Labor party and gay marriage

Cute? Sure.
Hot? No.
Disturbing? Not in the least.

i do agree with you about it not being hot. There was a better pic (2 guys with their shirts off and nice pecks) but i was slightly concerned about the reaction i would have gotten from James:p
...well I've never really been able to figure out what they are afraid of, but they sure are afraid.

Maybe that's because they are not "afraid" of anything. I don't like gays because I don't like what they practice, what they do. It's not a matter of a personal like or dislike, it's a matter of not liking what they do ...and I don't want to give them permission to do it.

But, see, it's just like anything else that I don't like .....I don't like thieves, but it's not because of the person, it's because of what they do! But I'm not afraid of thieves.

Tell me, Swarm, are you afraid of everything that you dislike? If so, perhaps that's your problem in understanding this issue.

Baron Max
Truth is we don't care and we shouldn't care because it ain't none of our business.

But as members of the same society, we should care what the other members do or say ....that's what makes a society a society ...caring about the people as a group.

Baron Max
I don't like gays because I don't like what they practice, what they do. It's not a matter of a personal like or dislike, it's a matter of not liking what they do ...and I don't want to give them permission to do it.

Yes BM, we know you are gay and afraid to come out. Its ok, really. You don't like them because you are jealous and envious and can't even begin to admit it to yourself, so you stew in your own juices and try to be a jerk so no one will ever get close enough to know your secret.

Giving BJs at truck stops isn't the answer.
i do agree with you about it not being hot. There was a better pic (2 guys with their shirts off and nice pecks) but i was slightly concerned about the reaction i would have gotten from James:p

Just mention Abercrombie & Fitch
Yes BM, we know you are gay and afraid to come out. Its ok, really. You don't like them because you are jealous and envious and can't even begin to admit it to yourself, so you stew in your own juices and try to be a jerk so no one will ever get close enough to know your secret.

Giving BJs at truck stops isn't the answer.

So ...basically you're saying/implying that being gay is so terrible that you're actually accusing me of it thinking that it should make me angry?

Why do you think it's so bad to be gay, Swarm? And what's wrong with gays giving BJs at truck stops? Don't you like truck drivers?

Baron Max
so who thinks this is cute?:) and who got a twist in there stomic. Norse i paticually mean YOU
You're right, I did cringe; you know, most people do. Even people that support it.

We can support it, but don't fool yourself into thinking most people are comfortable with that sort of imagery. It isn't about thinking about what they do in private, it's just not something you see everyday and it's generally a taboo.

I'm not sure how disallowing gay marriage is supposed to protect "family values". "Family values" tend to be just an excuse to apply discrimination based on an irrational disgust held for other reasons (fear of and revulsion about the idea of anal sex).
Not so much disgust, as the desire to protect tradition; whether it is 'rational' or not is irrelevant as humans are irrational beings

Nope. that's all bullshit.

Truth is we don't care and we shouldn't care because it ain't none of our business.
Too bad you don't apply the same principle to my wallet
Too bad you don't apply the same principle to my wallet

Don't use the country and you don't have to pay for using the country.

What were you expecting? A handout? You want me to pay your way? Pay you own way and stop whining.
Don't use the country and you don't have to pay for using the country.

What were you expecting? A handout? You want me to pay your way? Pay you own way and stop whining.

Except I'm never given the choice of whether or not to use the country, so that's a shit argument.

I can't use private roads, private anything, since the government gives it to me whether I ask it or not.

Lame argument. You want to be consistent? Like you said, mind your own business...I'll pay if I want to.

No we don't Norsefire.

There's nothing wrong with two guys kissing.
I didn't say it was wrong, I said it wasn't normal and most people cringe because it's not normal. Don't pretend it's normal.
Except I'm never given the choice of whether or not to use the country, so that's a shit argument.

You have the same choice to not use the country as any one else. Just pack it up and leave, kill yourself, or stop whining about paying for what you use.

I'll pay if I want to.

Nope. You're using now so you are paying now. Stop using, stop paying. Pretty freaking simple. "Ooo, the big bad government is forcing me to drive on good roads. I don't want to pay my share. I want to just be a parasite on society."

it wasn't normal and most people cringe because it's not normal. Don't pretend it's normal.

Its perfectly normal. Not even worth a second glance. I'm surprised you seem so into it still.
You have the same choice to not use the country as any one else. Just pack it up and leave, kill yourself, or stop whining about paying for what you use.
Another lame argument, because you assume the government rightfully has claim to the land. Not to mention their monopoly on key industries

Nope. You're using now so you are paying now. Stop using, stop paying. Pretty freaking simple. "Ooo, the big bad government is forcing me to drive on good roads. I don't want to pay my share. I want to just be a parasite on society."
I want to CHOOSE what I want to pay for.

Again, your argument is complete shit; what if a corporation never gave you a choice and FORCED you to use its products? Can it demand "payment"? I don't think so, because you never consented.

Sure I'm using the government's roads, but they don't give us another option. So bullshit argument again.

Mind your own business! You said it yourself.

You know, I use ATT telecoms services...........I pay for it because I choose to use it. It's actually voluntary. If ATT forced me to use it and then demanded payment, then that is bull.

So, here's the deal: I'll send you a PC, worth $1 million. You'll get it and you'll use it whether you like it or not. And you BETTER pay me, mmkay?
Here, this refutes any argument you have for taxation

Its perfectly normal. Not even worth a second glance. I'm surprised you seem so into it still.
Maybe where you live. But in the US it's not normal.
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Okay, I'm here to settle a few issues. Seeing two gay kissers is normal in the USA depending on where you live. I live in NY and I see it once in a while. I've been to Hollywood and it was sort of normal there. It was normal in Miami too.

It's not normal in small town USA, but in big cities it is not uncommon.

I want to CHOOSE what I want to pay for.

But then no one would CHOOSE to pay for anything. Honestly I can't see non-public roads being feasible. We don't need to see a freaking toll booth every time the damn road changes ownership.