Just a Crazy Dream?

fadeaway humper said:
Dude, the Jesus guy totally wants to get it on with you. Go for it.

Also, lay off the curry.

not worthy of comment
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He wasn't embarrassed. He is, like, red, to begin with.

Failing that, he is a bit chubby, as you said, and you are a dreamboat. He was obviously intimidated. I feel for him.
Just a crazy dream.

What does it mean?
Perhaps that you feel more connected to Satan than Jesus, because the Jesus ideal is unattainable.
Jesus is perfect.
So perfect that no one can live up to his standard.
Satan, on the other hand, is not perfect, like you.
He is just a regular guy.
He is nice and personable.
Friendly, even.
Also like you, he has his failings (being evil and all) but that is just the lot he has been dealt and has to deal with.
Jesus is ideal.
Satan is real.
You can look up to Jesus, but you can identify or relate to Satan.

That’s my guess, for what it’s worth.
Woody said:
Last night I dreamed I met both Satan and Jesus.

First I met Satan. He was about average height, a bit chubby, had medium to dark hair, intelligent, looked like Al-Zachari with his beard shaved off, and there was a big group of people behind him. He was sitting alone and we talked a bit. I asked what was going to happen to all the people behind him. He said he had no use for them and he really didn't care what happened to them, and he was just looking out for himself. Then we talked about my record. He didn't have much to say, and just got red in the face and embarrassed.

I walked off thinking to myself - he really could have been a great guy if he wasn't evil. I went to a room to start playing my guitar, then I was in the presense of Jesus Christ. He was with about five other people in a room and they were standing across from him, and talking to each other. Jesus was tall, thin, young, had straight light-colored hair, was dressed in a suit, and was really sharp like a business executive. He was sitting in a chair across from the others.

I looked at him face to face, and he knew every thought -- even what I was going to say. I told him I knew that. He knew I was feeling uncomfortable about it and a bit nervous. He said I wasn't perfect yet, and he assured me not to worry about it.

I went away from that conversation thinking to myself, "How can anyone stand face-to-face with him unless they're perfect?" No way, they'll have to run, but where to?

Any interpreters out there? Have fun if you want.

The dream does not come from God. If you where having a vision then in your dream, when you met Jesus you would have fallen to the floor flat on your face. Either this dream is from your own mind or it is from another source.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Woody said:
Last night I dreamed I met both Satan and Jesus.

First I met Satan. He was about average height, a bit chubby, had medium to dark hair, intelligent, looked like Al-Zachari with his beard shaved off, and there was a big group of people behind him. He was sitting alone and we talked a bit. I asked what was going to happen to all the people behind him. He said he had no use for them and he really didn't care what happened to them, and he was just looking out for himself. Then we talked about my record. He didn't have much to say, and just got red in the face and embarrassed.

I walked off thinking to myself - he really could have been a great guy if he wasn't evil. I went to a room to start playing my guitar, then I was in the presense of Jesus Christ. He was with about five other people in a room and they were standing across from him, and talking to each other. Jesus was tall, thin, young, had straight light-colored hair, was dressed in a suit, and was really sharp like a business executive. He was sitting in a chair across from the others.

I looked at him face to face, and he knew every thought -- even what I was going to say. I told him I knew that. He knew I was feeling uncomfortable about it and a bit nervous. He said I wasn't perfect yet, and he assured me not to worry about it.

I went away from that conversation thinking to myself, "How can anyone stand face-to-face with him unless they're perfect?" No way, they'll have to run, but where to?

Any interpreters out there? Have fun if you want.
This dream means that something is going on in your life involving hurting others that you know about. You are are having a hard time expressing your true feelings in your creative expression. Perhaps because you feel you will be ridiculed. You believe you have special abilities or superhuman powers, and desire for your superhuman abilities to be recognized by others.
Woody said:
Last night I dreamed I met both Satan and Jesus.

First I met Satan. He was about average height, a bit chubby, had medium to dark hair, intelligent, looked like Al-Zachari with his beard shaved off, and there was a big group of people behind him. He was sitting alone and we talked a bit. I asked what was going to happen to all the people behind him. He said he had no use for them and he really didn't care what happened to them, and he was just looking out for himself. Then we talked about my record. He didn't have much to say, and just got red in the face and embarrassed.

