Journey to the Center of The Yellowstone Caldera

I assume that the entire sun is the reason for the magnetic field. The sun is made of plasma which are charged ions. Moving charges produce magnetic fields. The core has charged ions therefore it is safe to assume that the core produces a magnetic field. The outer radius of the sun is moving faster and also is composed of ions so that is also producing a magnetic field. The core moves slower and is denser and the outer layers move faster but are less dense. All of the moving charges add to the magnetic field. Which has a greater affect I do not know. The overall magnetic field of the sun is not that high - about 1 gauss.

The convection zone of the sun has smaller very rapidly moving ions that can produce incredibly large local magnetic field which are responsible for sunspots and flares.

I thought I was correct about the core rotating 3 to 5 times faster than the surface...

Still holding the graph inside out? :D

I stand corrected on the MDI issue. It appears by NASA's description the hottest layer in the sun is the outer fringe of the radiative zone. That's right. I'd forgotten the central core of the sun is the coldest area in the star. How silly of me.

So you have zero understanding of the difference between an absolute measurement of temperature and a measurement of the variation of temperature from expected values.

Keep in mind also that what I'm suggesting in all this is a slight deviation form what is mainstream not a quantum leap to lightyears away. There is really little to say about the sun's connection to earthquakes and weather that can't be found through a search, short of teaching a course in high school level science here.

What you have been posting is so far from mainstream they obviously don't even speak the same language. You obviously don't even understand high school science, were you home schooled?

So much for that "quiet" decade. 2002 and 2003 both had very significant solar storms and Voila! mid-2003 the park starts acting up.

A lot of things happened in 2003, that does not in itself show a correlation. You must demonstrate a mechanism for how sun spots cause volcanic events.

Are you skeptical of the documents at NASA and other sources about 2002 and 2003 having intense solar storms and that mid-2003 the park was heating up and produced new steam vents?

I'm skeptical that they have anything at all to do with each other, other than being somewhat coincidental in time, you certainly haven't presented a plausable mechanism of how one affects the other. Yellowstone has it's own cycles of activity and has been getting more active for the last few decades. That peaks in activity match one time is nothing but coincidence, do the two cycles have other matches? Not really, as Yellowstone's cycles are measured in decades, hundreds and thousands of years, not 11 years cycles(as would be true if what you claim is true).

Much of what I'm saying is based not only on corroborrable material, but quantum sense. Are you trying to tell me there is no magnetic field in a star's core?

All that you have said is correct, however "violence" is relative. Are you going to try to tell me there is no magnetic connection in the sun's core?

The magnetic field of the sun evidently is generated in the Thermocline, the shear zone between the radiative layer and the conductive layer at 70% of the diameter of the sun, not in the core(25% d). The core is dominated by radiation(heat), density and pressure compared to which the effects of the sun's magnetosphere are negligable. The magnetosphere becomes dominant only in the conductive layer and Coronasphere where pressures, density and temperatures are low(relatively). The core certainly has a very strong magnetic flux passing through it, but it is gamma rays, xrays and photon light pressure it is fighting with to control the motion of a fluid plasma many times denser than Lead at temperatures and pressures with values so large the numbers are dang near meaningless.

Everything below the Thermocline is different than everything above it. For all intents the Radiative layer and the core behave much more like a solid than a liquid, it is dominated by what is going on in the core and the radiation coming from there, it rotates largely as a unit(there's some slip)and consists of ions held apart not by their electrical charges but by the radiation pressure from the photons generated in large part from the gamma rays coming from the core. The diameter where this ceases to be is at the Thermocline, the light pressure drops below a certain limit and sudenly the plasma becomes dominated by electrical properties and magnetism.

So you have zero understanding of the difference between an absolute measurement of temperature and a measurement of the variation of temperature from expected values.

You saying that, not me.

What I'm saying amounts to you holding the wrong graph upside down.
Nobody is stating that the core of the sun is cooler than the outer layers, only that the core of the sun appears to be a little bit cooler (0.15%) than we expected it to be.
Nobody is stating that the core of the sun is cooler than the outer layers, only that the core of the sun appears to be a little bit cooler (0.15%) than we expected it to be.

And I'm saying the current caption to the MDI cutaway is diferrent than when it was first included as part of the 1997 SOHO funding proposal. We are not comparing apples to apples.

It is really irrelevent to the issue of magnetism beginning in the core. Also, violence in the core is relative. A 1gigaton bomb going off in the core would hardly be felt. The quiet, continuity theory is just that, a theory, albeit a mainstream theory.
And I'm saying the current caption to the MDI cutaway is diferrent than when it was first included as part of the 1997 SOHO funding proposal. We are not comparing apples to apples

So Hec is saying that what you're looking at is wrong. And Hec knows this because he sort of thinks he remembers something that he can't produce from 12 years ago.

Hec's usual level of evidence.
The core of the sun produces less additional energy(heat)per cubic yard than does the compost heap behind your house, it is not a violent place, physically. It is a very violent and energetic place on the molecular level.

