Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him

Jesus was put to death because his father did not step up to fill the ransom he himself set of a barbaric blood sacrifice.
His father should have stepped up therefor Jesus died for his father's sin of demanding his death and allowing the justice he is supposed to represent accept a bribe.

It is another unsupported premise that "he (god) himself set of a barbaric blood sacrifice". The Abrahamic god, by definition, cannot die, so it is nonsensical say he should have "stepped up". Jesus was incarnated as a man expressly for the purpose he purportedly served. So if there was to be no sacrifice, there would have been no Jesus, and you would have no excuse to make this argument.

Death is a natural consequence of "sin", not an arbitrarily punishment assigned by god.
Not Christian, nor do I claim any religious affiliation.

It is obvious that you are not managing to keep up with the conversation in any sensible way. Go back and read the OP until you figure it out.
I wouldn't lower myself to read the OP sorry.
No I am describing the reason for Jesus' arrest trial and conviction as it is written in the Gospels.
But I'll have to go back and take a bit of interest for I want to put a stop to GIA 's argument.
I have always thought the scapegoat concept of Jesus to be quite off-putting. I was raised Christian, but I never understood it.

As an adult, when I think about this its obvious that a good God would never be involved in such a scenario. However, there are a number of reasons why a pernicious or malevolently evil God might.

The larger more obvious (well important to me) question which never seems to get much attention is whether anybody has a great reason to think Jesus rose from the dead, or if it matters in terms of what he appeared to say about things given our epistemological situation / vantage point.

In any case, the traditionally accepted (by Christians) narrative about Jesus's death/resurrection makes no sense to me for a number of reasons theologically, ethically, historically, and scientifically...

Any one with any kind of moral sense should wonder why they have swallowed such a story. Yet they do not seem to. Children might wonder how a loving parent could do such a thing and parents should realize that they are to pass before their children do.

I am not a student of psychology but this whole scenario is insane but Christians can't see it.

The whole justice system of both man and God is designed to punish the guilty yet Christians are dancing around the cross and sucking their share of the blood out of Jesus to make sure he dies so that they can be saved.

That is sick to a high degree.

It is another unsupported premise that "he (god) himself set of a barbaric blood sacrifice". The Abrahamic god, by definition, cannot die, so it is nonsensical say he should have "stepped up". Jesus was incarnated as a man expressly for the purpose he purportedly served. So if there was to be no sacrifice, there would have been no Jesus, and you would have no excuse to make this argument.

Death is a natural consequence of "sin", not an arbitrarily punishment assigned by god.

That is an outright lie because God has withheld life via the tree of life and is causing any human death as we speak by maintaining that tree in quarantine. If you believe the myth.

Did God accept the sacrifice?

Christians think he did as they keep spouting off about being washed in the blood of Jesus. What an ugly picture they can put themselves in. Sick.

If God did not set the price, why did he accept the bribe?

If you had to have a sacrifice for whatever reason, would you step up or would you have your son done in?

That is an outright lie because God has withheld life via the tree of life and is causing any human death as we speak by maintaining that tree in quarantine. If you believe the myth.

Did God accept the sacrifice?

Christians think he did as they keep spouting off about being washed in the blood of Jesus. What an ugly picture they can put themselves in. Sick.

If God did not set the price, why did he accept the bribe?

If you had to have a sacrifice for whatever reason, would you step up or would you have your son done in?

Did you know that Adam and Eve put the seeds from the Tree of life in their pockets as they were packing up their gear when leaving the Garden of Eden?
That is an outright lie because God has withheld life via the tree of life and is causing any human death as we speak by maintaining that tree in quarantine. If you believe the myth.

No lie at all. Metaphor. Saying man was barred from the tree of life is equivalent to saying that he was now aware of his own mortality. And man has always had a propensity for blaming others for his lot in life. Remember, Genesis was written by man.

Did God accept the sacrifice?

If God did not set the price, why did he accept the bribe?

Where does it say that god "set the price" or that the penalty for sin is anything other than a natural consequence of being aware of ones own mortality?

If you had to have a sacrifice for whatever reason, would you step up or would you have your son done in?

I would not have a choice if I was incapable of death, so this is a false dilemma.
Did you know that Adam and Eve put the seeds from the Tree of life in their pockets as they were packing up their gear when leaving the Garden of Eden?
They knew to do this because they had the Knowledge. (They had previously eaten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge).
Did you know that Adam and Eve put the seeds from the Tree of life in their pockets as they were packing up their gear when leaving the Garden of Eden?

You sais above. ---"But I'll have to go back and take a bit of interest for I want to put a stop to GIA 's argument."

Was your inane reply supposed to stop my argument?

No lie at all. Metaphor. Saying man was barred from the tree of life is equivalent to saying that he was now aware of his own mortality. And man has always had a propensity for blaming others for his lot in life. Remember, Genesis was written by man.

Where does it say that god "set the price" or that the penalty for sin is anything other than a natural consequence of being aware of ones own mortality?

I would not have a choice if I was incapable of death, so this is a false dilemma.

Well I will not flip from esoteric or metaphoric reading and interpretation to literal.

Make up your mind as to how you want to approach this myth and we can have at it.

I will give you the quote where God set the price.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Note that this is even before he created the potential for sin. That shows a rather insane God who is having his son needlessly murdered.

You sais above. ---"But I'll have to go back and take a bit of interest for I want to put a stop to GIA 's argument."

