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According to the above law, a Jew is considered to be a Jew if he has a Jewish mother, regardless of who the father is. But originally, there is on the twelve brothers, and their Y chromosome.og Cohen can not be Jews if they have a Jewish mother, since their y chromosome must come directly from Aaron.

Since the Y chromosome in principle is the foundation of Judaism, when came the idea of a female genealogy leads? And who married the twelve brothers themselves with, if x chromosome to be Jewish must come from Jewish parents ...

Did Moses or Abraham some time that their offspring would be called Jewish?

where are the khazar jews?
According to the above law, a Jew is considered to be a Jew if he has a Jewish mother, regardless of who the father is. But originally, there is on the twelve brothers, and their Y chromosome.og Cohen can not be Jews if they have a Jewish mother, since their y chromosome must come directly from Aaron.

Since the Y chromosome in principle is the foundation of Judaism, when came the idea of a female genealogy leads? And who married the twelve brothers themselves with, if x chromosome to be Jewish must come from Jewish parents ...

Did Moses or Abraham some time that their offspring would be called Jewish?

where are the khazar jews?

interesting concept as then it brings in the ideology of jesus lineage

Matthew 1
1A roll of the birth of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham

16and Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was begotten Jesus, who is named Christ.

17All the generations, therefore, from Abraham unto David [are] fourteen generations, and from David unto the Babylonian removal fourteen generations, and from the Babylonian removal unto the Christ, fourteen generations.

18And of Jesus Christ, the birth was thus: For his mother Mary having been betrothed to Joseph, before their coming together she was found to have conceived from the Holy Spirit

so the listing in matthew is showing josephs lineage to david abraham and to jesus but joseph didn't touch mary and jesus is supposed to be conceive from the spirit

this is confusing :shrug:

who's kid is who's kid anymore............. ?

was jesus jewish because of mary or joseph (just practical application for thought)?
so where is this law written?

traditional Judaism maintains that a person is a Jew if his mother is a Jew, regardless of who his father is. The liberal movements, on the other hand, consider a person to be Jewish if either of his parents was Jewish and the child was raised Jewish. Thus, if the child of a Jewish father and a Christian mother is raised Jewish, the child is a Jew according to the Reform movement, but not according to the Orthodox movement. On the other hand, if the child of a Christian father and a Jewish mother is not raised Jewish, the child is a Jew according to the Orthodox movement, but not according to the Reform movement! The matter becomes even more complicated, because the status of that children's children also comes into question.

traditional Judaism uses matrilineal descent to determine Jewish status, when in all other things (tribal affiliation, priestly status, royalty, etc.) we use patrilineal descent.

The Torah does not specifically state anywhere that matrilineal descent should be used; however, there are several passages in the Torah where it is understood that the child of a Jewish woman and a non-Jewish man is a Jew, and several other passages where it is understood that the child of a non-Jewish woman and a Jewish man is not a Jew.

In Deuteronomy 7:1-5, in expressing the prohibition against intermarriage, G-d says "he [i.e., the non-Jewish male spouse] will cause your child to turn away from Me and they will worship the gods of others." No such concern is expressed about the child of a non-Jewish female spouse. From this, we infer that the child of a non-Jewish male spouse is Jewish (and can therefore be turned away from Judaism), but the child of a non-Jewish female spouse is not Jewish (and therefore turning away is not an issue).

Leviticus 24:10 speaks of the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man as being "among the community of Israel" (i.e., a Jew).

On the other hand, in Ezra 10:2-3, the Jews returning to Israel vowed to put aside their non-Jewish wives and the children born to those wives. They could not have put aside those children if those children were Jews.

interesting concept as then it brings in the ideology of jesus lineage

so the listing in matthew is showing josephs lineage to david abraham and to jesus but joseph didn't touch mary and jesus is supposed to be conceive from the spirit

this is confusing :shrug:

who's kid is who's kid anymore............. ?

was jesus jewish because of mary or joseph (just practical application for thought)?

Prophet Jacob, the grandson of Abraham was also called Israel. Jews are known as Israelites in reference to Jacob. ‘Imran (Amram) is the name of the father of Moses and Aaron, and also of a branch among Israelites.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born in the family of ‘Imran. AMram

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is probably more often mentioned in the Qur’an than in the Bible, as a lady of outstanding determination and character. Prophet Zachariah was the elder contemporary of Mary. Both descended from Prophet Aaron. The families had been the custodians of the holy shrines in Can’aan (Palestine) Zachariah, a distant uncle was Mary’s guardian in the sanctuary.

Jesus is referred to as son of Mary because his mother was more prominent and also because his father Joseph the carpenter, died at an early age.Since many of the chief priests began to fling evil rumors about Maria, underlined Koranen that she was a chaste woman

The Bible also refers to Jesus as son of man and as son of David, and Elizabeth wife of Zachariah is called the daughter of Aaron. Also, in the history of mankind Mary was the first revolutionary and that too, a feminine voice against the institution of monasticism that was never Divinely ordained.

