jesus will save you.. *roar*

the preacher said:
c20: because one is normal,thats why you delusional pratt.

Notice how he never actually addressed any of the textual problems you presented only go on with his mumbo jumbo.. infuriating, eh?
SnakeLord said:
What position of validity allows you to make such a claim? That's the question.

Everyone who knows themselves knows the truth. Because this man did a "stupid thing" (right?) he does not know himself or god. God is truthful.

Yeah, I mean.. who buys all that 'animals being hungry' nonsense? Or for that matter 'animals attacking intruders' garbage? Man how stupid are they, I much prefer the "animals can feel how sinful a person is"..

Lol, ffs.. you guys just get worse.

Yeah, but I really believe that... What's so weird about animals who feel how a person is? Even thoughts and emotions are made of something you know, otherwise we wouldn't be able to perceive them with our senses. Dogs have a great sense of smell for example. Have you not noticed that animals like certain people they have never met and from some people they run away.

What has this got to do with testing jesus, satan or cliffs? We're talking about god telling Chen. Try to remember that heh.

Try to reflect a little.

You have no validity with which to make such a claim. god told him to do it, so he did it - as instructed to in the bible by gods own words. Surely he passed aswell considering that the lion didn't kill him? Ye of such little faith... He obviously had enough for all of you. He walked into a lions cage, got bitten and calmly walked out. That is the image of someone with complete trust, complete faith - not a lack of. Ye heathens..

God told him to do it? How do you know? Not everyone who shouts god, god is a follower of him. Anyway. This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself. Just like when we pray, we hear but ourselves. There is no one but "me".

Isn't it about time you repented for doubting god, while this man showed true courage where you would have obviously faltered? Should you also not repent for passing the grace and power of god off as satans work? How dare you do such a thing.

Yeah, it's time I repent. Sorry god, I didn't mean to do it.

What gives you this belief, and how can you support it? What makes this more valid than him actually being tested by god?

Ye of little faith ;) The "bad things" (satan) is as useful as the good things. Without bad things, no one knows what the good things are, and they would not learn from their mistakes. Yeah, well, we may say it was satan, god, himself, the egyptian divine bird horus, or jesus, or whoever that tested this man, but it's always just the same Self that listens speaks. How happy are those who know this voice and obey it!

We have divided things in pieces so that it would be easier to understand the truth. Just like Jesus is just an aspect of the one and only, neither does satan have a real existence.

Maybe he wasn't testing the man in the lions cage. Maybe he was testing you instead.

This is a good one. And I think we are being tested all the time.
Everyone who knows themselves knows the truth.

This is not a position of validity. It's saying "I must be right because I say so".

Because this man did a "stupid thing" (right?) he does not know himself or god. God is truthful.

He didn't do anything stupid. He did what jesus tells him to do in the bible. When god tells you to do something, you don't sit down and say "nah, that's stupid", you just get up and do it. No arguments, no whinging like a baby girl.. just do it.

Yeah, but I really believe that...

Yes, you guys just get all the more delusional the longer you remain in your state of "mental darkness".

Dogs have a great sense of smell for example.

Having a great sense of smell has no bearing on being able to detect who's a sinner or not. Your example is daft.

Have you not noticed that animals like certain people they have never met and from some people they run away.

Sure, but there are "normal" explanations for this. The other day my dog growled at a woman, which he doesn't do often- being a very friendly dog generally. Perhaps this little old granny was a sinner! However, actually paying attention to the occurence, I found out that this old granny had a small jack russell which she had spent the day showing affection to.

As you mentioned earlier, dogs have a great sense of smell, and dogs - just like people - sometimes don't like other dogs. Ok, perhaps the jack russell was a sinner, and my dog picked up on this, but that's a seriously unlikely statement to make when the actualities are a lot simpler. Perhaps you should spend a lot more time around animals before claiming they can detect a sinner from a non-sinner. Doing so would help you understand that lions do not 'detect sinners', but merely detect dinner and intruders.

Try to reflect a little.

Try to stay with the point a little.

God told him to do it? How do you know?

He said so. What is it with you people? One day you're demanding I take things on faith, and the very next you're contradicting that by telling me to do the opposite. Make up your mind.

This leads back to my original questions, namely being how you can claim he wasn't told by god. The best anyone's managed so far is to tell me god doesn't test - which is obviously wrong in accordance with what the bible says, and others have told me that lions can detect a sinner, which is not only absolutely ludicrous, but inherently pointless.

