Labor party and gay marriage

Gays can not make gays pregnant.

Actually lesbians are quite able to get pregnant with a sperm donor and gay men can make use of a surrogate mother. Also there is no requirement to have children in order to get married. Many hetero couples choose not to have children or can't have children.

Then there are the thousands of orphans who face a bleak life in an orphanage that would love to have parents no matter what their sexual persuasion.
i am not saying that homosexuality is "Yuck" in fact i have friends who are gay and how they want to live they're lives is totally up to them, what gives you the right to say that homosexuals should be allowed to marry? what gives you the right to tell me that i am wrong thinking what i do?
I think the point is, what gives you the right to say that a group of people should be denied equal rights because of their sexuality? In other words, what gives you the right to deny homosexuals their right to marry?

i have spoken to my gay friends about this and they see my point and can understand why i say what i do, however they also say that they're life style isnt conjusive to marriage and children,
I have highlighted the important part. Because it is, well, obvious. It is their lifestyle and if they wanted to have children or marry, as their friends, you would not support them? It is their choice to not have children or want to get married. Just as it was your choice to get married and have children.

I am going to ask you a question. I live in Australia, and you live in the UK. Correct? I am married. Now, does my being married impact upon you in any way, shape or form? I would imagine the answer to that is a no. But somehow, if I were homosexual, you would view it as a personal affront that I were allowed to marry or that I was in fact, married. I am trying to see how that works, but for some reason, it just isn't coming to me. How does one impact on you more than the other? Why does it?
I think the point is, what gives you the right to say that a group of people should be denied equal rights because of their sexuality? In other words, what gives you the right to deny homosexuals their right to marry?

Gays already have equal rights under the marriage laws ...hetero males can't marry males, gay males can't marry males. See? Perfectly equal.

And as to denying certain rights, that's always been the duty and the right of societies all throughout history. And throughout history, marriage has been between a man and a woman. In some cases it's actually the law, in others it's most certainly the historical tradition. So denying things is quite normal in human societies.

I am going to ask you a question. I live in Australia, and you live in the UK. Correct? I am married. Now, does my being married impact upon you in any way, shape or form?

Well, Bells, exactly the same could be said about any other activity ...even murder, robbery, rape, fraud, speeding, jaywalking,...... So if it doesn't impact me here in Texas, then that makes it okay for you to commit those crimes in Aussieland? I'm just gonna' guess here and say

Baron Max
My sweetie and I have considered getting married to another couple guy/guy and gal/gal just to protest the insanity.

I think it would be cool to be a hetero couple with a gay marriage. :cool:
My sweetie and I have considered getting married to another couple guy/guy and gal/gal just to protest the insanity.

I think it would be cool to be a hetero couple with a gay marriage. :cool:

Well, why don't you and your sweetie get married also, then you can protest the laws on monogamy, too. Cool, huh?

And if the man of the other couple was your brother, then you could protest the laws on incest, too. Double cool, huh?

Baron Max
impact me here in Texas

Just for the record, not every one in Texas is a raging homophobe.

The Montrose area in Houston for example is one of the largest gay communitees in the country.
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Actually we decided not to get married and like it just fine. But what does being married have to do with monogamy?

Read the thread, Swarm, ...some of which you actually wrote! :D

Baron Max

PS - I don't think calling people names is permitted in the forums. But perhaps if you're immature enough, it's overlooked, I don't know.
Screw it all. Ban marraige all together!!! Homophobes dont want me to marry my boyfriend, so fine! Then they can't marry their partners either! Botta-Boom! EQUALITY!

The problem with you anti-gay marriage folk is that you don't think. You CAN'T think because you lack the intelligence, compassion, and wisdom to be able to put yourself in someone elses shoes.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of your arguments has NO valid backing.

1) My marriage to my boyfriend won't affect your marriage. If it does then you and your husband/wife should seek some major in-depth marraige counseling. Like I said in a previous thread... if your marraige falls apart because I got married to my partner, then you've got FAR more important issues to deal with than me.

2) Same-sex marraige has nothing to do with pedophilia, child/child marraige, polygamy, or incest. It's a whole different concept. Gay marraige relates as much to those as heterosexual marriage does; which is not at all!