Before moving on, let us note a few salient points for the sake of clear understanding: (i) Mary was a descendant of Prophet Aaron. Even generations after a prominent man, it was customary to call the descendants this way. In Luke 1:5 Elizabeth, the wife of Prophet Zachariah, is referred to as “One of the daughters of Aaron”.

That is why Mary is referred to as sister of Aaron in 19:28. (ii) In verse 19:23 it appears that Mary is talking to her husband. Violation of the sanctuary rules, a land far from home, lack of shelter and labor pains all add to her grief. Now a few important concepts given in the Qur’an that strongly negate the fallacy of the “Virgin Birth” of Jesus. (iii) God does all things according to His Laws. [3:40,19:9]

(iv) And you will never see God’s Laws changing or deviating. [6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23]
(v) The example of Jesus, as far as God is concerned, is the same as that of Adam. He created him from dust; then said to him, “Be”, and he was. [3:59]
(vi) By Adam is meant all mankind. [7:11]
(vii) All men are created from dust, then from a zygote, male and female. [22:5] (viii) The Qur’an emphatically and repeatedly states that all human beings are procreated from both male and female, without exceptions.
(ix) Even God would not have an offspring since He never had a mate. [6:101] (x) Verse 19:22 narrates Mary moving far-off from her village. Since Mary had broken the rules of the shrine, she and her family kept the marriage with Joseph Carpenter confidential. When she became pregnant, the husband and wife decided to move far away to avoid the mockery of people.
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The reason for The mother jewish = child jewish is because while you could have a witness see you being born, whild the father of the child is unknown (Think about it)
Since that is less of a problem today with DNA testing and such, the reform movement has decreed that If either parent is jewish, than the child is jewish. But if he isn't raised jewish, than he ain't jewish.
Prophet Jacob, the grandson of Abraham was also called Israel. Jews are known as Israelites in reference to Jacob. ‘Imran (Amram) is the name of the father of Moses and Aaron, and also of a branch among Israelites.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born in the family of ‘Imran. AMram

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is probably more often mentioned in the Qur’an than in the Bible, as a lady of outstanding determination and character. Prophet Zachariah was the elder contemporary of Mary. Both descended from Prophet Aaron. The families had been the custodians of the holy shrines in Can’aan (Palestine) Zachariah, a distant uncle was Mary’s guardian in the sanctuary.

Jesus is referred to as son of Mary because his mother was more prominent and also because his father Joseph the carpenter, died at an early age.Since many of the chief priests began to fling evil rumors about Maria, underlined Koranen that she was a chaste woman

The Bible also refers to Jesus as son of man and as son of David, and Elizabeth wife of Zachariah is called the daughter of Aaron. Also, in the history of mankind Mary was the first revolutionary and that too, a feminine voice against the institution of monasticism that was never Divinely ordained.

Before moving on, let us note a few salient points for the sake of clear understanding: (i) Mary was a descendant of Prophet Aaron. Even generations after a prominent man, it was customary to call the descendants this way. In Luke 1:5 Elizabeth, the wife of Prophet Zachariah, is referred to as “One of the daughters of Aaron”.

That is why Mary is referred to as sister of Aaron in 19:28. (ii) In verse 19:23 it appears that Mary is talking to her husband. Violation of the sanctuary rules, a land far from home, lack of shelter and labor pains all add to her grief. Now a few important concepts given in the Qur’an that strongly negate the fallacy of the “Virgin Birth” of Jesus. (iii) God does all things according to His Laws. [3:40,19:9]

(iv) And you will never see God’s Laws changing or deviating. [6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23]
(v) The example of Jesus, as far as God is concerned, is the same as that of Adam. He created him from dust; then said to him, “Be”, and he was. [3:59]
(vi) By Adam is meant all mankind. [7:11]
(vii) All men are created from dust, then from a zygote, male and female. [22:5] (viii) The Qur’an emphatically and repeatedly states that all human beings are procreated from both male and female, without exceptions.
(ix) Even God would not have an offspring since He never had a mate. [6:101] (x) Verse 19:22 narrates Mary moving far-off from her village. Since Mary had broken the rules of the shrine, she and her family kept the marriage with Joseph Carpenter confidential. When she became pregnant, the husband and wife decided to move far away to avoid the mockery of people.

thanks for the additional education.

i was once asked; "what is the bible interpretation you like?" As most might say KJV or New AGE etc.....

i said: Quran.

p/s..... me not a real follower of beliefs but i read most everything.

as you have posted in care and compassion; i must be fair and say that immaculate conception is not my favorite belief.

it is almost as bad as the 3 ladies bound to the mount based on stories of miracles.

