jesus camp


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
yeah i just watched the first 15 mintutes of this movie and it was some of the most disturbing tv i have ever seen i just want to know from someone who has seen it does it stay like that through out
as someone who went to Bible Camp as a child and was filled with the holy spirit, I have to say yes. One of my son's 17 yr old classmates was asked what he wanted to do when he graduated. "I want to preach the word of the Lord and find a good christian wife"
Some christian churches are very much like cults.
I thought it was a good movie. These kids are bright and sincere. It's a shame their intelligence is being shunted into a narrow ideological perspective, but maybe they'll grow out of it.
Hey guys! Lets I know how to beat the damn satanist Muslims (yes christens think this, and its very dangerous) lets OUT fanaticism them. Lets beat them by becoming Fundamental Fucktards! It'll work, trust me, god tells me stuff in my head!

Now that I'm done with that rant....
Children need to be out playing and having fun, not worrying about saving there souls, even reasonable Christens should understand this. We are creating mindless slaves that will never amount to anything besides an angry preacher or a child molesting priest (I over exaggerate ) Lets instead of corrupting there minds as soon as we can, let them view the world, and let them make up their own mind. We will create a place of greater tolerance and a people of greater enlightenment and brightness that this nation, no this Earth needs.
Jesus camp was one of the most disturbing things I have seen in the last few years.

It was like a corporate meeting where everyone uses buzzwords and seems disconnected from the real world, except here it was children. I don't think what was happening there is that common, but it was abuse. I really feel like those children were being emotionally abused. Scared, shocked, and placed under extreme group pressure to speak about things there were not really old enough to even understand. Whipping them up in emotion and then throw a lot of ideas at them and encouraging them to channel God when they are half in a panic.

I saw very little real understanding on the adults' side of what is appropriate in relation to children at different ages or how to talk to a child like they were a human being.
Much as it was disturbing to watch the 'best' little preacher boy, he had some skill and was definitely enthusiastic. When he meets the big, famous preacher at the end, this man clearly has not idea how to encourage child or talk to a child at all.

It was like you dropped 20 kids at a frat party and everyone at the party treated the kids like they were adults.
Wasn't the big, famous preacher the one caught doing meth with a male prostitute? Ted Haggard?
I watched this a while back. I found it disturbing, to say the least.

But if you want REALLY DISTURBING PJdude....Watch Deliver us from Evil.