
"The First Temptation of Jesus", or some such title, about a gay Jesus, has some people upset with Netflix.
personally, I don't care about what netflix does as I don't usually watch TV, and when I do, it's usually either non-fiction, science or Britcom, and on DVD/BlueRay (we don't even get TV here, and our internet isn't conducive to streaming usually.

having said that, I also think it's opening a can of worms that will create a shitstorm and it was done in poor taste and/or judgement
Stick to the gospels. Where Jesus actually spoke. Just a tip.

Because you're quoting the new testament, perhaps I should remind you of JER 31:27 - 37 which is directly applicable to the new covenant with the world. Specifically, you're either:
1- violating the laws of your own covenant
2- you don't believe in your own god

there ain't no third option, per your desire to quote your own tome, as he was there in order to meet the prophecy and old laws (MAT 5:17) - unless you're working for the opposition camp and attempting to get others to violate the bible as well, which is an entirely different story.

of course, that is assuming jesus existed at all (there is no validating evidence that he did exist)

Why keep recreating new bibles if I can't?
Why keep recreating new bibles if I can't?
I'm not saying you should.
IMO - anyone who quotes a bible should also actually read it. far, far too many christians today only regurgitate what they're "taught" by some random leader and don't know what their own book says. moreover, the book is figurative or allegorical, not literal (excepting some of the "begatting")

case in point: when most christians are asked how many of each animal were put on the ark, they say "two"
nope - the "two" only refers to the unclean animals. (GEN 7:2-3)

another case: how many covenants are in the bible?
at least 7 - Abrahamic, Palestinian, Mosaic, Davidic, Adamic, Noahic, and New

so the bulk of christians teaching about the religion are actually making it all up as they go, which is in direct violation of their own inviolable laws, per the tome itself.
I'm not saying you should.
IMO - anyone who quotes a bible should also actually read it. far, far too many christians today only regurgitate what they're "taught" by some random leader and don't know what their own book says. moreover, the book is figurative or allegorical, not literal (excepting some of the "begatting")

case in point: when most christians are asked how many of each animal were put on the ark, they say "two"
nope - the "two" only refers to the unclean animals. (GEN 7:2-3)

another case: how many covenants are in the bible?
at least 7 - Abrahamic, Palestinian, Mosaic, Davidic, Adamic, Noahic, and New

so the bulk of christians teaching about the religion are actually making it all up as they go, which is in direct violation of their own inviolable laws, per the tome itself.

I haven't read the entire bible, but I do believe.
I haven't read the entire bible
I highly recommend it. Learn what is there.

but I do believe.
Good for you. (not being sarcastic - honest statement)
I don't personally believe in the stories. I also dislike religion. I define religion as a codified set of arbitrary rules, normally surrounding a faith, that is used for judgement and to control others en mass.
Personally, I don't care if a person has faith in something. we all have faith in something. it's when people get together to create rules for that faith that things degrade, IMO.
I highly recommend it. Learn what is there.

Good for you. (not being sarcastic - honest statement)
I don't personally believe in the stories. I also dislike religion. I define religion as a codified set of arbitrary rules, normally surrounding a faith, that is used for judgement and to control others en mass.
Personally, I don't care if a person has faith in something. we all have faith in something. it's when people get together to create rules for that faith that things degrade, IMO.

In my religion faith is the third most fundamental thing in the world after love, and pacifism in terms of life and nature. I do believe in parts of the bible like Adam and eve to have been tempted by war, hatred and violence (knowledge of good & evil). I teach that the problem of evil is moot fore God can not save you from your own bigotry, even if he could convince you feel good by not hating, you would still be unholy for imperfection.
Why keep recreating new bibles if I can't?
I don't understand what you are saying. Think of it logically. The only person in the new testament of interest to you is Jesus. Whether he is a made up figure or whatever, someone created him, he is a pretty good example to live by at worst. Obviously he could actually of existed and could actually be the son of God at best.

