Justice and Security: Neighborhood Watch Captain Attacks, Kills Unarmed Teenager

An indicator might be Zimmermans car.

According to the information Treyvon relayed to his girlfriend on the phone, he was by Treyvons dads house at the time of the altercation.
He had run, from the mail thing, to his dads house and was out of breath.
According to this testimony, Zimmerman had caught up to Treyvon on foot and answered Treyvons question with a question. They had run far enough to be out of breath.

Questionable testimony would be the "Grass Thing." She was on the phone, how could she tell they were on the grass, in the rain? Not totally unbelievable, but odd.

Where was Zimmermans car in relation to this?

If he had run til Treyvon, a 17 year old, was out of breath, they should be far enough away from the car to discount Zimmermans account that he had been standing in the door of his car when the physical fight began.

If they were right next to the car, it would lend support for Zimmermans account.

Is it possible Zimmerman drove down there and jumped out of the car next to Treyvon?
But if so, why did the girlfriend say that Treyvon told her than man chased him a good distance on foot?

It's really hard to tell from her answers whether Zimmerman was following Martin in his car or on foot. But that's irrelevant, because, if she's to be believed, it shows that Trayvon was trying to get away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman wasn't letting him go.

If she's also telling the truth about the phone landing on the ground (that's what I assume she means by hearing the grass), that would indicate that Zimmerman at least initiated physical contact. If Martin had done so, it stands to reason he would have put his phone in his pocket first, or at least hung up with his girlfriend. That it falls from his grip as they begin to struggle, and while he was still on the call, indicates that Zimmerman jumped him.
It's really hard to tell from her answers whether Zimmerman was following Martin in his car or on foot.
Agreed. That lacks clarity.
It is not irrelevant for the reasons I described in the post you quoted.

If she's also telling the truth about the phone landing on the ground (that's what I assume she means by hearing the grass), that would indicate that Zimmerman at least initiated physical contact. If Martin had done so, it stands to reason he would have put his phone in his pocket first, or at least hung up with his girlfriend. That it falls from his grip as they begin to struggle, and while he was still on the call, indicates that Zimmerman jumped him.
Speculative. I've been in enough tussles myself to know guys just throw things to the ground when they get ready to use their fists. I do, as well.
In a moment of intensity, a person doesn't say goodbye to the phone line, hang up. Put it away, they tend to toss what's in their hands and deal with the immediate situation. Including throwing a punch. This lacks clarity and your statement is a bit speculative- not unreasonably so.

The heaviest it calls into question is Zimmermans account that Martin came up behind him and said, "You got a problem with me?" "Now you do," and struck him. The phone call account suggests none of that happened at all.

However, it's also possible that there were two altercations:
That the girlfriend is telling the truth, Martin was truthful to her up to that point on the phone- after which the call had ended. Zimmerman was not telling the truth.
There was the altercation that the GF heard on the phone. It ended when Zimmerman ran away. Martin pursued his pursuer to the car, where altercation two ended the way Zimmerman claimed.

I would discount this on the basis that it's illogical Zimmerman himself would lie about there being only one altercation- I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have said right away that there had been two.
Zimmerman's Character

From the audio testimony of one of his co-workers on that link above:

1. Zimmerman makes racially charged statements
2. He is a bully. He likes to set people up, then make them look bad. He will continually badger an innocent person.
3. He knows how to put on a game face and can be very convincing despite a second face that is a bully.
4. He is a power tripper. He was ultimately fired from this job because he wanted to control things.
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Fraggle Rocker, can you cite this claim? I have googled and searched and searched but turned up nothing.
Check out nnwi.com, the National Neighborhood Watch Institute. Neighborhood Watch volunteers are not vigilantes. The country would never have tolerated that and the movement would have collapsed. (Remember the more recent "militia" movement? Yeah right. Nobody does!) The point is that these people do not have police training or police uniforms so they have neither the skills nor the cachet of authority to stop and apprehend people. As far as any of us private citizens are concerned, if one of these jokers got in our face we would call for help and follow that with a call to 911. Unfortunately Martin is a kid--and a black kid at that, in the Neanderthal part of the USA--and he let his anger get the better of him. When two citizens get in a quarrel it's not unusual that it might turn into physical violence. But if one of them pulls a gun to resolve the quarrel, then he's gone over the line. Zimmerman relinquished his claim on civilization and should be treated accordingly.
I have no idea, currently, since he has a concealed weapon permit, whether he was still forbidden to be armed.
It doesn't matter if he has a permit to conceal a weapon or a permit to raise hogs: a Neighborhood Watch volunteer on duty is not allowed by the rules of the organization to A) carry a gun and B) go after suspects. Their duty is to call the police, period.
The medical reports cannot verify who started the fight.
It doesn't matter who threw the first punch. Zimmerman was in the wrong to start with, by harassing a private citizen with no authority to do so. If you get in somebody's face by, in essence, impersonating a police officer and he gets angry and hits you, you deserve whatever you get.
So as it is now, only ONE eyewitness and the account of Zimmerman himself, along with those reports can substantiate that Martin Returned to Zimmerman and assaulted him.
You claim to be an American but I can tell that you've never had the experience of serving on a jury. Eyewitness testimony is worthless. Its reliability is less than 50%. One of the juries I was on heard testimony from two eyewitnesses, neither of whom had any reason to lie, and their stories were almost completely opposite.
Apparently that much is not enough to cause reasonable doubt- and override your Guilty unless proven innocent meme.
Are you sure you're really an American? It's "guilty until proven innocent." We all know that from watching TV, if nothing else.
I CAN say that everything I've read said he was advised to not pursue suspects. But that's not the same as forbidden.
No, there's no law against one citizen pursuing another. But if you stop him and harass him, when the cops show up to sort it out you'd better have some damn good evidence that you personally saw him commit a crime and were making a "citizen's arrest." Otherwise the law is on his side.
This is true. Zimmerman was a zealot, overly enthusiastic about stopping crime in his neighborhood.
That's a kind way to put it. I'd say he was a paranoid racist who thought that Afro-American kids should not be allowed out on the streets after dark. A typical Southerner from the old days; unfortunately they're not extinct.
Who assaulted who is not just relevant, it's a determining factor.
Absolutely not. If Zimmerman was committing a crime of harassing a citizen without good cause, then any death that occurred in the ensuing quarrel is automatically his fault, regardless of who escalated it. U.S. law is plain as day on that count.
But the evidence does lean in support of Zimemrman's personal account.
Doesn't matter. He broke the law by detaining a citizen without authority. Neighborhood Watch volunteers are specifically denied the authority to act as police officers.
What IS established is that he was looking to prevent crime in his neighborhood.
Not to my satisfaction it's not. That's the way people "prevented crime in their neighborhoods" in the Wild West in the frontier days. We've put great effort into changing the USA into a civilized nation in which the citizens do not go around shooting each other. Zimmerman is an affront to our national character, a throwback to the Bad Old Days. If he lived on an isolated lot out in the middle of the Arizona desert and saw someone he didn't recognize walking toward his house, then it would not be unreasonable to subject him to some questioning. And everybody in Arizona has a gun, one of the reasons I was so happy to escape from that shit-hole and go off to college. But he lives in a town in Florida which, for all my hyperbole about its citizens still hanging onto their Confederate money, has a police force to handle such matters.
You assume a great deal, Fraggle... and it is not reasonable.
I'm not sure I've made any assumptions other than the rather reasonable one that he was not simply acting in the role of a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, for the very good reason that this is not how Neighborhood Watch volunteers are indoctrinated and trained to act. I make no assumptions about who hit whom first or about Martin's frame of mind after being accosted by a white man on a dark street in the Deep South.
Martins report showed no bruising except for his knuckles. This is very indicative that Martin was, indeed, the first to strike.
Doesn't matter. If I were young and strong and (apparently) a good fighter, and some weird-looking loser started hassling me for the well-known crime in that part of the country known as walking while black, I'd probably slam his ugly face into the pavement too.
Add to this that he overwhelmed Zimmerman enough to continue doing damage to his head, slamming it into the ground.
