Just for fun... How do others perceive you?

I got a 44, but a family friend has always said 41 is my number (it was my address growing up and my first name is the 41st book of the bible - he had this bizarre yet interesting creation called the ET corn gods game that makes use of the books of the bible, the periodic chart and some basic rules to find hidden meanings in language: http://www.etcorngods.com/ ).

I had issue with limited responses, but I think yer just supposed to pick the closest one. I definitely would have broken 50 when I was in high school too so it wouldn't be surprising if people switched categories on both short and long time scales. I wonder how well these traits correlate with people/moods they supposedly describe.
Pollux, if you deserve a 41, then by all means you can have one. :)

Avatar, I agree. A wise person chooses their real friends carefully. Nice attitude.

bbcboy, mood very likely has something to do with it, eh? May the power of St. John’s wort be with you.

Shaman.... is it good or bad? I dunno. Honestly, I don’t. What do you want it be? It can be whatever you want it to be--Promise!! ;)

Stryderunknown... you talk with your hands, so you selected “with crossed arms.” But of course. (you rebel, you!)

Meghan’s satisfied. If she’s satisfied, then I’m satisfied.

Bebelina.. Yaaayyyy, Bebelina! I got 49, too. And I also felt a twinge of flattery. (silly me!)

Hoth, please feel free to put yourself in whatever range you’d prefer. S’okay by me.

Banshee, you don’t have to count all the answers. All you do is multiply the number of answers you like by 4/3 pi r^3. But only if you want. Otherwise, you can just count seven points to it and get a different outcome. We’re flexible. ;)

Cris.... (hehehe...) Too funny!!

Mr. G....? Oh, Mr. Geeeeeeee... No interest in taking our little quiz, eh? Ah, well. Not like it’s going to give us any significant insight into your personality anyway. :D

bbcboy... Good question. Kinda makes ya wonder, huh?

*stRgrl* ... ‘course this is just a hunch, but I kinda get the impression that your results do fit you. And thank you... I be groovin’...

Congratulations... Strange is good. (uh, usually) Glad you enjoyed it, and though I don’t have more quizzes at the moment, I’ll be sure to share when they come along. P.S. To thine ownself be true. ;)

scilosopher... Another one wanting “41.” How bizarre. (Just kidding!) Okay. You can have it if you want it--if you really think it‘s what you need. And yeah, I suspect mood does play a role. As far as having an issue with limited responses however, please have your people get with Cris’s and Banshee’s people.

peter/peter... “I always knew I was an ass.” Ummm.... okay. Well, you might think that.... I couldn’t possibly comment. ;)


Glad you’ve all enjoyed it. Poked fun at some of you just for the sake of fun--nothing personal. (love ya, mean it!) Appreciate you taking the time out to be a bit silly. We humans do “silly” very well, I think. ;)


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Hmmmm ...

A 37 ....

Could explain why I still haven't forgiven my mother for telling me babies
came out through the belly-button.

Take care :D
Interesting test...

I scored 39 points, putting me in the category I would have chosen based on it's description.

By the way, what was your score Counterbalance?
Chagur... a 37? Ah, well that's not too surprising is it? Don't all Supreme Dictators [of the world] have trust issues? Kinda goes with the territory for those called upon to bear the burden of wielding power. Or so I should think. ;)


Meniscus... very intriguing screen-name. Hmmmmmmmmm....

Anyway, I did post my score in my previous post. A 49. (The same score posted by the fabulous Bebelina.)

And btw... if you've not been properly greeted yet, welcome to sciforums! :)


Counterbalance ...

Trust and friendship in my mind go hand in hand and have always reminded
me of a Russian proverb I came across many years ago:

"An untried friend, an uncracked nut."

Consequently, there were not that many acquaintances who over the years
I came to consider to be friends. But those whom I did became life-long
friends and in almost all cases proved to be trustworthy when 'tried'.

Can't ask for much more ... At least not in my world.

Take care ;)
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Counterbalance challenged The G thusly:

Mr. G....? Oh, Mr. Geeeeeeee... No interest in taking our little quiz, eh? Ah, well. Not like it’s going to give us any significant insight into your personality anyway.

As things happen, today, I was reading this interview of physicist Dennis Overbye. He recently authored Einstein in Love.

At the bottom of page three of the interview, I came across this:
"He needed people to argue with specifically, he needed people to attack him intellectually, and he could fight back, and he loved it. It was his favorite thing to do."
I see more of me in that statement than I find in some two digit number which y'all fall over like it's your best IQ score ever. ;)


(Oh, and the editor of that interview should be sterilized for no punctuation, or syntax, sense -- just in that brief quote alone.)
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Trust and friendship in my mind go hand in hand...

And in my mind as well.

Consequently, there were not that many acquaintances who over the years I came to consider to be friends

Nor have there been many for me.

Which is part of why I thought myself "silly" to be even slighly flattered by my score.


Takin' care...

"He needed people to argue with specifically, he needed people to attack him intellectually, and he could fight back, and he loved it. It was his favorite thing to do."

"I see more of me in that statement than I find in some two digit number which y'all fall over like it's your best IQ score ever"

Fall over a best IQ score? (hah!) Not possible. I've never taken an IQ test. Can't think of a good reason to do so.

Btw... y'all spelled "y'all" right. ;)

(Most impressive!)


Mr. G,
Are you comparing yourself to Einstein? Calling us piddling idiots for taking the test for fun?

You want to argue? ARGUE WITH ME!
(sound slightly shifted from the movement of my lips ; )
scilosopher asked:

Mr. G, Are you comparing yourself to Einstein?
I only compared myself to the quoted description of a single aspect of his personality. :)

Calling us piddling idiots for taking the test for fun?
In a sense. But did I really? Compare the quote with the sentence preceeding the " ;) " a couple more times. :)

Revisiting something Counterbalance previously asked:

Oh, Mr. Geeeeeeee... No interest in taking our little quiz, eh?
Actually, I took the test the first time I read the thread. And again just before this post. I had no initial interest in sharing the result. You see, with a 41 and then a 38, I didn't want anyone to think that the test was possibily inaccurate. ;)

Heaven forbid.


Welcome to Sciforums, Moonie. :D (‘Bout time you got here! :rolleyes: )

And for your information, you are a true 41.

And in more ways than you may realize.


Mr. G,
I thought you inherently needed people to argue with - specifically "he needed people to attack him intellectually" - so far I've never seen you make any claims or conjectures which I can attack. If you have made some I would be happy to attack them (even as a devils advocate), just tell me the thread. Though if it's too far from my areas of knowledge I may not. If you want to be the attacker I consistently suggest things that are open to attack, yet can be argued for from general principles and a limited number of presentable facts.

Personally, I tend to only suggest possible alternatives to those I disagree with more than directly attack them and I have no inherent beef with you. I do like a good debate though when people stick to the facts and don't go ad hominem.

EDIT: Please don't attack me over grammar and punctuation - I come here to sciforums to chat and have fun not worry about that crap. I think my points are generally clear even when punctuation is lacking.
Excellent, Bowser! Another satisfied quiz-taker. AND a nice guy.

Hmmm... Meghan was satisfied, too.

Have you two met?