Not everyone who shouts god, god is a follower of him.

And you can make this claim... how? How do you determine who is an honest follower of god, and who's just talking bullshit?

Anyway. This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself.

I concur, but then by that very same reasoning - I state the same is true of the rest of you. How can you argue against that? How can you validate that this man only heard himself, while you truly did hear god? Where is the difference?

Just like when we pray, we hear but ourselves. There is no one but "me".

Sure, but then there's little point being in this thread. My questions were to those who believed in god.

Yeah, it's time I repent. Sorry god, I didn't mean to do it.

Although my quote was aimed more at C20, feel free to join in. You could also apologise for being so silly you think lions can detect a sinner.

Ye of little faith The "bad things" (satan) is as useful as the good things.

I'd disagree. satan doesn't exist, neither does god. If you feel like arguing that case, then do so.. But I do expect a little more than simple say so.

Without bad things, no one knows what the good things are


This is a good one. And I think we are being tested all the time.

By what?
SnakeLord said:
This is not a position of validity. It's saying "I must be right because I say so".

That's what "I" believe. Everyone goes their own path and they have their own truth. You also believe in something and your thoughts and feelings are not more false than the ones I have. All paths lead to the same truth. The truth can be told in thousand ways, yet every way can be true.

He didn't do anything stupid. He did what jesus tells him to do in the bible. When god tells you to do something, you don't sit down and say "nah, that's stupid", you just get up and do it. No arguments, no whinging like a baby girl.. just do it.

But the voice that says "nah, that's stupid" is also a voice of "god".

Having a great sense of smell has no bearing on being able to detect who's a sinner or not. Your example is daft.

That was just an example. Lions however are able to know how a person is, I never said that a dog could. Certain animals have certain abilites. The lion is a manifestation of "love" on the animal level and it knows perfectly if a person does not come with love and it attacks him. Also it is a "manifestation" of the sun, but i guess it doesn't say much to you. "They" built a great lion, the Sphinx, of stone in Egypt to show something to us. Jesus said in the gospel of Thomas: "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."

There is a natural explanation to everything. People don't know how Moses divided the sea and they don't know how Jesus raised the dead so they shout: A miracle! But only that is supernatural which we yet do not know. But when we learn to know this "supernatural" it "becomes" natural...

Perhaps you should spend a lot more time around animals before claiming they can detect a sinner from a non-sinner. Doing so would help you understand that lions do not 'detect sinners', but merely detect dinner and intruders.

Heh. Maybe we have a little different view of what a "sinner" is. Actually I don't know if I should use that word. These "intruders" are the "sinners". Lions sense the heart of a person, but they also obey "the law" on an animal level. A person who obeys the law as a human is better than a lion and they don't necessary need to kill for dinner. But the nature kills thousands of people and animals every day and it feels no guilt, because the nature is neither good or bad, and so is god. The body is just an instrument, a tool to express oneself, and it is thrown into fire when it becomes useless. Whoever then identifies himself with his body, will also be thrown into the fire, because he is one with his body.

Try to stay with the point a little.

Ok, I'll try.

And you can make this claim... how? How do you determine who is an honest follower of god, and who's just talking bullshit?

My job is not to judge, so I don't know exactly who is truthful. What I do know is that there are those who call themselves religious but they have no love for god, and there are also those who call themselves atheists who have a great love for god. And there are those who do not call themselves anything.

But it is easy to see when the eyes are open. Just as we have physical eyes we have inner eyes that see the inside of a person, and everything else too. People have their truth about good and bad and those who obey the truth will know everything that Jesus knows. But we should not judge unless we are like Jesus.

You could also apologise for being so silly you think lions can detect a sinner.

No, I already asked him and he said that they can detect those who are not pure in heart.


Try to tell a person born blind what the color blue looks like. Without separating there is no information. Without the bad there is no good. Although god sees no difference between these two, since he is not separated from divinity.

I'd disagree. satan doesn't exist, neither does god. If you feel like arguing that case, then do so.. But I do expect a little more than simple say so.

You're right. Satan does not exist. What I meant to say is that the bad things exist, which religious people often call "satan". We may call it whatever we want, but it just means "the evil."
People are so blind of words. If I mention god, they think I really mean that which they see as "god" so they don't believe, and I may use another word and they suddenly give me respect. There is no god, not the kind you think of. Because you do not know god. I have seen the world through the eyes of your kind, and I too thought the belief in "god" was ridiculous. I can think so now too, but I understand more about the world now, and I express myself more, so I need the "word" god.