So believing in Jesus makes sense to me.
In my religion faith is the third most fundamental thing in the world after love, and pacifism in terms of life and nature.
I'm not sure what it means when you state "and pacifism in terms of life and nature", so could you please explain it?
"and pacifism in terms of life and nature"

Did you ever play GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony? There's a building over in Alderney where you can hide on the roof and slay cops all day, and if you jack a helicopter and parachute beforehand, you can get away when you finally run out of ammo. (Getting away in a car is possible, but more difficult and less fun than flying a gold-plated, heavily armed helicopter.)

It's not like anybody really died, but after you figure it out, you can rack up body counts in the hundreds. And you can do it over and over again, until it gets boring.

Oh, right, there's another one in ... it's at one of the bridges, and a little harder to hold out.

And GTA: San Andreas has a parking garage where you can pull it off and escape by motorcycle.
Did you ever play GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony? There's a building over in Alderney where you can hide on the roof and slay cops all day, and if you jack a helicopter and parachute beforehand, you can get away when you finally run out of ammo. (Getting away in a car is possible, but more difficult and less fun than flying a gold-plated, heavily armed helicopter.)

It's not like anybody really died, but after you figure it out, you can rack up body counts in the hundreds. And you can do it over and over again, until it gets boring.

Oh, right, there's another one in ... it's at one of the bridges, and a little harder to hold out.

And GTA: San Andreas has a parking garage where you can pull it off and escape by motorcycle.
Ah, you didn't go there! I've only played GTA games for like minutes and got bored, but always kept the thought open of plying Co-Op with friends and beers could be fun.

I define religion as a codified set of arbitrary rules, normally surrounding a faith, that is used for judgement and to control others en mass.
I think that's not quite fair to the concept as a whole, certainly not its entire history. It is, to an extent, what religion came to be used for in a lot of places. But you have to look at, like any social institution, as something that developed organically under its own social pressures. People are prone to wanting to organize their experiences, to give structure to their view of the world, and see patterns in things. It's instinctual, it's how we've survived.

So when the people of a given culture experience things they perceive as sacred, i.e. numinous, ethereal, divine, spiritual, or otherwise non-mundane, they are likely going to want to contextualize that and explain it in a way that can be understood by others in that culture. Whence comes religion-- re-ligare, the things that re-connect us to the sacred.

Religion as a tool of social control or judgement came much, much later.
Ah, you didn't go there! I've only played GTA games for like minutes and got bored, but always kept the thought open of plying Co-Op with friends and beers could be fun.
To enjoy it online with your mates you'll have to get used to how the game plays, little things, driving techniques, all could be practiced online but it is more fun if all of your mates know what they are actually doing. The story is worth completing, brilliant. GTA V. Online community is massive and it's free.
Did you ever play GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony?
I never got a gaming system until last year, so I missed that one. (actually, I had a Super Nintendo a long time ago)
a friend recently gave me a game cube to play Zelda: Twilight Princess and Rampage on, but I don't think I can get GTA-IV for the cube

It's not like anybody really died, but after you figure it out, you can rack up body counts in the hundreds. And you can do it over and over again, until it gets boring.
there is a similar glitch in GTA-V. One in particular that people like is the wall south-east just across the street from the Mt. Zonah medical centre entrance where they park the ambulance. I've used it to increase my shooting stats in order to carry more ammo.

There is another similar glitch where you can jump into a wall (in GTA-V on PS3, doesn't appear to work on PS4 at all) but you can only shoot long guns (sniper or marksman rifle). You also have to shoot in certain areas but you can escape by simply walking towards the middle of the building and you fall through the air (wear a parachute) and though you're falling, you're under the map until you reach a certain point, then you appear in the street - but you can guide where you appear and you can still "hit" taller buildings and lose the chute (so I make sure I have two chutes).

Ah, you didn't go there! I've only played GTA games for like minutes and got bored, but always kept the thought open of plying Co-Op with friends and beers could be fun.
with the right folk it can be a blast, even without the beer
I never got a gaming system until last year, so I missed that one. (actually, I had a Super Nintendo a long time ago)
a friend recently gave me a game cube to play Zelda: Twilight Princess and Rampage on, but I don't think I can get GTA-IV for the cube

I have a version of every console from the 4th generation(super nintendo, neo geo) till now. A few omissions. The GameCube is my favourite console of all time. I still think the "Wavebird" is the best controller in history. I can get geeky.