The core of the sun produces less additional energy(heat)per cubic yard than does the compost heap behind your house, it is not a violent place, physically. It is a very violent and energetic place on the molecular level.

what a load of crap - I mean the compost heap. That is a pretty amazing factoid, thanks Grumpy.
I've reported your last post for failure to provde the evidence supporting your position. You say there are other ways it can be shown the other posters have it backwards. Use these ways now or concede you are mistaken.
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I put this thread here to discuss the park in that it just might be doing more than we think, probably will escalate differently than we think and to see if anyone could pitch in data sources so I could form a better model.

I am attempting to establish a link between solar activity, weather , quakes and volcanism. Most real worl human beings think the fact that I'm doing that kind of work without any expectation of pay is what's unbelievable.

Most of the ones in here have simply been practicing their trolling maneuvers. Harping on a basically irrelevent proliferation. If someone wants me to teach them basic physics, they need to put me on their payrole or be happy to wait till I have some extra time.

I suggest you "geniuses" study classic physics and maybe some chemistry on your own. If you have anything else to offer that would benefit the main topic of this thread, then post away, but if you think I care about internet bullying other than to get rid of it, you're sadly mistaken.

You are not the boss of me either.

When I have time to AND I FEEL LIKE IT, considering the imbicilic pressure, then I'll do just that, till then there's a quake reference. See how that relates, but I doubt if any of the (fill in the blank)'s can make such a connection...

I personally am not deperate...

How the hell does an earth quake in Vanuatu have any relation to what is being discussed here.
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I put this thread here to discuss the park in that it just might be doing more than we think, probably will escalate differently than we think and to see if anyone could pitch in data sources so I could form a better model.

It might be doing less than you think. What model are you talking about, I have seen nothing that approaches a model?

I am attempting to establish a link between solar activity, weather , quakes and volcanism. Most real worl human beings think the fact that I'm doing that kind of work without any expectation of pay is what's unbelievable.

No more unbelievable than unpaid big foot researchers or UFO researchers.:rolleyes:

Most of the ones in here have simply been practicing their trolling maneuvers. Harping on a basically irrelevent proliferation. If someone wants me to teach them basic physics, they need to put me on their payrole or be happy to wait till I have some extra time.

No, most are trying you to get you to give any evidence supporting your conjectures, which frankly seem just plain silly!

I suggest you "geniuses" study classic physics and maybe some chemistry on your own. If you have anything else to offer that would benefit the main topic of this thread, then post away, but if you think I care about internet bullying other than to get rid of it, you're sadly mistaken.

I have studied physics and chemistry at a universtiy, not on my own. My training and experience leads me to think you are a crank and your ideas appear to be poorly thought out and do not have a logical or physical basis.
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I put this thread here to discuss the park in that it just might be doing more than we think, probably will escalate differently than we think and to see if anyone could pitch in data sources so I could form a better model.

I am attempting to establish a link between solar activity, weather , quakes and volcanism. Most real worl human beings think the fact that I'm doing that kind of work without any expectation of pay is what's unbelievable.

Most of the ones in here have simply been practicing their trolling maneuvers. Harping on a basically irrelevent proliferation. If someone wants me to teach them basic physics, they need to put me on their payrole or be happy to wait till I have some extra time.

I suggest you "geniuses" study classic physics and maybe some chemistry on your own. If you have anything else to offer that would benefit the main topic of this thread, then post away, but if you think I care about internet bullying other than to get rid of it, you're sadly mistaken.

Don't blame me, I was advised not to reply.
Don't blame me, I was advised not to reply.

Pincho, I am not a moderator, the boss of you, or anyone with the slightest bit of power. You are free to reply to this thread - I didn't even start this thread.

I asked for you not to give your input because there was more than enough pseudo-scientific hand waving to go around, but you can just ignore me like most people do.:D
Don't blame me, I was advised not to reply.

Don't worry. If you didn't post anything intended to insult or badger me, then why would I include you in the "geniuses?"

I read over my original post and noticed some flaws. (I guess I'll get thrown in the lake of fire over semantics...) At least you know it was written by a human and not by a bully. (Yes. I see bullies as something... less than human.) I find it fascinating to watch as the "geniuses" can make these great leaps of faith in their S&D missions to support their out of context Q's & A's, but can't seem to connect that a magnetic star, proven to be linked to it's magnetic planets, would have no effect on seismic activity here and how after we just hear on the CBS News that the sun spat out the worst solar storm in 5 years, that effect, stated on CBS to be "shaking the Earth's magnetic field" has no connection to a quake on the opposite side of the planet to the area we are discussing. They can call me a liar all day long.:rolleyes: I won't cry.

Pincho, you post as you want. If I think it's off in left field, I'll say so, but don't let the bullies give you a swirly. They are desperate to prove me out to be wrong. So desperate, they'll hijack the discussion as far away from the original topic as possible. Just be glad they are mods and not Supreme Court judicials. If they ban me, they admit defeat. I'd just roll my eyes and sigh. As you've seen I don't take kindly to someone barking out orders to me when they are behind on coughing up my paycheck... ;)