Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Jesus names as evil those who think his Father would break heavenly law and have him sacrificed.

The law in heaven is that the oldest dies first if there is to be a death. That is the only proper law for Gods, --- if they could die that is.

As above so below.

If we interpret that law and apply it to a human family, then the first to die would be fathers, followed by wives and lastly, children. Fathers are to die before sons. That is God’s law.

As above so below then would indicate that the law of the sea should also be the law of the land. It says that women and children are saved first then the men.

Men would need to recognize their duty to sanctify the family by placing women and children above themselves. IOW, equality does not exist in heaven nor should it exist in our human law.

Knowing this, God would never have his son sacrifice for a ransom that God himself would have had to set. One does not put a bounty on a son’s head.

I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion that we should profit from punishing the innocent instead of the guilty. Christian preach for Satan. Shame on Christians for their immoral dogma and tradition of embracing blood sacrifice.

In reality, if God did demand such a barbaric sacrifice, he would be sinning. He would know that barbaric human sacrifice is immoral.

You do as well. Right?

Those with good morals will know that no noble and gracious God would demand the sacrifice of a so called son just to prove it's benevolence nor would God break heavenly law.

If you are a believer in the vile notion of the human sacrifice of Jesus Christ, when you die, Satan will ask you; how was your ticket to heaven purchased?
With innocent blood?

If you say yes and point to you scapegoat Jesus, you become Satan’s.

Have you embraced human sacrifice and do you plan to try to ride your scapegoat Jesus into heaven, --- on your way to hell?


I am not an atheist but Satan and Christians want atheists to embrace barbaric human sacrifice and the notion...

And why? Pray tell!! Would any atheist give credence to any beliefs that the theists would want them to embrace?

A rational and reasonable answer would be welcomed.
And why? Pray tell!! Would any atheist give credence to any beliefs that the theists would want them to embrace?

A rational and reasonable answer would be welcomed.

I believe in reciprocity so will do my best as this may be the first time you phrase something I can speak to.
Thanks for not doing your usual.

An atheist would not give credence to such a concept because they would see it as immoral and FMPOV they would be correct.

That does not prevent Christians from trying to convert them to that noxious theology.

You do agree that it is a vile theology do you not?

I believe in reciprocity so will do my best as this may be the first time you phrase something I can speak to.
Thanks for not doing your usual.

An atheist would not give credence to such a concept because they would see it as immoral and FMPOV they would be correct.

That does not prevent Christians from trying to convert them to that noxious theology.

You do agree that it is a vile theology do you not?


Would be nice to be able to say that you are not "doing your usual" - but honesty demands discipline!

An atheist would not necessarily, "see it as immoral". An atheist may see it as possibly misguided behavior - but why must it be labeled immoral?

No, I cannot "agree that it is a vile theology"!
If you honestly believe it to be "a vile theology" - then you must have no qualms about using such perceived "vile theology" yourself!

Mr. Greatest I Am, all you seem to to is attack and rail against any and all theologies except your own. You offer no answers, no corrective actions and when called out on your own seemingly "vile behavior" - you resort to the same tactics and techniques that you rant and rail against when used by those that you perceive as "vile theologists".

BTW, Mr. Greatest I Am, you failed to rationally and reasonably answer my question!
You merely restated the irrational and unreasonable views of your OP!

Mr. Greatest I Am, if there are any "vile theologies" manifest in this reality - then your own seeming views/beliefs/actions would have to be included in any "listing or accounting" of such - would they not?

Mr. Greatest I Am, again, a rational and reasonable answer would be welcomed.
Then you should not have been so ignorant in asking.

I guess you like to be ignored without a chance of making your point.

Then you should not have been so ignorant in asking.

I guess you like to be ignored without a chance of making your point.


So...Mr. Greatest I Am, again you seem to resort to your own firmly established and "religiously followed", old, puerile, inane and self-imposed "vile theological personal tenets".

Mr. Greatest I Am, where is the aforementioned "reciprocity" that you stated in your Post #3, that you "believe in"?

Mr. Greatest I Am, would it not seem, by all your self-supplied evidence - that only those that are indeed chock full of the "vile theological personal tenets which include ignorance", could deign to exercise those "vile theological personal tenets which include ignorance" so often...

Mr. Greatest I Am, as I, dmoe, am Posting a rational, reasonable and fully logical summation to your Posts - I expect nothing more than your seeming self-proclaimed "ignorance" and "vile theologies" in response.

