jesus christ is god

well...i might have understood tis wrong...and if i am...i ask u guyz to forgive me for my mistake.

anyways, its true that the bible have been written by four men. also how can everyone believe in the crucifixion, when only one man has experienced the so called "rise of christ." was it just becuz he has sworn on his life that millions of ppl believe him today. How can the bible be the word of god when it has been written by humans. Humans are all capable of making mistakes and and also the bible have been through SEVERE changes...infact it has gone through so many that we cant even go back to see what the original scripture has looked like or what the real msg for christianity was.

nice to seeya. i don't really know how many people wrote the bible etc, but in the end it doesn't really matter. it's what u believe! but first u have to read it- all of it- then judge it for yourself. my own experience is that the old and new testaments are the holy words of god. i don't believe there are any deep flaws in the akjv but some translations are flawed.
i don't believe anyboby unless i see it for myself, or experience it for myself. even when science states things to be fact i don't believe it until i know it works etc. (i don't think science even fully understands how some things work, but they work, so it must be right, sort of thing).
god is spirit and below this image of flesh lies the real person, and the real soul, majed. god is deep.
god bless u,majed. u take good care, ya hear.
red devil

i follow what i see not what some idiot reckons from why back old rome. i don't even know the "creed", apart from the shell of it. i believe u'll find the guts of it in the post i left for jdawg; and i would say this version is a little more refined.
u are as bad as anyone, labelling everything to groups- they say this, they say that; who gives a shit what they say?
do u guys realize that this world today is just good old modern rome. take away all the modern trimmings and what has changed? that huge army that was in the field just recently was just a modern day roman army.
if u seek after wisdom, u will find it; and if u don't, what then do u think u will find?
do u know that the world is dead? that if u see the light u are no longer dead? very simple process.
Re: Re: true wisdom


God is illogical and therefore unfounded in a rational world.
The very idea is flawed in its most basic premises.


Yes, but this universe is a very irrational place (pi, turbulence), so God could exist (althought I very much doubt this). I think maybe our universe is actually very logical, just too extensive for our minds right now, and that something representing a God could exist within ourselves, or between each other, or links us altogether. Energy could be the link between science and spirituality. As far as Jesus being god, I think he was a zit on God's face and someone popped him... we are all imperfect but still could be part of something larger.

hi, just a short note.
beneath this clothing of flesh every living being has a spirit. god is spirit. this flesh is but an image of the real, real thing. that's what genesis means- made in his image. the kingdom of heaven is spirit, the kingdom of man- or satan- is flesh, or the five senses, if ya like.
jesus is the be all and end all of all living things. this isn't a guideline, this is a law. start from that point, and u will never look back. god is truly hidden from the eyes of the ignorant.
ecclesiastes 10:7. i have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. (kinda showing the state of a fucked up earth).
Re: myriad360

Originally posted by firingseeds
hi, just a short note.
beneath this clothing of flesh every living being has a spirit. god is spirit. this flesh is but an image of the real, real thing. that's what genesis means- made in his image. the kingdom of heaven is spirit, the kingdom of man- or satan- is flesh, or the five senses, if ya like.
jesus is the be all and end all of all living things. this isn't a guideline, this is a law. start from that point, and u will never look back. god is truly hidden from the eyes of the ignorant.
ecclesiastes 10:7. i have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. (kinda showing the state of a fucked up earth).

I personally agree that there may be an energy within a human body, almost casting a field of energy. But it makes more sense to me in a scientific explanation than spiritual... thus my thesis 'energy is the link between science and spirituality'. I do not agree with faith in any way compared to spirituality. What human spirit means to one person can, in perfect nature, mean absolutely nothing to another person. If everyone persued there true religion, there would be a different one for everyone. I think people just give up thinking about and allow someone else's answeres to fill the void. Some of the most ignorant people I have met were so rapped up in their religion that they failed many moral and did not do the right thing except in the eyes of their religion... it didn't help anything. But they still found there god. ?

the only true god is the father of jesus, and the god of genisis. to each our own, we are all different. yes, i agree with what u said, but at least there's a standard, or guideline, to go by. the pagans had free for all, that's why they received the message of the one true god- thru the gospel of jesus christ- about the god of israel. (now, i reckon thats worked pretty well, so far. wouldn't u think? )
now, that may sound like hogwash, but it's a good position (something like a rock) to base a perception upon.
without the knowledge of the bible i couldn't testify to the fact that, i reckon, the speed of light is spiritual, so that qualifies me to avoid rationale in physics, and understand what physics is for- measurement. now, i didn't read that in the dictionary, i just made it up. (yeah, i checked, it's correct)
science is good, and has it's uses, but god is a bit above basic science. philosophical and physical science's are both science's in their own right.

science is also about reason.
The only true god etc etc.............

