jesus christ is god

hi myriad360. thanks.
i'm not that religious, i'm a more bolts and nuts guy. but if god had of made me any different, then that's what i would be. don't under- estimate the power of god, but accept the world as a learning curve: i would like to know everything, but to me that's an eternity.
i agree with u about religion, it can be a killer, but notice how much more liberal and enlightened the world today, including the church. i think we are reaching a far more sensible age of civilization- look at the value of a western soldier today compared with ww11- but not that it's doing much to stop wars, killings, famines, poverty, pollution, squander, the like. it's actually the 'light' of jesus the west has today, just most people don't see it.
i believe there is a place for all cultures and faiths, arts and sciences- but only god can bring salvation from a duped and dying world- (and he may do this in many ways unbeknown to each and everyone of us).
Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by firingseeds
well first, there is no logic with god.

No wonder the Pope will fail a comprehensive math test to test the existence of God: God is illogical.

Originally posted by Red Devil
Logic and Science both dictate that - there can be no such thing as a "god". ... that exists exclusively in their realm.
Originally posted by Red Devil
Logic and Science both dictate that - there can be no such thing as a "god".

Science has its roots in general philosophy, which is based on general assumptions that only deal with the visible world.
In that, it is limited.

It's well known that our Logic cannot be used prove the existence of God, because it simply cannot deal with anything that is outside of the visible world.

To say "God exists" and apply the logic we are accustomed to makes no sense, because this statement cannot be falsified.

To say that to believe in God is illogical is therefor an illogical statement.

If logic can't define it, the science built on that logic will not discover it. Logic simply does not apply.

Science and logic can only be used to validate things that are in the physical realm, the information we recieve through our 5 senses.

God, as the Bible says, lives in world outside of human (earthly) perception. One cannot demand evidence for God's existence
based on reasoning that deals with objects so much smaller than God Himself.

Our intelligence may very well be limited. Who can proof by human reasoning that a form exists, a state of being that is beyond our intellectual grasp? It may well be that this form is too complex for human intelligence to discover.
This world and our (human) race is characterised by imperfection.
If a being exists who is PERFECT, without flaw or imperfection, what could we, in our inferiority do to find it through the reasoning that is indicative to our state of imperfection?

Why couldn't it be so that things exist that human eyes cannot see, or human ears cannot hear?

It would be foolish to conclude that since we cannot sense it with our bodily functions, our senses, objects outside of that spectrum DO NOT exist.

Humans can only believe in things they cannot scientifically prove, if they no longer rely on that science as if it were unflawed. It is wellknown that science eventually has no proof. It has only conclusions. Which are incomplete most of the time.

Personal experience is the evidence required in matters of things science cannot prove.
God is - thanks for your interesting post. At least it wasn't full of biblical quotes!! :D
Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by firingseeds
hi wisdom.
GOD IS ONE...... 1 tim. 2:5. for god is one, and there is but one mediator between god and humanity, jesus christ, himself human.
( akjv ) for there is one god, and one mediator between god and men, the man christ jesus.

If this were true, the omnipotent God, in his infinite wisdom, would have created only one religion which may or may not have been Xianity. But, since God didn't create religion, man created religions, that's why there are a bunch of conflicting religions out there.

If Jesus ever really lived, which many believe he did not, then it makes no sense at all that this one person would be sent to Earth to die for all humankind. God, in his infinite wisdom, could save the human race all by himself if it were necessary.

Therefore, humans don't need a third party to step in and save them from the sins of the world. Humans don't need salvation. As human beings, we have been given the seal of 'approval' by our Creator (the Spirit within us) to be here alive in the flesh to carry the Spirit of God over the Earth. We are not the condemned race of Judeo-Xian belief. We are One with God and interconnected to all creation. We certainly don't need to be saved from this spiritual mission we are on! That would defeat God's purpose for our lives.

Individuals who perceive the need for any kind of salvation from this life are directly denying the Spirit of God within them for the purpose they were meant for on Earth! If that's not the loss of eternal life, I don't know what is.

Jesus was attributed to having said, "the kingdom of God is within you." That is your salvation.
Re: Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
If this were true, the omnipotent God, in his infinite wisdom, would have created only one religion which may or may not have been Xianity. But, since God didn't create religion, man created religions, that's why there are a bunch of conflicting religions out there.

Exactly. I propose to speak in terms of "followers of", instead of "Religions". Christians strive to follow "in the footsteps of" Jesus, not be part of a big scheme.

If Jesus ever really lived, which many believe he did not,

This is a remarkable statement. On what information do these people base their belief that the person Jesus (of whom the Bible speaks) never existed?
I think that historians throughout time confirm that it would be silly to disregard all the information about this person, by saying He never existed. Although it cannot be scientifically proven that Jesus DID exist, there is SO much historical evidence that makes it VERY credible to assume He did.
People who do not believe that the person Jesus existed must be basing their belief on poor information, or on emotion.

If Jesus ever really lived, which many believe he did not,
then it makes no sense at all that this one person would be sent to Earth to die for all humankind. God, in his infinite wisdom, could save the human race all by himself if it were necessary.

