Jesus Myth

I am Atheist.
I just want to ask, why there is no vivid historical record of Jesus the Nazareth in Roman history?
And, can the "lack of evidence" that Jesus existed be the evidence he did not exist?
There is plenty of evidence That Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, went to the toilet, had a man's body.....etc. also there is evidence that as a man he died and he is gone . His bones are somewhere shattered in Palestine .Oops...I forgot ...he was never a god and never a son of god. Huh...who is god anyway ? !.
M*W: That Roman philosopher was Flavius Josephus. He is credited as the one who documented Jesus Christ in his historical writings - The Jewish War, The Antiquities of The Jews, , and his Autobiography. And what did Josephus, apparently a non-Christian, reportedly have to say about Jesus Christ?

"There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call Him a man, for He was a doer of wonderful works. He was Christ. Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, condemned Him to the cross . He appeared to His followers alive again the third day."

This has long proven to be a forgery possibly by some early Christians.

No...some lines in it are forgeries. Not the majority of the document.

M*W: I did not mean to imply that Josephus's works in their entirety were forgeries. What I meant to say was that one of Josephus's work is believed to contain a paragraph or so about Jesus that is considered to be a forgery.

MW, you didn't imply that Josephus's works in their entirety were forgeries. You were very clear.
I am Atheist.
I just want to ask, why there is no vivid historical record of Jesus the nazareth in Roman history?
And, can the "lack of evidence" that Jesus existed be the evidence he did not exist?

Right, because Constantine had so much evidence! No, I'm serious: he had a statue, he had books, he had historians write things down.

Yup. Totally things Jesus didn't have

*Note: I'm not religious but seriously, there's no evidence that ANY body else existed!
No. That's an utterly preposterous assertion. There's nothing in the historical records of the man to make such a conclusion. Even the most embellished and dubious accounts of his life (the New Testament) do not indicate anything close to that assertion.

The New Testament is the ONLY account of his life & it omits many things. IF I believed it, I'd conclude I yet do not know whether he was married. It doesn't indicate he pissed either.

As there are so few men who do not marry, including religious leaders & radical revolutionists, I'd suspect he was married until I see good reason not to.

The Romans obviously were not going to promote Christianity and get good publicity. There was one roman philosopher and some sort of document keeper who wrote of jesus and his disciples who were executed, but many people claim he is a fake I dont remember properly.

There are NO contemporary records or references to Jesus or the Gospel events or people.

Isnt the bible itself a document?. considering it has been changed alot and translated back and forth a few times so it is innacurate and exxagerated and holds no truth other than being partly an actual written document recorded by eye witneses of jesus by word then written down by people who could write good after they had been told.

None of the NT books are written by any eye-witness to Jesus. We do not even have ONE authentic claim to have ever met Jesus (not counting the forged 2 Peter.)

Not one single authentic Christian writer claims to have personally met a historical Jesus.

John, luke, mathew, and all the disciples told of there meetings with Jesus and the testiments were made or omething along those lines.

No they didn't.
There is NOT ONE single claim in the Gospels to have met Jesus.
Not one.
The entire NT contains only ONE such claim - the forged 2 Peter.

The Gospels were anonymous writings - only in late 2nd century were they finally all named.

It's kind of like Lao Tzu was he really alive all we have are his teachings which we can read.. To all of the people who always post about jesus and the likes, what do you ever mention of his actual teachings?. what is more important arguing about a man or what a man stands for.peace.

If Jesus didn't exist, Christianity is false.


There is. The writings of Josephus quite clearly speak of a man named Jesus who preached around Galilee and Jerusalem, who had a brother named James, and was executed by crucifixion.

The T.F. in Josephus has been tampered with - it may even be a complete forgery. It gets Pilate's title wrong, and it gets Jesus name wrong (the Romans could not possibly have recorded him as "Jesus the Messiah".)

At best - Josephus is a corrupt passage repeating Christian beliefs - NOT evidence for Jesus at all, just evidence for BELIEF in Jesus.

Keep in mind, just because Jesus of Nazareth was a real person does not mean that he was divine or a messiah, nor does it mean that the New Testament is a reliable document of history. IMO, the guy was an apocalyptic loon, and the New Testament is heavily biased towards his views.

There is no hard evidence Jesus was a real person at all.


There is plenty of evidence That Jesus was a man who eat, drunk, slept, went to the toilet, had a man's body.....etc. also there is evidence that as a man he died and he is gone . His bones are somewhere shattered in Palestine .

Fantastic !

Please show us the evidence that Jesus ate and drank etc.
(Not religious beliefs and claims by later faithful believers though.)

Evidence that Jesus went to the toilet?

No Christian ever mentioned it.
Do you have a Holy Fossilised Turd of Jesus?


Fantastic !

Please show us the evidence that Jesus ate and drank etc.
(Not religious beliefs and claims by later faithful believers though.)

Evidence that Jesus went to the toilet?

No Christian ever mentioned it.
Do you have a Holy Fossilised Turd of Jesus?

Why would you expect there to be such bizarre amount of detail about a wandering Jewish preacher? You shouldn't expect there to be a lot of knowledge or record about him just because he existed. However, there is sufficient historical record to conclude that he lived, preached, and died in and around Galilee during the early 1st century CE.

And, no, just because you (for whatever reason) want Josephus' and Tacitus' commentaries to be forgeries doesn't magically make them so. Get over yourself.

Why on earth don't you quote who you are answering?
Makes it hard to figure out who you are responding to.

Why would you expect there to be such bizarre amount of detail about a wandering Jewish preacher?

I said no such thing.
Just pointing out the total LACK of hard evidence.
We DO have hard evidence for any ancient figures.
NOTHING for Jesus.

However, there is sufficient historical record to conclude that he lived, preached, and died in and around Galilee during the early 1st century CE.

A reasonable opinion.
But I don't share it.

And, no, just because you (for whatever reason) want Josephus' and Tacitus' commentaries to be forgeries doesn't magically make them so. Get over yourself.


Josephus is either corrupt or totally forged.
No scholars think it's 100% authentic anymore.
So, at BEST it's tampered with.

Tacitus - never said it was forged at all.
