Jesus is the only way to salvation??


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
How come Christians (and perhaps some others) hold that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that following no other person or way or means can lead to salvation?
Whence this exclusiveness?
Jesus said so.

John 14
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Matthew 28
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus said so.

John 14
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Matthew 28
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Has it occured to you that Jesus, if he existed, might have been nuts ? Yet another false prophet.
How come Christians (and perhaps some others) hold that Jesus is the only way to salvation, and that following no other person or way or means can lead to salvation?
Whence this exclusiveness?

By asserting people actually need salvation, the endless circular argument of salvation exists.

Maybe, no one needs salvation?
Sheep. You've heard of lost sheep ? For Muslims read lost camels !

Hmm, is that a dromedary? Considering Jesus' life goals, it would appear contradictory to his personal beliefs to lay down such conditions for salvation. After all, anyone willing to take on everyone else's suffering is hardly consonant with someone holding very high and mighty views of himself. This is more reflective of the philanthropists of today, who send teddy bears to make a statement about their beliefs and pat themselves on the back for their "achievements".
Based on my experience here, atheists are slaves to empiricism. Empiricism is limited by consensus. It would be a complete waste of a life to live it tied down to other people's views of what you see.
Empiricism is limited by consensus. It would be a complete waste of a life to live it tied down to other people's views of what you see.

Lies and fabrications on your part are thinly veiled, Sam.

But then, you're tied down by medieval cult doctrines, which are exactly "other peoples views of what you see."

And you? You have no concepts except those by consensus. Independent thinking indeed.
Based on my experience here, atheists are slaves to empiricism. Empiricism is limited by consensus. It would be a complete waste of a life to live it tied down to other people's views of what you see.

Empiricism isn't watching my every move, isn't going to throw me into a fiery hell, isn't going to insight me to war, isn't going to get me soliciting door to door conversions, isn't going to get me to degrade women, etc.
Empiricism isn't watching my every move, isn't going to throw me into a fiery hell, isn't going to insight me to war, isn't going to get me soliciting door to door conversions, isn't going to get me to degrade women, etc.

So not a true believer then. What a surprise.
Hmm, is that a dromedary? Considering Jesus' life goals, it would appear contradictory to his personal beliefs to lay down such conditions for salvation. After all, anyone willing to take on everyone else's suffering is hardly consonant with someone holding very high and mighty views of himself. This is more reflective of the philanthropists of today, who send teddy bears to make a statement about their beliefs and pat themselves on the back for their "achievements".

To be honest , you give me the hump. We don't even know whether Jesus existed. As far as suffering is concerned, just look at the state of the world and ask yourself whether there is a loving Christian god. I am not interested in discussing this well worn topic.

For specific examples of suffering , look at the fanatical stoning and beheadings carried out in the name of Islam by proper Muslims, as opposed to idiots who do things in the name of Islam.

We have more respect for Muslims here than they have for each other. We have safe houses for young Muslim girls who are in fear of their lives for simply wanting to go their own way.
To be honest , you give me the hump. We don't even know whether Jesus existed. As far as suffering is concerned, just look at the state of the world and ask yourself whether there is a loving Christian god. I am not interested in discussing this well worn topic.

For specific examples of suffering , look at the fanatical stoning and beheadings carried out in the name of Islam by proper Muslims, as opposed to idiots who do things in the name of Islam.

We have more respect for Muslims here than they have for each other. We have safe houses for young Muslim girls who are in fear of their lives for simply wanting to go their own way.

This is not a discussion on Islam is it? Why did you feel as if you had to insert Muslims into your post? By the by, there was a time when people were escaping to Muslim lands to escape the horrors of secular policies. The influence of said secular policies has been very damaging to Muslim cultures. As I have mentioned before, stoning was unknown before the 18th century and the heaviest punishment given for apostasy was a fine.
And you? You have no concepts except those by consensus. Independent thinking indeed.

You will never understand what I am about to tell you but I shall say it anyway for the possible benefit of others. I became an atheist as a result of using my reason, uninfluenced by anyone else. You are as you arew because of your background.

I am an individual, not a member of some putative atheists' club, which only exists in your indoctrinated mind.
This is not a discussion on Islam is it? Why did you feel as if you had to insert Muslims into your post?

So, inserting Stalin into your posts, ad nauseum, is perfectly acceptable, when there isn't a discussion about Stalin?

Fucking hypocrite.
You will never understand what I am about to tell you but I shall say it anyway for the possible benefit of others. I became an atheist as a result of using my reason, uninfluenced by anyone else. You are as you arew because of your background.

I am an individual, not a member of some putative atheists' club, which only exists in your indoctrinated mind.

As a non-member of a non-club, what are you defending here? Your non-beliefs? :D