jesus camp

Says who? Thats Paul's idea...which wasnt even established as an official pillar of catholicism until many centuries later when it became the 'doctrine of atonement'.

Jesus himself never said any such thing.

And its clear from his last words that he was expecting God to save him from the cross.

Say's who?? Says every dang church I have ever been in. :confused: Every one. Every bible camp, every youth group, every bible study...Everything!
He was expecting God to take him, not let it drag on and on.
Hey guys! Lets I know how to beat the damn satanist Muslims (yes christens think this, and its very dangerous) lets OUT fanaticism them. Lets beat them by becoming Fundamental Fucktards! It'll work, trust me, god tells me stuff in my head!

Now that I'm done with that rant....
Children need to be out playing and having fun, not worrying about saving there souls, even reasonable Christens should understand this. We are creating mindless slaves that will never amount to anything besides an angry preacher or a child molesting priest (I over exaggerate ) Lets instead of corrupting there minds as soon as we can, let them view the world, and let them make up their own mind. We will create a place of greater tolerance and a people of greater enlightenment and brightness that this nation, no this Earth needs.
I have more faith in these kids than you. They are far from mindless slaves, they are sincere, sensitive, and creative people who's talents are being wasted. I do not agree that their path is set in life.
I saw this film and found it really disturbing. Especially when it shows how the kids are homeschooled and the parents completely warp the science curriculum so that it is a bunch of propaganda for the Christian church. Scary. These kids are so sheltered that they can't even make informed decisions for themselves on whether they want to believe in Christ or not. And when they get so riled up and agitated by the adults they're actually collapsing and speaking in tongues??? WTF! These are CHILDREN...not God's Warriors or whatever the hell they call them. I think everyone has a right to their own religious beliefs and freedoms...but what these people are doing to these children is taking away that right.
Jesus is about good deeds, wise choices and open love. I think he would be appalled if he saw people worshiping his name and not his sacrifice. Worshiping his face and not his good deeds. There is a difference between worship and idolizing. "Idol" implies mindless love of images. True worship implies following the good example of all great teachers. Of course, it is one thing to claim such, it is another to do such.

Advise and do.

Of course, believing in Jesus does not mean we can just shamelessly do evil and expect to be saved, it means to do good as much as you know how, then Jesus will "put your soul in the bleach."