Again, thanks for the material (with sura) to review

this And you will never see God’s Laws changing or deviating is true but also means; what people often believe is not necessarily correct.

being fair.

The reason for The mother jewish = child jewish is because while you could have a witness see you being born, whild the father of the child is unknown (Think about it)
Since that is less of a problem today with DNA testing and such, the reform movement has decreed that If either parent is jewish, than the child is jewish. But if he isn't raised jewish, than he ain't jewish.

i heard that from some one else too, that you always know who is the mother, if you are in doubt about the father But then again, how do they know who is the father of the mother ...?

thanks for the additional education.

i was once asked; "what is the bible interpretation you like?" As most might say KJV or New AGE etc.....

i said: Quran.

p/s..... me not a real follower of beliefs but i read most everything.

as you have posted in care and compassion; i must be fair and say that immaculate conception is not my favorite belief.

it is almost as bad as the 3 ladies bound to the mount based on stories of miracles.

Again, thanks for the material (with sura) to review

this And you will never see God’s Laws changing or deviating is true but also means; what people often believe is not necessarily correct.

being fair.



I'm glad you liked my answer. I am glad knowledge is taken with open arms. I also read almost everything. And i like the way u think. there is so much knowledge , but buried because mulla's dont let the people understand it.
otherwise their store of fake knowledge based on miracles and myths will be closed

Too bad but true
You are confusing being a Jew, one way of which is to be born of a Jewish mother, and being an member of the family (Cohen) associated with Aaron and traditionally the inner priesthood.

Also not all Cohens have the Cohen marker and there are other ways to become a Jew besides just being born of a Jewish mother (or having Jewish grandmother as I recall.)

Further there is being a religious Jew and then there is identifying as a member of the Jewish people. While those lines are often blurred, they aren't synonymous.
i heard that from some one else too, that you always know who is the mother, if you are in doubt about the father But then again, how do they know who is the father of the mother ...?

Thats why it's only the mother, not the father, who traditionally decided whether the child was jewish
From what I heard, Judaism used to be determined by the father, but at a certain time in our rich history there were lots of rapes during pogroms by non Jews (I'm talking over 1500 years ago... not sure what date exactly), which was sufficient in numbers to incline the religious leaders at the time to switch it to mothers.
mitichondrial DNA analysis of Ashkenazi Jews shows that their "mothers" were European in origin, so the "Jewish mother = Jew" seems to be quite recent.
According to the above law, a Jew is considered to be a Jew if he has a Jewish mother, regardless of who the father is. But originally, there is on the twelve brothers, and their Y chromosome.og Cohen can not be Jews if they have a Jewish mother, since their y chromosome must come directly from Aaron.

Since the Y chromosome in principle is the foundation of Judaism, when came the idea of a female genealogy leads? And who married the twelve brothers themselves with, if x chromosome to be Jewish must come from Jewish parents ...

Did Moses or Abraham some time that their offspring would be called Jewish?

where are the khazar jews?

I can barely understand the question.

First the the law of who is a Jew comes from Deuteronomy, the explanation of it is expanded upon in the Talmud in various mishnas. The reasons for the law are discussed there.

Second, Cohanem (The Cohen's) are not a tribe at all. They are considered the descendants of Aaron - brother of Moses...both of which were from the tribe of Levi.

So what's your point?
mitichondrial DNA analysis of Ashkenazi Jews shows that their "mothers" were European in origin, so the "Jewish mother = Jew" seems to be quite recent.

Not really. You could be seen being born, so witnesses could prove whoi your mother was. But people are less likly to have witnesses to prove who the father was...
So how does an European mother and a Middle Eastern father explain the maternal line of Judaism?
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I'm glad you liked my answer. I am glad knowledge is taken with open arms. I also read almost everything. And i like the way u think. there is so much knowledge , but buried because mulla's dont let the people understand it.
otherwise their store of fake knowledge based on miracles and myths will be closed

Too bad but true

The honest ooooosually see eye to eye! :p

Peace to you and your fathers for allowing your heart to be honest with yourself. :bawl:

I love parents who are willing to teach their life (their children) to be honest before chosing to be 'accepted' within a sect of belief (which often require fibs, juts by its tenants of belief). :shrug:
I can barely understand the question.

First the the law of who is a Jew comes from Deuteronomy, the explanation of it is expanded upon in the Talmud in various mishnas. The reasons for the law are discussed there.

Second, Cohanem (The Cohen's) are not a tribe at all. They are considered the descendants of Aaron - brother of Moses...both of which were from the tribe of Levi.

So what's your point?


Please refer to the law in Deutronomy?

Judaism is based on Abraham and Sarah's son Isaac. He had 12 sons. from them came David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron .. Judaism began with the thought that one derives from one of the 12 sons. that is, you have y chromosome to the twelve sons who decides whether you are Jewish or not.law that the mother must be a Jew is not from biblical times. in this case, refer to the Torah.