
SnakeLord has a "bad parent" picture in his mind (vs. "good parenting"), and therefore interprets everything he hears about God in the most uncharitable sense possible.

This is where you make the fundamental error. I am here to debate religious issues because I have an interest in the subject, while living happily knowing there is no god, (good or bad). As far as discussions go however, I will question certain aspects of the bible/religion and indeed discuss them in depth. The issues of love and care and dying for humanity etc have all been covered extensively, leaving little reason to go into them. On the other hand when it comes to me questioning the 'not so nice' issues in the bible nobody has yet even managed to provide a semi-decent answer. The best people seem to be able to manage is that god is god and can do whatever the hell he wants to do.

I am a man who knows humans exist, and having a lot of time and respect for humans in general I need to question these issue because it is extremely perverse a notion to see people believe in and worship a being that according to the text has annihilated them left, right and center.

It also comes down to the christian/jewish specific version of god because there are very few people of other religious stances on this forum.

Let's get it straight: The religious man makes the claim, (i.e "god is loving"). I then look at the 'evidence' he has provided, (the bible), and notice that this being kills mankind over and over and over. He closes innocent womens wombs for the actions of one man who was lied to, (Abimelech), and so on all the way down the line. Nearer the end we see jesus saying he has come not for peace or love but to set a man against his father, a woman against her mother.. Further on from that we see the eventual outcome where this being destroys the planet and everyone on it via some extreme methods, only to end up dooming the mass majority of mankind to an eternal fiery pit.

The evidence seen here does not point to "loving". Instead of an answer to that I just get comments like "god can do whatever he bloody well wants to", and more likely in your case: "Snake is just a hater". These do not in any way go against the evidence that is still there and still unanswered.

But it is readily apparent that christians don't really know or appreciate what "love" is. We can experiment a little here. As you will know, jesus has told you to "love thy neighbour". Would you agree that the word "love" here is actually more akin and in line with "respect"? Do you think you really love your neighbour. Tell you what, let me ask you: do you love me Jenyar, as told to by jesus? I'll get to the rest once you answer the question.

The Egyptians were not God's children in the sense it is used by God. ...

This doesn't actually answer my question, (or even pay attention to it).

But you maintain that the purpose of death is for our protection. I don't see how that follows.

No. That's what you maintain, and have shown in your responses: god kills everyone but it doesn't matter because he's protecting our "actual" selves, (our life with him). You state this a couple of sentences down. I maintain that from a biblical standpoint man was killed excessively by this entity many call "loving", and that one of the reasons for the slaughter of man by this being was as a direct result of his jealousy.

I think you've just mistaken a point in our discussion from the end of page 1/2.

To put it in an analogy for you:

My daughter gets to 23 let's say and gets married. This man then becomes the main man in her life. At this point from a biblical god standpoint, I would get jealous that her attention is focused elsewhere and kill her for it.


Think about my analogy, and let’s say you’re god and your daughter is Abraham, and all the troubled kids are the Israelites, now some if not most kids need discipline or guidelines as they are simply rule breakers(don’t blame God as free will is simply what it says on the tin), I was one when I was younger and I have great parents.

So you think I should kill them? Kids will be kids right? But what rules exactly are we talking about here? Let's face it, from an OT perspective, those 'rules' you speak of include stoning bad children to death and not being homosexual, which are quite frankly unfair rules to demand obedience to, whether god agrees or not. Everyone else agrees, because we no longer do it, (and generally accept homosexuals). god is ignored when it comes to those laws. Does that make you a disobedient child aswell? Yes, it does. Wouldn't you be a little bit miffed if he came down and killed you with plague because of it?

These are the more serious laws, but let's look at the typical 'child' behaviour from the OT. The jews, (gods children), were wandering through the desert for years eating nothing but manna. They complained and nagged, (as children do), that they required something a bit more substantial than manna - namely meat. Moses, being the spokesperson, went to god and said: "you know we're sacrificing all these animals to you..", (analogy equivalent of forcing these children to give me all their food and sweets), ".. can they have some?"

To this god said ok and provided them with a mass amount of quails. From analogy standard that's me giving these children a bunch of their favourite foods - and not because I love them so do that naturally, but because they were starting to piss me off with all the nagging. However, the story gets worse. Just as the humans sat down to eat the quails god gave them all plague and killed them. That's the analogy equivalent of me giving these kids a ******** candy bar. That does not make a good parent.

Do you think it is beneficial for the child of 14 to fall pregnant and have to raise a child at 14/15 in this day and age?

No, if not only because of the bad attitudes people lump on them, making their job twice as difficult.

But let's use this analogy, it works well. What I would do at an early stage, (as is also generally done in schools), is teach my child about pregnancy and other related sexual issues. I would tell her that it is probably more beneficial to ensure a condom is always used if and when she decides to engage in sexual intercourse, (which is entirely her decision).

Thus far we have the equivalent of god informing you of something that isn't specifically beneficial for you. He gives you the lowdowns on it and tells you how to avoid it.

My daughter then goes out, has sex and ends up pregnant. These are the two factors:

1) She listened to my advice but an accident happened, (condom split etc). or..

2) She listened to my advice but didn't really understand or pay attention to it and ended up pregnant.

In case 1 I would say to my daughter that no matter what she decides or does I will be with her and behind her 100%. I am aware that life does not always go specifically as we might want, but that gives me no call to disown her, or more to the point: No call to punish her for the rest of eternity.

In case 2 I would say to my daughter that no matter what she decides or does I will be with her and behind her 100%. I am aware that life does not always go specifically as we might want, and humans do make mistakes, but that gives me no call to disown her, or more to the point: No call to punish her for the rest of eternity.

Tell me, has she actually done anything 'wrong'?

But let's get this straight: It's not just a threatened eternal punishment for not listening to his advice and rules, but for not accepting or loving him. The self centeredness of that is utterly sickening.

But this is not god's form of parenting, going back once again to the earlier OT comment, we can see god stating that you should kill your son by stoning him to death if he is naughty, (Deut). That is god's form of parenting. The minute they step out of line or fuck up, give them plague. Hey but don't stop there, just to rub salt into the wounds you can also expel them to an eternal pit of fire.

Actually I just happened to pick up this weeks magazines, (for the competitions :D), and have found an excerpt from a good parenting book. I don't agree specifically with all the advice in it, but I find some parts worth quoting for the sake of this discussion:

1) Ensure that the punishment fits the crime.

From a biblical standpoint: Abraham lied to Abimelech and said that Sarah was his sister. Abimelech then chatted her up to which god then came down and threatened him with death before closing the wombs of all the women in Abimelechs household. This certainly doesn't fit the crime. Abraham, (gods own), had bold faced lied, (which he later said because he was scared for his life - thus not trusting enough of god to keep him alive), and as a result to that, the "punishment" given to an innocent for an innocent mistake was the closure of the wombs of a bunch of innocent women who weren't even a part of the innocent mistake.

Then we could go to the jews in the desert. They nagged for some meat. Ok, some parents might see this as a "crime", but what punishment do you think fits? Do you honestly state that god's punishment of plague to death fit the crime of nagging?

I could give you many more examples but this shall suffice for now.

2) Be sensitive. Make it clear that it's the bad behaviour that is unacceptable, not the child.

From a biblical standpoint: They never got to find out because god just slaughtered them all. We're not even talking about the occasional person here and there but every single person on the planet save half a dozen.

3) Be brief. Apply your penalty as soon as possible after the bad behaviour and complete it quickly.

From a biblical standpoint: I really don't consider "eternity" as completed quickly.

The reason it says to complete it quickly is because: "long term punishments - such as making a child miss a favourite TV programme for three weeks - may seem reasonable at the time but delays, and time to replay the incident, allow bad feelings to set in."

So to answer your question in short format: No, I don't think it's beneficial for a person to be pregnant at 14 in this day and age. But to add to that nor do I see what punishing them for their mistakes will do to rectify the situation to any worthwhile degree, whereas absolute love and support can only help to make everyone feel better about the whole thing. Nor would I kill her for making a bad decision.

A couple decides to let their 14 year old daughter watch a romantic movie, with steamy sex scenes in it. The young girl thinks about the movie and it makes her curious about this sex lark. She falls pregnant at 14. Now who is responsible?

Let's put this in another way shall we?

A couple decides to let their 14 year old boy read the bible with murderous scenes in it. The young boy thinks about the book and it makes him curious about it. He goes out and drowns some people. Now who is responsible?

I had a debate with a reporter from the New York Times who stated that Grand Theft Auto should be banned because it contained images of graphic violence. He mentioned a case whereby 2 children went out after playing it and started shooting peoples cars.

I mentioned that as this is the case he might aswell just ask for a ban on Tom & Jerry which shows just as much violence and might cause kids to go round smacking each others teeth out with pianos and dustbin lids - or indeed getting hold of some dynamite and shoving it in people's mouths, only to laugh when they explode.

The problem is with the person, not the product or the provider of that product. If a man watches Superman and then believes he can fly, it is something within him. I've seen many films with sex scenes, and yet I don't then jump up and go bonk the nearest person to me.

As long as you explain the issues in a nice loving manner to ensure the kid pays attention to what you're saying - you shouldn't really have a problem - but then if a problem does arise, love can help fix it faster than shackles.

At the end of the day of course, sex is completely natural and generally unavoidable. Once a child gets to a certain age they will start to experiment regardless to what you tell them. Once the body starts producing eggs, it is ready to conceive children whether society looks down on it or not, (in a general respect). When they start having sex, whether they first saw it on TV or not, it is nobody's fault - it is a natural course for every single living thing on the planet, (ok some don't specifically have sex, but you get the point).

What I’m trying to get across is that while something’s are harmless to the well being of responsible adults, these things most likely are destructive to a child.

Sure, it most certainly can. It is once these destructive things happen that love is needed far above that of a fiery pit in hell.

So, while jealousy in the hands of God is safe

But is it? There's the question. The guy gets jealous and whacks people because of it. I do not consider that "safe". It is no less damaging than when we're jealous.

Time for my fishcake and chips.

Hope you enjoyed it :) Funnily enough I too had chips, (but not fishcakes, I opted for battered sausage instead).


That is what I'm saying.

Right, and yet that's what the majority do. When it comes down to it of course, any statement concerning a godly being is "from a human perspective", and becomes inherently worthless. We cannot claim god as loving, evil, powerful, omnipotent or even existant. It just turns the whole thing into a farce.

Right, but for you all of this is meaningless. God doesn't exist.

Certainly, but no less reason to discuss it. I have nice debates and discussions about all sorts of things: vampires, werewolves and jason and the argonauts to name but a few other non existant ones, and yet it doesn't prevent the discussions concerning the stories of these non existant beings.

