fondly) remember the days when lawyers did not advertise. It was considered unprofessional. They had a listing in the Yellow Pages telling you what kind of cases they specialized in, and that was all. There was plenty of work so they didn't need to advertise.

I find it fascinating that the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, and many other professional organizations (even morticians and beauticians!) have gotten laws passed in every state that effectively limit the number of people who can get training and licenses in those professions. But with lawyers there's a glut. The reason they go around trying to drum up business is that there are too many of them to survive on the cases that people bring to them.
Uh, patently not so. You're assuming guilt.

Had you noticed that I was responding to his post for traffic violations..? If it gets to court, at least in my neck of the woods, it has gone beyond a mere fine for speeding. In other words, the individual either has a DUI, is a repeat offender or the traffic violation is bad enough to warrant arrest and a court appearance. The US may very well be different.
Are you a lawyer? Because your argumentative powers are really weak...

c) Don't break the law and you will have no need for a lawyer.

In America? You are full of shit. Divorce, being sued for nothing, you name it, you need a lawyer. Getting accidentally arrested, you need a lawyer...

Your contractor messed up your house? You need a lawyer... You got fired although it wasn't your fault... Sexually harrassed...etc.etc.etc.

In the USA, if you are a newborn, you need a lawyer... Unfortunatelly...

P.S.: You call yourself a lawyer? (if you are really one)
Are you a lawyer? Because your argumentative powers are really weak...

In America? You are full of shit. Divorce, being sued for nothing, you name it, you need a lawyer. Getting accidentally arrested, you need a lawyer...

Your contractor messed up your house? You need a lawyer... You got fired although it wasn't your fault... Sexually harrassed...etc.etc.etc.

In the USA, if you are a newborn, you need a lawyer... Unfortunatelly...

P.S.: You call yourself a lawyer? (if you are really one)

I am not American.

The reason the system in the US is so, well, fucked up, is because you need tort reform. Big time. Not my fault or my problem if your legal system is so fucked up that it has gotten to that point. Here you can get an amicable divorce for less than $500. Much less. Those who do not own homes can and do have access to legal aid. Many of us also volunteer our time to represent those who cannot afford to pay and do not get access to legal aid. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

And again, I was responding to his comments about traffic violations. Really, it's not that hard.

I understand that you seem to operate under the assumption that everything is in regards to "in America", but really, it is not.
I have a simple solution to the lawyer problem. Line them up, then execute every second one. A year later if there are still ridiculous lawsuit, repeat the process. I guarantee in 3 years the problem would be solved...
I have a simple solution to the lawyer problem. Line them up, then execute every second one. A year later if there are still ridiculous lawsuit, repeat the process. I guarantee in 3 years the problem would be solved...

Hang on..

A person, for example, sues McDonalds because the coffee they bought was too hot and it burned their mouth and that's the lawyers fault? The person who contacts the lawyer and pays the lawyer to file.. It's not their fault.. But the lawyer's fault?

For all the gripe about lawyers and frivolous lawsuits out there, and believe me, I have my fair share of complaints about such lawsuits, it is actually the fault of the individual(s) who seek to sue in the first place for any little thing from a frigging bee sting to their coffee being too hot. If people were not so hell bent on enriching themselves at the expense of others and hiring lawyers to do their bidding, there would be no issue.

It's not a "lawyer problem". It's actually a "people are too frigging stupid to understand that when they buy a hot cup of coffee (as the example follows), the beverage will actually be hot, problem".
For all the gripe about lawyers and frivolous lawsuits out there, and believe me, I have my fair share of complaints about such lawsuits, it is actually the fault of the individual(s) who seek to sue in the first place for any little thing from a frigging bee sting to their coffee being too hot. If people were not so hell bent on enriching themselves at the expense of others and hiring lawyers to do their bidding, there would be no issue. It's not a "lawyer problem". It's actually a "people are too frigging stupid to understand that when they buy a hot cup of coffee (as the example follows), the beverage will actually be hot, problem".
In the USA, that is, unfortunately, simply not true. We have a tremendous excess population of lawyers. As I said earlier, I wish the various state Bar Associations would work as zealously to restrict the number of graduates entering the legal profession every year as their counterparts do in the other professional and trade associations. If you want to be a physician or a dentist, it's difficult to even find a medical or dental school that will admit you. If you want to be a lawyer, all you have to do is have the money for tuition (and of course get passing grades and pass the bar exam).