But there is no god so how can there be "the only true etc etc

We each have our own beliefs, on whatever parallel. but to INSIST that everything is made by; caused by a "god" is hypocritical.......
red devil

god's wisdom is superior to anything the world has to offer. if someone wants to live with it's head in the sand, that also is ok. i personally love knowledge, and with god there is a great induction of knowledge, and (bible quote) only fools despise knowledge and instruction. but then, i just realized, u are comparing yourself to god, like your wisdom is equal. i don't think so.
proverbs 2:6 for the lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
remember: god loves u.

nor do i mean to sound hypercritical, but if ya only fed shit, what will u produce, if not more shit. at least u get a bit of light in that dark tunnel: wait until u turn your own light on.
firingseeds: Firstly and foremost I respect you and your opinions; not that I have to agree with them but you still are entitled to your opinion. Am I comparing myself to someone I believe does not exist? Hardly ;)
just a small point.
with god u control the five senses, the five senses don't control u. u say, i wanna get angry, anger doesn't control the event, u do.
just a small glimpse of the lord's raw power, or wisdom:
u see an event. u meditate the extremes, either way, u centralise, and hey presto, u have central position, or, if u like, neutrality. by observing the extremes of an event, one can improve one's perception, or improve one's understanding of an understated or overstated cause of reason. man is like an animal, so's he can't think that way, so give a poor man power and watch him operate- or even function at optimum. the whole world's god's , we just don't see him- other forces operate, but god's promise is, that he/we will overcome. the world has strategies also, (and they're good!) and they work, but god's (himself) ways are superior.
centralization is automation, so's no self enters the equation, hence pure. many years of bible study, tho, for one to trust on pure instinct- and to even trust a judgement. god is also about trust, probably the hardest opponent to overcome- (it is a spiritual war!).
hope these things help. this example is for visualization purposes only. please do not try at home. i was gonna emoticon, but i promised free cycle i would try to appear less humorous, and less impactive
cheers- and if u trust in god completely, in the name of jesus christ, u will gain more understanding, and peace. and if have those qualities already, god bless u.

living words
from scrambling words
into the brain
the living words
from god remain.
- gardenerschild

basic training is also a strategy
america's strategy is awesome.
2 Bible passages that i didn't hear much of back when i was a Catholic:

"If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions." - Jesus (Matthew 6:14-15)

"Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." - Jesus (Matthew 7:1-2)
Dear Firingseeds,
I don't mean to impinge on your creative style, i only felt that such emoticons removed a degree of seriousness from a discussion, as if to show disregard.
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Well, firingseed, I must admire that you seem religious but not fanatical. Those seem hand in hand all too much these days. The fact of the matter I feel is that everyone has their different beliefs, and they always will. Some beleifs will fall closer to accecptable than others, depending upon the person. The thing we all need to start understanding is none of us are right or wrong, we believe what is right for ourselves. I can't really preach any one religion not only because I believe in what is good (to me) in every religion, but also because I see no reason to preach. If 'God' had intended to enlighten everyone with an experience I had, he would have let others feel the same thing. Basic science does not really compare to any theory of good, that is true. But basic science hardly even explains our modern world. That is why people have kept asking the question 'Why?' - the seek a deeper knowledge of the world around them, and religion tends to run out of answeres. 'Why did "God" make the world round?' 'Because.' That simply is not a good enough answere for most, and the scienctifc community has had a better reputation in telling us why. To have faith in something is not set yourself up to believe in lies, because you usually don't just have faith in your belief. You have faith in the words of the pastor, and many have relized that this gives them a position of power. Scary yes, but 95% of humans have had a religion, and that power has led to many wars. I think to stop asking the question 'Why?' could put you on the front line of a army of murder bearing a symbol of peace (the crusades bearing the cross, for example). It is indeed a free enough world to posess your own belief... but be careful where your sermons are placed and how you do it, because a following can be as dangerous as a stanpeed of wild animals. It only takes one leader to lead the flock astray.
yeah, hi lykan,
i remember when i used to hate my enemies, and it was awfully dark, so's i've seen the light- i found a much better way.
as for judging, well, i only deal to people that treat me badly; things can go straight thru one ear and out the other with me.
praise the lord!