I wish I had been there (at a discrete distance of course) to cheer him on. Zimmerman is exactly the kind of American we don't need in our gene pool: a hothead with a gun and no respect for rules.
Likliest conclusion is that Zimmerman was calling for help, in fear of his life.
This is the sort of thing that you can expect will happen to you eventually if you make a practice of going around being an asshole. The whole point of Neighborhood Watch is that they do not want their people walking around being assholes or we'll run their organization out of town.
IF so- Zimmerman was calling for help- in fear of his life- PRIOR TO DISCHARGING A WEAPON.
Sure, now that he's at a disadvantage he'll be happy to see a police car pull up. Where was that respect for the Rule of Law when he thought he had an "uppity Nigger" to toy with?
Admit it Fraggle, I have put forth stronger evidence than you have.
No. You keep pretending that the exact sequence of events matters. All that matters is that Zimmerman had no authority to accost Martin so he was breaking the law. Anything that happened as the result of that criminal act is, by legal definition, his fault.
My only issue is that Zimmermans enthusiasm is not murder.
In the eyes of the law, if you commit a crime and someone dies, you're guilty. It doesn't matter if you merely scared the guy and he had a heart attack, or just fainted and hit his head on a rock. You're still a murderer. If you watched "Harry's Law" on TV, in a recent episode they dealt with the doctrine of felony murder.
You do not like guns, I can assume from this post. You think anyone who owns are supports guns and gun rights are slavering neanderthals.
No, I do not like guns. I don't allow them in my house and I don't trust people who own them. But my "slobbering Neanderthal" epithet was directed solely at Zimmerman. He clearly grabbed his gun, hopped in his car, and went looking for trouble. If he was merely doing his duty as a Neighborhood Watch volunteer he would have been following their rules and sitting at his upstairs window with a pair of binoculars and a CB radio.
It was MARTINS behavior, not Zimmerman, that led to Martins death.
Please review the laws on felony murder. For that matter, if someone dies while you're committing a misdemeanor you're still at fault, although it will not be Murder One. As I said, he could get off with manslaughter or some other less draconian charge. I think America would probably walk away from this story with a little grumbling if he is only convicted of some form of wrongful death. That will restore our faith in our own justice system. Otherwise I'll continue to say that Grant was an idiot for taking the South back.
Zimmerman would most likely never have pulled that weapon out if he was not being beaten and screaming for help.
He hassled the kid. What did he expect him to do, lie down on the ground meekly and whine, "Please kick me, Massa, I'se so sorry for violating the Sunset Law and being out after dark when you'all can't see me because I'se so dark."
If Zimmerman pursued a suspect and the suspect allowed himself to be questioned or explained himself, instead of beating the other man senseless, NONE of this would have happened.
But the suspect was under no obligation to act that way. What would you do if some total stranger came up to you in the dark with a bad attitude? A butt-ugly one at that; I know that's not his fault but it certainly doesn't help with the ol' "first impresson" and he needs to take it into account when hatching his criminal plots.
So while we can say that Zimmerman may have been wrong to pursue- Zimmermans pursuit should NOT have led to Martins Death.
Martin had no way of knowing how this was going to play out. Again, I have trouble believing that you're an American because you seem to have absolutely no understanding of race relations in small towns in the South. It would not be unreasonable for Martin to literally fear for his life in such a situation.
Martins attacking and threatening the health, safety and maybe life of Zimmerman CAN have led to Martins Death. Martin is the one who shoulders the burden of blame in his own death.
Again, I'd really like to see how you'd react in such an incident, even with your (presumably) white skin.
Fraggle your assumptions and character assassinations are the failing of your argument.
These are reasonable inferences, not assumptions. As for the character assassination, let's see what the press digs up on this guy before we decide who wins this bet. He may turn out to be like that kid in Arizona who shot the congresswoman: a time bomb waiting to go off, and nobody bothered to do anything about it.
You have painted a very bleak and sinister picture of a man. A man that "packs heat" . . . .
[You don't even seem to be familiar with American slang, much less race relations.]
. . . . so that he can use it to run around killing people. Because he's a slobbering Neanderthal.
No. He's a slobbering Neanderthal because he does these things. It's an insult, not a demographic category. Forgive me if I didn't make that clear.
You may not be hating racially, but hating nonetheless.
No, I only hate the roommate who pulled out his gun and shot my cat in 1963. Oh yeah, and those brave National Guardsmen who murdered the kids at Kent State in 1970. Oh yeah and the brave infantrymen who killed the civilians in Iraq just for fun. Well okay, I guess I don't have a high opinion of anyone who carries a gun. It's just a giant phallic symbol and it's used to perform a form of rape.
It is just as illogical, profiles just as heavily and I wonder what you think of Cops and Soldiers who also must be armed.
Despite the occasional senseless high-profile police shooting (such as the Prince George's County sheriff's SWAT team breaking down the wrong door and shooting two dogs in the back who were running away) they actually do not often shoot people and even less often people who did not themselves shoot first. Cops are well-trained in psychology, criminology and the use of their weapons. These are the people whom Zimmerman should have called to deal with Trayvon Martin. It was his failure to follow the rules which bound him that resulted in the death.

