Jesus was a super passive pussy,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
but dont think in times of battle my blade will not see light.
"Sheathe not the battle blade, 'till the last foe is laid. low in the grave."
-A Civil War poem.
if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other,

Are you on something?
1. His purpose (or what he believed his purpose was, to you nonbelievers) was to die, not to live to an old age.
2. Anyone who makes that big a scene in a temple, associates with people known to be sinners, touches lepers, hides out from soldiers, and isn't afraid to be arrested doesn't sound like a pussy to me.
3. The Books of the Bible contradict each other? Would you mind telling me how, or are you just saying what your pothead friends told you?

As for the idea about the Bible being the cause of wars, are you talking about the Crusades? I suggest you read The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and look at the evidence that suggests the Muslims at the time performed offensive attacks, some comparative to modern-day terrorist attacks.
Are you talking about WW2, when an evil man decided he wanted world power and killed several followers of God, while even more followers of God tried to stop him?
Are you talking about the war on Iraq? Where a dictator experimented on his own people, slaughtered children just because of their ethnicity, invaded a country in cold blood, and spent all the country's money on himself? I guess he read the Bible and knew a good idea when he saw one.......or not.
My! My! aren't we a bit judgemental? Your ingnorance is played before us, are you this densed? or have you ever picked up another book other than your precious bible? If you read the bible, and keep reading it, you will see foryourself the contradictions. If you need some help go here

BTW nit wit, you will find doctors, lawyers, scientists, other than just kids such as yourself, calling people pot heads, without knowledge of whom we are.

As for the idea about the Bible being the cause of wars, are you talking about the Crusades?

A little history lesson

I suggest you read The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and look at the evidence that suggests the Muslims at the time performed offensive attacks, some comparative to modern-day terrorist attacks.

From the above link you will see that your religion was no different! :rolleyes:

Are you talking about WW2, when an evil man decided he wanted world power and killed several followers of God, while even more followers of God tried to stop him?

Are you this ingnorant? click

Are you talking about the war on Iraq? Where a dictator experimented on his own people, slaughtered children just because of their ethnicity, invaded a country in cold blood, and spent all the country's money on himself? I guess he read the Bible and knew a good idea when he saw one.......or not.

I get it! Your hooked on Fox News :D Never mind, at least we know now why your so pathetically misinformed! :rolleyes:
