Jesus will come

Jesus aint gonna terminate humanity..we will..he will just be there to try and salvage some of us...
Jesus said "no one knows when he will come only the Father ."

All those who made such prediction , are false and embarrass the Christian movement .

I think Jesus in this quote was talking about something else.
don't be silly.
God is faithful and he never failed his promise.

All mortal men will die, but God lives forever.

Jesus first came to complete salvation, gospels were preached for thousands years to call His people.
When the number of Saints is fulfilled, all prophecies in bible are achieved,
Jesus will come unexpectedly.

IF you are stubborn and rejected Salvation, YOU will go to eternal Hell and mourn forever.
you will die like an animal without hope.
your refusal to repent, blindness to see your sinfulness,
make u hopeless.
Predestined to perish.
you will die like an animal without hope.
your refusal to repent, blindness to see your sinfulness,
make u hopeless.
Predestined to perish.

You are doomed. If only you knew the reality of what the Earth actually is. It's not just a planet.. you will find out.
you will die like an animal without hope.
your refusal to repent, blindness to see your sinfulness,
make u hopeless.
Predestined to perish.

Hope is as hollow as fear,
whether you go up the ladder or down,
your position is shaky.
don't be silly.
God is faithful and he never failed his promise.

All mortal men will die, but God lives forever.

Jesus first came to complete salvation, gospels were preached for thousands years to call His people.
When the number of Saints is fulfilled, all prophecies in bible are achieved,
Jesus will come unexpectedly.

IF you are stubborn and rejected Salvation, YOU will go to eternal Hell and mourn forever.
Mark 13, verse 30, Jesus explains when he will return, "Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done."

Also Matthew 15, "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."

Mark 13, verse 30, Jesus explains when he will return, "Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done."

Also Matthew 15, "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."

Are there other ways to make lemonade? Otherwise it is just a bitter lemon. :)
you do not know what the original verses mean.
u misinterpret.
generation = the jews.
you will die like an animal without hope.
your refusal to repent, blindness to see your sinfulness,
make u hopeless.
Predestined to perish.

Humans are animals.......not like animals.
What God do we need to repent to and why?
If we are predestined to perish then by the very definition....we have no choice in the matter.

The only fact that we know is that we do perish....everybody, including yourself will perish regardless of your opinion of reality.
Surely Jesus will come, and terminate human's history.

If Jesus could really come again then he already would have come by now and changed everything for the better.

The fact is that he probably can't come back because he is dead.