Wherever you draw the line between "reasonable" lawsuits and "frivolous" ones, this country has at least twice the number of attorneys it needs to handle the reasonable ones. American lawyers advertise shamelessly, encouraging everyone who suffers any kind of physical, emotional or financial harm to believe that:
  • A. There is no such thing as bad luck.
  • B. Everything that happens to you is someone else's fault, never your own.
  • C. That "someone else" has plenty of money that should be: given to you to compensate you for whatever happened, taken from him as punishment for doing whatever he did, and given to the attorney for his valuable service in the maintenance of civilization.
Americans have indeed become stupid, but that's the fault of our "no child pushed ahead" educational system and a generation of hippies who wanted to be their kids' buddies instead of their parents--when they were around at all and not working two jobs, leaving them to be raised by Sesame Street and a nanny who spoke Yoruba. Predatory lawyers just take advantage of this phenomenon.
In the USA, that is, unfortunately, simply not true. We have a tremendous excess population of lawyers. As I said earlier, I wish the various state Bar Associations would work as zealously to restrict the number of graduates entering the legal profession every year as their counterparts do in the other professional and trade associations. If you want to be a physician or a dentist, it's difficult to even find a medical or dental school that will admit you. If you want to be a lawyer, all you have to do is have the money for tuition (and of course get passing grades and pass the bar exam).

Wherever you draw the line between "reasonable" lawsuits and "frivolous" ones, this country has at least twice the number of attorneys it needs to handle the reasonable ones. American lawyers advertise shamelessly, encouraging everyone who suffers any kind of physical, emotional or financial harm to believe that:
  • A. There is no such thing as bad luck.
  • B. Everything that happens to you is someone else's fault, never your own.
  • C. That "someone else" has plenty of money that should be: given to you to compensate you for whatever happened, taken from him as punishment for doing whatever he did, and given to the attorney for his valuable service in the maintenance of civilization.
Americans have indeed become stupid, but that's the fault of our "no child pushed ahead" educational system and a generation of hippies who wanted to be their kids' buddies instead of their parents--when they were around at all and not working two jobs, leaving them to be raised by Sesame Street and a nanny who spoke Yoruba. Predatory lawyers just take advantage of this phenomenon.

Damn! I thought all the excess lawyers became polititions that we could vote against.:D
A person, for example, sues McDonalds because the coffee they bought was too hot and it burned their mouth and that's the lawyers fault?

Depends. If they sue for hospital costs plus 10K for inconvenience, no problem. If they sue for 3 million, they should die.... And you know why they try for the 3 million? Because the lawyer gets a %, not a fix payment. Most of the time the victim has no money at all. Everybody is looking for that one lottery ticket, that they can retire on....

The reason we hate lawyers is that American society has made them indispensable and they do file incredibly stupid lawsuits without any decency...
Actually Frag that was a specific instance, although it looks bad as a statement of general rule, which it was not.
The capital cult

Fraggle Rocker said:

The reason that capitalist societies have lawyers and realtors and accountants and advertisers and paparazzi and newscasters and union presidents and all the other professions that we love to hate is that capitalism works. It has created an enormous amount of surplus wealth (or "capital") that does not have to be spent on bare necessities.

Capitalism itself is harmless; it describes a certain distribution scheme.

The question, of course, is what people do with it.

Remember that capitalism works the next time someone defrauds you. And be happy to do your part. (For instance, don't worry about hiring a lawyer. You'll save money that way.)
Depends. If they sue for hospital costs plus 10K for inconvenience, no problem. If they sue for 3 million, they should die.... And you know why they try for the 3 million? Because the lawyer gets a %, not a fix payment. Most of the time the victim has no money at all. Everybody is looking for that one lottery ticket, that they can retire on....

