Jesus claimed to be God, so did Jesus exist, and was he a liar or lunatic?

Thanks Avatar, next time one of you shithead theist says some quote is "out of context" when applied by an atheist I'm say exactly the same. *What a moronic and empty thing to say*
But you made your "argument" with absolutely no premises, i.e., it was supported by nothing! Of course, then your argument is totally empty. No logical person would have made such an argument with a thought of being taken seriously, hence "moronic".

Besides I'm not a theist, I study world mythologies. An anthropologist, really.
Alas your argument really did sound like coming from a man of faith, you wanted me to believe your word without stating any supportive facts.

p.s. Do you think that any person who quotes the Bible is a theist? If so, then your inductive skills are really not something to be proud of.
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Avatar what argument? I made a "moronic" statement as a sarcastic way of saying the sentences were cut and paste out of the bible without any further "evidence" to validate who even said it!
It seems though that you didn't read what else I wrote and just replied to some quotes you saw.
Here, for those having an attention disorder:
Avatar said:
Jesus could have said these words, but maybe he didn't, but that is of no importance, because according to the christian doctrine he said them.

p.s. One of those quotes was not from the Bible.
It was a sarcastic JOKE pendejo!! get over it. Dont drown on a glass of fucking water!