Just for fun... How do others perceive you?

How do others perceive you?

Genius. Arrogant pompous ass. Not particularly in that order. :D

1. Genius
2. Arrogant pompous ass

OR !

1. Arrogant pompous ass
2. Genius

Dang. That IS a tough one to call, Q. Labeling one’s self an arrogant pompous ass could be considered a stroke of genius. ‘Course, it‘d depend on the company around you when you revealed this astonishing bit of insight... and on your sense of timing... still... CB’s expression turns pensive; thoughts deepen...


(I’ll lose sleep tonight trying to sort it out, ya know.)




1: Arrogant
2a: Pompous Genius ass
2b: Genius Pompous ass
2c: Pompous ass Genius

1: Pompous
2a: Arrogant Genius ass
2b: Genius Arrogant ass
2c: Arrogant ass Genius

1: Ass
2a: Pompous Arrogant Genius
2b: Arrogant Pompous Genius

Possibly also moving the 1's below the 2's to give the vice versa equation.

Now I'm glad we've got that clear :p
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I was reading all those high scores and feeling very inadequate with a 38, but then I read Chagur's result....

"A 37 ....
Could explain why I still haven't forgiven my mother for telling me babies came out through the belly-button."

.....and remembered that when I was a kid a girlfriend told me babies come out from 'your wee' (her words). Try and wrap your mind around urinating a baby and you'll understand the score of 38.

I haven't forgiven my mother for telling me nothing!

Score of 41 hehehe

The score rating sounds a lot more vivacious than me though!
Well well...

Ya know, I've always been curious as to the validity of these things but I've always been ready to participate...kinda like personality tests....even though I pretty much THINK I know myself....

scored 41

I hope people perceive me that way....I think of myself slightly more introverted than that -- perhaps because I spend most of the time inside my head thinking about CRAZY stuff....oh well, this makes me sound like a person I'd like to be friends with! LOL!:p

it may just be a cold reading, but i loved the description. seemed very accurate, especially the "too generous" part.

i'm actually questioning that this is just meaningless trash designed to flatter the reader, due to the fact that if I got a 60 i would hate the description, same with something like 15, but when other people get these scores they like them. maybe this is a good judge of other people's perception of you (although it certainly doesn't hit upon all variables, like number of arms)

Don't sweat it, the Army will make a man of you.

Or 'an army of one' (whatever that ridiculous expression means).

Take care, keep your mortar clean, and welcome to Sciforums ;)
What is with all of these 41's??

Pollux (thinks he deserves one).
Scilosopher (thinks it natural he should have one).
Mr. G (actually scored one).
Moonlightwriter, esp and now Ana... all get 41's. :bugeye: (Looks from Moon to Ana suspiciously) 'Cause I'm SURE (ok, well sorta-kinda sure) that esp is above suspicion. --Unless Moon or Ana have already gotten to him. (run, esp, run!!! :D)

Then again... Y'all don't think there's something wrong with the quiz, do ya? ;)


Teri2, e_to_the_x & ICARRYALOTOFBULLETS all got perfectly respectable and varying scores. Teri and E^x seem content.

Not so sure about ICALOB.


Do ya also carry a gun?

Just curious.

