jesus will save you.. *roar*

1 Corinthians
001:027 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

In other words, He is trying to trick us all. :rolleyes:
§outh§tar said:
In other words, He is trying to trick us all. :rolleyes:

Yes. He will give victory to the weak over the strong who oppress them, because the strong are charged with sheparding the weak but instead the strong make life harder for the weak.
It is not suprising that a God of love would choose the foolish to confound the wise of this world. It is wisdom. After all the weak are weak because they have been tricked into serving the strong.
We all plopped out of a vagina with our tongues lolling out the side of our mouths as we slid down that tunnel. Which one of us then should lord it over the other? There is no excuse at all. God will humble the proud with the ashamed so that the ashamed may not be ashamed anymore. Whoever wants to be greatest must be like the least among you. God says.


What768 - I believe this guy was actually tested by "satan"
SnakeLord said:
What gives you this belief, and how can you support it? What makes this more valid than him actually being tested by god?

Hindsight ;)
"..and how can you support it? What makes this more valid than him actually being tested by god?"