EDIT: You can't get any version of GTA on the GameCube, not Nintendos bag GTA, they did think of the kids(business decision). Amazing games on the C ube... One of my all time greatest games. Tales of Symphonia, loved it.
I think that's not quite fair to the concept as a whole, certainly not its entire history. It is, to an extent, what religion came to be used for in a lot of places. But you have to look at, like any social institution, as something that developed organically under its own social pressures. People are prone to wanting to organize their experiences, to give structure to their view of the world, and see patterns in things. It's instinctual, it's how we've survived.
it may not be fair. I'm not saying it is fair because whenever people gather to share ideological beliefs, inevitably there will be someone who seeks to codify those beliefs into rules of how to be a better acolyte of [insert faith here]. I am, however, saying that it's teaching prejudice and how to justify that prejudice with a set of arbitrary rules based upon a faith that isn't universally accepted (and I'm speaking in the broadest sense, as in, the actual universe).

So how is a random judgement based on someone else's personally accepted arbitrary rules fair? It's not. It's why homosexuals are persecuted and why women aren't given equality, and more. If you're perceived as being outside of the norm, you're "wrong" per a religious standard that you've not accepted.

So when the people of a given culture experience things they perceive as sacred, i.e. numinous, ethereal, divine, spiritual, or otherwise non-mundane, they are likely going to want to contextualize that and explain it in a way that can be understood by others in that culture. Whence comes religion-- re-ligare, the things that re-connect us to the sacred.
there are cultures where this is done, and sometimes people actually follow or learn that "path" or set of beliefs, while also allowing that it's intensely private and you make your own decision on how to walk regarding beliefs. Though this seems like it's true of other religions, it's not, especially when they teach how to socially pressure others into getting back in line. I, personally, think certain North American Tribal beliefs tend to be more sensible in this regard: it's personal; walk your own "religious" path; Share it if you want; no person can tell another how to think, believe or act; etc

I have a version of every console from the 4th generation(super nintendo, neo geo) till now.
I've only bought one (PS4). the rest were given to me (PS3, Game cube, Super Nintendo). I'm not big on games, though I do love flight simulators (though not the aircraft most would like), Zelda and the open play on GTA-V and Red Dead 2.

I can get geeky.
One game I used to love (on a computer) was Warlords II... it's the only game I've always loved and even now I have to rebuild an old Win 3.11 (with MS-DOS 6.2) so I can play it. Turn based strategy.
... just never been into games much, really.

back later! gotta feed the critters
I've only bought one (PS4). the rest were given to me (PS3, Game cube, Super Nintendo). I'm not big on games, though I do love flight simulators (though not the aircraft most would like), Zelda and the open play on GTA-V and Red Dead 2.

I like the idea of Flight Sim 10, the one I own, just man, is prending to fly a plane interesting? Soooo I got myself a Christmas present, Ace Combat 7 for the PS4 to use in my PS4 VR headset. More arcadey, not a huge fan of these flying games full stop, but it looks good.

One game I used to love (on a computer) was Warlords II... it's the only game I've always loved and even now I have to rebuild an old Win 3.11 (with MS-DOS 6.2) so I can play it. Turn based strategy.
... just never been into games much, really.

A Christmas present, but you have to buy it:
is prending to fly a plane interesting?
depends ... I rather enjoy it. it's relaxing.

Soooo I got myself a Christmas present, Ace Combat 7 for the PS4
the one thing I disliked about most of the flying games is that they require you to run their missions to build up $/points/etc to get aircraft... there are only a few I would like to fly, so it's not worth it for me. It would be cheaper to build a computer and put the next instalment of flight sim on it and purchase the A/C that I like.

A Christmas present, but you have to buy it:
Holy crap! Thanks! I don't know why I never bothered to look for it... I also didn't know Red Orb sold it. Wow!

PS - the wife says she really dislikes you at the moment but she also appreciated the link because it's a far, far cheaper option than rebuilding the older computers I have and buying a new monitor. LOL
I owe you a drink or three (dozen?) :D