The reason we hate lawyers is that American society has made them indispensable and they do file incredibly stupid lawsuits without any decency...

You do realise they do so when they are hired by people (such as yourself for example) to do so? Right?

If you want to get rid of such frivolous lawsuits, then I'd suggest you support tort reform that would firstly prevent people for suing for such ridiculous amounts for even the most minor injury and also prevent juries from awarding ridiculous amounts for minute injuries.
You do realise they do so when they are hired by people (such as yourself for example) to do so? Right?

If you want to get rid of such frivolous lawsuits, then I'd suggest you support tort reform that would firstly prevent people for suing for such ridiculous amounts for even the most minor injury and also prevent juries from awarding ridiculous amounts for minute injuries.

In Illinois for over 16 or 20 years are talking to put a limit ( cap) on medical malpractice , but the lawyers are not interested . Why , the bugger the jack pot the larger cut 1/3 of the pie .
You do realise they do so when they are hired by people (such as yourself for example) to do so? Right?

I realize the old lady didn't come up with the idea of getting 3 million by herself. I am sure the lawyer suggested it.... Hiring a lawyer isn't a problem. The lawyer being indecent and greedy is...
I realize the old lady didn't come up with the idea of getting 3 million by herself. I am sure the lawyer suggested it.... Hiring a lawyer isn't a problem. The lawyer being indecent and greedy is...

And sometimes the jury will award her $20 million.

And if the lawyer suggested it, then yeah, bad lawyer.

All of it adds up to the need for tort reform, to prevent this.. gross greed for money on so many sides. People today do view the courts as some form of lottery and it seems to be very much the case in the US and it is starting to creep in here in Australia as well. That it should not be that way has been overshadowed by absolute greed. Also, when the media glorifies massive payouts by making movies out of them, and in some of the cases portrayed in the media, sometimes the payout is not unwarranted, due to the deaths and permanent injuries that have resulted out of some of the incidents, but it also plants a seed in the mind of people that they can sue for anything.

To cite an example, look at Erin Brokovich. Huge movie made about her. She is now appearing on Australian TV urging people to contact the law firm she apparently 'works with' here if they want to sue someone along the lines of 'they are the firm I trust, so lets see what we can do for you'. It is actually quite nauseating. Now, people hear her name, remember the movie and dollar signs pop up in their eyes. This is not what most of us got into the profession for and it angers me when they bring my profession down into the ground.

I'll put it this way. I have the right and a case to sue for medical malpractice when my obstetrician refused to look at an ultrasound because of a holiday weekend away and that refusal resulted in my son and I very nearly dying in childbirth, a rushed surgery, days in intensive care. I still cannot bring myself to sue. I filed a complaint with the medical board and the hospital and left it there. Not because I want to fleece her for all she has, but to ensure that she does not do it again to another woman. I wanted her investigated, not to take her house and car and the contents of her bank balance. So I never sued her. But many people would have sued and I am still told, over 4 years later, that I should sue her. That there is still time. It would not solve anything. It would make her a victim.

And that is what many people do not understand. People are too busy trying to enrich themselves to actually think clearly and I think the media, the legal shows on TV has a lot to answer for here as well. But at the very heart, there is a need for a cap on damages and set amounts for certain types of injuries. Otherwise what is already out of control now will be worse down the line.
Hey that is very good , but I like Bill's more then others

Did he not say Hang the Lawyers ?

But what will you do if the police arrest you and you need a good attoeney to represent you to win your trial? :shrug:
And sometimes the jury will award her $20 million.

What is just as wrong as asking for it. Now I have my personal opinion on punitive damages. Usually the victim gets a small amount for him/herself and a large amount against the firm for punitive damages.

I think this later larger amount should go to charity, instead of to the victim. The victim already got reimbursed for the pain and such, the point of the punitive damage is to punish the firm, not to enrich the victim. So sure, you can punish the firm with a big amount payment, but lets forward it to some charity organization, instead of the victim...