3) Don't you people have anything better to do than to deny the civil rights of others? Is your life really that boring and non-eventful to the point that you've resorted to this? Leave people alone and stay out of their business. You don't see gays walking around protesting your marraige or personal choices, so why bother with theirs? It's like watching a bunch of 5-year olds throw a tantrum. Grow up and get the fuck over it. It's really not that big of a deal. Because even if somehow you do succeed in permanently banning gay-marriage, you still haven't won. People are still going to love who they want to love. They are still going to sleep together, hold hands, have sex, and do whatever they can and want in order to live somewhat normal lives in spite of the oppression you present. So yes, go ahead and ban gay marriage, it really doesn't matter anyway. You're just wasting your time. You want to keep gays separate? Good luck 'cause it isn't going to happen. Love conquers all, even bigotry.
Screw it all. Ban marraige all together!!! Homophobes dont want me to marry my boyfriend, so fine! Then they can't marry their partners either! Botta-Boom! EQUALITY!

The problem with you anti-gay marriage folk is that you don't think. You CAN'T think because you lack the intelligence, compassion, and wisdom to be able to put yourself in someone elses shoes.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of your arguments has NO valid backing.

1) My marriage to my boyfriend won't affect your marriage. If it does then you and your husband/wife should seek some major in-depth marraige counseling. Like I said in a previous thread... if your marraige falls apart because I got married to my partner, then you've got FAR more important issues to deal with than me.

2) Same-sex marraige has nothing to do with pedophilia, child/child marraige, polygamy, or incest. It's a whole different concept. Gay marraige relates as much to those as heterosexual marriage does; which is not at all!

3) Don't you people have anything better to do than to deny the civil rights of others? Is your life really that boring and non-eventful to the point that you've resorted to this? Leave people alone and stay out of their business. You don't see gays walking around protesting your marraige or personal choices, so why bother with theirs? It's like watching a bunch of 5-year olds throw a tantrum. Grow up and get the fuck over it. It's really not that big of a deal. Because even if somehow you do succeed in permanently banning gay-marriage, you still haven't won. People are still going to love who they want to love. They are still going to sleep together, hold hands, have sex, and do whatever they can and want in order to live somewhat normal lives in spite of the oppression you present. So yes, go ahead and ban gay marriage, it really doesn't matter anyway. You're just wasting your time. You want to keep gays separate? Good luck 'cause it isn't going to happen. Love conquers all, even bigotry.

i am not saying that homosexualality is wrong or bad in any way, if we agree to gay marriage then we might has well agree to multipy partner marriage, child marriages, and dare is say it........marriage between downs syndrome people.

I just gave my opnion like you agce yours and thats fine, however you shouldnt slate someone for having an opinion that is differant than yours, so perhaps you shuold grow up!!
My sweetie and I have considered getting married to another couple guy/guy and gal/gal just to protest the insanity.

I think it would be cool to be a hetero couple with a gay marriage. :cool:
A consideration by any name is a consideration . Are we invited to this considered marriages ?....:shrug:.
i am not saying that homosexualality is wrong or bad in any way, if we agree to gay marriage then we might has well agree to multipy partner marriage, child marriages, and dare is say it........marriage between downs syndrome people.

I just gave my opnion like you agce yours and thats fine, however you shouldnt slate someone for having an opinion that is differant than yours, so perhaps you shuold grow up!!
Children can't marry because they aren't consenting adults, so that point is a non-issue. Polygamy laws are in place to prevent exploitation, so that's a bit tricky -- however, if all parties involved are consenting adults, it shouldn't be a problem.

And why shouldn't people with Downs Syndrome be allowed to marry?
i am not saying that homosexualality is wrong or bad in any way, if we agree to gay marriage then we might has well agree to multipy partner marriage, child marriages, and dare is say it........marriage between downs syndrome people.

I just gave my opnion like you agce yours and thats fine, however you shouldnt slate someone for having an opinion that is differant than yours, so perhaps you shuold grow up!!

With your logic, the same could be said about heterosexual marraige. Your argument doesn't work. Marraige is marraige. Love is love. There is no "slippery slope" to this. It's not that hard to understand. Two consenting adults who love eachother want to get married. WOOPPEEDOO!!! What do you care?
Lets see... who else can we ban from getting married?

Interracial couples, because thats just disgusting. We gotta keep the races separate.

Couples with a large age difference. No one wants to see a 60 year old man marry a 20 year old. Because of course, love is impossible in that situation.