But soldiers, that's a much different matter. Soldiers are brainwashed into believing that violence can sometimes be a legitimate way to resolve a dispute. They're brainwashed into following orders rather than using their own judgment in something as monumentally important as the decision to kill another human being. They're even brainwashed into believing that anyone their officers identify as our enemy is less than human so they have free rein to piss on their corpses and rape their daughters.

So no, I have little respect for soldiers. I grieve for their families when they die. But then I catch myself and remember that this is, finally, an all-volunteer army and those families raised those kids to want to become paid professional killers and so some of them get what they signed up for.
U.S. Army service, here
Hardly a surprise, except for the fact that you simply don't come across as American. There are too many things about this country that you don't know.
After-all, What would Inspire US to have gone into the field knowing that not only would we be ARMED, we would be armed against other people- not hunting deer or boar.
I don't understand the question. But the last time the USA was attacked by a foreign nation was Pearl Harbor. So every undeclared war our soldiers have fought in since then starting with Korea--all the wars during my lifetime--was unconstitutional and immoral. Our politicians dress them up and give them clever names like "the war on terror." As if we don't understand that terror is not a country so declaring a war on terror is as stupid as declaring a war on drugs--which has taken a comparable number of casualties, but since they're all in Mexico we don't give a shit.
I did and the tangent/topic is now closed. Future questions may be referred to post number 472. I will not discuss it with you anymore nor can you force me to do so. IF the issue is too large that you must force the issue, you may ask a third party moderator to PM me, where I can discuss it in private and he may then relay the conclusions he reaches to you.

In other words, you just can't answer it without sounding racist again.

If he had run til Treyvon, a 17 year old, was out of breath, they should be far enough away from the car to discount Zimmermans account that he had been standing in the door of his car when the physical fight began.

If they were right next to the car, it would lend support for Zimmermans account.
I don't believe he was killed anywhere near Zimmerman's car.

Is it possible Zimmerman drove down there and jumped out of the car next to Treyvon?

We know from Zimmerman and from the 911 call he made that he was on foot. Are you now trying to change Zimmerman's story for him?

But if so, why did the girlfriend say that Treyvon told her than man chased him a good distance on foot?
You do realise Zimmerman and his 911 call corroborate her claim, yes?

So why are you making things up again?

It weakens Bells claim that Zimmerman did not speak to Trayvon at all... Even though one cop says so.
And again, for the one with the reading comprehension..

The officer who investigated the shooting advised that Zimmerman did not identify himself or explain why he was following Martin. Can you tell the difference? At no time did I say that Zimmerman did not speak to Martin at all.

The police perspective was most succinctly stated in a March 13 "capias request" -- a request that someone be taken into custody -- sent to the state's attorney. It speaks to the fact that Zimmerman ignored a police dispatcher's advice not to chase Martin, as well as his communications with Martin prior to the shooting.

"The encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman, if Zimmerman had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement, or conversely if he had identified himself to Martin as a concerned citizen and initiated dialog (sic) in an effort to dispel each party's concern" the request said. "There is no indication that Trayvon Martin was involved in any criminal activity."


So stop lying.


JDawg said:
It's really hard to tell from her answers whether Zimmerman was following Martin in his car or on foot. But that's irrelevant, because, if she's to be believed, it shows that Trayvon was trying to get away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman wasn't letting him go.
Well that part gels in with the 911 call Zimmerman made and his claim, that he had chased Martin and Martin was trying to get away from him.

If she's also telling the truth about the phone landing on the ground (that's what I assume she means by hearing the grass), that would indicate that Zimmerman at least initiated physical contact. If Martin had done so, it stands to reason he would have put his phone in his pocket first, or at least hung up with his girlfriend. That it falls from his grip as they begin to struggle, and while he was still on the call, indicates that Zimmerman jumped him.
You can't know that.

There are only two people who know the answer to that and one of them is dead. There are no witnesses, except the girlfriend on the phone, to who initiated the actual contact. And she didn't hear who made the first bodily contact either.
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In other words, you just can't answer it without sounding racist again.
Your claims of blatant racism are absurd and I will not discuss that with you anymore.

We know from Zimmerman and from the 911 call he made that he was on foot. Are you now trying to change Zimmerman's story for him?

