Loathe letting things run away. One feels a strange sense of inundation and giddyness all at once coming back to so much that was not there before, like a child in a candyshop. All hail Wonka.
Let's see here (watch this post take me close to an hour)
Hehe. Yeah I know I was just all excited for a minute. I'm over it, but I do think I'm onto something goddamnit. Maybe not
From nodes to sticks, huh?
A gooey river of experience shaping our thoughts with wordy packages curled around concepts.
Limiting our thoughts, each person according to their Shape of Language.
Look this up, monsiuer: Whorfian Hypothesis.
I'm also put in mind of magma and lava. Experince being the fluid heat of magma below and lava the dried, concrete byproducts on top- concepts wrapped up in words.
Some quick points before losing myself- just so happened to look into pidgin with the angular gyrus the next thing on my plate, but fell into this fascinating little segue.
Turns out there is more to these planned or artificial languages than simple Klingon. Esperanto is a language started by a doctor named L.L. Zamenho, somwhere in the last century. Its an auxillary language that is, amazingly, used by millions of practioners worldwide.
Something like an ante-Babel is it what these languages (Esparanto and one called Volapuk with only 6 speakers in their inventory. Nelson: Ha-ha) are after.
Anyway, this next man was too much like me to not bring him up, so I will. A personal salute to you, my lord Urquhart. This post is your claim to infamy!
Sir Thomas Urquhart, a man I came across in my little studies on eccentrics but never really delved into him until coming across him yestereday. Known for his bizarre use of language and endless word catalouges (like Rapaccini, wonder where the fucker went..) he proposed in the mid 17th century a universal tounge called
Logopandecteision. He was able to gather followers, in the hundreds, and one can only wonder what these people sounded like considering that
this is how the this kindred spirit, Sir Urqurart, sounded in his tomes:
"... by virtue of the intermutual unlimitedness of their visotactil sensation... the visuriency of either, by ushering the tacturiency of both, made the attrectation of both consequent to the inspection of either. Here was it that action was pasive and action passive, they both being overcome by either-and each the conqueror. "
Would you believe this excerpt.......is describing a sex scene? HA!
Attempting some quotes:
Hmm. So, it is about pattern-recognition as I had been thinking. But it's more than mere pattern recognition. It's about holistic pattern-recognition. The sum being greater than it's parts. It does seem to define what we are talking about rather well, doesn't it? Going beyond patterns into something . . . more.
Man is a pattern finding obessisivo (my word).
And by being so makes errors. Consider Drosnin's claim- give him the Pentateuch and he can find a prediction of Jewish prime minister getting assissinated, the Shoemaker- Levy comet, the Oklahoma bombing and countless other hogwash supposedly predicted by biblical code. Listen to him talk about it and his convictions in his
own belief of what he is saying could almost convince
Says Shermer:
"We are pattern seeking mammals, the descendants of hominids who were expecially dexterious at making causal links between events in nature. The association were real
often enough that the ability became ingrained in our neural architecture. Unfortuanately, the belief engine sputters occassionaly, identifying false patterns as real"
In other words, Man's sanity, as I see it, is impossible without its inventory of false posititves. We've said this so many times in this thread I feel I bore you all with it.
A million-to-one odds happen every day in the world by the second, yet each time it happpens to
us we feel there is a guardian angel, a mysterious something watching down from above, below, or inside.
Know what's funny? We can sit here clawing and yapping and typing out a theory and its all, quite frankly, bullshit. Darwin was laughed at. He said we come from apes.
I say Religion is language. Period.
Wes just called experience and language a swamp full of gook.
Did you check out the links I gave? I guarantee you that you will enjoy them. The MRI one and the brain disection one, especially.
Enoyed them.
But would still rather have a model.
A latecomer, but an important latecomer. It seems to be where this gestalt process takes place. But, it can't do it's thing with out the temporal. And, it is practically temporal itself. We may be guilty of outdated thinking on the brain here. I've been reading that the brain is not so divided into lobes as it once was. And the boundaries between these lobes are difficult to pinpoint at the best of times. And, all brains are different, to some degree.
Precicely what I am thinking.
One day I read about the homonculus having its genital respresentation on the cortex next to its foot represention, ergo the erotica of having one's foot sucked as those two senses combine as one into a sexual sensation.
Then the next day I look back in again and find that Penfeild has been revised and lo behold the foot is no longer near the genital area but an ankle, a leg, a knee and a whole thigh
away from the pubic representation.
Then I read that not all people experience the same things as things are shuffled aruond embryonically, akin to kinda but not really having the same fingerprint which comes off as confusing to the layman.
Laymen, unfortonuately, being what we are.