Labor party and gay marriage

They're afraid of a world where others are accepted. Where things like race and gender and orientation aren't tools of hatred that they can use to stop others from being happy. It isn't just gays they hate; it never is. It's a subdued hatred for all people. It comes out against groups who aren't fully integrated yet, because it lets them hide their hatred. If you take a look at the past posting history of the people in this thread who I am talking about, you will find it very revealing... especially in their earliest posts. As for why they act that way? They're very unhappy people. I think that much is obvious, if you take the time read in between the lines long enough.

Human garbage. :cool:
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It's a repressed homosexual impulse.

That reminds me of a similar conversation I had a while back were a homophobe was trying to convince me its just natural for heterosexual men to want to take one up the ass.

I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

What is it with these people?

Look people, its not rocket science.

If you look at a guy and think "man I want to ride his pony" you just ain't hetero and its ok. Have fun with it.
Like I said earlier, the only people who take gay issues personally are gays like BM and LA.

As much as I agree on principle and even try and support my friends in their struggle for equality, not being gay keeps me from ever having the same degree of personal concern that BM has as a gay man trying to never come out.

They know that if they let other gays lead normal lives that is one step closer to ...well I've never really been able to figure out what they are afraid of, but they sure are afraid.
I agree, I really don't care either. However from an academic point of view, the opposition to homosexuality is based not on fear of homosexuals themselves, just the cultural implications and changes that the acceptance of homosexuality would bring about

It is only natural and only human to oppose uncomfortable changes. Humans are not always the most tolerant of beings, but that is how we are:cool:
no will, they are brillant. I was wrong and take it all back

marriage SHOULD be decided by your father and your future husband by just like we always have done, plus there should be no interracial marriages or interclass because we wouldnt want to mix with others, oh and contraception should be illegal because women are only there to pop out kids. Women were designed to be slaves to reproduction and we have been destroying marriage by DARING to interfear with that.

While we are at it, antibotics are immoral and should be abolished as should all medical practices. Women should definitly be left to die if there are complications with a pregnacy. Farming is also an afront to nature and must be abolished, so is clean water. Oh and computers are the devil because electricity is a horific crime against nature (and i dont just mean the coal fired ones). Guns to should be banned, infact all tools should because natural animals dont use tools
That reminds me of a similar conversation I had a while back were a homophobe was trying to convince me its just natural for heterosexual men to want to take one up the ass.

I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

What is it with these people?

Look people, its not rocket science.

If you look at a guy and think "man I want to ride his pony" you just ain't hetero and its ok. Have fun with it.

there IS nothing wrong with a guy who wants to experiment with anal:(
(actually its oral on a guy i would love to try:p)
If that's what you want......

Personally, if you are willing to set aside freedom, then this is what we need:

1) acceptance of other sexualities; if people don't like it, send 'em to the concentration camps

2) logical eugenics program
3) removal of unhealthy and unfit people
4) encouraged use of abortion in overpopulated areas

And other such policies.
Before he can do anything about it?

Your have to put yourself in the homophobe mindset. ;)

Never had any gays hit on me even in predominantly gay areas like say, gay clubs. I guess I don't ping on the gadar. But if they did I'd think was a pretty fair compliment and just say no thanks. Its really not that complex.

You're not a homophobe. For the homophobe, mega alarm bells start to go off at the first thought of homosexuality. The thought process goes: "Homosexual. Hmm... anal sex... I think I might enjoy ... NO! I'm not like that. Homosexuals - get thee away from me!"

I don't think "fear of gays" is a legitimate term; most people are not afraid of gays, they simply object to the practice on cultural grounds.

No, they're afraid. Afraid of their own latent homosexual tendencies, mostly.
No, they're afraid. Afraid of their own latent homosexual tendencies, mostly.

I don't think so. I used to oppose homosexual marriage; and I'm straight as can be. See a hot girl, and my prick is up

No doubt, I'm straight. So no, painting them off that way is an unfair generalization. They simply want to protect tradition. Gay sex doesn't even come to mind.
It's possible to be opposed to gay marriage and not be a homophobe, but that would be rare.
It's possible to be opposed to gay marriage and not be a homophobe, but that would be rare.

That's probably how it mostly is.

The more conservative, pro-family values, generally religious population; no, theyre not afraid of latent homosexuality, they're not thinking about anal sex.

It's generally a family values thing.
The more conservative, pro-family values, generally religious population; no, theyre not afraid of latent homosexuality, they're not thinking about anal sex.

I think they are.
Straight Acting, Or Something Like That

Swarm said:

If you look at a guy and think "man I want to ride his pony" you just ain't hetero and its ok. Have fun with it.

Well, there is a psychological phenomenon called autogynephilia, or love of self as woman. It's a bit of a long article, but also rather ... um ... sad and humorous at once. Dromedic, I guess.

Savage, Dan. "Straight Acting". The Stranger. November 7, 2007. August 7, 2009.

It's a curious phenomenon. But then I hear some "straight" guy saying stuff like, "See a hot girl, and my prick is up ... no doubt, I'm straight," and I wonder, Who the hell are you trying to convince?
I think they are.


Could we say that people who support it are just thinking about anal sex? It's silly. It's an academic thing; family values, that warrant justifiable restrictions, or more freedom without the protection of tradition

Those are the two sides.

so who thinks this is cute?:) and who got a twist in there stomic. Norse i paticually mean YOU
there IS nothing wrong with a guy who wants to experiment with anal:(
(actually its oral on a guy i would love to try:p)

Sure, the point being experiment , how else are you going to know what you like if you don't take a walk on the wild side every now and then? That's how I know I ain't. Gave it a fair spin and it just failed to take off.

If you give it a go and realize you'd have more fun fishing together, well you play the hand you're delt.

If you go down and never want to come up, well there you go.

But that guy wasn't talking about experiment. He was Ted Haggard full on gay in denial trying to say that I must surely feel that driving need to ride the baloney pony too because all us "heterosexual" guys did. :rolleyes:
Could we say that people who support it are just thinking about anal sex? It's silly. It's an academic thing; family values, that warrant justifiable restrictions, or more freedom without the protection of tradition

I'm not sure how disallowing gay marriage is supposed to protect "family values". "Family values" tend to be just an excuse to apply discrimination based on an irrational disgust held for other reasons (fear of and revulsion about the idea of anal sex).

Swarm said:

Don't xtians know about toilette paper??? :eek:

No, that's what the rest of humanity is for.

(Actually, it's the santorum that really freaks them out.)
autogynephilia, or love of self as woman.

"She gets to a point where she wants me inside her, and I do this, but I usually have to imagine I am the women to have an orgasm myself. "

How can people think so much during sex??? I can barely stay focused enough to keep on target let alone conjure up complex fantasies. I guess its just my lot to be a Philistine when it comes to intricate sex.

But then I hear some "straight" guy saying stuff like, "See a hot girl, and my prick is up ... no doubt, I'm straight," and I wonder, Who the hell are you trying to convince?

I can't help you on that one. I've always been under the impression the guy beside me really doesn't want to hear about if I have wood or not. But maybe I've been wrong all these years??? All these xtian stealth gays make things very confusing.