Jesus will come

I will not rot in the ground, my body will become the ground. The rest of me is weightless, it goes up.

You mean it goes up to outer space?

But there is nothing in space that could possibly support an afterlife. That is why I don't buy into this theory.
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What makes you think there are not other dimensions?:)

I have no clue but there currently is no proof that other dimensions can cause an afterlife. I mean no one can even observe them.

There may be other planes of existence or parallel universes but there is no proof that they can cause an afterlife.

So why not just admit that we don't know and probably will never know.
you do not know what the original verses mean.
u misinterpret.
generation = the jews.

But in the Greek, it's written "genea" which means generation, not "ethnos" for nation, or even "phule" for tribe.

The second verse I mentioned clearly means this generation, not some future one, since he refers to the lifetime of people that are standing there.
But in the Greek, it's written "genea" which means generation, not "ethnos" for nation, or even "phule" for tribe.

The second verse I mentioned clearly means this generation, not some future one, since he refers to the lifetime of people that are standing there.
I thought it might be explained by reincarnation. The spirit alive then still present now. Some have never lost faith and are still looking forward to the time Christ returns.:)
Can't be that because you have to die first, and the verse clearly says he will come back before they "taste death".
Were did you collect all that ? You must be a burned up Christian.
i WAS a christian, but these dates validify the point that trying to predict the end of days via a cosmic jewish zombie are futile at best. You must know your enemy before you can engage him in combat.:p
you die and you know you are hopeless.

That comes later. Now is life. There's hope now. What's got you down? Why all the negativity? Have you considered changing churches, maybe one that jumps and claps and feels good?

Then there's anti-depressants. Or cartoons. How about motivational workouts? Morning Tai Chi. More fiber.

Anyway Christmas will soon be here and I'm sure you're going to be really happy then-

-- since it's the day celebrating BIRTH :p -- not DEATH!:bawl:
I will not rot in the ground, my body will become the ground. The rest of me is weightless, it goes up.

You mean it goes up to outer space?
But there is nothing in space that could possibly support an afterlife. That is why I don't buy into this theory.

It suddenly occurs to me that the hole in the ozone layer could indicate a depletion of upwardly mobile souls.
when jesus talked to them, they witnessed him being taken up to heaven,
the generation also refers to whole human race.
No it clearly doesn't. Jesus lied. He was just a delusional man, probably schizophrenic.
it is eternal death in hell
Everyone dies. Even the Bible states as much.

All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good, so with the sinful; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them. - Ecclessiastes 9:2
you can choose not to believe, it is your life,
you bear its consequences.
Actually, no I can't choose what I believe. No matter how hard I try, I can not believe that if I flap my arms like wings I will fly. If I were to climb to the top of the Empire State building and jump off believing I could, I would indeed suffer the consequences.

The same fate awaits us all regardless of belief.