If what Jesus said is true, He IS God. So He did save the human race by Himself. Perhaps it was a requirement that a sacrifice of this order had to be made, as in paying a debt?

Therefore, humans don't need a third party to step in and save them from the sins of the world. Humans don't need salvation. As human beings, we have been given the seal of 'approval' by our Creator (the Spirit within us) to be here alive in the flesh to carry the Spirit of God over the Earth. We are not the condemned race of Judeo-Xian belief. We are One with God and interconnected to all creation. We certainly don't need to be saved from this spiritual mission we are on! That would defeat God's purpose for our lives.
Individuals who perceive the need for any kind of salvation from this life are directly denying the Spirit of God within them for the purpose they were meant for on Earth! If that's not the loss of eternal life, I don't know what is.

Jesus was attributed to having said, "the kingdom of God is within you." That is your salvation.

These statements sound like the doctrine of a particular type of religion. Or an opinion.
Please explain what it means that:
- Humans do not need to be saved from sin
- Humans don't need salvation
- Humans are not the condemned race Jews and Christians say they are
- Humans are given "the seal of approval" by their Creator.
- Who is this "Spirit within us"
- Why does this spirit want to be carried across the earth through humans
- What is God's purpose for our lives
- What is the purpose 'we' are meant for on Earth
Re: Re: Re: true wisdom

Originally posted by God_IS
Exactly. I propose to speak in terms of "followers of", instead of "Religions". Christians strive to follow "in the footsteps of" Jesus, not be part of a big scheme.
This is a remarkable statement. On what information do these people base their belief that the person Jesus (of whom the Bible speaks) never existed?
I think that historians throughout time confirm that it would be silly to disregard all the information about this person, by saying He never existed. Although it cannot be scientifically proven that Jesus DID exist, there is SO much historical evidence that makes it VERY credible to assume He did.
People who do not believe that the person Jesus existed must be basing their belief on poor information, or on emotion.
If what Jesus said is true, He IS God. So He did save the human race by Himself. Perhaps it was a requirement that a sacrifice of this order had to be made, as in paying a debt?
These statements sound like the doctrine of a particular type of religion. Or an opinion.
Please explain what it means that:
- Humans do not need to be saved from sin
- Humans don't need salvation
- Humans are not the condemned race Jews and Christians say they are
- Humans are given "the seal of approval" by their Creator.
- Who is this "Spirit within us"
- Why does this spirit want to be carried across the earth through humans
- What is God's purpose for our lives
- What is the purpose 'we' are meant for on Earth

Welcome to sciforums! I believe I have given the explanations within my statement. If you need further clarification, please look up my previous posts where I have explained my beliefs in depth.
The sermons are profound

I just read the one on Gen X and Kurt Cobain. Whoa. Truth

The satirical part is well done. This guy may be spoofing Jesus but he is very articulate and intelligent in his observations and commentary on life. Glad I happened to stumble upon it and browse it over without pre-judging it.
the essense of the gospel is this: jesus is eternal- if we accept the teachings of lord jesus, then we too become eternal spirits.
it is thru this gift of eternal life that god's grace is seen and given- and without condemnation, becoz' there is no condemnation in christ.
faith is what satan will attempt to hide from us- salvation in the name of jesus

Originally posted by firingseeds
the essense of the gospel is this: jesus is eternal- if we accept the teachings of lord jesus, then we too become eternal spirits.

First, the gospels were commissioned to be written by Saul/Paul as 'advertising' for his new business venture--Xianity. They were written long, long after Jesus was out of the picture. Saul/Paul never new Jesus and didn't even live at the same time! Jesus may have been a historical person, but this is debatable. His deity is a myth, however, which was propagated by Saul/Paul for personal gain. We are already spiritual beings. We were in spirit form before coming into our bodies. We are now spiritual beings with a body. The spirit in us is the spirit we share with our Creator. Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with the creation or development of our spiritual nature.

it is thru this gift of eternal life that god's grace is seen and given- and without condemnation, becoz' there is no condemnation in christ.

That is because Jesus was merely a human being. The whole salvation thing is a lie.

faith is what satan will attempt to hide from us- salvation in the name of jesus

Faith is a gift to us by our Creator. Again, Jesus had nothing to do with our having faith. Faith is a very personal thing between each of us and our understanding of our Creator. The idea of Satan may have been around in pre-Biblical times (i.e. Book of Enoch), but Satan didn't become popular until Saul/Paul created the idea of a 'savior.'

The biggest lie of all is Xianity. It saddens me to see people like you still believing the lie, and then trying to force feed it to the rest of us! It also irritates me that Xians waste space on this religion forum when most of the posters here are intelligent, thought-provoking, literate individuals who have something to offer the rest of us. Sadly, you and your fellow Xians do not.

medicine* woman

i repeat the teaching for our benevolence- which comes 1st- truth or charity?
nothing u have is scientifically proven, either! can my soul be trusted to your salvation?
and yes, god's grace covers all mankind
u are lost, woman.