Hell, lets not let blacks get married anymore. They have the highest abortion rate, STD rate and crime rate in the US. Gotta stop them now while ya can!

Oh and people who wear jeans! Damn them denim dare-devils!

And people who wear braces or glasses, because thats just not natural.

And people who drive Honda's because they are supporting communism.

And OLD PEOPLE!!! Ya never know when they might go senile and develope alzheimers.

And congressmen, because they should be concentrating on the government, not family.

Do you see how utterly rediculous this sounds? How can you not see how your argument fits right in with all of these scenario's?
EVERY SINGLE ONE of your arguments has NO valid backing.

1) My marriage to my boyfriend won't affect your marriage. ....

A lot of laws of society are such that they don't affect the vast majority of the citizens. But that's surely not a good reason to eliminate those laws.

Case in point's against the law to kill someone. Very, very few people would ever do that, and the law would have no bearing on their actions one way or the other. But surely you wouldn't want to eliminate that law, would you? ...just because it doesn't directly affect us?

2) Same-sex marraige has nothing to do with pedophilia, child/child marraige, polygamy, or incest. It's a whole different concept. ....

But the ideal of "equality", which is what you're claiming, brings all those other issues to the forefront. IF....we allow same-sex marriage, how can we NOT allow incestuous marriages? ...or polygamy? ...or perhaps a whole slew of other weird, odd, strange sexual behaviors?

3) Don't you people have anything better to do than to deny the civil rights of others?....

Limiting the actions (rights?) of citizens is exactly what society's do when they enact laws and rules. So in answer to your question, society doesn't have anything better to do than to enact laws.

People are still going to love who they want to love. They are still going to sleep together, hold hands, have sex, and do whatever they can and want in order to live somewhat normal lives in spite of the oppression you present. So yes, go ahead and ban gay marriage, it really doesn't matter anyway.

You say it doesn't matter, but you're wrong. Right now, the way it is, gays can do most anything they want in their own homes and no one seems to care. But ....and it's a big BUT ...if society permits same-sex marriage, they are, in effect, condoning/approving of same sex activities ...sexual perversions within their society. That ain't nice without some firm majority voting or approval.

Baron Max
Lets see... who else can we ban from getting married?

Interracial couples, because thats just disgusting. We gotta keep the races separate.

Couples with a large age difference. No one wants to see a 60 year old man marry a 20 year old. Because of course, love is impossible in that situation.

Hell, lets not let blacks get married anymore. They have the highest abortion rate, STD rate and crime rate in the US. Gotta stop them now while ya can!

Oh and people who wear jeans! Damn them denim dare-devils!

And people who wear braces or glasses, because thats just not natural.

And people who drive Honda's because they are supporting communism.

And OLD PEOPLE!!! Ya never know when they might go senile and develope alzheimers.

And congressmen, because they should be concentrating on the government, not family.

Do you see how utterly rediculous this sounds? How can you not see how your argument fits right in with all of these scenario's?

I know you're going off the deep end with the above .....But.... if society wants to enact such laws, then they most certainly have that right! Which is something you seem to fail to understand.

Baron Max
Of course they do have that right. However, we are simply suggesting that the ideas considered to be correct when the laws were written into the books may not be applicable any more. Things can be changed for the better, right?
Ok, I'm ignoring all of the other rhetoric your posted because it's already been addressed by both myself and other members here and it's not worth repeating. But I will address this quote...

But ....and it's a big BUT ...if society permits same-sex marriage, they are, in effect, condoning/approving of same sex activities ...sexual perversions within their society. That ain't nice without some firm majority voting or approval.

Baron Max

Sexual perversions? Because every heterosexual male in the world has never had anal sex with a male OR female? Please, elaborate how homosexuals and thus homosexual marraige are forms of "sexual perversions".

And ANY mature individual will tell you that marriage is not about sex. But if you wanna talk on a sexual level, by all means...

I've known heterosexual people to be A LOT more "perverse" than most gay men and women I've ever met; males and females having sex with animals; children; bondage, and other various types of activities that I and most other gay people would never dream of doing. Yet they can all get married and do what they want, right? But God forbid marraige between men who love each other and wants to spend their lives together in a wholesome and loving relationship.
And I'm talking from a moral standpoint. Not a government standpoint. The government can do whatever the hell they want. If they want to ban gays from getting married, whoopeedoo again! There are other places to move to. I'm talking about the MORALITY of gay marraige.