Labor party and gay marriage

Why dont people do what they want and if somebody gets hurt then just beat them up for hurting somebody?. It solves everything including gay marraige, if you want to be gay and get married go and be gay and if somebody wants to risk getting beat up to beat you up then they can go for it and see what destiny decides. you could televise the beat downs etc and also make profit from that.

Why dont people do what they want and if somebody gets hurt then just beat them up for hurting somebody?. It solves everything including gay marraige, if you want to be gay and get married go and be gay and if somebody wants to risk getting beat up to beat you up then they can go for it and see what destiny decides. you could televise the beat downs etc and also make profit from that.



Maybe if we all stop getting in each others business so much we can function better with more freedom, which will most likely make people get along better and want to be a honest community.

Face it if you just give all the young thugs in inner cities a legal way to make money and have all the things they want they wont kill you all and each other and rob you.

i am not saying that homosexuality is "Yuck" in fact i have friends who are gay and how they want to live they're lives is totally up to them, what gives you the right to say that homosexuals should be allowed to marry? what gives you the right to tell me that i am wrong thinking what i do?

i have spoken to my gay friends about this and they see my point and can understand why i say what i do, however they also say that they're life style isnt conjusive to marriage and children,

and yes i am fully aware that in some countries swingers and adulterers can be stoned, and so can homosexuals.

exactly my point, what DOES give you the right to judge who other people chose to marry?

Again, we surposedly live in a liberal democracy. There for the defult should be for freedom unless harm can be proven. There for once again its not on me to prove why it should be alowed but rather on you to prove why it shouldnt be. The fact that your friends dont want to get married or accept your opinion is not proof, it could be as simple as they enjoy your friendship and are unwilling to risk it. However i suggest you PM string and show HIM why you think your relationship is more valuable than his. Or tiassa who has had both sorts of partners and try to describe to him why him having a female partner vs a male one suddenly increases the worth of the relationship. In economic and sociological terms i can tell you right now its doesnt change the benifits at all. There is no evidence to show that the protective effects of marriage for health (especially male health) disapear if the partner is the same gender. Nor does the economic benifits of reducing expenditure on housing (private or goverment). Further more the enviromental effects of pair (and more) bondings are plain as well (lower perperson energy requirements for groups, less land needed per person ect)

Where is the harm which outweighes (by a significant margin) these benifits which should promt LIBERAL goverments to put disinsentives in the way of these bondings?
why? i dont agree with homosexual marriage

Ok, your a bigot.

because i see it has a blight on hetrosexual marriage

and an idiot. Homosexual marriage has no more effect of heterosexual marriage than homosexual sex has on heterosexual sex.

likewise homosexuals adopting children shouldnt be allowed either

Homosexuals make perfetly fine parents and their children are no more likely to be homosexuals than you are. Well maybe you aren't a good choice, let's just say "on average."

where will it stop?

Equal rights for all members of society? Fewer people growing up orphans?

why cant we have multi partner marriage?

Like they do in the bible? Oh my god!

why can't we have children marrieing?

Actually thanks to the religious, that is already legal. Can't have people living in sin you know. You can get married as early as 12 in the US, younger with a judge's approval.

whats fair for one should be fair for anouther

There you go! Isn't that easy? If a dunder head like you can get married, nice gay men can get married and you should MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!!!
Ok, your a bigot.

and an idiot. Homosexual marriage has no more effect of heterosexual marriage than homosexual sex has on heterosexual sex.

Homosexuals make perfetly fine parents and their children are no more likely to be homosexuals than you are. Well maybe you aren't a good choice, let's just say "on average."

Equal rights for all members of society? Fewer people growing up orphans?

Like they do in the bible? Oh my god!

Actually thanks to the religious, that is already legal. Can't have people living in sin you know. You can get married as early as 12 in the US, younger with a judge's approval.

There you go! Isn't that easy? If a dunder head like you can get married, nice gay men can get married and you should MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS!!!

Be patient...and use common sense. Gays can not make gays pregnant .
The penis loves the vaginia and the vagina loves the penis . I do not think the vagina loves the vaginia.....oops.....:crazy::crazy:
mike47, im having a hard time working out if your being serious (though i doubt you are). However i will use your first statment either way:

"Gays can not make gays pregnant "
rember women who have had hysterectomies are still alowed to get married. If the purpose of marriage is procreation only maybe a goverment commity should be put on this with a view to making sure that only proven fertile couples are alowed to marry. Anyone over say 25 (maybe 30) should be prevented as they are past there useby date (definitly women, men could be given more latitude if it can be proven there sperm are still viable) and anyone who has had cancer, pollycystic ovarian syndrome or other conditions which cause infertility not to mention the old snip snip or had their tubes tied or a hysterectomy should DEFINITLY be prevented. Just think of all the money which could be saved. Oh wait, that would actually INCREASE goverment expenditure because they would have to surport single people, they couldnt relie on the partner to care for them during illness which would mean further stresses on health care, energy useage would go up, housing prices would increase as all these singles were forced to find acomidation by themselves, goverment surport would have to increase because rents ect are comparibly higher for singles compared to couples ect ect
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homosexuals wanted to get married in a church

Marriage is determined by the state. It can be performed by any state approved church official or by a judge, JP or registrar.

There are a number of churches which will marry homosexuals, UUs, CoG, Episcopalians, many Buddhists, some Jewish sects, various "other / independent."

You aren't really their friends if you don't support their equality under the law.
oh i forgot to mention, anyone who didnt fall pregant with in the first 2 years or who used contraception or had an abortion should of course be charged with fraud and jailed.

mike47 so do i:p and it left me an opitunity to make a point:p