You do realise Zimmerman and his 911 call corroborate her claim, yes?
Please show where in Zimmermans account, he says that he was jumped at his car but ended up a long distance away from it.
Check out nnwi.com, the National Neighborhood Watch Institute. Neighborhood Watch volunteers are not vigilantes. The country would never have tolerated that and the movement would have collapsed. (Remember the more recent "militia" movement? Yeah right. Nobody does!) The point is that these people do not have police training or police uniforms so they have neither the skills nor the cachet of authority to stop and apprehend people.
Thanks, Fraggle Rocker, I will check that out.

I've removed the rest of the content from my reply for several reasons.

One, I owe you an apology.
I jumped all over your case with a knee jerk reaction; emotionally; and we've established since then that I was in error.
I had accepted aspects of the news stories at face value. There were no witnesses that supported how the fight ensued and much of what I accepted at face value- I'm questioning even now.
Because of this, going line by line through your responses wouldn't make a lot of sense.

Secondly, I'm pretty annoyed at how you make odd commentary about if I'm American or not. Really Fraggle Rocker? Facepalm, indeed.
Let's try this: In the United States, it's NOT Guilty until proven innocent.
It's Innocent until proven beyond reasonable doubt to be guilty.
Commentary that you presume I'm white. Actually, I'm not.
The rest of the post covers a great deal of what others in the thread have also discussed and the vast majority of it I find reasonable and agreeable. In spite of some of your wording.
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Agreed. That lacks clarity.
It is not irrelevant for the reasons I described in the post you quoted.

The girlfriend never says Zimmerman is chasing him on foot.


It's all speculative.

I've been in enough tussles myself to know guys just throw things to the ground when they get ready to use their fists. I do, as well.
In a moment of intensity, a person doesn't say goodbye to the phone line, hang up. Put it away, they tend to toss what's in their hands and deal with the immediate situation. Including throwing a punch. This lacks clarity and your statement is a bit speculative- not unreasonably so.

Yeah, that makes it sound like you've never been in a tussle in your life. I've been in a few myself, and I've never even dropped my drink, let alone my smartphone (though I admit smartphones didn't exist the last time I was in a fight). A phone is a piece of fragile electronics, so it seems odd that he'd simply drop it to engage in a fight. Again, I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that it would be strange if he did.

However, it's also possible that there were two altercations:
That the girlfriend is telling the truth, Martin was truthful to her up to that point on the phone- after which the call had ended. Zimmerman was not telling the truth.
There was the altercation that the GF heard on the phone. It ended when Zimmerman ran away. Martin pursued his pursuer to the car, where altercation two ended the way Zimmerman claimed.

I would discount this on the basis that it's illogical Zimmerman himself would lie about there being only one altercation- I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have said right away that there had been two.

What's the point of this kind of speculation? You have no basis whatsoever to support it, and none of the evidence even suggests it.

Bells said:
You can't know that.

There are only two people who know the answer to that and one of them is dead. There are no witnesses, except the girlfriend on the phone, to who initiated the actual contact. And she didn't hear who made the first bodily contact either.

I never claimed to know. I just said it would be very reckless of Martin to start a fight with a cellphone in his hand, and with his girlfriend still on the other line. Especially when he had just spent so much energy trying to avoid this guy. That he was on the phone one second, then his phone was on the ground and they were fighting, indicates that Zimmerman attacked Martin. Obviously it's not proof, but it's difficult to imagine why Martin would attack someone while he was still on the phone.
Even if he DID start the fight he's still in the right, hands up who when chased down till the are compleatly out of breath, scared probably out of there mind because they have just been chased by this total stranger for no good reason, WOULDN'T fight back at even a perceived threat such as seeing a gun on his belt or even a hand to close to it. THAT would be correct use of the self defense laws.

I'm not sure if this whole thing is more racist or sexist. If Martin was a women would anyone blame him(her) for fighting back in that situation? Would ANYONE claim this nut job was justified in shooting?
Brief Notes

Brief Notes:

Last week, prosecutors released over 180 pages of documents for public consumption that effectively outline the reasons for prosecuting George Zimmerman. Some of the highlights, extracted from an MSNBC report:

• While the Florida Department of Law Enforcement suggested that Martin's sweatshirt suggests he was shot at point-blank range, the Volusia County Medical Examiner's office said, in its autopsy report, that the wound itself "is consistent with a wound of entrance of intermediate range".

• During the time he lived at The Retreat, George Zimmerman reported suspicious persons in his community on four occasions before the Martin slaying. According to the Sanford Police Department, "all of Zimmerman's suspicious persons calls while residing in the Retreat neighborhood have identified black males as the subjects."

