Jesus Myth


Valued Senior Member
I am Atheist.
I just want to ask, why there is no vivid historical record of Jesus the nazareth in Roman history?
And, can the "lack of evidence" that Jesus existed be the evidence he did not exist?
so am i but i belive they found his name carved into whats belived to be his brothers coffin. Of course the age would need to be varifided (or has been and i just didnt see wether it was or not) but that seems to be SOME record of a person CALLED Jesus existing though that doesnt prove or disprove anything else
There were many Spanish people with the first name "Jesus" during the days of Roman control. So there was a Jesus back then for sure.
The Romans obviously were not going to promote Christianity and get good publicity. There was one roman philosopher and some sort of document keeper who wrote of jesus and his disciples who were executed, but many people claim he is a fake I dont remember properly.

Isnt the bible itself a document?. considering it has been changed alot and translated back and forth a few times so it is innacurate and exxagerated and holds no truth other than being partly an actual written document recorded by eye witneses of jesus by word then written down by people who could write good after they had been told.

John, luke, mathew, and all the disciples told of there meetings with Jesus and the testiments were made or omething along those lines. It's kind of like Lao Tzu was he really alive all we have are his teachings which we can read.. To all of the people who always post about jesus and the likes, what do you ever mention of his actual teachings?. what is more important arguing about a man or what a man stands for.

I am Atheist.
I just want to ask, why there is no vivid historical record of Jesus the nazareth in Roman history?
And, can the "lack of evidence" that Jesus existed be the evidence he did not exist?
M*W: Pretty much.
so am i but i belive they found his name carved into whats belived to be his brothers coffin. Of course the age would need to be varifided (or has been and i just didnt see wether it was or not) but that seems to be SOME record of a person CALLED Jesus existing though that doesnt prove or disprove anything else
M*W: I believe that ossuary has proved to be a fake.
The Romans obviously were not going to promote Christianity and get good publicity. There was one roman philosopher and some sort of document keeper who wrote of jesus and his disciples who were executed, but many people claim he is a fake I dont remember properly.
M*W: That Roman philosopher was Flavius Josephus. He is credited as the one who documented Jesus Christ in his historical writings - The Jewish War, The Antiquities of The Jews,
Against Apion
, and his Autobiography. And what did Josephus, apparently a non-Christian, reportedly have to say about Jesus Christ?

"There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call Him a man, for He was a doer of wonderful works. He was Christ. Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, condemned Him to the cross . He appeared to His followers alive again the third day."

This has long proven to be a forgery possibly by some early Christians.

Isnt the bible itself a document?. considering it has been changed alot and translated back and forth a few times so it is innacurate and exxagerated and holds no truth other than being partly an actual written document recorded by eye witneses of jesus by word then written down by people who could write good after they had been told.
M*W: The bible is a group of writings combined into one document as a 'bibliography'. It is rife with human error. The bible as a literary document can certainly be challenged and argued as with any work whether it is fiction or factual.
John, luke, mathew, and all the disciples told of there meetings with Jesus and the testiments were made or omething along those lines. It's kind of like Lao Tzu was he really alive all we have are his teachings which we can read. To all of the people who always post about jesus and the likes, what do you ever mention of his actual teachings? what is more important arguing about a man or what a man stands for.
M*W: The gospels were titled Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, but they were probably not written by men with these names. Just this morning I was reading about comparisons between the ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages, more specifically about pharaohnic titles and how they ended up being Hebrew and Greek names. John has always been associated with being exiled to the island of Patmos where he allegedly wrote Revelation. However, Patmos is easily translated to Ptah-mos, who was a lesser known pharaoh (or a pharaoh with another name), probably from the late 18th or early 19th Dynasties.

Whether a book has been written as a holy text allegedly inspired by a diety, or as a novel for pure entertainment, there is a message or a moral to be found.
I am Atheist.
I just want to ask, why there is no vivid historical record of Jesus the nazareth in Roman history?
There is. The writings of Josephus quite clearly speak of a man named Jesus who preached around Galilee and Jerusalem, who had a brother named James, and was executed by crucifixion. Keep in mind, just because Jesus of Nazareth was a real person does not mean that he was divine or a messiah, nor does it mean that the New Testament is a reliable document of history. IMO, the guy was an apocalyptic loon, and the New Testament is heavily biased towards his views.

This has long proven to be a forgery possibly by some early Christians.
No...some lines in it are forgeries. Not the majority of the document.
Any evidence that the Bible's Jesus can be divine, Son of God?
I read thru many encyclopedia, they all say Jesus is a Jesus of Faith, the historical Jesus can not be verified since no reliable record of him.
Whether the story in Gospels is true, we cant be sure, it is purely story, highly fabricated by men out of imagination and hearsay.
MW would you care to post any evidence of that?
im not nessarly disputing you but i would like to see because that find really interested me
Any evidence that the Bible's Jesus can be divine, Son of God?
I read thru many encyclopedia, they all say Jesus is a Jesus of Faith, the historical Jesus can not be verified since no reliable record of him.
Whether the story in Gospels is true, we cant be sure, it is purely story, highly fabricated by men out of imagination and hearsay.

This ought to clear things up for you.
MW would you care to post any evidence of that?
im not nessarly disputing you but i would like to see because that find really interested me
M*W: Are you talking about the forgeries in Josephus's work about Jesus? Just trying to clarify.
No, this is a christian site that is biased towards christianity and disproves whatever contrary to their faith.

Yarg. Not only that, it's an Evangelical, Fundamentalist Protestant website. They list "Roman Catholicism" in their "other cults" page, along with Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Islam, Christian Science, Buddhism, "The Occult" (as if it were a single monolithic system :confused: ), Freemasony, and...Secular Humanism, of all things.

The operator of that site is quite whacked, IMO.
I believe that Jesus character was plagiarized form other older mythologies.

Meh. That site is utter crap. Regurgitated "zeitgeist" garbage.

For instance, few of the claims about Osiris and Horus have any basis in ancient texts that I've ever seen. I can find website after website that states things like "Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Merion December 25 in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men," but you never see any mention of a primary source.

Osiris and Isis were siblings: the first son and daughter of Geb and Nut. Osirus succeeded Geb as king of Egypt and took Isis, his sister, as his queen and consort. Together, they had a child: Horus. Many, many hieroglyphic texts tell this story. Not a single one I've seen mentions a virgin birth in a manger on December 25th.

That's not to say there aren't some cross-cultural similarities between the mythical Jesus and other cult leaders, gods, and demi-gods in Near Eastern societies of antiquity. There are many. The most detailed account of Osiris, Isis, Horus (and other Egyptian gods) -or what ancient Egyptians believed about these gods, comes from Plutarch, who says:
And as they term the Nile the efflux of Osiris, so they hold and esteem the earth for the body of Isis; and not all of it either, but that part only which the Nile, as it were, leaps over, and thereby impregnates and mixes with it. And by this amorous congress they produce Horus.