Was your inane reply supposed to stop my argument?


It's is a fable right so can we introduce this variation to it?

"Adam and Eve put the seeds from the Tree of life in their pockets as they were packing up their gear when leaving the Garden of Eden?
They knew to do this because they had the Knowledge. (They had previously eaten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge)."

What would be the end result then?
Well I will not flip from esoteric or metaphoric reading and interpretation to literal.

Make up your mind as to how you want to approach this myth and we can have at it.

I will give you the quote where God set the price.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Note that this is even before he created the potential for sin. That shows a rather insane God who is having his son needlessly murdered.


I get the feeling you need to grow up.

You say it is God's world
It is God's son.
You are part of God's possessions too.
If he then owns it all he can do what he likes with it.
So stop complaining.
Well I will not flip from esoteric or metaphoric reading and interpretation to literal.

Make up your mind as to how you want to approach this myth and we can have at it.

If you were not going to "flip" to a literal interpretation then you would not have tried to say my statement was "an outright lie". I have nowhere implied a literal interpretation, so it seems you are the only one who needs to "make up your mind".

I will give you the quote where God set the price.

1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Note that this is even before he created the potential for sin. That shows a rather insane God who is having his son needlessly murdered.

This is just foolish. Jesus was not foreordained to simply die, regardless of circumstances. He was chosen for the purpose of redeeming sin foreseen by a purportedly omniscient god.
It's is a fable right so can we introduce this variation to it?

"Adam and Eve put the seeds from the Tree of life in their pockets as they were packing up their gear when leaving the Garden of Eden?
They knew to do this because they had the Knowledge. (They had previously eaten fruit from the Tree of Knowledge)."

What would be the end result then?

It' is your take on what is definitely a fable so take it wherever you like.

You won't, but Christian literalists might wonder why nowhere in scriptures this great loss is never bemoaned by the ancients.
It would seem that they were not as foolish as some are today and think that man was ever destined or able to not die. They do not even look for the fountain of youth or the tree of life that is still supposed to be here in the garden of Eden.

They believe but not enough to actually bother looking. Hmm. Did I say they believe?
How foolish of me.

I get the feeling you need to grow up.

You say it is God's world
It is God's son.
You are part of God's possessions too.
If he then owns it all he can do what he likes with it.
So stop complaining.

Spoken like a true slave that likes to be owned.

And here most Christians say they do not promote slavery.

And you want us slaves to just stop complaining about being owned and slaves to your genocidal son murdering God.

Do you enjoy knowing that your children and grandchildren will all be slaves?

Perhaps we should bring the word nigger back into the usual vocabulary.

If you were not going to "flip" to a literal interpretation then you would not have tried to say my statement was "an outright lie". I have nowhere implied a literal interpretation, so it seems you are the only one who needs to "make up your mind".

This is just foolish. Jesus was not foreordained to simply die, regardless of circumstances. He was chosen for the purpose of redeeming sin foreseen by a purportedly omniscient god.

Correct. You did not imply a literal interpretation and that is what I began with.

I am willing to go esoteric so if you want to go there start an O P.

Then I can get deeply into the real sexual meaning of Eden.

This is just foolish. Jesus was not foreordained to simply die, regardless of circumstances. He was chosen for the purpose of redeeming sin foreseen by a purportedly omniscient god.

Look again for the first time.

I have two sources that see it differently. One in fiction that recognizes the truth and the other more Gnostic that proves it through Gnosis or knowledge of dictionary definitions, reason and logic.



I posted earlier in the thread, and it was a bit wordy, so I deleted it ...

I think Greater, if Christianity came about more as a means to honoring an ''ordinary'' man who was executed based on his rejection of religion (legalism, at the time), which could be the accurate tale, instead of the story that Christianity puts forth, and that is that Jesus was divine (one with God), and died for original sin/your sin, etc... -- you'd feel less angry over it.

When I first started reading your posts, I didn't understand why you were suggesting that God is an evil sadistic despot, who relishes in people sacrificing themselves for him. lol Now, I see your point. In other words, if someone follows the Bible/Christianity as literal truth (in your opinion) they are in essence, worshipping 'that kind of God.'
Correct. You did not imply a literal interpretation and that is what I began with.

I am willing to go esoteric so if you want to go there start an O P.

Then I can get deeply into the real sexual meaning of Eden.

Neat trick. Insist that you are using reason, but then completely deny when anyone else insists on exercising some. Way to ignore any substantial argument. And since when do you actually post to any threads other than your own?

And no, I do not want to hear about your fantasies.

I have two sources that see it differently. One in fiction that recognizes the truth and the other more Gnostic that proves it through Gnosis or knowledge of dictionary definitions, reason and logic.

Nothing but arm waving.
It' is your take on what is definitely a fable so take it wherever you like.

You won't, but Christian literalists might wonder why nowhere in scriptures this great loss is never bemoaned by the ancients.
It would seem that they were not as foolish as some are today and think that man was ever destined or able to not die. They do not even look for the fountain of youth or the tree of life that is still supposed to be here in the garden of Eden.

They believe but not enough to actually bother looking. Hmm. Did I say they believe?
How foolish of me.

Read some of the Gnostic books. There was one that liken the crucified Jesus to the Tree of Life and how he became the fruit of the Tree of Life, and we can "eat" him and live forever. If you really want to taste the fruit of the Tree of Life now is your opportunity, at the moment it is free of charge, a complete gift to you, but wait there's more ....