
kind of cool how people can each add a wee bit of what they have been exposed to for others to see a clearer picture of history with the possibility that perhaps one day, the truth of the matters can unfold

i would like to see what is in the vatican library myself.

could you imagine what they have locked away?
I'd imagine it was all the Gospels that were left out at the Niceaen Councils. Or at least I hope so.:p
Abraham lived around 1800 BC. . . . He is the ancestor of Jews, and Arabs. . . .
What is your source for that? The earliest records of ancient Arab people are not very ancient, something like 900BCE. I haven't seen any evidence that anyone really knows their prehistory, before becoming one Semitic tribe that survived with its ethnic identity intact. There were many tribes in the Mesopotamian region who had not achieved political domination and had no written language, and about whom therefore very little (or nothing at all) is known.
An interesting point is that first of all,the original inhabitants of palestine were tha Canaanites,the forefathers of the Palestinians,And the name palestinians is synonymous with "Canaanite". second,The jews were the tribes that migrated from Egypt to the Land of Canaan, Palestine. Then they lived alongside this people. Third,as generally happens,the people mixed over the years.
A couple of years ago when the human genome was in the news every day a couple of reports remarked that the Jews and the Palestinians are more closely related to each other than to any other people and clearly are two branches of the same tree. It may be that the Jews are simply the Canaanites who chose to adopt Abraham's religion and the Palestinians are the ones who chose not to.
Apparently even the term Hebrew was used by others and not by the Hebrews themselves.
Its origin is murky and probably lost. Some say it's from a Hebrew word meaning "passed over," some say that it's due to having Eber as an ancestor, and there are others.
why in torah people are 'chosen ones' and not all equal ones?
The legend is that God chose Abraham's people to create a Covenant. This "chosen people" business is neither a compliment nor an honor; in fact it's been a big pain in the ass for the Jews throughout their history. As the story goes, they have been unable to live up to the terms of the Covenant and so God has been punishing them for their failure ever since.

Everything from the Exile in Egypt, to the destruction of the Temple multiple times, to the Roman occupation, to the Diaspora, to a thousand years of Christian Europe's antisemitism, to the Holocaust, to the British giving them somebody else's homeland surrounded by Muslim Arabs, to Hamas and Hezbollah, to a nuclear Iran, to Sammy Davis Jr. ;)... it's all been God's wrath because his "Chosen People" have not lived up to his expectations.

So I don't think anybody needs to feel envious because God didn't choose him instead!
it is because you may not have realized that all three of abrahams sect (jew, mus, christian) are all from the roots of torah (OT) and that book is from what egyptian knowledge (african roots). . . .
Uh..... let me add my voice to the chorus of members saying "Wait a minute dude, we appreciate your skepticism of religion. But where did you get that Egypt thing from???" The Bibilical creation myth is the Babylonian creation myth. The Jews didn't invent it and they didn't bring it home from Egypt.

And also please don't forget the principle of archetypes that Jung teaches us. Many legends and other cultural motifs are universal: instinctive beliefs we were all born with. They're preprogrammed into our DNA like fear of lions. Possibly they're survival traits from an era whose dangers we can't imagine, or they could simply be accidental mutations passed down through a genetic bottleneck like Mitochondrial Eve. But they occur in all societies in all eras, so we're bound to notice the similarities among the various religions' mythologies.
Note that the Hebrews never referred to themselves as Hebrews they were so referred to by other peoples. There is evidence of a people called as Hapiru [but referred to as Shasu by the Egyptians] whose trials appear to reflect those of the Hebrews but there is no conclusive evidence if they were the one and the same [when people are referred to as spics for example, its hard to know if they are Mexicans, Puerto Ricans or some other brand of Hispanic].
People who use racist epithets don't care about what they regard as subtle distinctions. My Bohemian ancestors in Chicago and the Polish immigrants on the next street were all called "Bohunks" by people who probably didn't know and certainly didn't care that Bohemia and Poland were two different countries with two different languages.
The legend is that God chose Abraham's people to create a Covenant. This "chosen people" business is neither a compliment nor an honor; in fact it's been a big pain in the ass for the Jews throughout their history. As the story goes, they have been unable to live up to the terms of the Covenant and so God has been punishing them for their failure ever since.
and isaish, jerimiah and even ezekial all say they will be crushed

So I don't think anybody needs to feel envious because God didn't choose him instead!Uh..... let me add my voice to the chorus of members saying "Wait a minute dude, we appreciate your skepticism of religion. But where did you get that Egypt thing from???" The Bibilical creation myth is the Babylonian creation myth. The Jews didn't invent it and they didn't bring it home from Egypt.

Funny, that you are unaware that MOSES was raised within the pharoahs house.

10And the lad groweth, and she bringeth him in to the daughter of Pharaoh, and he is to her for a son, and she calleth his name Moses, and saith, `Because -- from the water I have drawn him.'

11And it cometh to pass, in those days, that Moses is grown, and he goeth out unto his brethren, and looketh on their burdens, and seeth a man, an Egyptian, smiting a man, a Hebrew, [one] of his brethren,

If he was but a 3 month old and raised within the house of the 'living god' (Pharoah) then he learned, breathed and even was accustomed to speaking to god.

circumcision itself is egyptian! (health reasons/spoiled of war)

I will bet moses was clipped as an egyptian baby

also, notice no pork? that is another egyptian issue.

problem i believe fraggle is perhaps you do not know the bible itself

please let me know if the logic is not practically COMMON SENSE
I'd imagine it was all the Gospels that were left out at the Niceaen Councils. Or at least I hope so.:p

i can why the logic of why the council was important but the amount of material knowledge with-held from public must be enormous

You could have heard a pin drop in the library. Everyone talks in whispers. There was an unmistakable sense of controlled hysteria among library staff, scurrying around to retrieve urgently needed books for scholars from the 60km (37 miles) of stacks spread over seven floors, some of them underground.

the vatican library must have deVinci, mozart, copernicus, confucious

i could just imagine what is in there
Funny, that you are unaware that MOSES was raised within the pharoah's house. [Therefore the origin of the biblical creation myth must be Egypt, not Babylon.]
That's mythology. For all we know, four thousand years later, Moses could be as imaginary as Robin Hood.

I'm talking about scholarship. The biblical creation myth bears far too much resemblance to the Babylonian creation myth. And Mesopotamia is the civilization in whose cultural shadow the Canaanites and Arabs and other Neolithic tribes of the Middle East developed, not Egypt.

The Canaanites had clearly assimilated some of Babylon's legends, and embellished them.
try something; change the word babylon to babilu (the gate/jeruselem) then reread the bible

Here is a better one, swap the word "god" with "satan" and reread the old testiment and tell me it doesn't make more sense.
Here is a better one, swap the word "god" with "satan" and reread the old testiment and tell me it doesn't make more sense.

satan don't exist

its a myth

mankind is the only THING in existence that believes it is separate from 'the garden' and that separation was created by the use of words

man is the only thing in existence that takes for the purpose of self over the needs of survival

think in the lines of choice:

good: supports life to continue

bad: loss to the common

man is the only thing in existence that does 'bad' by choice

these are reality at the core of FACT!