I said it before but: "God" was testing this man.

By ourselves. By god. By satan. By whatever we want to call it.
That's what "I" believe.

Fair enough, but the statement means diddly squat. Belief is not truth.

Everyone goes their own path and they have their own truth.

While that might be so, it doesn't make those 'truths' true.

You also believe in something and your thoughts and feelings are not more false than the ones I have.

Sure they are, if they're false... Like lions knowing who's a sinner or not.

But the voice that says "nah, that's stupid" is also a voice of "god".

According to who?

That was just an example. Lions however are able to know how a person is, I never said that a dog could.

Then you shouldn't bring dogs into the discussion no?

Certain animals have certain abilites. The lion is a manifestation of "love" on the animal level and it knows perfectly if a person does not come with love and it attacks him.



There is a natural explanation to everything. People don't know how Moses divided the sea and they don't know how Jesus raised the dead so they shout: A miracle! But only that is supernatural which we yet do not know. But when we learn to know this "supernatural" it "becomes" natural...

I agree. In either case, it doesn't mean a lion is a manifestation of love.

Heh. Maybe we have a little different view of what a "sinner" is. Actually I don't know if I should use that word. These "intruders" are the "sinners". Lions sense the heart of a person, but they also obey "the law" on an animal level. A person who obeys the law as a human is better than a lion and they don't necessary need to kill for dinner. But the nature kills thousands of people and animals every day and it feels no guilt, because the nature is neither good or bad, and so is god. The body is just an instrument, a tool to express oneself, and it is thrown into fire when it becomes useless. Whoever then identifies himself with his body, will also be thrown into the fire, because he is one with his body.

Apologies in advance, but this is gibberish. Nothing more.

My job is not to judge, so I don't know exactly who is truthful.

"This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself". Is that not a judgement? The man says god told him, and here you are proudly declaring this man as a liar, or as a deluded fool. You then state you don't know who is truthful, but then claim this particular man isn't. Isn't that a contradiction?

No, I already asked him and he said that they can detect those who are not pure in heart.

You didn't hear anything other than yourself, and as such your statement is null and void as far as validity is concerned.

To quote you: "Anyway. This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself". The same applies to you, no?

Try to tell a person born blind what the color blue looks like.

This isn't of relevance. What you're actually saying is:

"Without being blind, a person doesn't know what seeing is".

You're taking two complete opposites and claiming you wont know one without the other, in which case you would need to be blind to know what sight is, you'd need to be deaf to know what hearing is, and you'd need to be dead to know what living is.

People are so blind of words. If I mention god, they think I really mean that which they see as "god" so they don't believe, and I may use another word and they suddenly give me respect.

You can't consider others "blind of words" if you feel the need to use words where they go against their very meaning. It's like me saying:

"Today I had a fishfinger".

Oh, you're confused.. It actually means I had a cigarette. You're just 'blind to words' and thought I meant something other than I actually did.

Now What768, who's fault is that?

By all means invent a completely new word and give it your own meaning, but don't take words that already exist, and already have meanings, and then try using it for something completely unrelated. If you feel the need to do that, you can't then blame the listener for his confusion.
SnakeLord said:
Fair enough, but the statement means diddly squat. Belief is not truth.

Yes, it is truth - MY truth!

While that might be so, it doesn't make those 'truths' true.

All paths lead to the same truth, my path, your path, and their path.

Sure they are, if they're false... Like lions knowing who's a sinner or not.

You don't know what the truth is and neither do I, so don't say that lions can't know the impure. However, I know it's your truth, but not necessary THE truth.

According to who?

According to ME. Everyone who sees the truth in "me" hear "my voice"

Then you shouldn't bring dogs into the discussion no?

Yes I should because I need to reflect the "lions can detect a sinner" to something similar making a "parable." Parables are the only things that can "explain" things that are not known.

I agree. In either case, it doesn't mean a lion is a manifestation of love.

The great Ra, the sun is also a manifestation of love, and doesn't it do the things that love does? It shines on all people, whoever they are, whatever they are. But the sun represents love on the material level. If you know the 4 faces of God you will know that "greatest" of them is the lion.

Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. - 1 Ezekiel 10

If you know the zodiak you can reflect.

You didn't hear anything other than yourself, and as such your statement is null and void as far as validity is concerned.

To quote you: "Anyway. This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself". The same applies to you, no?

