Jesus was a super passive pussy,


if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other,

Hmm...jesus really does remind me of a hippy: he preached peace and shit, and apparently toked a lil' too much pot, seeing as he was going around saying, "I'm the freakin' sonna god, man!". Crazy pothead. :m:
EmptyForceOfChi said:
if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other,

jesus physically threw the whores and gamblers from his temple.
i don't call that passive or being a pussy.
Jesus said :Matthew 10:34:

Do not suppose that I come to bring peace to the earth.I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword !!

Jesus said:Luke 22:36:

But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you do not have a sword,
sell your cloak and buy one !!

A bloody millitant.
...which illustrates perfectly the kind of editing Matthew did upon Luke, watering down and hiding the clear message.

(1) Blessed be the Poor! (not poor in spirit).

(2) Buy a weapon! (not I have come to bring a metaphorical weapon).
if he gave his followers more weapons,and wasnt such a passive non violent kinda guy, raised an army, and not let them hook him up like some piece of halal meat, he could have taught more people his ways and survived to a ripe old age with tons of wisdom, then he could write 20 bibles that all contradict each other

Heh heh. An dhe did just that, but 1200 years later during the crusades.
His followers were not exactly peacefull either:

Matthew 26:47:

And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came and with him a great multitude with swords and staves !!

John:18:10 :

Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest´s servant and
cut off his right ear !!
Paraclete said:
Jesus said :Matthew 10:34:

Do not suppose that I come to bring peace to the earth.I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword !!

Jesus said:Luke 22:36:

But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you do not have a sword,
sell your cloak and buy one !!

A bloody millitant.
Your streatching the metaphor.
Luke could also be a metaphor. Words were sometimes refered to as a sword. True words are kind of spiritual weapons. Cloak means disguise.

If you don't have a true face, get rid of your disguise and get one.
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its a nice storybook isnt it, causes so much peace and love,

can you feel it?

if the bible was never written there wouldent be so much war,

if the bible was never written there wouldent be so much war,

Don't make me laugh. Like somehow there would be no Vikings raping and pillaging,
no hordes of Mongols led by Genghis Kahn, and Alexander wouldn't have overrun the known world hacking and slashing all the way to India.

I suppose also the Assyrians and the Babylonians would never have slaughtered tens of thousands, and if it weren't for the Bible, Egypt would have been a land without slaves, and the pyramids would never have been built.

Yeah, the bible is at fault... morons.
EmptyForce ,

First you say the stories about him, shows J. is a "super passive pussy ", "non violent kinda guy" - and now you turn around to say the stories about him makes war, which ofcourse is true (crusades and so on) - though the crusades were made by mans interpretation of the current faith at that time !!

Make up your mind , what´s it gonna be - was J. a super passive pussy non violent kinda guy who causes war ?

Or what is your point with this thread and the last statement ?

I am just curious !!!

PEACE as you always says ......
Who was Jesus supposed to fight? The Roman army? At various times, the Jews did do just that and were slaughtered. In fact, that's why the Romans killed Jesus so quickly, they percieved him as gathering followers for just such a revolt, but that wasn't his interest. Passive resistance works. Less than 200 years later, Christianity became the prevailing religion of the Romans, due in part to Jesus' death, and also to the example of many Christian martyrs.

(Jesus didn't even write one bible)