Or...Mr. Greatest I Am, should I say, your seemingly truly ignorant, puerile and inane non-response?
I have been chased by more eloquent insulters than your pathetic attempts. But hey. It's your rep. If you have nothing better to do with your time keep it up. I don't mind as it keeps my O Ps higher on the board.
Just don't ask for pay.


I have been chased by more eloquent insulters than your pathetic attempts. But hey. It's your rep. If you have nothing better to do with your time keep it up. I don't mind as it keeps my O Ps higher on the board.
Just don't ask for pay.



Mr. Greatest I Am, I am not trying to "insult" you. If you find the honest, reasonable and rational summation of your Posts and actions "insulting" - then you must be able to see who is truly exhibiting the "insulting" behavior.

So...Mr. Greatest I Am, you seem to suggest that you view this Forum as some sort of "ego-pleasing contest", in as much as you enjoy having your own "O Ps higher on the board."<(GIA's spelling!!)!!??

Such a petty reward for a deity of your "self-esteemed stature", is it not?

Mr. Greatest I Am, sorry that you feel that I am not one of your "more eloquent insulters" <(again, GIA's spelling!!).
Especially, since I was not trying to "insult" you at all! Nor would I feel any need to do so.
That you chose to find your own Posts and actions somehow "pathetic" and "insulting", Mr. Greatest I Am, is in and of itself a form of "self-enlightenment" that you have not deigned to expose in any of your prior Posts.

Do not fret, Mr. Greatest I Am, even deities of your "stature"?...seem to find acolytes in these Forums.

Again, Mr. Greatest I Am, I ask, where is the aforementioned "reciprocity" that you stated in your Post #3, that you "believe in"?
Unsupported premise.

It is supported by logic and reason but if you need more.

Deuteronomy 24:16 KJV
16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Note how God cannot put his son to death by asking for or accepting a ransom.

Do you think it good law to have children die before their parents?

It is supported by logic and reason but if you need more.

Deuteronomy 24:16 KJV
16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Note how God cannot put his son to death by asking for or accepting a ransom.

Do you think it good law to have children die before their parents?


I'm not sure but in those days they had the rule "a life for a life" or "Death for a Death" So if you killed me my friends would be justified in killing you.

But what I think that passage means is, if you killed me my friends would not be justified in killing your son, if for some reason they could not extract revenge on you.
No vendettas are allowed.
Every man shall be put to death for his own sin.
Deuteronomy 24:16 KJV
16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.

Jesus was not put to death for the sins of his father. He was put to death for the sins of men.

Try again.
No that is wrong. His charge was blasphemy. He called God his father so they killed him.

No, that would be Jesus dying for his own sin (blasphemy). If I called you god that does not accrue any guilt on you whatsoever, so the blasphemy would be mine alone.
No, that would be Jesus dying for his own sin (blasphemy). If I called you god that does not accrue any guilt on you whatsoever, so the blasphemy would be mine alone.
So what religion are you? and don't say Christian? Denomination pease?

He was accused of Blasphemy and when he called God his father in the trial well that sealed it. I still think you are wrong. But having views like that you might want to consider becoming an atheist, I think there would be more Hope for you.
So what religion are you? and don't say Christian? Denomination pease?

Not Christian, nor do I claim any religious affiliation.

He was accused of Blasphemy and when he called God his father in the trial well that sealed it. I still think you are wrong. But having views like that you might want to consider becoming an atheist, I think there would be more Hope for you.

It is obvious that you are not managing to keep up with the conversation in any sensible way. Go back and read the OP until you figure it out.
Jesus was not put to death for the sins of his father. He was put to death for the sins of men.

Try again.

Jesus was put to death because his father did not step up to fill the ransom he himself set of a barbaric blood sacrifice.
His father should have stepped up therefor Jesus died for his father's sin of demanding his death and allowing the justice he is supposed to represent accept a bribe.

You may think it just for judges to accept bribes but you would be wrong even if you would bend the rules for that vile God.

I have always thought the scapegoat concept of Jesus to be quite off-putting. I was raised Christian, but I never understood it.

As an adult, when I think about this its obvious that a good God would never be involved in such a scenario. However, there are a number of reasons why a pernicious or malevolently evil God might.

The larger more obvious (well important to me) question which never seems to get much attention is whether anybody has a great reason to think Jesus rose from the dead, or if it matters in terms of what he appeared to say about things given our epistemological situation / vantage point.

In any case, the traditionally accepted (by Christians) narrative about Jesus's death/resurrection makes no sense to me for a number of reasons theologically, ethically, historically, and scientifically...