Just a Crazy Dream?

superluminal said:

I see that even the theists here think you are a nutjob. I would say that your dream sounds like a genuine vision, despite what that bag-o-grassclippings Adstar said. Who are we to deny it? It was your dream. How in hell could anyone, especially a theist, say it wasn't so? Bunch of hyppocrits.

Sciforums is a nutjob.
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Adstar said:
Night night woody, may you dream dreams tonight. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thanks star.

I have lots of crazy dreams. A few months ago I dreamed my face had anemone parasites growing on it. I couldn't remove them because they were rooted into my skin.

They looked sort of like this (in the dream):


That's before I went to a dermatoligist.

I just had a squamous cell carcinoma removed today, and several keritoses a few weeks ago. All of them were on my face except one on my hand.

This is what one can do to you if it goes untreated:


Premonition or crazy dream?
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Woody said:
Thanks star.

I have lots of crazy dreams. A few months ago I dreamed my face had anemone parasites growing on it. I couldn't remove them because they were rooted into my skin.

They looked sort of like this (in the dream):


That's before I went to a dermatoligist.

I just had a squamous cell carcinoma removed today, and several keritoses a few weeks ago. All of them were on my face except one on my hand.

This is what one can do to you if it goes untreated:


Premonition or crazy dream?

M*W: That's not so uncommon. Our minds have ways of communicating with us in dreams to resolve problems in our daily lives. You were obviously concerned about the lesions, and your dreams prompted you to see a dermatologist. You did the right thing. It's important to listen to your dreams and think about them, and even discuss them with others who can probably see them more clearly than you, yourself, can. Good luck on your surgery.
Woody said:
Thanks star.

I have lots of crazy dreams. A few months ago I dreamed my face had anemone parasites growing on it. I couldn't remove them because they were rooted into my skin.

They looked sort of like this (in the dream):

That's before I went to a dermatoligist.

I just had a squamous cell carcinoma removed today, and several keritoses a few weeks ago. All of them were on my face except one on my hand.

Premonition or crazy dream?

Cool woody :) Good to see your condition was stopped and did not go on to the extent of that terrible picture of that mans back :bugeye:

I will be praying for you to get some undeniable dreams from God, (if God wills that you receive them, that is). Ones that will move you deeply. I am not sure if this dream was from your own mind or from God. But we can both thank God you had it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Cool woody :) Good to see your condition was stopped and did not go on to the extent of that terrible picture of that mans back :bugeye:

I will be praying for you to get some undeniable dreams from God, (if God wills that you receive them, that is). Ones that will move you deeply. I am not sure if this dream was from your own mind or from God. But we can both thank God you had it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thanks Adstar,

As you probably know, dreams are an integral part of the bible. Daniel and Joseph were both great interpreters.

I have many, many. Some could mean something and others are just dreams.

I dream often of my father that died two years ago. It's as though he's still alive, but he hardly ever speaks. I do miss him so. I think he went to heaven but I'm not sure.

If he didn't go to heaven, I can live with it after I die. Everyone has to make their own choice about heaven and hell. After you are resurrected I don't understand how your mind deals with people in hell, but I understand the saints will be able to do it with a clear conscience.
I have had a few good ones Woody. Some that are very reassuring. and some that are prophetic. Yes God does talk to us through dreams sometimes. As many in history can attest.

I am not sure about going to heaven when we die but i do believe in eternity with God no matter where that may end up being. I hope to see you and your dad there when we all meet on that happy day. :)

I might post one of my dreams for you.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days
Hi Woody :)

When I was around 12 I was in my room with my younger brother, we were playing with toy plastic solders. What we would do is pile up the toy solders into piles of their nationalities ie German, English American, and Japanese we and then took turns a picking a pile so as to divide the troops between us. Now the German troops where colored in a dark gray green and the Americans were dark green. On this occasion I had chosen the Americans and my brother had the Germans. As I was going through my pile of Americans I saw that we had placed a German officer in my American pile so I reached down picked it up and through it to my brother, as it was his. As I did this I was absolutely stunned because I had dreamed this event exactly, some time before and it was only when I went through the doing of it that I remembered the dream. Now the dream was not in a third person perspective but was in the first person perspective everything was exactly the same the visuals the sounds it was as if I had replayed a tape with my eyes being the point of the camera.

I have been having similar dreams since then, they only last about 2 to 3 seconds. I have got so used to them that they do not scare me anymore when they happen now I just have a little smile to my self and have a laugh and say there goes another one. Up until i had an amazing one with prophectical significance.

The Dream:
I am looking down at my legs my focus is on my legs, I am walking, my legs are not as they are now they have changed they are a color like bronze mixed with gold and depending on the angle of the skin in relation to my eyes it is darker or brighter mirror quality about it I am bare footed but I was not focused on my feet or even the ground that I was walking on. Actually I saw no ground it was like gray under my feet I saw the bottom part of the garment I was wearing it was white.