Yeah, there is no god, there is only me. It is the voice of the voiceless which we hear, the voiceless subconscious mind which has never told a lie. This may also be called the voice of the holy ghost or the voice of god, but it still is the "divine self" that we hear.

You can't consider others "blind of words" if you feel the need to use words where they go against their very meaning. It's like me saying:

"Today I had a fishfinger".

I don't know who is blind of words all I know is that there are those who are blind of words. They read so much that the words are before their eyes and they can no longer hear their own voice in the middle of the crowd of all words. There is only the one word, the word who is Jesus Christ, the creative power.

You think I'm saying that you are blind of words, but all I ever said was, "people are blind of words".
SnakeLord said:
Fair enough, but the statement means diddly squat. Belief is not truth.

While that might be so, it doesn't make those 'truths' true.

Sure they are, if they're false... Like lions knowing who's a sinner or not.

According to who?

Then you shouldn't bring dogs into the discussion no?



I agree. In either case, it doesn't mean a lion is a manifestation of love.

Apologies in advance, but this is gibberish. Nothing more.

"This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself". Is that not a judgement? The man says god told him, and here you are proudly declaring this man as a liar, or as a deluded fool. You then state you don't know who is truthful, but then claim this particular man isn't. Isn't that a contradiction?

You didn't hear anything other than yourself, and as such your statement is null and void as far as validity is concerned.

To quote you: "Anyway. This guy didn't hear any god, he heard himself". The same applies to you, no?

This isn't of relevance. What you're actually saying is:

"Without being blind, a person doesn't know what seeing is".

You're taking two complete opposites and claiming you wont know one without the other, in which case you would need to be blind to know what sight is, you'd need to be deaf to know what hearing is, and you'd need to be dead to know what living is.

You can't consider others "blind of words" if you feel the need to use words where they go against their very meaning. It's like me saying:

"Today I had a fishfinger".

Oh, you're confused.. It actually means I had a cigarette. You're just 'blind to words' and thought I meant something other than I actually did.

Now What768, who's fault is that?

By all means invent a completely new word and give it your own meaning, but don't take words that already exist, and already have meanings, and then try using it for something completely unrelated. If you feel the need to do that, you can't then blame the listener for his confusion.

I cant believe we are still arguing about what is obvious anyway.

There are two sides of the coin here.

Belief - Belief believes. It is the nature of belief to believe. Belief believes that which it considers to be 'good'. In belief, bad stuff can only be 'witnessed' it is hard to believe that 'bad stuff' happens but belief will try and see the good in it. Belief strives to believe even when believing seems impossible.

Unbelief - Unbelief actively disbelieves what it has been told is 'good' and says it is 'bad' to justify itself in the act of not believing. Unbelief uses 'bad stuff' to justify itself in it's act of unbelief because 'bad stuff' negates the good stuff and lends it's cause to unbelief in tearing down all it sees. Unbelief may only ever see bad stuff because it is in it's nature is to disbelieve everything and question everything with the intent of disbelieving anything it comes across as 'good'.

Now even from a very basic human perspective, one can only summise that belief is better than unbelief because belief builds on what it has whether it be good or bad whereas unbelief instinctively tears down what it is has irrespective of what it is. The only thing unbelief does not find itself in conflict with is unbelief itself because unbelief believes in unbelief.

The believer therfore will try and justify the unbeliever whereas the unbeliever will try and tear down the believer. Believer's are called hypocrites by unbelievers when they fall into unbelief themselves. But one who strives to believe all things will continue to do so because as it is written

Matt 25:29
For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.

This is the meaning of Jesus' words.


The_Preacher said:
: because one is normal,thats why you delusional pratt.

The Preacher attempts here to tear me down yet instead of being insulted which would be a 'bad' thing and not something I believe I should permit unto myself, I consider instead The _Preachers words and think to myself "I know, I can use that as an example here. Wonderful"


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Yes, it is truth - MY truth!

Oh, you mean "opinion". Kindly pay attention to what I inform you of later about using wrong words in wrong places.

All paths lead to the same truth, my path, your path, and their path.

Utter gibberish.

You don't know what the truth is and neither do I

But you've been expressing to me how you do. Ok, we've now fixed that so it's "opinion", instead of "truth", but you need to acknowledge that before we can proceed here.

so don't say that lions can't know the impure. However, I know it's your truth, but not necessary THE truth.

Fuck me, you're making my argument for me. Lol.

According to ME. Everyone who sees the truth in "me" hear "my voice"

Freaky.. David Koresh said the exact same thing just before he went nuts and started shooting.

