Just a Crazy Dream?

Woody from that last post it appears that in your case, religion is having a negative effect on your self esteem. You see yourself as sinful and imperfect and worse unworthy. None of which are true. Love yourself and others will love you.
6 years ago I met both Satan and Jesus - at least they claimed to be those and firmly believed it ...... First I met Jesus - he was about 26 years old, schizophrenic and only accepted to eat white pills for medication - I admitted him at the closed department of psychiatry.

4 hours later Satan turned up - a very,very disturbed guy in his mid 40´s - luckily
we had no less than 4 closed departments of psychiatry at that hospital, so I was able to put Satan in another department than Jesus - I did not want them to start a quarrel or a fight ....

So everything turned out allright - after treating them for a few months they were OK ...
Haven´t met Muhammed yet - I guess it is only a matter of time before he pops in too .....

Yes , I am a MD ...... and luckily I can admit anyone I want , even prophets,
saints and sons of God ......
I have admitted God twice - he gets better with medication too ......

Once it was against his will, with the help of the police - he was not omnipotent at all .........
Don't you mean "His Will"? Could you please explain what you mean by "closed department of psychiatry"? It sounds like you're putting these people into deserted unlit wards....

There was a great Big Train sketch in which Jesus was the boss of this office - the style was very like The Office, strangely enough - and he sits at his desk, bites into a sandwich and finds it's been contaminated with a plastic spider, and a mocking "Har har har" message on the paper plate it came on. Jesus stalks through the corridors, like irate bosses do, walks into the office full of people, points and says, "In my office, now." And the camera zooms in to find a man with deep scarlet skin, and horns, going, "Oh, what? What?" and then slinking after Jesus, where he gets the sack.
Closed departments has locks on the doors to the outside hospital area (doors are reinforced with bulletproof glass) , a patient is not allowed to go for a walk outside the hospital department without permission from a doctor ......
The closed departments are actually very nice, every patient has a singleroom with bath/toilet, allmost like a better hotelroom ..........

I see that even the theists here think you are a nutjob. I would say that your dream sounds like a genuine vision, despite what that bag-o-grassclippings Adstar said. Who are we to deny it? It was your dream. How in hell could anyone, especially a theist, say it wasn't so? Bunch of hyppocrits.
superluminal said:

I see that even the theists here think you are a nutjob. I would say that your dream sounds like a genuine vision, despite what that bag-o-grassclippings Adstar said. Who are we to deny it? It was your dream. How in hell could anyone, especially a theist, say it wasn't so? Bunch of hyppocrits.

Woody said:
Jesus was tall, thin, young, had straight light-colored hair, was dressed in a suit, and was really sharp like a business executive...

I looked at him face to face...

He said I wasn't perfect yet, and he assured me not to worry about it.

I went away from that conversation thinking to myself, "How can anyone stand face-to-face with him unless they're perfect?" ...

Any interpreters out there? Have fun if you want.

Hi Woody,

Sooo.... You think you're perfect, huh!?

(Just kidding!)
Paraclete said:
6 years ago I met both Satan and Jesus - at least they claimed to be those and firmly believed it ...... First I met Jesus - he was about 26 years old, schizophrenic and only accepted to eat white pills for medication - I admitted him at the closed department of psychiatry.

4 hours later Satan turned up - a very,very disturbed guy in his mid 40´s - luckily
we had no less than 4 closed departments of psychiatry at that hospital, so I was able to put Satan in another department than Jesus - I did not want them to start a quarrel or a fight ....

So everything turned out allright - after treating them for a few months they were OK ...
Haven´t met Muhammed yet - I guess it is only a matter of time before he pops in too .....

Yes , I am a MD ...... and luckily I can admit anyone I want , even prophets,
saints and sons of God ......

Hi Doc,

Funny stuff! Sad, but humorous!
superluminal said:

I see that even the theists here think you are a nutjob. I would say that your dream sounds like a genuine vision, despite what that bag-o-grassclippings Adstar said. Who are we to deny it? It was your dream. How in hell could anyone, especially a theist, say it wasn't so? Bunch of hyppocrits.

Definitely expectable that Adstar should dismiss Woody. But then Adstar isn't the most rational stone in the quarry.
But then Adstar isn't the most rational stone in the quarry.

Yes well, the first ever response of adstar to me around a year ago was that I was a (paraphrase) "horrible piece of human filth" or something to that effect, because I questiond the whole god thing.

Oh well. Anyway, I just find it endlessly fascinating how the atheists/free-thinkers here corellate very highly on their positions while the theists can barely agree on the spelling of "god". :m:
Yes, well, atheists have the benefit of usually knowing what to take literally and what to treat as a story. :)
Well it is much easier to agree on nothing than it is to agree on everything.
it's a double standard, Southstar.

double entendre:1 : ambiguity of meaning arising from language that lends itself to more than one interpretation
2 : a word or expression capable of two interpretations with one usually risqué

Kind of like saying "holy shit" around here LOL...

1. Atheists believe nothing regarding God, and it is easier to agree on this disbelief than to agree on a set of positive beliefs.

2. Theists can't agree on anything. It's easier to disagree (to "agree on nothing").