• George Zimmerman regularly took tamazepam, an anti-anxiety drug that includes among its adverse effects deterioration of motor function and slurring of speech; in some rare cases, the drug has been observed to cause aggression in users.

• The investigation of the shooting suggests that Trayvon Martin was "running generally in the direction of where he was staying as a guest in the neighborhood".

• At least one police report in the wake of the shooting asserted that "the encounter between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin was ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman".​

The prosecution has also listed fifty potential witnesses, including eighteen officers of the Sanford Police Department; the prosecution is even contemplating the possibility of calling George Zimmerman's father as one of nearly thirty civilian witnesses.


MSNBC.com, NBC News, and News Services. "Court docs: Trayvon Martin shooting 'ultimately avoidable by Zimmerman'". Open Channel. May 17, 2012. OpenChannel.MSNBC.MSN.com. May 20, 2012. http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_n...in-shooting-ultimately-avoidable-by-zimmerman
Sanford police chief Bill Lee stated that neighborhood watch volunteers are not encouraged to carry a gun but have a Constitutional right to do so
“I said, ‘If it’s someone you don’t recognize, call us. We’ll figure it out,’ ” Dorival said. “‘Observe from a safe location.’ There’s even a slide about not being vigilante police. I don’t know how many more times I can repeat it.
“He once caught a thief and an arrest was made,” said Cynthia Wibker, secretary of the homeowners association. “He helped solve a lot of crimes.”
Zimmerman told neighbors about stolen laptops and unsavory characters. Ibrahim Rashada, a 25-year-old African American who works at U.S. Airways, once spotted young men cutting through the woods entering the complex on foot, and later learned items were stolen those days.

“It’s a gated community, but you can walk in and steal whatever you want,” Rashada’s wife, Quianna, said.

They discussed the topic with Zimmerman when the watch captain knocked on their door late last year. Zimmerman seemed friendly, helpful, and a “pretty cool dude,” Ibrahim Rashada said.
“I fit the stereotype he emailed around,” he said. “Listen, you even hear me say it: ‘A black guy did this. A black guy did that.’ So I thought, ‘Let me sit in the house. I don’t want anyone chasing me.’ ”

For walks, he goes downtown. A pregnant Quianna listened to her husband’s rationale, dropped her head, and cried.

“That’s so sad,” she said. “I hope our child doesn’t have to go through that.”

“We are taking a beating over this,” said Lee, who defends the investigation. “This is all very unsettling. I’m sure if George Zimmerman had the opportunity to relive Sunday, Feb. 26, he’d probably do things differently. I’m sure Trayvon would, too.”


Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman placed a cell phone call to the Sanford Police Department to report the suspicious behavior of a young man peering into the windows of a Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way, and he followed protocol, awaiting their arrival. By the time police showed up, it was too late and the young man had fled. On February 6, 2012, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burglarized. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young black man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2.
In looking at the entrance wound, the examiner assessed the gunshot as one fired from "intermediate range", which can mean from 1 to 18 inches, according to a forensics expert

Seems a lot of confusions and perceptions, too...
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Your claims of blatant racism are absurd and I will not discuss that with you anymore.
But you just thought you'd throw my colour into the fray, you know, just to show you aren't racist.

Please show where in Zimmermans account, he says that he was jumped at his car but ended up a long distance away from it.
Zimmerman chased Martin on foot. We know that because he told the 911 operator that he was chasing him and on the 911 call, you can hear him huffing as he's running after Martin.

Zimmerman claimed that he was walking back to his car, after supposedly giving up the chase, when Martin then attacked him.

Now, Martin's girlfriend's testimony clouds that.

You asked, and I quote:

Zimmerman said:
Is it possible Zimmerman drove down there and jumped out of the car next to Treyvon?

To which I responded and advised you that one of the undisputed facts of this case is that Zimmerman got out of his car, after giving the 911 dispatcher and address of where his car was located, and then took after Martin on foot. So no, he did not get out of his car next to Martin. He stopped his car, gave an address to the 911 dispatcher and then pretty much told the dispatcher that he was chasing after him.

Do you understand now?

Which is why I asked you, why are you trying to change the facts to suit your narrative of the events of this case?

No one is disputing that Zimmerman chased him on foot after he vacated his vehicle. So why are you now trying to make things up and ask if it is possible that he jumped out of his car next to Martin?