Now I don’t know if this second part of my dream I am about to tell you about was the same as the first part of my dream. (If they where joined or dreamt at different times in the one night?) But I was now looking at my right arm I was focused on the forearm it was the same color as my legs as described above I lifted my left hand to tough my right forearm like you see in those movies where a curious white person who has never seen a black person before reaches out to tough the skin of a black man in an act of curiosity. The skin moved and was soft like flesh it was not hard like metal. While I was dreaming these/this dream I never felt the need to breath. Nor was I scared at all I had an attitude of well this is how it is so what. I wasn’t elated scared I was absolutely calm inside. Looking around i saw that i was in the sky and the grey stuff i was walking over was a thick layer of cloud like the dark grey color of a thunderstorm cloud. In the distance i could see the sun just abouve the layer of cloud on the herizon.

This dream had the exact feel as those other dreams I have been having since I was 12. In the beginning They scared me as I became a follower of the Messiah I saw them as a message from The Spirit that what happens will happen from that time I have never feared about my personal future on this planet knowing that I will die when I will die it has been a great liberating experience.

I remember being hit by a car at a crossroads while I was on my push bike I saw the car coming I knew it was going to hit me but strangely I never felt fear or apprehension I knew it was not the end of my life. After being struck and crumpling his bumper bar and smashing his windscreen with my shoulder I was spinning in the air and a great calm came over me I did not hit the road hard it seemed to me that I was being gently placed on the ground. I remember the driver of the car was in a state of panic; I had to calm him down with my voice to get him to call an ambulance lol.

To get back to the dream/ dreams there has always been a delay from when I have these dreams until when they come true So only months and some years . I was thinking to myself last night that this is too soon for the rapture I lean to the post trib pre wrath rapture but I was thinking that If the trib starts soon then people like me and you will be the first put to death. I thought this because our thoughts are recorded on this site and in my case several others. The foot solders of the beast will have an initial hit list of followers of the Messiah and they certainly will have all our communications recorded to condemn us with they know exactly where we live when we post so it won’t be hard for them to round us up quickly with little trouble. I have known that the ones that are in control of worldly power have incredible intelligence gathering capacity even before I started posting on sites like this. I wonder in our death sleep like state how do we experience time? Do we experience time? If I am executed in a year an a half from now will my experience of death time be as nothing until I am resurrected in the rapture, which is what the dream to me was?

I hope this letter does not cause you offence I can only say that my statements of my experiences are honest although my conclusions may be wrong.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hi again woody :)

I have had a very symbolic dream also. more like the ones you read about in the bible. This one was a very vivid dream unlike most of my dreams that are short and blend into other dreams.

I had this dream about 2 years ago.

The Dream:
In my dream i was looking out over a land desolate, a landscape without a blade of grass the sky was dark and there was an eerie light. On the plain before me where trees that where all dead and there where no leaves on them. I then looked to the right of the landscape and there was a tower made of stone.

As i was looking at the tower i noticed a strange thing about it. At the bottom of the tower the stones looked very old and very worn like they where there for a long time and had been weathered. As my eyes went up the tower i noticed that there where definite changes in the types of stones and the apparent ages of them, like the tower had been built in stages over many centuries.

My eyes had made it to the top and the top was modern like new and it had a roof. As i was looking at it smoke suddenly started pouring out from the windows in the top of the tower. I looked again at the base of the tower and i could see that stones where falling to the ground from the top of the tower. The tower was being destroyed from the top down.

As i was viewing all this i came to be aware that i was under what seemed to be a bridge arch. As soon as i realized this i felt a jolt, as if there was a one jolt earthquake. The jolt moved the arch a bit but it never collapsed on me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Hi Woody :)

When I was around 12 I was in my room with my younger brother, we were playing with toy plastic solders. What we would do is pile up the toy solders into piles of their nationalities ie German, English American, and Japanese we and then took turns a picking a pile so as to divide the troops between us. Now the German troops where colored in a dark gray green and the Americans were dark green. On this occasion I had chosen the Americans and my brother had the Germans. As I was going through my pile of Americans I saw that we had placed a German officer in my American pile so I reached down picked it up and through it to my brother, as it was his. As I did this I was absolutely stunned because I had dreamed this event exactly, some time before and it was only when I went through the doing of it that I remembered the dream. Now the dream was not in a third person perspective but was in the first person perspective everything was exactly the same the visuals the sounds it was as if I had replayed a tape with my eyes being the point of the camera.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

It sounds like a Deja Vu experience. There's a lot of information on that subject. As I understand it, most people have them.
Adstar said:

I am not sure about going to heaven when we die but i do believe in eternity with God no matter where that may end up being. I hope to see you and your dad there when we all meet on that happy day.

Bibically speaking, you can know where you are going for sure:

I John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Thanks for the invite on the afterlife social visit. There will be plenty of time to meet everybody. I'll probably be strumming on my stringed instrument a lot.

If the trib starts soon then people like me and you will be the first put to death.

I think it could start anytime (the raptur/trib). The attempted destruction of Israel is the timepiece to go by. With Hamas in power it could happen anytime. BTW I'm a pre-trib believer. I don't belive I'll be here for "the" beast/anti-christ.

I had this dream about 2 years ago.