I walked off thinking to myself - he really could have been a great guy if he wasn't evil. I went to a room to start playing my guitar, then I was in the presense of Jesus Christ. He was with about five other people in a room and they were standing across from him, and talking to each other. Jesus was tall, thin, young, had straight light-colored hair, was dressed in a suit, and was really sharp like a business executive. He was sitting in a chair across from the others.

I looked at him face to face, and he knew every thought -- even what I was going to say. I told him I knew that. He knew I was feeling uncomfortable about it and a bit nervous. He said I wasn't perfect yet, and he assured me not to worry about it.

I went away from that conversation thinking to myself, "How can anyone stand face-to-face with him unless they're perfect?" No way, they'll have to run, but where to?

Any interpreters out there? Have fun if you want.

Hi Woody,

Is there something about your record that caused Satan to get embarrasssed?

You should get a life and stop spending your waking hours droolling over idiotic religious nightmares.
Wilmet said:
Hi Woody,

Is there something about your record that caused Satan to get embarrasssed?
Good question.
What did you go to prison for?
one_raven said:
Just a crazy dream.

What does it mean?
Perhaps that you feel more connected to Satan than Jesus, because the Jesus ideal is unattainable.
Jesus is perfect.
So perfect that no one can live up to his standard.
Satan, on the other hand, is not perfect, like you.
He is just a regular guy.
He is nice and personable.
Friendly, even.
Also like you, he has his failings (being evil and all) but that is just the lot he has been dealt and has to deal with.
Jesus is ideal.
Satan is real.
You can look up to Jesus, but you can identify or relate to Satan.

That’s my guess, for what it’s worth.

very good interprettation

Mine is thus:

I would say both these people represent yourself, the two sides of you and more importantly how you see good and bad people define themselves.
You are seeking in your life to define yourself and are considering outward appearances. You want people to look at you and see a good person. So you want to know what a good person in the modern world looks like.

It is your religious mindset that encourages you to think of these characters as Satan and Jesus. A non theist may have seen them as characters from real their life who they deem bad/good.

The suited and booted appearance of Jesus suggests that for you, being good is more than a mindset it is a cultural acceptance and based a lot on appearances. Satan was fat, jesus thin and suited. These are cultural stero types of 'people' not sterotypes of Satan and Jesus.

Fat people are no more bad than thin, suited people are no more good than the scruffy/casual dresser.

You were talking to yourself and trying to find a balance a common ground, a picture of where you fit into the world. You don't need to wear a suit to be good, you don't need to be thin.

Judgementalism is without and within, your mindset can free from you of both.

You feel intimidated by 'suits' and 'relaxed' with casual dressers, but you still aspire to be a 'suit'.
Have a medical check up (you may be sufferring from depression)
and don't repeat gossip.

I also feel you have low self esteem.

Your religion and whatever judgementalist attitude may go along with that is not actually helping with this. Be proud of yourself for who you are now.
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well out of all the interpretations, yours furryoftastypussy has hit the nail on the head, ("you still aspire to be a 'suit'. ") very insightful of you.

and I'm not being sarcastic.
I've seen the pictures, and your a babe, I like what I see.
however back to the subject, I think that woody is out of wack, and has been an aspiring suit since he came here, he likes to tell you how clever he believes himself to be, quite a lot.
take a look at some of his old posts.
Hi Woody,

Is there something about your record that caused Satan to get embarrasssed?

don't you wish you knew?
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As a fat scruffy bloke myself, I'm still rather concerned by your innermost mind's desire to stereotype and make character determinations by what's on the surface, even when "creating" Satan and Jesus in your mind.

Jesus in your description sounds exactly like a used car dealer or a realtor. Puhleeze, sharp suit, tall slim and blond?
Silas said:
As a fat scruffy bloke myself, I'm still rather concerned by your innermost mind's desire to stereotype and make character determinations by what's on the surface, even when "creating" Satan and Jesus in your mind.

Jesus in your description sounds exactly like a used car dealer or a realtor. Puhleeze, sharp suit, tall slim and blond?

Satan is traditionally depicted as red, horned half goat half man, Jesus bearded, blue eyed, wearing a dress. Thus it is very clear this dream has nothing at all to do with Jesus and Satan as the characters are not Jesus and Satan.

Sadly you are correct, Woody is the over weight character in his dream, the thin bloke is who he aspires to be. Hence the embarrassment when his record was mentioned.

Weight and dress is not a mirror of success.