But something even more interesting in that transcript.. You posted a link earlier:

“I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son,” Mr. Zimmerman, 28, said in a soft voice from the stand, dressed in a dark suit, with his hands locked in cuffs, and shackles at his feet and waist. “I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. And I did not know if he was armed or not.”

[From the link you posted]

Note the bit I just highlighted..

Now look at what he says in the transcript to the 911 dispatcher:

911 dispatcher:

How old would you say he is?


He’s got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.

911 dispatcher:

Late teens?


Uh, huh.
Which is why I asked you, why are you trying to change the facts to suit your narrative of the events of this case?

Leading question. Similar to "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.html#Complex question

The question does not have a proper answer because it assumes the premise is true.

I am not, in the least, trying to change the facts to suit my narrative. You ask in offer to make it appear as though I have been, even though I have not.
Zimmermans account placed him in the door of his SUV when he was attacked. So I asked about that. It's as usual - quite clear.
No one is disputing that Zimmerman chased him on foot after he vacated his vehicle. So why are you now trying to make things up and ask if it is possible that he jumped out of his car next to Martin?
The answer to that is simple: You are having great difficulty comprehending my posts. I will not speculate as to why; just state that I'd prefer you back up off of me about it.
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You have derailed this thread many times with unfounded accusations of racism over Absurd premises. Such as calling a black kid- a black kid.
Stating that you seem touchy on the subject because it IS your race- which was said a good while after you repeatedly referred to me as being a racist for saying that the black kid walking down the street was a black kid. It's obviously absurd.

That is not Racism.
Racism is generally understood as either belief that different racial groups are characterized by intrinsic characteristics or abilities and that some such groups are therefore naturally superior to others, [1][2] or as practices that discriminate against members of particular racial groups,[1] for example by perpetuating unequal access to resources between groups
You will probably try to lie- and claim that I said the kid is not allowed to walk down the street at night as you have already done.
This is a clear lie on your part, no matter how you try to rationalize it- as any reader is FREE to observe how I was supportive his right to walk down the street at night.

You have derailed the topic regularly by obfuscating, distorting posts and misrepresenting what's been said repeatedly. Even when it's rebutted and clearly shown, you distort the rebuttal and keep trying. It is a futile effort and, gauging by responses I've had, you're not fooling the readers, one bit.

You will tolerate no dissenting opinions, nor will you question the validity of any claim that supports your preconceptions.

You practice intellectual dishonesty, leaping to outrageous conclusions and accusations that are unfounded or at best- poorly understood by you.

You have made some valid statements, but you ignore valid statements from others as it will undermine your character assassination of your opponent.

I, for one, am fed up with not only your appalling tactics, but how you unquestioningly get away with this behavior.

I am withdrawing from this thread. It's a futile effort to debate against you, who demonstrates, "Don't confuse me with facts! My mind is made up!" in regards to your opponent. You have made reasonable discussion absolutely impossible.
I bear some burden of the guilt for my own angry outbursts as well. But I have, since, TRIED reasonably discussing the topic; even making it necessary to ignore volumes of the nonsense that you post. At that point, it becomes an act of insanity on my part- doing the same thing over and over- refuting you over and over...

You can disseminate this post, line by line, if you like and fill it with more of your distortions and lies.
I really do not care. You have demonstrated, more than anything, your lack of focus, of impartiality, comprehension and the low, low depths you will go to browbeat your way to 'victory.'

It's all yours- Enjoy.
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It's really hard to tell from her answers whether Zimmerman was following Martin in his car or on foot. But that's irrelevant, because, if she's to be believed, it shows that Trayvon was trying to get away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman wasn't letting him go.

and as anyone familiar with a flight or flight response will know someone trying to flee and prevented from doing so will typically react violently. it wouldn't take much even something not normally threatening could trigger it. and if that response is triggered instinct takes over. and any creature that has that response triggered tends to try and eliminate the threat as quickly and mercilessly as possible. so despite neverfly's reprehensible attempts to blame martins death on him it remains solely on zimmermann who managed to trigger this most basic of survival instincts that any and all creatures have.
I would discount this on the basis that it's illogical Zimmerman himself would lie about there being only one altercation- I can think of no reason why he wouldn't have said right away that there had been two.

right its completely illogical that someone would lie would to try and avoid a murder charge. its not like anyone has ever tried to that before.
it a relatively simple statement.

