jesus camp

I havent seen the movie.

But I'd be interested to know how Jesus is portrayed to these kids by the leadership.

Is it the sunday school hippie Jesus...who loves everybody?

Or is it the biblical Jesus...who spent most of his time condemning the vast majority of humanity?
Biblical. Totally.

The saddest part is these kids are all excited about their summer camp with their friends, and then the opening ceremony starts, and the bitch goddess comes out and goes on and on about how all they are sinners and some of the kids start crying. Break 'em down then build them up, the KGB couldn't do any better.
Biblical. Totally.

The saddest part is these kids are all excited about their summer camp with their friends, and then the opening ceremony starts, and the bitch goddess comes out and goes on and on about how all they are sinners and some of the kids start crying. Break 'em down then build them up, the KGB couldn't do any better.
Actually it's comparable to boot camp for soldiers in how they break them down in order to build them up. I'm not disagreeing with that particular system but it's generally frowned upon when you do the same to children.
And this is the loon giving spiritual advice and guidance to the president every week????????? :eek:
There is something of an embedded contradiction in sending innocent children to Christian Camps.

Not having had the opportunity to sin a great deal, why would they much care about a Religion that primarily worries about Forgiveness of Sin.

So, to make their point, these Camps indoctrinate these kids with the notion that they are INHERENTLY EVIL. They are taught ORIGINAL SIN. They are made to believe that whether they had ever sinned or not, it is only a matter of time.

Is this positive?

Then there is problem of having all these kids being told that they can resort to a Religious Mechanism for allaying all guilt and moral responsibility. The Christain Doctrine of Salvation is mostly Satanic for those who appreciate it. After all, who benefits most from the Forgiveness of Sins than Satan. Yes, the simple-minded and stupid kids will never put 2 and 2 together to discern that Christain Salvation amounts a Licence to Sin, but the kids who are clever enough to do any damage, they will figure it out.

Its the History of Protestantism, isn't it. What IS Protestantism but the application of Sin for Profit? and it is Christian Salvation that makes this Sin Forgiveable.

Do we really need to send our Kids to Camps so they can be instructed in Excuses for being Evil?
Not surprised. Bush's policies are mostly based on faith, rather than facts.

No, this is not taking this administration seriously. They know what they are doing. They lies about their reasons. But I see them accomplishing their goals in the real world. There are many advantages to the long term problems they are having in Iraq. More money is transferred from taxpayers to corporate friends, for example. A continuous military presence. And they can dump a mess on a Democratic president, at worst.

They are dealing with facts. They are just not saying them.
Dear Grantywanty,

yes, you do have a point. The Republicans say that the Government is the Enemy when they are not in Office, and when they get into office, without saying so directly, they ACT in every way to sabotage and ruin Government.

Reagon before him and now Little Baby Bush probably think they are doing the World a favor by destroying their Government.

But it should really be treated as treason.
Dear Grantywanty,

yes, you do have a point. The Republicans say that the Government is the Enemy when they are not in Office, and when they get into office, without saying so directly, they ACT in every way to sabotage and ruin Government.

Reagon before him and now Little Baby Bush probably think they are doing the World a favor by destroying their Government.

But it should really be treated as treason.

I agree.
If we think of them as bumpkins diconnected from reality we are not noticing how effective they are. Goals are being achieved. Reagan is seeping into all of Europe's systems even after his death. They say silly things based on bs. They do that because it works. It passes muster as a tool.
Then there is problem of having all these kids being told that they can resort to a Religious Mechanism for allaying all guilt and moral responsibility. The Christain Doctrine of Salvation is mostly Satanic for those who appreciate it. After all, who benefits most from the Forgiveness of Sins than Satan.
Forgiveness through the miracle of blood sacrifice.

I've always asked Christians...'why do you WANT someone else to suffer for YOUR transgressions?'
Because Jesus is like GI Joe going into battle to save you from evil. The self sacrifice and heroics are awe inspiring. How could people not love and revere him?
Because Jesus is like GI Joe going into battle to save you from evil. The self sacrifice and heroics are awe inspiring. How could people not love and revere him?
Wheres the heroic self sacrifice?

"My God...why have you forsaken me?"

Do you love and revere someone by worshiping his crucification???
Jesus died so man's tarnished soul could get into heaven. He died for us. He died in great pain and agony. Heroic self sacrifice.
Jesus died so man's tarnished soul could get into heaven. He died for us. He died in great pain and agony. Heroic self sacrifice.
Says who? Thats Paul's idea...which wasnt even established as an official pillar of catholicism until many centuries later when it became the 'doctrine of atonement'.

Jesus himself never said any such thing.

And its clear from his last words that he was expecting God to save him from the cross.