Land of Giants

Light Travelling

It's a girl O lord in a flatbed Ford
Registered Senior Member
Nephilim / Nifelheim

In the Bible's old testament there is reference to Nephilim; described as a race of giants who were offspring of human mothers and angelic / demonic fathers.

In Norse mythology one of the nine worlds is called Nifelheim; described as a dark, cold place inhabited by giants.

The similarity of these two words is obvious, but what is the connection.
Is it merely a linguistic connection, the origin maybe meaning giant or land of giants?
Could there be some shared mythological inheritance between the Hebrew and Norse people i.e. a shared common ancestral people or migration from one to the other?
Or is there some shred of truth at the origin of these stories; that at one time there was a land of abnormally large people living somewhere between Scandinavia and the middle east?
Mythology is fun, isn't it. To seek out things which are only figments of someones imagination is a lifelong task if you're willing to be that gullible.
Human brain is hardwired to exaggerated things so they stimulate it more. Just look at any artwork from 20,000BC to today
So giants appear in our mythologies due to our natural dendency to exaggerate in order to make the image or metaphor more effective in capturing attention.

The name could just be a coincidance. I forgot where I read it, but there was done a study on such words where one and the same sounding word means similar things. The conclusion was that's just a coincidance.
they have even found skeletons of giants, but it's been covered up. recently they found those little humans (florenci sapiens), but they didn't need to cover it up because they were little, and everybody thinks that bigger is better.
1. Who is they?
2. Covered up by who and why?
recently they found those little humans (florenci sapiens), but they didn't need to cover it up
3. Your last statement is against you.

Beware, I will not allow your pseudosci hogwash here. Either give evidence or be deleted.
they have even found skeletons of giants, but it's been covered up.

Define Giant?

How tall does one have to be? Is 7ft tall a giant?

When I say abnormally large, how large am I talking about? If the average height of humans was much lower 10000 years ago, 7 ft tall may well have seemed a giant.

As Avatr said differences are quickly exagerated in myth
checkout this page, it mentions giant human skeletons up to 15ft.

"Modern ‘experts’ firmly reject the idea that there have ever been entire races of giants, and are adamant that our distant ancestors were primitive apelike creatures much smaller than ourselves. Worldwide legends and traditions, on the other hand, assert that there were races of giants in days of old."

fun thing to know: the giants had 6 fingers in each hand, that's why we have clocks (zodiac) with 12 hours and 60 minutes.

How tall does one have to be? Is 7ft tall a giant?

there is no edge where a human suddenly becomes a giant, but i think 8 feet is kinda big.

here's the definitions:

7 sorta big
8 kinda big
9 big
10 very big
12 giant
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Well when you find in mound burial (mass)grave skeletons of normal humans and several giants( 7 1/2 feet to 9 feet), and then dismiss the giant skeletons as gigantisim, you are a discipline and science in denial. I don't know if I would call it a total cover up(the smithsonian losing all kinds of remains passed to them IS a cover up), so much as a total ignore.
Fark nietzschefan, there are about 20 spelling/punctuation mistakes in that post and you want us to take your conspiracy theory seriously! Seriously,...give yourself an uppercut!
Just shooting from the hip. I give up trying to convince people, frankly.

He is one of my more serious posts on the subject. It might also hurt your eyes from a lack of effort, for grammar and punctuation. Feel free to print it off, circle all the fuckups in red and send it to someone who actually gives a shit.
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checkout this page, it mentions giant human skeletons up to 15ft.

Very Interesting webpage.

"Modern ‘experts’ firmly reject the idea that there have ever been entire races of giants, and are adamant that our distant ancestors were primitive apelike creatures much smaller than ourselves. Worldwide legends and traditions, on the other hand, assert that there were races of giants in days of old."

But we can see in recent times that tribes such as the Masai in Africa are much taller than average and much taller than other african tribes, there are also tribes in africa prone to being much shorter than average.

It is quite reasoanble to assume that tribes (or races) such as this could have existed in the past as well. maybe with greater height variances.
they have even found skeletons of giants, but it's been covered up. recently they found those little humans (florenci sapiens), but they didn't need to cover it up because they were little, and everybody thinks that bigger is better.

They once found a skull of a cyclops (I believe it was somewhere in the Mediterranean ?). But it turned out to be a skull of an extinct species of dwarf elephant. This is probably the giant you are talking about.
was there a whole culture of giants or just a few per town, like dwarves?

Yes and no. From what I have read, in North and South America it seems they stayed seperate and perhaps would occasionally exact tribute from smaller races.

I think the ancient Sumerian gods were Giants, the depictions of them NOT being just figurative. They were overloards in ancient Mesopotamia.

Frankly I think the Bible's take on them is B.S. I could not even guess at the origins(it could be as simple as a few hundred/thousand years of really abundant food somewhere). As simple example, look at how fast the average height in North America has shot up in the last hundred years.
I could see it. There are entire cultures of pygmies, so why not those that are very tall? But the pygmies are still here. Where are the giants?
There are traditions handed down the Hopi indians of a great battle in the past where the Hopi(ancestors) wiped them out, buried all dead in mass graves. The mound builders.

In Mesopotamia, the only thing to look at is the flood myth and some "evidence" of halfbreed survivors.
There are traditions handed down the Hopi indians of a great battle in the past where the Hopi(ancestors) wiped them out, buried all dead in mass graves. The mound builders. ....

so where are the bones that were buried in these mass graves? I can't believe the Smithsonian got ALL of them and covered it up.