You assume a hell of a lot, up to and including others motives and intentions.
I have assumed nothing. I haven't even mentioned anyones motives nor intentions other than trayvons intention to get the fuck home

This assumes that is the case. If Martin was threatened, he had that right. If Zimmerman was threatened, he had that right.
What remains to be established, truly, is which is which or if it's a bit of both- where each felt threatened by the other and each tried to defend themselves.
there is nothing to assume there is enough evidence to know trayvon was terrified.
Leading question. Similar to "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/fallacies.html#Complex question

The question does not have a proper answer because it assumes the premise is true.

I am not, in the least, trying to change the facts to suit my narrative. You ask in offer to make it appear as though I have been, even though I have not.
Zimmermans account placed him in the door of his SUV when he was attacked. So I asked about that. It's as usual - quite clear.

The answer to that is simple: You are having great difficulty comprehending my posts. I will not speculate as to why; just state that I'd prefer you back up off of me about it.
You don't even know or recognise what you write, do you?

Martin was shot in a laneway, between houses, away from Zimmerman's car. It was in the laneway that the altercation took place, we know this because 911 calls reporting the altercation and the screaming all said it was coming from the laneway where Martin was killed. That is not in dispute.

I mean Christ on a stick dude, if you cannot bother knowing the facts of the case or even reading and comprehending it, don't speculate because it serves your purpose to do so.

You have derailed this thread many times with unfounded accusations of racism over Absurd premises. Such as calling a black kid- a black kid.
Stating that you seem touchy on the subject because it IS your race- which was said a good while after you repeatedly referred to me as being a racist for saying that the black kid walking down the street was a black kid. It's obviously absurd.
Your comments were racist Neverfly.

I am not alone in recognising it or commenting on it.

The only person who has derailed this thread is you. You have derailed it because you have lied through your teeth, made up stories and then tried to pass them off as facts. You also derailed it because you don't even know the facts of the case and tried to pass them off as "hypotheticals", when it is clear you do not understand what that word even means.

Do you not understand that telling a coloured person that she may find a subject of "touchy" because she is apparently "black" is racist in and of itself? That is effectively what you have done in this thread. It is insulting and very very racist and offensive.

When you say that it would have been "logical for the black kid" to act in an illogical manner and approach a stranger because he is black and looked suspicious to said stranger is racist. That is why I and others have commented on your racism. Because you have posted in a manner that is racist.

Your definition of racism is exactly what you tried to pull in this thread. You tried to tell me that because I am apparently "black", that I cannot really be objective in this thread.. That is racist. You also applied a standard to "the black kid" because he is black and because he was seen as being someone suspicious because he is black. That is racist.

For you to dare be offended at offending others, really, cry me a river. Your actions in this thread have been absolutely disgusting and deplorable. You are nothing but a racist liar. You have lied consistently throughout your participation in this thread and you have also made very questionable racist comments about not only the victim, but also to a fellow member and moderator. If you find that offensive, then yes, maybe it is better that you leave this thread before you put a bigger foot in your mouth.

You will probably try to lie- and claim that I said the kid is not allowed to walk down the street at night as you have already done.
This is a clear lie on your part, no matter how you try to rationalize it- as any reader is FREE to observe how I was supportive his right to walk down the street at night.
You not only queried why he was walking down the street, you also attempted to cast doubt that he even belonged there and about whether he was really up to something or not. I don't need to lie about you Neverfly. You lie enough to make yourself out to be a liar.

You have derailed the topic regularly by obfuscating, distorting posts and misrepresenting what's been said repeatedly. Even when it's rebutted and clearly shown, you distort the rebuttal and keep trying. It is a futile effort and, gauging by responses I've had, you're not fooling the readers, one bit.

You will tolerate no dissenting opinions, nor will you question the validity of any claim that supports your preconceptions.

You practice intellectual dishonesty, leaping to outrageous conclusions and accusations that are unfounded or at best- poorly understood by you.

You have made some valid statements, but you ignore valid statements from others as it will undermine your character assassination of your opponent.
Really, coming from you, that is hilarious.

I have sought a review of this thread and your participation in it. Seeing that I am not the only one who has found you to be dishonest and to lie repeatedly.. in other words, it's not everyone else but you. It actually is you.

You have rebutted nothing and the only thing you have tried to do is to blame the victim, repeatedly and then lied to do so.
He was advancing a hypothetical, under the position that there have been several hypotheticals advanced around Zimmerman that are specious or biased.

All right, I finally got around listening to the "coons/cones" audio. Sounds likes "cones", or something else with a long "o". I think that's pretty certain. Quadra thinks otherwise; does anyone have another bite where they're certain it sounds like that?