The Dream:
In my dream i was looking out over a land desolate, a landscape without a blade of grass the sky was dark and there was an eerie light. On the plain before me where trees that where all dead and there where no leaves on them. I then looked to the right of the landscape and there was a tower made of stone.

As i was looking at the tower i noticed a strange thing about it. At the bottom of the tower the stones looked very old and very worn like they where there for a long time and had been weathered. As my eyes went up the tower i noticed that there where definite changes in the types of stones and the apparent ages of them, like the tower had been built in stages over many centuries.

My eyes had made it to the top and the top was modern like new and it had a roof. As i was looking at it smoke suddenly started pouring out from the windows in the top of the tower. I looked again at the base of the tower and i could see that stones where falling to the ground from the top of the tower. The tower was being destroyed from the top down.

As i was viewing all this i came to be aware that i was under what seemed to be a bridge arch. As soon as i realized this i felt a jolt, as if there was a one jolt earthquake. The jolt moved the arch a bit but it never collapsed on me.

It sounds like a collation of several ideas. One is the destruction of civilization, and the other is a picture of 9/11.
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Yes lots of people have said that it is a deja vu experience but it definitely was not. It was an exact repeat of a first person perspective experience. Like looking at a 5 second video bite and then replaying it. It was an exact replay. video sound physical sensation the lot.

Bibically speaking, you can know where you are going for sure:

I John 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Well that scripture does not say what location it only says that i will have eternal life.

I think it could start anytime (the raptur/trib). The attempted destruction of Israel is the timepiece to go by. With Hamas in power it could happen anytime. BTW I'm a pre-trib believer. I don't believe I'll be here for "the" beast/anti-christ.

Yes their "peace and security" agreement is virtually dead already and Hamas will soon kill of their Palestinian rivals is the traditional islamic way. Soon they will bring destruction upon themselves as the true muslims will bring destruction upon themselves because of the terror they are using against the infidels.

It sounds like a collation of several ideas. One is the destruction of civilization, and the other is a picture of 9/11.

I posted the same dream on a Messianic Jew forum and an interpreter of dreams there gave me an interpretations.

The tower is the spiritual forces of Babylonian religion that will make the world desolate. Its a kind of spiritual tower of Babel that has been built over the millenniums and its finish will bring the Anti-Christ. But it will be destroyed. The interpreter said i would personally live to see its destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said,

Well that scripture does not say what location it only says that i will have eternal life.

Life only happens in heaven. Hell is a place of death. The dead continue to exist there, but the bible never refers to hell as a place of life.

John 10:10, Jesus says

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
I dream often of my father that died two years ago. It's as though he's still alive, but he hardly ever speaks. I do miss him so. I think he went to heaven but I'm not sure.

Biblically speaking wouldn't the answer be no?

From what I can recall, wouldn't the dead just be dead until they get raised up as zombies to be judged, then the planet and universe get whacked and a new planet is created and then heaven, (in the form of a golden jerusalem), comes down out of the sky - and then becomes home to those judged worthy, (except of course for liars, fortune tellers and dogs)?
Woody said:
Adstar said,

Life only happens in heaven. Hell is a place of death. The dead continue to exist there, but the bible never refers to hell as a place of life.

John 10:10, Jesus says

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Well continuance of existence may not be life as we know it. But those in the lake of fire will not be dead. They will just wish they where.

There will be a new earth. And the New Jerusalem will come down and land on the new earth, And God will live on earth with us. If you like heaven is coming to earth and earth will be heaven.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
From what I can recall, wouldn't the dead just be dead until they get raised up as zombies to be judged, then the planet and universe get whacked and a new planet is created and then heaven, (in the form of a golden jerusalem),

Heaven is more like a "borg spaceship"

The Borg of Heaven

Godless :D
I don't claim to have received a special interpretation from God for your dream, this is just what I see....my opinion after reading your original post.

If Jesus appeared today He would be sharp dressed, like a business man about the Fathers business always.
He cares for His redeemed ones, proved by His ultimate sacrifice for them.
Eternal life is living for others.
Satan really doesn't care about His followers, He is looking out for Himself....selfish.
The opposite of living for others.
He is embarrassed possibly because he left his first estate, whatever that was......to have a kingdom more beautiful than Micheal's.
Envy, lust, pride, greed, all got the better of Him.
Your record, if you have any victories over satan, have been made possible by the blood of Christ.
You stand in the place of Christ, as part of Him, His body on this Earth manifesting His Spirit, so in that respect when satan stood before you and was defeated it was when you stood on the promises of the Word of God as the manifestation of Christ to this generation.
Thats the place of a son of God.
Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren, the beginning of the creation of God.
We shall know as we are known, nothing that is hidden will not be revealed.
When we are perfected we shall behold Him with an open face, and be like Him.
The countenance of His face is as the sun shinning in its strength.
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And then you woke up, and reality smaked your ass on the face hard. Only to find out, that there's no god, no jesus, and you have believed in utter bull shit for most of your life.

Wake up man, fantasy is going to rot your freaking mind. Oh...Excuse me, i see that it already has. ;)