Jesus was not the Messiah


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
The Jews believed the Messiah would come to set things right for the Jews. Then Christians came along claiming he came for the Christians & Jews reject him.
From an objective perspective, 1 must assume Jews were/are better qualified to judge whether their Messiah has come yet.
With nothing other than faith & fabrication, Christians preposterously presume to know better.
I stand to be corrected on this, but I understand that Christ was hijacked by the Greeks, if I could put it that way. Then the Roman Empire was converted to Christianity, and everything sorta spiralled out of control from there:rolleyes:
Then Christians came along claiming he came for the Christians & Jews reject him.
From an objective perspective, 1 must assume Jews were/are better qualified to judge whether their Messiah has come yet.
With nothing other than faith & fabrication, Christians preposterously presume to know better.

If I'm not mistaken, the first Christians were Jews. Christ himself was a Jew. So while the authorities rejected him--and indeed I'm sure most Jews at first rejected him--his first followers were Jews. So it wasn't that Christians thought they knew better, because those Christians were simply Jews who believed that the prophesy had been fulfilled.
most every religion on earth has written of a man to reveal knowledge to free mankind (messiah) ....... pahana, kalki, adi buddha, quetzalcoatl...etc.etc.etc

The Egyptians knew this quite some time back and why the pharoahs were considered Gods, as they were enabled with the greatest knowledge base. Something like what a Dali Lama is; a man taught since birth, picking up from the previous generations; learning, writing, teaching. (for the evolution of knowledge)

AS seen in the Genesis story, Moses was raised by the Pharoahs daughter (since infancy), Judaism is practically an egyptian religion, in which man could talk to god (pharoah). The arc (standard practice), the observance of a coming 'messiah' was a natural seeking.

Circumcision itself was egyptian and done because men during war often captured illnesses from actively copulating with the 'spoils of war.'
(it was a health issue, such as no pork (no refrigeration))

IN fact, i suggest that the 10 commands would be of the language of Egypt and until the arc is found, none could really contest that as incorrect because Moses was raised, taught and 'walk like an Egyptian"
The Jews believed the Messiah would come to set things right for the Jews.

They still do except there isn't any "the" messiah, its just a messiah. There were a number of them during the Roman occupation and after the destruction of Jerusalem, there have recently found letters in the "cave of letters" from the second period in the dead sea area which thrown a lot more light on a much more famous at the time actual Jewish messiah Bar Kokhba. Like most Jewish messiahs of the day, he went down hard trying to free Israel from Roman rule.

Jesus however would never have been accepted as an actual messiah, he just doesn't fit the part at all and didn't even try to free the home land. He might have been taken as a rabbi or even a profit, but never a messiah.
The Jews believed the Messiah would come to set things right for the Jews. Then Christians came along claiming he came for the Christians & Jews reject him.
From an objective perspective, 1 must assume Jews were/are better qualified to judge whether their Messiah has come yet.
With nothing other than faith & fabrication, Christians preposterously presume to know better.

But the Jews were the judge of that, at least some were.
Those Christians were only Christians because they were Jews that believed that Jesus was the Messiah.
They still do except there isn't any "the" messiah, its just a messiah. There were a number of them during the Roman occupation and after the destruction of Jerusalem, there have recently found letters in the "cave of letters" from the second period in the dead sea area which thrown a lot more light on a much more famous at the time actual Jewish messiah Bar Kokhba. Like most Jewish messiahs of the day, he went down hard trying to free Israel from Roman rule.

Jesus however would never have been accepted as an actual messiah, he just doesn't fit the part at all and didn't even try to free the home land. He might have been taken as a rabbi or even a profit, but never a messiah.

what does 'messiah' mean and why? or for what purpose?
the problem is that there is no more roman empire.

from the link:

"it was used of an expected deliverer of the Jewish nation"

what does that mean?
The Jews believed the Messiah would come to set things right for the Jews. Then Christians came along claiming he came for the Christians & Jews reject him.
From an objective perspective, 1 must assume Jews were/are better qualified to judge whether their Messiah has come yet.
With nothing other than faith & fabrication, Christians preposterously presume to know better.

:shrug: Then Jews and Christians disagree. Which we kind of knew. We move on.