Yes I should because I need to reflect the "lions can detect a sinner" to something similar making a "parable." Parables are the only things that can "explain" things that are not known.

If it's "not known", what are you trying to 'explain'?

The great Ra, the sun is also a manifestation of love, and doesn't it do the things that love does? It shines on all people, whoever they are, whatever they are.

The sun shows no emotion. Trying to claim it does is an act of lunacy.

But the sun represents love on the material level. If you know the 4 faces of God you will know that "greatest" of them is the lion.

Word has it that nobody has seen the face of god, so this is clearly utter pigs poo.

Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a man, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. - 1 Ezekiel 10

Is this biblical quote not in reference to angels, as opposed to god himself?

If you know the zodiak you can reflect.

Yeah. Every day I'm told I'm going to find love and become rich.

Yeah, there is no god, there is only me.

There's a lot more than you. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

It is the voice of the voiceless which we hear

The voice of the voiceless? So.. you hear no voice?

the voiceless subconscious mind which has never told a lie.

How would you know if it had told a lie?

I don't know who is blind of words all I know is that there are those who are blind of words.

You being one of them.

There is only the one word, the word who is Jesus Christ

jesus christ is two words, not one.
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Belief believes that which it considers to be 'good'.

In that case belief is arbitrary and no "just" God of eternity can cast anyone into furnace because they were not arbitrary.
§outh§tar said:
In that case belief is arbitrary and no "just" God of eternity can cast anyone into furnace because they were not arbitrary.

Ok. Good. Thank God for that then :)
Belief - Belief believes.

Wtf does this mean? 'belief' is just a word to define what humans do, not what a word does to itself. While I have no problems discussing with you, it would be nice if you'd talk English.

It is the nature of belief to believe.


Belief believes that which it considers to be 'good'.


it is hard to believe that 'bad stuff' happens

Since when? The evidence is all over the bloody place. It's about as hard to 'believe' as it is to believe 1+1= 2.

Unbelief - Unbelief actively disbelieves what it has been told is 'good' and says it is 'bad' to justify itself in the act of not believing. Unbelief uses 'bad stuff' to justify itself in it's act of unbelief because 'bad stuff' negates the good stuff and lends it's cause to unbelief in tearing down all it sees. Unbelief may only ever see bad stuff because it is in it's nature is to disbelieve everything and question everything with the intent of disbelieving anything it comes across as 'good'.


Now even from a very basic human perspective, one can only summise that belief is better than unbelief because belief builds on what it has whether it be good or bad whereas unbelief instinctively tears down what it is has irrespective of what it is.

It doesn't tear anything down, it merely keeps us sane. Tell me C20, why do you "unbelieve" in Odin?

Matt 25:29
For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance

Oh, so someone who has cancer will be given more, in fact, given cancer in abundance?
The words I speak are foolishness to you. You need a babel fish.

Firstly C20, you didn't answer my question. Here it is again:

"Tell me C20, why do you "unbelieve" in Odin?"

If you can manage a response, the very least you could do is answer the question that has been posed.

Thanks in advance.

The words I speak are foolishness to you.

Along with the rest of humanity.
SnakeLord said:
Firstly C20, you didn't answer my question. Here it is again:

"Tell me C20, why do you "unbelieve" in Odin?"

If you can manage a response, the very least you could do is answer the question that has been posed.

Thanks in advance.

Along with the rest of humanity.

I dont even know who Odin is for a start. So I cannot tell you whether he/she lived or died as Odin or not. Who is Odin?

It is quite nice to know that the whole of humanity would consider me a fool. That's quite an honour from where I am standing ;)
I dont even know who Odin is for a start. So I cannot tell you whether he/she lived or died as Odin or not. Who is Odin?

However, to save you reading, and thus learning, how about Zeus? Brahma? Lenny the Leprechaun?

It is quite nice to know that the whole of humanity would consider me a fool. That's quite an honour from where I am standing

My quote in no way implies that you are a fool but that the words you type are foolish.

That's quite an honour from where I am standing

Is there any way you could hide that blatant pride? Pride is a sin you know?
SnakeLord said:
My quote in no way implies that you are a fool but that the words you type are foolish.

1 Corinthians
001:027 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

SnakeLord said:
Is there any way you could hide that blatant pride? Pride is a sin you know?

Nope, no way I could hide it. I forgive myself though. Foolish twonk that I am.
People call the holy scriptures for myths and fantasies because they are so proud of themselves.