Jesus was a super passive pussy,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other,

By doing so, Jesus would have been a pretty bad example of righteousness. Jesus didn't write the Bible. What does it matter if there are contradictions in the Bible?

if the bible was never written there wouldent be so much war,

You don't know that. Infact, the Bible is very good for bad people, and in the past, there were many bad people. Religions do not cause wars, people do.
EmptyForceOfChi said:
if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other,


He didn't have a choice!

-Be afraid of Jesus when he comes back!!!
Even with Jesus' underlying message of peace and love, the Christian religion has caused untold violence against others; can you imagine how more violent the world would be, if he'd been more like Alexander the Great?
Paraclete said:
EmptyForce ,

First you say the stories about him, shows J. is a "super passive pussy ", "non violent kinda guy" - and now you turn around to say the stories about him makes war, which ofcourse is true (crusades and so on) - though the crusades were made by mans interpretation of the current faith at that time !!

Make up your mind , what´s it gonna be - was J. a super passive pussy non violent kinda guy who causes war ?

Or what is your point with this thread and the last statement ?

I am just curious !!!

PEACE as you always says ......

this whole thread about jesus bieng a pussy is a joke, just like organised religion is, why do you think i chose to say te things i did,

can i join your cult,
Qorl said:
He didn't have a choice!

-Be afraid of Jesus when he comes back!!!

i dont care if he is the son of god, what is he going to do to me, burn me in the fires of hades, i would string him up on another cross, what good have his teachings done anyway?, tell me the more good religion has done compared to bad,

its a joke i would rather keep my money than pay for entrance to an afterlife through blind hope of a book,

peace, (not the christian type)
if jesus really existed to begin with, why dosent anyone know the dude, wouldent there be more reports of his miracles and teachigs other than the bible, wouldent anybody know him through word of mouth? and families would be related toh im? so he has direct decendants today maybe, uncles aunties, cousins, sons or daughters, who kows he might have super sperm and impregnated all of the 12 apposles and the 3 wise men.?

maybe your his great great gandpa or something, where are his bones? where is any proof that he existed other than that story book,

i have read the bible twice in jail, i have read all of the Dao scripts, and to be honest atleast the dao makes sense, not just stories of some carpenter who is the son of god, common isnt that just a little metaphore in its own? from a "story" the son of the hgher creator, is a creator of wooden furniture, humble yet creative,

Can see that your uderstanding of the Bible is flawed. it is a history book with the Old Testament beibng about the people Israel and the New Testament being about God the Son. It's not a 'story book', but a history.

You are righton one thing jesus probably did have children. He was without sin yet is spoke in temple. His students called him Rabbi (teacher). back then you had to be married to be a Rabbi. Not to mention that in the greek at the difference between wife and whore is one vowel and hebrew wrote the greek without the vowels.
Hapsburg said:
Fuck peace. Nothing good ever came out of it. To see war is to see the human spirit at its utmost.

peace would be nice, just simple peace returning back to nature back to times with good energies,

but dont think in times of battle my blade will not see light.

Jesus was a passive pussy? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
c7ityi_ said:
Jesus was a passive pussy? FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

opionionated isn't he. jesus wasn't either passive or a pussy as anybody that read the bible knows

Degrading Jesus isn't what I would call spreading "good energy". Jesus didn't create Christianity or the bible, and his teachings are more like your precious Tao than you realize. Look into the Gnostics, and see how the politics of the early Christian bishops played a major role in subverting and distorting his message. The real teaching of Jesus became heresy a long time ago.
-Father makes his son suffer, so Jesus could be the only one who was angry on God. His life was worse than living in the jail, he didn't have a free will like humans do. He was programmed just like a robot, should I said he think and speak what God wont's him to. Jesus words are - nothing is on me. If nothing is on him, who is he than? Watch a movie Paycheck and you will see.
Speaking of jail, you should know how it fells. I do.
he didn't have a free will like humans do.
Why believe the New Testament about Jesus origin and suffering,
if you don't believe Jesus had a free will and laid down His life willingly?
The problem with the gospels is you can't just pick and choose what
you want to believe. Or if you do, shouldn't there be a reason?