Therefore God can't have actions.

But of course he can.

Upon study we can see that vampirism is actually very sexually orientated. The bite on the neck, (one of the most sensual places on the body), never seeing a man being bitten on the neck, the head vampire always very charming - a true ladies man, etc etc etc.

Discussions do not rely on something's existence. The item of discussion can be discussed in whatever way it is seen given the material concerning it. A vampire doesn't have to exist for me to give it actions. These actions are based upon the text/video etc depicting vampires.

By that same token I can discuss god's "actions" as printed in the texts. If we were discussing a different religions texts, then the god in question would be seen to perform different actions, have different morals and ways of dealing with issues and so on. On this forum it generally comes down to the jewish/christian god and the text concerning this god.

You are saying that X type of God cannot exist, and I fully agree that X type of God cannot exist, or if it does, is nothing more than an egotistical tyrant.

No, I am not saying any type of god cannot exist. Whether it does or not is not the concern here. The discussion focuses on the actions of the supposed god in the biblical text. When discussing the biblical god, it is tyrannical by nature, (in the OT mainly), has a habit of exterminating humans on a whim, and does possess and display emotions that even humanity would often turn a nose up to. It doesn't mean he exists or doesn't, I'm just discussing what the text concerning this being states.

When it comes down to it I actually have an incredible amount to work with, (and thus my side is easy). It's not like these are isolated incidents. No, the bible is pack jammed with them. Stories of annihilation and murder, eternal damnation and plagues, closed wombs and sulphur bombed cities.

But the X God you describe in your understanding of the bible, is not the God of THE WHOLE BIBLE. X God exists only in a piecemeal "understanding" of the text.

From the christian standpoint, X god doesn't isn't possible at all. Instead they try to portray the most loving entity in existence that cares for, nurtures and supports his children. The fact is that there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary, people just prefer to ignore it. No, I can't really blame them for that, but it doesn't change the facts of the matter.

You really have no place to go into "understanding". With all due respect to you, but I can understand English just like the next man can. Admittedly my Hebrew is limited, but it's better than some people, and my English is certainly good enough to get the job done. I am also as fully capable as every other person I've ever met of understanding context and other related issues. While I cannot deny you the right to look upon me as if I'm an absolute halfwit, if you so choose to, it basically comes across as a piss poor excuse to ignore what is written in preference of having an entire debate on who's penis is larger.

Basically: A discussion concerning certain aspects of a text does not mean or imply that you haven't read or don't understand the entire text, but that certain aspects are worth discussing in their own right. I am aware that the WHOLE BIBLE doesn't show god slaying the innocent, but that is no reason to ignore the moments when he does.

What you end up with is X god with a big portion of that X being the X I have been talking about, and another portion of that X being something else. You can't just remove my X because it's not the WHOLE X.

Why are you arguing about God's qualities except to show that X god can't exist?

No. I am discussing god because this is a discussion forum. You can believe he exists or not, I do not particularly care, and nor would I generally go out of my way to try and show or 'prove', (religious understanding of the word), that god doesn't exist. What I am doing is discussing the traits, actions and qualities of the biblical god according to the text describing that god. If we were discussing Apollo or Zeus, I would undoubtedly be discussing issue related to them. It doesn't mean they exist or don't exist, and nor would it mean that I was trying to show that they don't.

If it came down to that I would simply say: "god doesn't exist". End of story. Nobody can successfully argue that and I could just leave it there and be happy. I'm here to discuss issues found within religious texts and that's it - merely because I find it interesting to do so.

We are obviously, without a doubt, much different than God is.

Says who? Why obviously? Why without a doubt? Justify that.

We don't live in the "sky". We aren't "invisible". But when we describe God's emotions, then we should be able to attribute the exact specifications of them... that is silly.

Fine, let's look at a rabbit. We're not "small and furry", we don't have a "big pointy ears", but yet in many ways the rabbit is just like we are. He raises a family, he finds a place to live, he does poo's and eats food, he feels pain and fear etc etc.

It is in no way silly to think that just because we differ in some instances that it means we differ in every instance. Is a rabbit's fear any different to our own? Is a rabbit's anger and hostility towards enemies any different than our own? I'm sure we can debate these points, but would you go so far as to say: "obviously, without a doubt"?

An entity cannot fully love itself, and also hate itself. It has nothing to do with the entity's power, but rather with our inability to understand paradoxes.

To be honest I think the issue has become confused. You said:

"Cain could have said, "oh, this sacrifice isn't ok for you, let me fix that," but instead was lost in self-hate"

By that very same token I could say:

"god could have said, "oh, this isn't exactly the kind of sacrifice I wanted, but thanks for it anyway", but instead was lost in self-hate"

It comes out the same. Why is this now something god can't do but Cain can? Your paradox quote doesn't really have a place here.

I will never say God loves us in the way we love each other, unless I use a metaphor to approximate my understanding of God, (which is far from a definitive explantation of God.)

Ok I'm interested. Give me your understanding of gods 'love'.

Since you are bias free, I demand that you bring forth some good arguments for religion, God's existence, or some other value that you have found in the opposite view from that which you hold.

Asking would certainly be nicer than demanding, however I have no problems with that. Just give me a certain topic you'd like me to explore. Let it be known however that I cannot give a good argument for the existence of a god.. because there aren't any.

I guess I could just say: [insert god name here] exists because [insert text name here] says so.

I want to hear the problems you have with your own ideological system which requires God be interpreted a certain way, OR I MUST INSIST that you are biased against an even-handed interpretation, i.e., based in common sense and logic.

It doesn't come down to any need for any god to be interpreted in any way. What it does come down to is, (yes), common sense and logic which would dictate that all such beings/things that are completely without evidence to suggest their existence remain as non-existant until such time whereby there is evidence to promote it. There is nothing wrong with an idea, an assumption, a guess.. the problem comes with claiming reality under such instances.

No logical man with common sense states leprechauns are real because an old book says so, or because a woman down the street swears she has seen one. Common sense and logic would demand that leprechauns remain on the 'fictional' shelf until such time where there is actual leprechaun evidence to study.

That's not to say anyone is wrong, but it cannot be attested to as truth or reality until such time where it can be shown as truth and reality.

I discuss specific gods because it's interesting, but his/her/it's existence or non-existence is not dependant upon what it says in a book but upon the actual evidence pertaining to such existence.

That is not bias, it's sanity. On the other hand let's look at your everyday christian. Do they believe in Apollo? Zeus? Vishnu? or any one of the million other god's on the planet? Do they believe in leprechauns, fairies or mothmen? Why do you honestly think the answer to these questions would be no? Lack of evidence perhaps? How many christians don't believe in dinosaurs? Not many I wouldn't have thought, and why not? Because there is loads of evidence to suggest they existed perhaps?

See, even a christian understands it. But then comes the bias.. "mine" is real, everyone elses is bollocks. That's completely illogical and completely lacking in common sense. To use a worthwhile quote:

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen F. Roberts

So you see common sense and logic are not bias. We all use it, we just attach to one specific instance where we forget it exists. It doesn't in any way change the situation.

Sure, there might be a god. That is unbiased right? There might be leprechauns, Apollo might exist, the hairy invisible banana might exist. Anything might exist. It doesn't change the facts that I highlighted above.

Regards to all.
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Hello again,

But what rules exactly are we talking about here?

Rules like being in the house on time at night, do your homework, brush your teeth etc. the basics.

Let's face it, from an OT perspective, those 'rules' you speak of include stoning bad children to death and not being homosexual, which are quite frankly unfair rules to demand obedience to, whether god agrees or not. Everyone else agrees, because we no longer do it, (and generally accept homosexuals). god is ignored when it comes to those laws. Does that make you a disobedient child aswell? Yes, it does. Wouldn't you be a little bit miffed if he came down and killed you with plague because of it?<snip>

Yes, in days past the rules were quite severe I agree 100% but ultimately they proved to have been of benefit to the Jews as it seems many nations have been against them in both Ancient and recent history, but they pulled through. On the other hand what happened to the enemies of the Jew’s? The Egyptians for example…

But let's use this analogy, it works well. What I would do at an early stage, (as is also generally done in schools), is teach my child about pregnancy and other related sexual issues. I would tell her that it is probably more beneficial to ensure a condom is always used if and when she decides to engage in sexual intercourse, (which is entirely her decision).

My daughter then goes out, has sex and ends up pregnant. These are the two factors:

Tell me, has she actually done anything 'wrong'?

Yes, if she is 14 she has broken the law. This does not require you to disown her however, just as God has not disowned us.

But let's get this straight: It's not just a threatened eternal punishment for not listening to his advice and rules, but for not accepting or loving him. The self centeredness of that is utterly sickening.

It is not self centeredness, God could blow us all up at any point, He doesn’t need us. He allowed His Son to die for the sins of mankind that includes everyone, now is that self centeredness?

From a biblical standpoint: Abraham lied to Abimelech and said that Sarah was his sister. Abimelech then chatted her up to which god then came down and threatened him with death before closing the wombs of all the women in Abimelechs household. This certainly doesn't fit the crime. Abraham, (gods own), had bold faced lied, (which he later said because he was scared for his life - thus not trusting enough of god to keep him alive), and as a result to that, the "punishment" given to an innocent for an innocent mistake was the closure of the wombs of a bunch of innocent women who weren't even a part of the innocent mistake.

Genesis 20:17
17So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children.

You have to remember that God knows what is coming.

From a biblical standpoint: They never got to find out because god just slaughtered them all. We're not even talking about the occasional person here and there but every single person on the planet save half a dozen.

So Noah now. We don’t know exactly what went on back then, but judging by archaeological finds there was cannibalism and all kinds of disgusting stuff happening(even happens now), and maybe on a very large scale. Would you have preferred being alive now in a world like that? Granted things aren’t great now, but they’re probably better then they have ever been.

3) Be brief. Apply your penalty as soon as possible after the bad behaviour and complete it quickly.

From a biblical standpoint: I really don't consider "eternity" as completed quickly.

Well I’m not an expert on hell and don’t plan to be, but:

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Doesn’t sound like eternal to me, just sounds like a second death, one minute you’re here the next minute, poof, you’re gone, for good.

So to answer your question in short format: No, I don't think it's beneficial for a person to be pregnant at 14 in this day and age. But to add to that nor do I see what punishing them for their mistakes will do to rectify the situation to any worthwhile degree, whereas absolute love and support can only help to make everyone feel better about the whole thing. Nor would I kill her for making a bad decision.

Good, you agree. Yes, don’t kill her as you might get a few years in prison for that one.

Let's put this in another way shall we?

A couple decides to let their 14 year old boy read the bible with murderous scenes in it. The young boy thinks about the book and it makes him curious about it. He goes out and drowns some people. Now who is responsible?

I had a debate with a reporter from the New York Times who stated that Grand Theft Auto should be banned because it contained images of graphic violence. He mentioned a case whereby 2 children went out after playing it and started shooting peoples cars.

I mentioned that as this is the case he might aswell just ask for a ban on Tom & Jerry which shows just as much violence and might cause kids to go round smacking each others teeth out with pianos and dustbin lids - or indeed getting hold of some dynamite and shoving it in people's mouths, only to laugh when they explode.

The problem is with the person, not the product or the provider of that product. If a man watches Superman and then believes he can fly, it is something within him.

Part of the problem is the person (as I have said all along), but not all. Take the video game as an example. A parent buys GTA (18 certificate and deserves it) for a 12 year old kid and they play it. Now quite blatantly the parent has sort of broken the law. The kid might be mature and probably is so really no harm done, on the other hand he might steal a car and kill someone. The Bibles example is also similar to what I’ve just said, but is not graphic in detail and does not tell the reader to do these things, but in a game you have too to progress. I do feel that children should learn the Bible from informed adults (if they want to learn about it at all), then they can continue their study at a later stage.

I've seen many films with sex scenes, and yet I don't then jump up and go bonk the nearest person to me.

No because it isn’t new to you (no curiosity). At some stage in your life a seed was planted, as is the case with all things.

As long as you explain the issues in a nice loving manner to ensure the kid pays attention to what you're saying - you shouldn't really have a problem - but then if a problem does arise, love can help fix it faster than shackles.

So what do you do if the child rebels and doesn’t listen to a word you say? And rejects your love. And then maybe eventually they just don’t want to know you, and you do not hear from them again… You don’t even know if they are alive or dead. What have you got left? :(

At the end of the day of course, sex is completely natural and generally unavoidable. Once a child gets to a certain age they will start to experiment regardless to what you tell them. Once the body starts producing eggs, it is ready to conceive children whether society looks down on it or not, (in a general respect). When they start having sex, whether they first saw it on TV or not, it is nobody's fault - it is a natural course for every single living thing on the planet, (ok some don't specifically have sex, but you get the point).

Yes, we don’t need to go into details, as this is not about sex.

Sure, it most certainly can. It is once these destructive things happen that love is needed far above that of a fiery pit in hell.

Exactly. Every single human in history has made mistakes, and I won’t preach as to how to get right with the Father because of this.

By the way, I know you believe that the Bible is just a fairy book, but even hell will become non existent at the end, and we really don’t know what happens to humans once we die.

Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Hope you enjoyed it Funnily enough I too had chips, (but not fishcakes, I opted for battered sausage instead).

You know, I was in two minds whether to get a sausage or fishcake :) I enjoyed mine very much thank you, I hope you enjoyed yours

Hello again,

Sup :)

Before I start I would just like to point out that I have noticed the forum has put some *'s for a specific word I used on my last post. The word was "po -isoned", (without the space and -), and I have no idea why it turned it into stars. But there you go..

Rules like being in the house on time at night, do your homework, brush your teeth etc. the basics.

We could say the first one is somewhat important - because of the outside dangers, but in each case, (given that it's an analogy), the outcome of breaking these 'rules' would be extreme, (for the sake of the analogy let's say giving your child a beating for their disobedience). That is simply wrong, no matter what way you look at it.

Yes, in days past the rules were quite severe I agree 100% but ultimately they proved to have been of benefit to the Jews as it seems many nations have been against them in both Ancient and recent history, but they pulled through. On the other hand what happened to the enemies of the Jew’s? The Egyptians for example…

Well, to my knowledge there are still Egyptians...

I went there several years ago and saw a few. I guess they "pulled through" aswell. Sure, god annihilated some of them, but he also annihilated some of everyone else aswell, (including jews).

This doesn't actually mean the laws handed down to them were actually beneficial. I personally fail to see any benefit in stoning my naughty son to death, or fortune tellers. Ok, I'm aware they charge a "fortune" to tell your "fortune", and that it's all complete drivelling nonsense, but I just don't go see them - problem solved. I have no actual animosity towards them, and if god came and told me to stone them to death I would, as a man with morals, have to raise an eyebrow and question the command.

Yes, if she is 14 she has broken the law. This does not require you to disown her however, just as God has not disowned us.

But should I kill her? (god has done just this), and for, (just like this), very minor 'offences'. Would you actually consider it right if the police came round and said they were going to imprison your daughter because she had sex before the politcally agreed age barrier? Personally I see nothing wrong with it at all.

It is not self centeredness, God could blow us all up at any point, He doesn’t need us.

And he did so once, (via drowning). Maybe he'll have another bad day and do it again.

He allowed His Son to die for the sins of mankind that includes everyone, now is that self centeredness?

Let's clear this up, because this issue is clearly ludicrous, (the way I see it).

The general notion is that jesus is god. As a result we end up with god allowing himself to die. But tell me... is god dead?

Without you saying: "yes, god is dead", you have no case :)

Genesis 20:17
17So Abraham prayed unto God: and God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children.

You have to remember that God knows what is coming.

That doesn't excuse the action of punishing innocents for doing nothing and playing no part in the "crime", which was still a genuine mistake - the only person to be blamed would be Abraham and Sarah who decided to lie openly.

So Noah now. We don’t know exactly what went on back then, but judging by archaeological finds there was cannibalism and all kinds of disgusting stuff happening(even happens now), and maybe on a very large scale. Would you have preferred being alive now in a world like that?

A) What archaeological finds are we talking about? (Got any links)

B) Would I rather live in a time where there are nasty people doing nasty things instead of being drowned to death because of their activities? Yes, I would.

C) Ok, there's a mass scale of people doing nasty shit. Click your fingers and "vanish" them. Every single man, woman, child, animal and plant? Talk about overkill.

Doesn’t sound like eternal to me, just sounds like a second death, one minute you’re here the next minute, poof, you’re gone, for good.

An interesting standpoint, the only problem being that it isn't the general standpoint. I guess I could only argue the point with someone who concurs with the 'popular' opinion.

Good, you agree. Yes, don’t kill her as you might get a few years in prison for that one.

And what does god get for the same? No prison sentence, that's for sure. Instead a bunch of people bow down out of fear.. The way I see it, it's cowardly. I shall quote some Dido:

"I will go down with this ship, I will not surrender".

I had a debate a while ago about the 'fear' aspect that is seen readily in the bible. god wants, and demands, that people fear him. That does not imply loving, but forced control.

A parent buys GTA (18 certificate and deserves it) for a 12 year old kid and they play it. Now quite blatantly the parent has sort of broken the law. The kid might be mature and probably is so really no harm done, on the other hand he might steal a car and kill someone.

Statistically you'd be talking 0.00000001%, and that would be as a result of the person - not the product. Sure, the parents have broken the age laws - but showing that product to people younger than the recommended age has not in any way been shown to cause them to go out and emulate it.

The Bibles example is also similar to what I’ve just said, but is not graphic in detail and does not tell the reader to do these things, but in a game you have too to progress.

Ok, I appreciate that, (although it is graphic in detail - especially so for a younger mind no? That is what we're discussing after all). Further to which it does tell you to go out and do it... The laws are there, (yes there is thou shalt not kill etc), but there is also thou shalt stone people to death... They still do it in some countries as a direct result of what they have been commanded to do.

Or from there we could look at homosexuality. "It's an abomination" so sayeth god - and for millennia since the world has, (generally), looked upon it in such manner. No gay weddings and no real tolerance for them. From this angle, letting a youth read the bible could just as easily lead him to go and beat the living shit out of gay folk, so sayeth god, like any other product on the market.

Intolerance towards homosexuality did not come from television. No, it stemmed from millennia of god's commands that we detest them, that being gay is literally detestable. It has caused homosexuals to hide what they are, and the rest of us, (generally), to despise them because of it.

In this respect I consider god and the bible as a far worse guide to life than any computer game on the market for anyone inclined to take it literally.

I do feel that children should learn the Bible from informed adults (if they want to learn about it at all), then they can continue their study at a later stage.

The word "informed" has no place here. Nobody is "informed".. it's a mass free for all. One "informed" parent could just as easily tell his son to go out and kill homosexuals, whereas another "informed" parent could tell their son that homosexuals are ok, and that god will personally deal with them at a later time. So then the child gets an 'understanding' that homosexuals are an abomination, and that 'understanding' will very rarely change in his life. One of his children then turns out to be gay, and gets the brunt of his dad's feelings that were born from his parents ideas as given to them by god. From my own perspective, you can be whatever you want to be as long as it doesn't personally affect me. Selfish sounding, yes - but I am unable to make a judgement on something such as someones sexual preference based on the words of god as given several thousand years ago.

Overall the bible leads to far more intolerance and hatred than any computer game could ever manage.

No because it isn’t new to you (no curiosity). At some stage in your life a seed was planted, as is the case with all things.

When I was about 8 I accidentally got hold of a pornographic movie. I watched the movie but did not then go out and think I was some sexual dynamo out to bang the nearest blonde chick. My friends and I all giggled at it, not really understanding what it was all about it. When it was the natural time for me to start getting into it, I did. The porn movie wasn't in mind - it was just the natural course of growing up. You will never have to watch a porn movie, read a magazine, or listen to your teacher/parents to masturbate one day. It is natural. The bible on the other hand shows that such action merits death - and any child brought up under such devout beliefs would avoid it based upon the laws of some god, (and fear of death), not realising that above all else that avoiding it isn't doing him any good whatsoever.

So what do you do if the child rebels and doesn’t listen to a word you say? And rejects your love. And then maybe eventually they just don’t want to know you, and you do not hear from them again… You don’t even know if they are alive or dead. What have you got left?

I'm not quite that selfish. If my child decides she doesn't love me, doesn't want to know me etc, it's her choice. Who am I to start making judgements other than appreciating the fact that I have done something wrong somewhere along the line? And isn't that what it comes down to? Not the error or 'bad deeds' of our child, but our own failures that should be called into question?

Yes, we don’t need to go into details, as this is not about sex.

My point was simply that these things are natural. As a result, trying to prevent them from happening is stupidity itself. I can't tell a person not to be homosexual given that it's is unavoidable for someone who happens to be gay. And yet god detests these people as if they had a choice in the matter.

By the way, I know you believe that the Bible is just a fairy book

Well I tend not to view it in that way. While I am aware the biblical stories are based alot upon older stories, and that they're not 'literal', but the attempts of early people to understand the world and its occurrences, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "fairy book". It is an intriguing look at ancient history from the eyes of the people that lived during those times. The same is true of any ancient text.

I don't specifically believe all the tales in the Epic of Gilgamesh are factual, (I don't tend to believe in half men/scorpions for the sake of it), but that it has a lot of bearing to the times of old and the way these people saw the world and everything on it.

You know, I was in two minds whether to get a sausage or fishcake I enjoyed mine very much thank you, I hope you enjoyed yours

It was ok I guess. I'd prefer a lamb vindaloo any day of the week :)
Hello again :)

We could say the first one is somewhat important - because of the outside dangers, but in each case, (given that it's an analogy), the outcome of breaking these 'rules' would be extreme, (for the sake of the analogy let's say giving your child a beating for their disobedience). That is simply wrong, no matter what way you look at it.

Yes, bearing in mind that this is an analogy and the real point I’m making is that you lay down these rules as a parent for the benefit of the child. Now our punishments in this day and age might not be at all severe in our country, probably at best housebound for one week, now who is actually benefiting from this? I can tell you who isn’t. The pervert who wonders the streets late at night (sorry to get religious, but if you can imagine this is Satan). I think this kind of discipline is effective, I can testify that it was for me. Obviously some kids have serious behavioural problems, and they actually need professional help.

Well, to my knowledge there are still Egyptians...

I went there several years ago and saw a few. I guess they "pulled through" aswell. Sure, god annihilated some of them, but he also annihilated some of everyone else aswell, (including jews).

Yes, but their empires fell and so did every other Great empire that seemingly rejected the God of Abraham. I mean look at us for example, we are basically an atheist nation (much of this in my opinion is because of the work of an Englishman! Charlie Darwin).

This doesn't actually mean the laws handed down to them were actually beneficial. I personally fail to see any benefit in stoning my naughty son to death, or fortune tellers. Ok, I'm aware they charge a "fortune" to tell your "fortune", and that it's all complete drivelling nonsense, but I just don't go see them - problem solved. I have no actual animosity towards them, and if god came and told me to stone them to death I would, as a man with morals, have to raise an eyebrow and question the command.

It is setting an example. We have to remember back then the world was a different place. If other kids saw this, which they would have done, they would have feared their parents and obeyed them. The British army for example would fall apart if there was no discipline. The Israelites had tough times ahead and needed to work as a unit to be able to survive, otherwise they would have perished, as Jesus said:

Matthew 12:25
And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

So if you class the Israelites as a house, to begin with there has to be rules. It so happened that the sin (not the sinner) is an abomination to God, so why is this?
Well let’s look at this example:

Deuteronomy 13
1If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
8Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
9But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
10And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
11And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you.

What you have to bear in mind are these elements that are associated with the God of Abraham.

1) He is the perfect judge, so what He says goes. If homosexuality is wrong in His eyes then it is wrong full stop. Our feeble minds cannot make perfect judgements; look at the state of the world for your proof.
2) There is only one God, and His name translated in English is Jehovah. Not Ra, Zeus or Baal.
3) This is what Religious Jews and some, maybe most, Christians think.

So from the passage I dissected and pasted from I can try and explain the logic.

If we have 100 Jews, one of which has a dream and starts to believe in Ra. This Jew is male so he decides to preach about this wonderful Ra. Now if God hadn’t made it clear what to do with such a person this might have happened.

Not all of the 100 would have believed him let’s say, say forty didn’t believe him. The other sixty would go of to Egypt maybe or would stay and try and convert the other forty. Now one mans dream has turned sixty people away from the true God, and soon they will adhere to the Egyptian religion including it’s laws which will not match the laws of the God of Abraham. This means that they have walked away from their Father and have done things which they know goes directly against what He told them. They stayed out late at night and the pervert struck. Now we only have forty Jews left, the chance of survival is dramatically reduced. Whereas if it was nipped in the bud we would have had ninety nine people left. This does not mean that God would forget about the sixty that left.

For evidence of something similar to this happening today just look at how many Christians are converting to the atheist religion and many other religions. Yes, it isn't because of dreams or prophecies but I thought I'd throw it into the mix.

But should I kill her? (god has done just this), and for, (just like this), very minor 'offences'. Would you actually consider it right if the police came round and said they were going to imprison your daughter because she had sex before the politcally agreed age barrier? Personally I see nothing wrong with it at all.

No you shouldn’t kill her, man do you think you’re God? You might not see anything wrong with it, no disrespect but what is your word and thoughts worth? Many people disagree with you including me and so does the law. And it’s the law that counts as far as this is concerned.

And he did so once, (via drowning). Maybe he'll have another bad day and do it again.

Not a bad day, but in my opinion this world will pass away just not by flooding as He said.

Let's clear this up, because this issue is clearly ludicrous, (the way I see it).

The general notion is that jesus is god. As a result we end up with god allowing himself to die. But tell me... is god dead?

Without you saying: "yes, god is dead", you have no case

The historical Jesus is dead; the resurrected Jesus is alive in my opinion :)

That doesn't excuse the action of punishing innocents for doing nothing and playing no part in the "crime", which was still a genuine mistake - the only person to be blamed would be Abraham and Sarah who decided to lie openly.

Who is innocent here? Baring in mind the Egyptians were worshipping Ra or someone…

A) What archaeological finds are we talking about? (Got any links)

If you consider that cannibalism is alive and well today, we can assume we are less inhumane now then 2500bc or so, we can pretty much assume that cannibalism, adultery, murder just general unpleasantness was more prevalent then. Maybe it wasn’t, but that’s a big maybe. The finds I’m talking about were on a programme on one of those discovery channels, sorry no links, but I think the Oxford Press is a reliable source, not sure about a specific book though.

C) Ok, there's a mass scale of people doing nasty shit. Click your fingers and "vanish" them. Every single man, woman, child, animal and plant? Talk about overkill.

This is where the New Testament comes in and Jesus Christ. There is light at the end of a dark tunnel, but if you walk in the opposite direction you’re never going to get there.

And what does god get for the same? No prison sentence, that's for sure. Instead a bunch of people bow down out of fear.. The way I see it, it's cowardly. I shall quote some Dido:

"I will go down with this ship, I will not surrender".

I had a debate a while ago about the 'fear' aspect that is seen readily in the bible. god wants, and demands, that people fear him. That does not imply loving, but forced control.

Fear and love can and does co-exist. As for what God gets, well what do you recommend? After all without Him nothing would exist.

Ok, I appreciate that, (although it is graphic in detail - especially so for a younger mind no? That is what we're discussing after all). Further to which it does tell you to go out and do it... The laws are there, (yes there is thou shalt not kill etc), but there is also thou shalt stone people to death... They still do it in some countries as a direct result of what they have been commanded to do.

I thought I’d just concentrate on this paragraph, as this sort of condenses much of what your gripes are into one. I have informed you before that the laws that you are referring to were handed to Levite priests in that day and age, they are not applicable to anyone other then them. When I wrote an informed parent should teach their child this (if the child wants to be taught, which is unlikely), they should tell the child in this instance the context of the passages they’re reading, so in this case it might sound like:

God ordered the Levite priests to stone a child to death so that other children thousands of years ago would heed the warning and not misbehave. This misbehaviour would lead to the child thinking that he/she could get away with anything and eventually they might become thieves. Remember then there were no courts or man made laws.

As for other countries still doing this, well I’m just glad I live in a country which incorporates many of its laws from the Ten Commandments.

Intolerance towards homosexuality did not come from television. No, it stemmed from millennia of god's commands that we detest them, that being gay is literally detestable. It has caused homosexuals to hide what they are, and the rest of us, (generally), to despise them because of it.

Have you got any proof of this claim? For your information, Christians these days take the stance of “Hate the sin Love the sinner”. The church in the past has got an awful record, so have humans generally for doing terrible things.

Overall the bible leads to far more intolerance and hatred than any computer game could ever manage.

Have you read the New Testament?

I'm not quite that selfish. If my child decides she doesn't love me, doesn't want to know me etc, it's her choice. Who am I to start making judgements other than appreciating the fact that I have done something wrong somewhere along the line? And isn't that what it comes down to? Not the error or 'bad deeds' of our child, but our own failures that should be called into question?

Would you not hope for the rest of your life that she returns back home to see you? A wonderful parable springs to mind, my personal favourite, if you care to read it: The prodigal son

Luke 15
11And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
13And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
14And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
15And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
16And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.
17And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
24For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
28And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.

My point was simply that these things are natural. As a result, trying to prevent them from happening is stupidity itself. I can't tell a person not to be homosexual given that it's is unavoidable for someone who happens to be gay. And yet god detests these people as if they had a choice in the matter.

Where does it say that He detests gays? And where is your proof that homosexuality is natural? Just because it occurs in nature doesn’t mean it is natural. For example, if all dogs were gay in the beginning then we would have no dogs now.

Well I tend not to view it in that way. While I am aware the biblical stories are based alot upon older stories, and that they're not 'literal', but the attempts of early people to understand the world and its occurrences, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "fairy book". It is an intriguing look at ancient history from the eyes of the people that lived during those times. The same is true of any ancient text.

Yes, it also happens to be regarded, by many, as they most impressive literarily achievement known to man. So it has to make you wonder how these so-called backward people could pull it off. What piece of Literature would you say is better? While you’re at it, how many authors did that book have? Over how long was that book written? Does it sell thousands probably millions of copies today?

I'd prefer a lamb vindaloo any day of the week

It amazes me how people can withstand the heat of a vindaloo, the hottest I go for is a madras, but last night I settled for a house special curry with egg fried rice and chips from my local Chinese, it was lovely 

Oh well, time to watch a very important football match, take care.


Yes, bearing in mind that this is an analogy and the real point I’m making is that you lay down these rules as a parent for the benefit of the child. Now our punishments in this day and age might not be at all severe in our country, probably at best housebound for one week, now who is actually benefiting from this? I can tell you who isn’t. The pervert who wonders the streets late at night (sorry to get religious, but if you can imagine this is Satan). I think this kind of discipline is effective, I can testify that it was for me. Obviously some kids have serious behavioural problems, and they actually need professional help.

And annihilation would benefit them how exactly? Closing womens wombs benefitted them how exactly?

Ok, I guess having your womb closed would make you realise that god is the boss and next time you shouldn't... oh wait, they hadn't actually done anything at all. Perhaps looking from that I should punch my daughter in the head, and when she enquires as to why, I can merely say that I'm showing her who's boss in advance. Of course we could just instantly kill every child that is born - and thus ensure that nobody ever grows up a sinner.

You know, that pervert will always be wandering the street. Perhaps we should just lock our children away in a room to ensure their safety? The key in helping your children avoid becoming a victim is not in keeping them locked up in the house, but in educating them to the dangers and the ways to avoid them - always travel with friends, carry alarms and mobiles, take some self defence lessons, (etc). That's where the benefit comes from. They might decide not to listen to you, but locking them up in the house doesn't make them listen any more.

Yes, but their empires fell and so did every other Great empire that seemingly rejected the God of Abraham.

While those who accepted the god of Abraham never had an empire. Wandering desert nomads who still to this day can't even agree over which lump of mud belongs to them.

I mean look at us for example, we are basically an atheist nation (much of this in my opinion is because of the work of an Englishman! Charlie Darwin).

As we learn more, god becomes all the more meaningless. It's an inevitablity.

It is setting an example. We have to remember back then the world was a different place. If other kids saw this, which they would have done, they would have feared their parents and obeyed them.

And there is the problem. Kids should not be "fearing" their parents.

Not all of the 100 would have believed him let’s say, say forty didn’t believe him. The other sixty would go of to Egypt maybe or would stay and try and convert the other forty. Now one mans dream has turned sixty people away from the true God, and soon they will adhere to the Egyptian religion including it’s laws which will not match the laws of the God of Abraham. This means that they have walked away from their Father and have done things which they know goes directly against what He told them. They stayed out late at night and the pervert struck. Now we only have forty Jews left, the chance of survival is dramatically reduced. Whereas if it was nipped in the bud we would have had ninety nine people left. This does not mean that God would forget about the sixty that left.

This is meaningless. If the person making the claim had something to show it as true - there would simply be no case. If the people he was making the claim to had something to show that their god was actually the 'real' one, then there would simply be no case. This whole issue only arises because nobody could or can show any validity or reality to their claims. Such is the inherent problem with 'faith' and 'belief' as opposed to 'knowledge'.

The people of the old days knew as little as the people of nowadays. I mean seriously, god is supposedly present and handing down laws. He is the god of these people and yet give them five minutes playtime and they're worshipping a lump of metal instead. Something is seriously wrong there - and not so much with their actions, but with what god is doing wrong that he cannot keep people that supposedly 'know' he exists worshipping him for any longer than it takes to make some cheese on toast.

If I go away for a few weeks my daughter doesn't start calling the kettle 'dad'.

So we can question whether, to even the jews, this god was existant or if so - whether he was worth the effort. You know originally they cried because slavery was bad, but having spent some time following their god actually realised slavery was the better of the two. No empires, nothing but lifelong persecution. While those worshipping Ra had their own empire, wealth, status etc, while those following the jewish god had nothing but a lot of sand, living on a solitary diet of manna flakes, and getting struck with plague and earthquakes whenever they dared complain. Further down the line his people got mass exterminated by a lunatic with a silly moustache, and nowadays his people are being blown up by their neighbours - and finally they're all doomed to hell because they don't believe in a person who does not meet the necessary criteria.

It would seem following their god hasn't turned out too 'beneficial' for them - and they seemingly noticed it too, which is why given half a chance, they worshipped something else, anything else they could find and even saw going back into slavery as the beneficial alternative. And yet god didn't allow them to decide what was or wasn't beneficial, no - he demanded they do it his way and suffer the outcome, or don't do it his way and suffer the consequences. He doesn't say that he loves his people, but often he says how upset and angry he is with them, and how he wants them to 'fear' him above all else.

None of this is a sign of 'love' and if anyone equates these actions as loving, they need a serious head examination.

Even the very act of "rescuing" the jews from slavery shows it's more about showing off than personal care for his people. We could assume that 'resucing' some people is quite an easy affair for god. Even Moses points it out to him:

Moses went back to yahweh and said, "Lord, why do you treat this people so harshly? Why did you send me? Ever since I came to pharoah and spoke to him in your name, he has ill treated this people, and you have done nothing at all about rescuing your people".

god then says to watch what god will do.. A mighty hand will force him to let them go..

No mighty hand came, just a bunch of faffing about that kept his people as slaves for longer. The first two plagues the Egyptians could also perform, (turning all the water to blood shows some ability on the side of the Egyptians magicians), and until the sixth plague the pharoah remained obstinate.

Now we come to the interesting part...

On the sixth plague the pharoah was not obstinate. The text differs here completely, and instead of pharoah remaining obstinate and not allowing the jews to go, it states that god made him stubborn so he would refuse.

At this stage of the game it would seem god has won and the jews are free... But wait, we're not done - no no, god was enjoying his moment of free advertising, forget the jews. As he says:

"I have let you survive for this reason: to display my power to you and have my name talked of throughout the world."

He was clearly showing off, which doesn't imply that he actually cared about his people being slaves - who remained slaves the entire time, but that he cared about making himself look cool. Why these people had no knowledge of the one and only god is beyond me.. I guess he spent so much time with a bunch of jews that he didn't have the time to show his existence to the rest of the world, but nevermind.

Finally of course the jews do get freed and the pharoah has no intentions of pursuing them until god hardens his heart just so he will, just so god can drown him.

If he, as god, really wanted to rescue his people he could have done so at the flick of a finger.

And even after this display of absolute power, how many Egyptians turned jewish? ow many stopped worshipping Ra and co for this new and obviously very powerful god? Zero.

He can't get followers by helping, or by killing. Now I feel sorry for him.

Love and respect do not come from annihilation or showing off.

For evidence of something similar to this happening today just look at how many Christians are converting to the atheist religion and many other religions.

Well, that's because these people eventually realise that their "beliefs" are fictional and cannot compete with reality. Further to which, atheism isn't a religion. Either that or all these people, like those before them, realise god is not worth their time and effort. He must be doing something seriously wrong, and yet from the bible it's apparent that he always has.

No you shouldn’t kill her, man do you think you’re God?

Ah, so god should kill her for me? What are you saying? You seem to be acknowledging god habit and ability to go round killing people. While you could be right, he is god after all, it doesn't make it any less of a shithead action. What kind of a rolemodel is that? One who seems to delight in murder while saying "thou shalt not kill".

That whole "do as I say, not as I do", is quite repulsive.

no disrespect but what is your word and thoughts worth?

A lot more than this gods. He wants to destroy the world and everyone on it, I'd rather protect it.

And it’s the law that counts as far as this is concerned.

Ok, so a policeman says you can't kill someone, and then he kills someone without consequence. You agree that that's cool?

Not a bad day

Oh, a good day perhaps?

but in my opinion this world will pass away just not by flooding as He said.

Indeed not by flooding. By stars crashing into the planet, war, famine, flying dragons and several murderous rampaging horsemen.

Way too much 'love' there for me to handle.

The historical Jesus is dead; the resurrected Jesus is alive in my opinion

Is that agreeance? god is not dead right? Would you say that at anytime god was actually completely dead? That for no matter how brief a time, there was no god?

Who is innocent here? Baring in mind the Egyptians were worshipping Ra or someone…

The women were innocent. The punishment wasn't given to them for worshipping the wrong god, but for Abraham lying to Abimelech. That's it.

This is where the New Testament comes in and Jesus Christ. There is light at the end of a dark tunnel, but if you walk in the opposite direction you’re never going to get there.

No light for the men, women, children and animals that were drowned.

Fear and love can and does co-exist.

Nah. If so it isn't love whatsoever. However, I do appreciate that christians do not really understand what love actually is.

After all without Him nothing would exist.

You're right, not like he could cope with being alone. Why make a faulty creation just to kill it over and over and over again? Oh but let me guess, humans are at fault for being humans.. right?

I have informed you before that the laws that you are referring to were handed to Levite priests in that day and age, they are not applicable to anyone other then them.

You're wrong. jesus specifically states that all the laws apply to everyone, and that nobody should break even the smallest of them, (not one dot, not one stroke). They are applicable to everyone. I realise you don't want to be circumcised, or can't live without pork, or need to work on a weekend - but it does not mean that they are no longer express laws handed down by god, agreed to by jesus, and followed by you.

Remember then there were no courts or man made laws.

Sure there was, the code of hammurabi for one, which came way before biblical laws. The Sumerians had a working rule system in place, and given that the OT is a later version of the Sumerian texts, it stands to reason that those laws have not been given to us by a jewish god, but by someone who came long before he did.

Have you got any proof of this claim? For your information, Christians these days take the stance of “Hate the sin Love the sinner”. The church in the past has got an awful record, so have humans generally for doing terrible things.

I've got a very large book called 'sex in history' that goes through these issues in extraordinary depth. However, when you say "hate the sin love the sinner", you are instantly promoting homosexuality as wrong. Did you get that notion from the TV or the bible? Who says homosexuality is a sin?

Have you read the New Testament?

Many times. Do you mean the bit about eternal damnation, the world being destroyed by god's henchmen, god giving satan 1000 years of freedom to cause turmoil on earth or that his very own people, (the jews), are murdering scum who will burn forever?

Would you not hope for the rest of your life that she returns back home to see you?

Hope - sure, judge her for it - no.

Where does it say that He detests gays?

Here is where we'll undoubtedly come down to an issue of "sin not sinner", but answer me this:

Your wife loves you dearly but thinks your penis is too small. This would equate to loving you but not a part of what makes you you. Would you feel resentment that a part of what you are is considered detestable or sickening to her, even though she says she loves you?

And where is your proof that homosexuality is natural? Just because it occurs in nature doesn’t mean it is natural. For example, if all dogs were gay in the beginning then we would have no dogs now.

Are you claiming it is supernatural? Or claiming that just for no reason whatsoever a person sits down and decides to be gay? Further to which there's no reason to put "all" dogs. Nobody is saying all dogs are or were gay.

As for dogs, they generally 'stick it' to another male dog to ascertain the level of heirarchy. It's a symbol of status and rank, not so much tender loving feeling towards a pooch of the same sex. It's similar in prisons.. The big convicts don't bum pump you because they fancy you, but because they are showing their domination.

Yes, it also happens to be regarded, by many, as they most impressive literarily achievement known to man.

I wouldn't go that far.

So it has to make you wonder how these so-called backward people could pull it off.

Just as easily as all the other cultures that pulled it off.

What piece of Literature would you say is better?

Where to start? Old wise: The Enuma Elish, The Epic of Gilgamesh.. more modern wise: Mark Twain's writings, Lord of the Rings etc.

While you’re at it, how many authors did that book have?

You tell me.

Over how long was that book written?

Again, you tell me.

Does it sell thousands probably millions of copies today?

Yeah, and only a handful ever bother reading it :D 1.5 million copies of the Sun are sold every single day of the week and everyone reads it.

You can't really argue anything based upon how many people own a copy.

It amazes me how people can withstand the heat of a vindaloo, the hottest I go for is a madras, but last night I settled for a house special curry with egg fried rice and chips from my local Chinese, it was lovely

Wuss. :D
Hello once again,

And annihilation would benefit them how exactly? Closing womens wombs benefitted them how exactly?

Ok, I guess having your womb closed would make you realise that god is the boss and next time you shouldn't... oh wait, they hadn't actually done anything at all. Perhaps looking from that I should punch my daughter in the head, and when she enquires as to why, I can merely say that I'm showing her who's boss in advance. Of course we could just instantly kill every child that is born - and thus ensure that nobody ever grows up a sinner.

You really have no idea what the word “God” means have you? I have tried to explain to you, from my feeble mind to yours, yet you spit it out as if it’s p-oison.

God said “Look man has become like us” He didn’t say (what you seem to think) “Man has become me”

You know, that pervert will always be wandering the street.

Apart from the always bit, I agree.

Perhaps we should just lock our children away in a room to ensure their safety?

Has God locked you up?

The key in helping your children avoid becoming a victim is not in keeping them locked up in the house, but in educating them to the dangers and the ways to avoid them - always travel with friends, carry alarms and mobiles, take some self defence lessons, (etc). That's where the benefit comes from.

Yes I agree wholeheartedly. My self defence is the Bible, and my mobile phone is prayer. Obviously I’m talking about God now, so no need to go on a rant about “prayer won’t stop a criminal offending you!”

They might decide not to listen to you, but locking them up in the house doesn't make them listen any more.

You mean the housebound punishment for one week is worthless? As far as I know that is the only thing I mentioned on the subject… You seem pretty passionate about just letting kids do what they want. In fact it all sounds a bit like Willie Wonka.

While those who accepted the god of Abraham never had an empire. Wandering desert nomads who still to this day can't even agree over which lump of mud belongs to them.

Why would they want an empire? If anything it would make them bigger targets.

As we learn more, god becomes all the more meaningless. It's an inevitablity.

You’re good; you can even predict the future, wow! He may be meaningless to you, but you’re in the minority, but hey, since when have the majority been correct? Many great minds do and have believed in God, in fact I find the most inspired people in history believed in God. Isaac Newton is my personal favourite, a Christian man who I think was a homosexual, and happened to be a true genius, far superior, in other words, to anyone that will visit this forum.

And there is the problem. Kids should not be "fearing" their parents.

Really. What planet are you currently on? If you haven’t realised kids do not fear their parents, and thus do not even fear the consequences of crime in this day and age, and why is this Sherlock? Or are you going to answer another question with a question?

This is meaningless.

Yes, it is.

He is the god of these people and yet give them five minutes playtime and they're worshipping a lump of metal instead. Something is seriously wrong there - and not so much with their actions, but with what god is doing wrong that he cannot keep people that supposedly 'know' he exists worshipping him for any longer than it takes to make some cheese on toast.

If I go away for a few weeks my daughter doesn't start calling the kettle 'dad'.

So we can question whether, to even the jews, this god was existant or if so - whether he was worth the effort.

It would seem following their god hasn't turned out too 'beneficial' for them - and they seemingly noticed it too, which is why given half a chance, they worshipped something else, anything else they could find and even saw going back into slavery as the beneficial alternative. And yet god didn't allow them to decide what was or wasn't beneficial, no - he demanded they do it his way and suffer the outcome, or don't do it his way and suffer the consequences. He doesn't say that he loves his people, but often he says how upset and angry he is with them, and how he wants them to 'fear' him above all else.

I could answer this but all I’ll get in return is a sarcastic reply that will have no Biblical knowledge in it whatsoever, apart from what you write that you say is in there. Just the worst quotes (not even this) from the Bible known to man, again and again. You have no intention of taking on board explanations, you must just look at them and say “Well I’ll mention slavery next along with my *ace card* the golden calf, then obviously if I say the non existence of god in an authoritative manner people will think I must be right”

You must love Exodus and Deuteronomy.

You say you find the Bible interesting, interesting in a sense that you can use it to ridicule other people on a daily basis? If not this then I think you’re lying. Apologies for singling you out, but why bother turning up at a religious forum (the truth would be nice)?

Even the very act of "rescuing" the jews from slavery shows it's more about showing off than personal care for his people. We could assume that 'resucing' some people is quite an easy affair for god. Even Moses points it out to him:

Moses went back to yahweh and said, "Lord, why do you treat this people so harshly? Why did you send me? Ever since I came to pharoah and spoke to him in your name, he has ill treated this people, and you have done nothing at all about rescuing your people".

Did you know that you could become a Jew today if you wanted to? So I think the same can be said about the Egyptians in that time. God did this to show that He is the Almighty so that as many people would come out of Egypt as possible. Now do you think He was just showing off?

If you’re interested:

god then says to watch what god will do.. A mighty hand will force him to let them go..

No mighty hand came, just a bunch of faffing about that kept his people as slaves for longer. The first two plagues the Egyptians could also perform, (turning all the water to blood shows some ability on the side of the Egyptians magicians), and until the sixth plague the pharoah remained obstinate.

Your perspective of the situation is flawed, but it is futile for me to try and tell you your flaws. To answer the above waffle look at what I have already written and try to be logical. And not everything in the Bible is meant to be taking as literal, obviously.

Now we come to the interesting part...

On the sixth plague the pharoah was not obstinate. The text differs here completely, and instead of pharoah remaining obstinate and not allowing the jews to go, it states that god made him stubborn so he would refuse.

At this stage of the game it would seem god has won and the jews are free... But wait, we're not done - no no, god was enjoying his moment of free advertising, forget the jews. As he says:

"I have let you survive for this reason: to display my power to you and have my name talked of throughout the world."

Yes, it is good advertising isn’t it? As far as I know there have been pictures depicting this event found in Egypt, chiselled in stone. But you won’t find this information in the Sun. The rest of your Exodus rant is basically the same second hand waffle. So I’ll move on… after this, your other “ace card”

Finally of course the jews do get freed and the pharoah has no intentions of pursuing them until god hardens his heart just so he will, just so god can drown him.

Maybe he did this so that the people that stayed with the pharaoh saw that they had made mistakes so they decided to chisel these events in stone as remembrance, I mean pharaohs were pig headed and thought they were gods, so they wouldn’t have wanted to record this defeat, oh wait he died in anyway, good call.

Love and respect do not come from annihilation or showing off.

And you would know.

Well, that's because these people eventually realise that their "beliefs" are fictional and cannot compete

They’re fictional are they? Prove it. By the way, lack of proof is not proof.

Now you might play your other “ace card” here, “well do you believe in pink unicorns?” my answer is simple. There has been no fossil found to support such a claim, just what people say. So I would talk to the people who believe in pink unicorns (if I was really interested) and conclude from my investigation whether there was any value in believing in pink unicorns. I have never met anyone who believes in pink unicorns so far, who wasn’t under the influence of LSD or some other illegal substance.

Further to which, atheism isn't a religion.


• A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Yes it is for some.

Ah, so god should kill her for me? What are you saying? You seem to be acknowledging god habit and ability to go round killing people. While you could be right, he is god after all, it doesn't make it any less of a shithead action. What kind of a rolemodel is that? One who seems to delight in murder while saying "thou shalt not kill".

A role model typically is someone you aspire to be like. This is not possible with God as He is not a human being. However it is possible with Jesus as He was a human being who lived on this planet for 33 years.

A lot more than this gods. He wants to destroy the world and everyone on it, I'd rather protect it.

You really think highly of yourself, what do you do for this world to make it safe? Actions speak louder than words.

Ok, so a policeman says you can't kill someone, and then he kills someone without consequence. You agree that that's cool?

What has this got to do with the price of cheese?

Indeed not by flooding. By stars crashing into the planet, war, famine, flying dragons and several murderous rampaging horsemen.

Way too much 'love' there for me to handle.

If you read the whole book and read about history you’ll find a lot of love in there, but if you just read the nasty parts then obviously it’s going to look like a horror story.

The women were innocent. The punishment wasn't given to them for worshipping the wrong god, but for Abraham lying to Abimelech. That's it.

Yes, but you said they were innocent when they were not. God was justified in this matter for the simple fact that he dealt with transgressors for the benefit of His faithful. If they were worshipping the correct God then you have a case.

No light for the men, women, children and animals that were drowned.

You could class Noah as the light as he warned them and was scoffed at, just as Christians are scoffed at for warning people in this day and age.

Nah. If so it isn't love whatsoever. However, I do appreciate that christians do not really understand what love actually is.

Tell me, what is love? Is it letting your kids do anything they desire whether it harms them or not?

You're wrong. jesus specifically states that all the laws apply to everyone, and that nobody should break even the smallest of them, (not one dot, not one stroke). They are applicable to everyone. I realise you don't want to be circumcised, or can't live without pork, or need to work on a weekend - but it does not mean that they are no longer express laws handed down by god, agreed to by jesus, and followed by you.

What laws are you referring to specifically? Your circumcision comment shows that you have not studied this to any great depth, as does your pork comment.

Sure there was, the code of hammurabi for one, which came way before biblical laws. The Sumerians had a working rule system in place, and given that the OT is a later version of the Sumerian texts, it stands to reason that those laws have not been given to us by a jewish god, but by someone who came long before he did.

So are the Sumerian laws still in effect now? When do they actually date to?

I've got a very large book called 'sex in history' that goes through these issues in extraordinary depth. However, when you say "hate the sin love the sinner", you are instantly promoting homosexuality as wrong. Did you get that notion from the TV or the bible? Who says homosexuality is a sin?

Yes homosexuality is wrong, but so is smoking cannabis. I held this view from about the age of 18, when I was an agnostic. The TV promotes homosexuality, in case you haven’t noticed.

Many times. Do you mean the bit about eternal damnation, the world being destroyed by god's henchmen, god giving satan 1000 years of freedom to cause turmoil on earth or that his very own people, (the jews), are murdering scum who will burn forever?

Where does it mention anyone will burn forever?

Hope - sure, judge her for it - no.

And so you shouldn’t judge her.

Your wife loves you dearly but thinks your penis is too small. This would equate to loving you but not a part of what makes you you. Would you feel resentment that a part of what you are is considered detestable or sickening to her, even though she says she loves you?

I would have asked her why she didn’t mention it before we got married.

Or claiming that just for no reason whatsoever a person sits down and decides to be gay? Further to which there's no reason to put "all" dogs. Nobody is saying all dogs are or were gay.

I have little doubt that gays do have strong desires for people of the same sex. Just as an alcoholic has a strong desire to have a drink.

As for dogs, they generally 'stick it' to another male dog to ascertain the level of heirarchy. It's a symbol of status and rank, not so much tender loving feeling towards a pooch of the same sex.

Really, so when my blind and deaf dog tried to get his leg over another dog he was trying the climb the hierarchy from within our house, even though he is our only dog?

It's similar in prisons.. The big convicts don't bum pump you because they fancy you, but because they are showing their domination.

Oh I see, so that’s why they call them the “Daddy”.

I wouldn't go that far.

I’m shocked.

Books that compare to the Bible according to snakelord:

Where to start? Old wise: The Enuma Elish, The Epic of Gilgamesh.. more modern wise: Mark Twain's ( Huckerberry Finn) writings, Lord of the Rings etc.


I asked: How many authors do these books have?

You tell me.

I asked: When were they written?

Again, you tell me.

Tell you what exactly? I don’t know the author of The Enuma Elish. I don’t know when it was written. Let’s concentrate on Huckerberry Finn. Written by one man in probably one year a few decades ago. It comes together well and is cohesive.

The Bible, written by over 30 people over 1500 years and comes together as if it was written by one person.

Nice fair comparison I see, just what I expected.

Yeah, and only a handful ever bother reading it 1.5 million copies of the Sun are sold every single day of the week and everyone reads it.

Since when has the majority been correct? I can think of only three uses for the Sun, but I won’t go into that.


It seems so. So what’s next? Arm wrestling? :D


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Sup.. :)

You really have no idea what the word “God” means have you?

1) A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.

2) A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.

3) A very handsome man.

4) A powerful ruler or despot.

I'm more than aware of what the word means, but I don't really see that it has relevance to my quote.

I have tried to explain to you, from my feeble mind to yours, yet you spit it out as if it’s p-oison.

You can take it any way you want to but you're seemingly expecting me to just ignore all these issues as if they're not even there. That would undoubtedly make me 'more christian', but it isn't honest.

If you want we can just stick to the lovely issues. Let's find an example..

Ooh yes, jesus healing the blind and crippled. Such a lovely caring attitude.

Of course there is one problem with that if you consider jesus and god to be the very same god. In the OT this very same god explains that it is he who makes people blind, crippled and so on - and it even states in the NT, where the man was "born blind so that the works of god might be revealed in him" (John 9)

As a result of this, is it really 'loving'? The analogy equivalent would be a doctor injecting you with some virulent disease, curing it sometime later and expecting a thank you, or have you thinking what he's done is 'loving'.

Would that be considered as a more loving action? If not, kindly give me something that shows beyond any doubt the loving attitude of this god.

God said “Look man has become like us” He didn’t say (what you seem to think) “Man has become me”

So I'm not allowed an opinion? That's nice.

Apart from the always bit, I agree.

Has God locked you up?

I think you missed what I was getting at, but nm - it wasn't that important.

Yes I agree wholeheartedly. My self defence is the Bible, and my mobile phone is prayer. Obviously I’m talking about God now, so no need to go on a rant about “prayer won’t stop a criminal offending you!”

Well I prefer to say discuss than rant, and it's also not about need, but want. However, you have said that your self defence is the bible and your mobile is prayer. Self defence against what or who? I would assume you mean satan, evil or sin? So tell me, does it work? Does your bible and mobile stop sin, stop you sinning?

From what I can gather from the majority of christians, we're all sinners and always do sin. The bible and prayer in this instance don't actually prevent anything, but merely excuse it. Would you care to disagree? Are you not a believer in "belief in jesus means we are forgiven for our sins"? It doesn't stop you sinning, it merely brushes those sins aside.

You mean the housebound punishment for one week is worthless?


You seem pretty passionate about just letting kids do what they want. In fact it all sounds a bit like Willie Wonka.

Yeah, that's where the misunderstanding usually ends up - although I don't blame you. I guess you'd have to spend some time with my family to appreciate it. I must admit though, Willie Wonka's cool enough.

It all depends on the level of love and respect shown to the child. Remember: They're a fellow human, not a servant. Let's say that the child's parent says: "c'mon we're going out", and the child then says: "ohh, but I don't want to go out", many would view this as bad and tell their children off because of it. But at the end of the day doesn't any human have the right to not want to go somewhere? Are they in the wrong for voicing their thoughts? Many would answer yes to this, brought up themselves on the notion that "kids should be seen but not heard".

This doesn't mean letting them do anything they want to, but in appreciating and respecting their feelings which in turn should lead to them appreciating and respecting yours.

Hopefully that explained it a bit better.

Why would they want an empire? If anything it would make them bigger targets.

Although we could debate that, I didn't say they wanted an empire. You were trying to show that people who didn't follow the god of Abraham had a bad time and 'fell'. I was explaining that those who did/do follow the god of Abraham didn't have it any better. What that does is negate any argument as to former benefits of following the god of Abraham as opposed to Ra the sun god.

You’re good; you can even predict the future, wow! He may be meaningless to you, but you’re in the minority

It's not about predicting the future, and nor am I in the minority. Even you agree. Here is an example I use regularly:

Thousands of years ago an event occurred, (the ten plagues for instance). It was instantly attributed to being an act of god. god got angry with certain folk and caused them strife.

Nobody attributes the bubonic plague as an act of god. All of a sudden nobody even brings god into the equation. He has become meaningless for explaining anything on this planet/universe. Just like everyone else, the religious man will accept the scientific explanation and say "rats", (germs on rats etc).

So why is one an act of god and the other isn't? Because one is written as an act of god right? So because god no longer gets people to write books, you're stating that he isn't causing any of the things that he once did.. right? That god himself has given up as ruler of the land, instead leaving the land to do it's own 'natural' thing. The earthquakes, tsunamis, and plagues are no longer god showing his power, but natural events that science has explained and religion cannot argue.

I would put it to you that there never was a god causing these things, but that ancient people just didn't know how to explain them. Take the river turning red for example: It's a classic case of pfisteria, but how many ancient jews/egyptians could have diagnosed pfisteria? None.

Life and the earth are now explainable. We don't state god is the reason for anything anymore - whereas back in the OT, god caused everything from blindness to bruised testicles, earthquakes to the outcome of wars.

So god ends up 90% meaningless in today's age. Where is his only remaining niche? Yes, a supposed life after this one. This life is evil, and dangerous, full of harm and hatred - so sayeth the religious man, but the next life! Yes, it will be wonderful.

In this life, this world, god means nothing.

Many great minds do and have believed in God, in fact I find the most inspired people in history believed in God. Isaac Newton is my personal favourite, a Christian man who I think was a homosexual, and happened to be a true genius, far superior, in other words, to anyone that will visit this forum.

This doesn't mean anything really. Superiority is in the eyes of the beholder.

Really. What planet are you currently on? If you haven’t realised kids do not fear their parents, and thus do not even fear the consequences of crime in this day and age, and why is this Sherlock? Or are you going to answer another question with a question?

What question have I answered with another question? (Other than this one :D)

I go out of my way to a big degree to make sure I answer questions in full. You will rarely see me leave one sentence answers - I prefer depth which generally save confusions such as this.

To answer your question: I am currently on planet Earth. My daughter doesn't fear me in the slightest - and yet she never even misbehaves in the slightest - because I show her love and respect.

You ever notice how there's a mothers day and a fathers day but there is no "childs day"? How religious texts would state: "a child should respect and obey their parents", without ever mentioning that a parent should repsect their children? It is the utter lack of respect that causes kids to go against the system in the first place. Of course I would enquire as to where you live. It's not that bad here. You make it sound like your neighbourhood is complete anarchy.

I suppose you would advocate society going back to the cane and slipper? That children call their fathers "sir" and expect a whipping with the belt if they misbehave or make mistakes? I guess we just disagree here.

But it's interesting to note that the parents who take the authoritative and fear approach have the nastiest bloody kids I've ever seen, whereas I, (the only parent I know that advocates love and respect only), have a daughter that has never, not once, ever done anything even remotely naughty. Instead she runs and jumps on me while I'm typing this post, says: "Hi my best friend", gives me a kiss and goes off again. That's how I know I'm doing it right.

Yesterday we were going to take the dog for a walk. I said to my daughter, "Bose, (her nickname), put your jacket on we're taking the dog out", to which she replied:

"hmm.. I'll only put it on if you can make me laugh".

Some could see that as disobedience I guess, but it isn't. Some parents would undoubtedly be screaming, "DO AS I SAY!" at this point, but that is well out of line. Instead I pulled a funny face, she laughed and we had a great walk. It's not that hard for anyone to do really is it? Of course, many kids would have just said no, because they're aware they're not given the chance to voice themselves, to have themselves heard. The parent then sees that as bad, (because apparently children do not have the right to say no), and it just proceeds in getting worse for everyone.

Well, they can have that.. Personally I prefer the joy, kisses and love.

I could answer this but all I’ll get in return is a sarcastic reply that will have no Biblical knowledge in it whatsoever

Well certainly a worthwhile attempted excuse with which to get out of it. Blame the person you're discussing issues with as not knowing anything, blame the person you're discussing with as unable to speak seriously and then you're home free.

While I find it seriously lacking in all respects, it's your right.

apart from what you write that you say is in there.

So you are hereby stating that the biblical parts I have used are not in there? Yes, no?

Just the worst quotes (not even this) from the Bible known to man, again and again.

Just the worst quotes heh.. So you're telling me I should just ignore the worst quotes and concentrate on the peachy ones? They are there, they are as 'real' as any other quote you could find in the bible, (nice or not), and yet you seemingly now display such a problem with anyone even pointing out the fact that they are there. Bizarre notion to see how you'll hide yourself the minute something scary pops along.

You have no intention of taking on board explanations, you must just look at them and say “Well I’ll mention slavery next along with my *ace card* the golden calf, then obviously if I say the non existence of god in an authoritative manner people will think I must be right”

Well excuse me if I'm wrong somehow, but I thought we were having a discussion where opinions and thoughts were free to make. I didn't realise you were expecting me to instantly agree with everything you say and be a practicing christian by tomorrow afternoon. Thinking that I need to take on board your "explanations" shows that you consider yourself right. As a result the above quote should be pointed at yourself no?

You don't see me sitting here saying you have no intention of taking on board explanations, or whinging that you'll consider using your ace card of "but jesus died for us". I could you know, but I consider it a piss poor tactic to use during a discussion of any kind.

But what am I thinking? You're right, so sayeth you. I need to accept whatever you say as total truth and done with it.

Right? That is what you're saying after all.

You must love Exodus and Deuteronomy.

I'm not in the habit of loving inanimate objects, but sure, they're ok. But hey, feel free to use any book you so choose. It's all relevant to each other. If you said "jesus is god", I would use Hebrews where god says he isn't, if you were speaking of the end times and the arrival of heaven I would use revelations. If you were speaking of people being killed because of disobedience I would use pretty much any book in the bible.

You say you find the Bible interesting, interesting in a sense that you can use it to ridicule other people on a daily basis? If not this then I think you’re lying.

No. It's a fascinating look at the times of old and the ideas of ancient people. It shows how these people coped with natural events, (from floods to plagues). How the gods would battle, and the more destruction a god could manage, the greater he was - all based upon the natural occurrences of the planet. How even a dream became symbolic of something greater than they, and how they had tried to piece together their existence with nothing other than opinion and good imagination. Etc.

Apologies for singling you out, but why bother turning up at a religious forum (the truth would be nice)?

A) I don't remember it saying: "religious folk only in this sub section of a science forum".

B) If anything this site has far more non-believers than believers. So not only does it give you a chance to 'mingle' with people who share similar thoughts and feelings, but it also gives you a chance to discuss and debate them with people of differing thoughts and feelings.

C) It's a subject I have a lot of interest in. I would happily discuss any religious/mythology issues, discuss about any gods and any beliefs.

D) It keeps the brain working. If you don't have things that you discuss and question, you'll end up like a potato. Nobody has to be 'right', in fact given the nature of the subject matter, nobody can ever be right. As a result, while some would therefore see the whole affair as worthless, I find it "should" lead to more fruitful discussions in that nobody can say; "I'm right, you're wrong end of story". Ok, as I have seen some will try. That doesn't change anything, people will be silly sometimes.

Did you know that you could become a Jew today if you wanted to? So I think the same can be said about the Egyptians in that time. God did this to show that He is the Almighty so that as many people would come out of Egypt as possible. Now do you think He was just showing off?

He killed Egyptians to show Egyptians that they could go worship him? What was wrong with just saying: "Hello, here I am"? Why hadn't he sat down on a mountain handing stones out to the Egyptians, or the Chinese, Indians etc? Instead you're telling me he sat down with one group of people to show he existed. He handed them laws and led them through the desert but never bothered with anyone else, instead opting that to get more followers the best overall plan would be to kill them?

Your perspective of the situation is flawed, but it is futile for me to try and tell you your flaws.

One of my favourite religious man excuses: "You don't know what you're talking about, but I wont, (*can't*), explain it".

To answer the above waffle look at what I have already written and try to be logical.

No disrespect, but a religious man has absolutely no place to be telling a non-religious man to be logical. But hey, if you want me to be logical:

gods are not real, they have been created by early man in order to explain natural events of the planet, to provide them some hope in facing up to lifes challenges - such as conquering enemies etc, and were more than warranted for people of that time. But it's 2005, people should be somewhat smarter than that by now.

Prefer the logical approach?

And not everything in the Bible is meant to be taking as literal, obviously.

Ah, excuse number 3, (all in one post, I must be causing some harm). When in doubt just claim that the part in question isn't real. The rest of the bible is of course, but the current issue in debate is fiction. And of course you have the final say over what is or isn't real, and only when it personally suits you.

Yes, it is good advertising isn’t it?

You know what would have worked better? If he had have sat down on a mountain, showed the Egyptians he was there and handed them some laws on a big stone tablet. Shame he didn't think of that.

As far as I know there have been pictures depicting this event found in Egypt, chiselled in stone.

Any links/references to this that you have?

But you won’t find this information in the Sun.

Sure you will. Didn't you read the one the other week with Mary in some cheese on toast, or jesus in a bowl of pot noodle?

Maybe he did this so that the people that stayed with the pharaoh saw that they had made mistakes so they decided to chisel these events in stone as remembrance, I mean pharaohs were pig headed and thought they were gods

Again this is all pointless given that he could have treated them originally just like the jews, and in doing so avoid the future problems that stemmed from it. Without him sitting on a mountain for them can you fault them for believing in other gods? Nobody even told them this yhwh character was around. Without knowing, how were they supposed to know? And then after building a massive empire someone comes along, kills them and says: "btw, I'm real". It's daft.

And you would know.

Yes, I would.

They’re fictional are they? Prove it. By the way, lack of proof is not proof.

To them, obviously. And I can only laugh my balls off at a religious man saying "prove it". What would you care, it's all about 'faith' right? That is what I keep being told. Ye of little faith.

Now you might play your other “ace card” here, “well do you believe in pink unicorns?”

I generally use leprechauns. They at least have as much evidence for their existence as god does. Pink unicorns? No.

So through all of your statement, where comes the 'value' of believing in the jewish god? Afterlife right? But then what of other gods that promise afterlife? There must be more.. Tell me.

Yes it is for some.

Mainly for the religious folk who have a problem understanding what atheism is.

A role model typically is someone you aspire to be like. This is not possible with God as He is not a human being. However it is possible with Jesus as He was a human being who lived on this planet for 33 years.

Are you hereby telling me that god and jesus are not one and the same?

You really think highly of yourself, what do you do for this world to make it safe? Actions speak louder than words.

Highly of myself? No. I stated that I would prefer to protect it than destroy it. As a result I do what I can with my limited ability. I put money into trying to stop babies being stillborn, (yes, I am aware that the firstborn child does belong to god and thus is his property to do with whatever he wants), I give to animal charities, (yes I am aware god said the animals are there for us to do with as we please - other than the ones we are to kill just for his benefit), I donate to childrens charities, (because I noticed parents being bad to their children is somewhat of an epidemic. Maybe we should just listen to god and stone them to death to save the hassle). I donate money to find cures for all kinds of diseases, (yes I know god created these diseases with the express purpose of killing people, but I will still happily fight to kill these specific creations of god).

See, I'm all about mankind and earth.

What has this got to do with the price of cheese?

Talk about confusion. Read it again or something. Or not, doesn't bother me.

If you read the whole book and read about history you’ll find a lot of love in there, but if you just read the nasty parts then obviously it’s going to look like a horror story.

I didn't say there was no love in there, but only a fool doesn't raise an eyebrow knowing his planet and everyone on it is going to be exterminated - whether they're nice people or not.

Yes, but you said they were innocent when they were not. God was justified in this matter for the simple fact that he dealt with transgressors for the benefit of His faithful. If they were worshipping the correct God then you have a case.

How was he justified? What do you want from them? He didn't sit down and tell them he was there, he didn't have them laws on stone, he didn't pay them any attention other than to come in and give them shit everytime a jew was around. You just expect them to have guessed which was the "real" god, even though they'd never heard of him? So how were they not innocent?

You've never heard of me, and then one day I show up at your door and beat the crap out of you for failing to worship me. That's ridiculous.

They were innocent, in every respect.

You have no case at all.

You could class Noah as the light as he warned them and was scoffed at, just as Christians are scoffed at for warning people in this day and age.

Just as David Koresh was scoffed at... Right? Did you listen to him?

Tell me, what is love? Is it letting your kids do anything they desire whether it harms them or not?

Well let's look at it, seeings as Jenyar failed to respond. The words, "love thy neighbour" come into play here. Do you love me David?

If you've answered yes, which supposedly you have to do to be in keeping with jesus laws, then answer me this:

If god came to you and said that I was going to hell, and that the only way to stop it would be for you to take my place there instead of me.

Would you?

If god came to me and said my daughter was going to hell I wouldn't even let him finish his sentence. "Send me instead", I would shout. I would happily and willingly doom myself to an eternity of the worst pain imagineable just to ensure my daughter didn't. Is there anyone you would leave yourself with an eternity of burning for? Think about it.

That is love.

What laws are you referring to specifically?

All of them.

Your circumcision comment shows that you have not studied this to any great depth, as does your pork comment.

How so, Mr Vague? Did you not pay attention to jesus who says they are all to remain and are all as important?

So are the Sumerian laws still in effect now?

Of course they are, (within reason - exactly like the jewish laws. While thou shalt not kill is still in practice, stone thy son to death is not).

When do they actually date to?

It is the oldest known written legal code in existence, written some 2,500 years before the Talmud, and is the predecessor of Jewish and Islamic legal systems alike.

Yes homosexuality is wrong

Says who?

but so is smoking cannabis

Interesting. god does not declare smoking cannabis as wrong, and the current legal system which does, does not say homosexuality is wrong.

You're just accepting a bit of both from your own personal opinion right?

So tell me... how is homosexuality wrong? Come to think of it, how is smoking cannabis wrong?

The TV promotes homosexuality, in case you haven’t noticed.

Yeah, channel 4 sucks. Do they do anything to attempt to justify it as ok, or do they do it like you and just say so for the sake of it?

Where does it mention anyone will burn forever?

I would state that the general consensus comes from several mentions of it such as gnashing of teeth and so on, but although I notice how you ignored the others rather swiftly, I would then ask if you're stating that christianity has this wrong. So nobody burns, we just die.. right? I'm good with that, and although it doesn't change the other things I mentioned, it does save a lot of overall pain because I didn't listen to daddy.

I would have asked her why she didn’t mention it before we got married.

My question was whether or not you would feel some resentment.

Really, so when my blind and deaf dog tried to get his leg over another dog he was trying the climb the hierarchy from within our house, even though he is our only dog?

Sure, because your house is his territory. A dog that is passing or in his 'zone' could very well be seen as an intruder. Ok, your dog is blind and deaf - but a dog's main sense is it's nose. In this instance he would be affirming that this area belongs to him, and not to the visitor. I agree he could just piss on the walls - but he's only doing what is natural.

Tell you what exactly?

Apologies, my mistake. I thought you were asking when the bible was written.

I don’t know the author of The Enuma Elish. I don’t know when it was written.

Well, dictated to humans by the gods and written some 1,500 years before the bible was even being considered.

Let’s concentrate on Huckerberry Finn. Written by one man in probably one year a few decades ago. It comes together well and is cohesive.

Over 100 years ago, an example of literary brilliance.

The Bible, written by over 30 people over 1500 years and comes together as if it was written by one person.

Does it really? Lol. Of course the amount of people and time goes a long way in explaining why it's full to the brim of contradiction. Hell, page 1 even contradicts page 2.

Not to mention the timing.. How long after the events have these been written? If life began in Sumeria, (as the bible states), and the Sumerian writing predates the biblical writing by 1,500 years minimum, then it stands to reason, (and logic), that the biblical writing will not be half as accurate as the earlier Sumerian texts. The Sumerians were there to see it all happen, the jews were not. Not to forget that the jews were born out of the Sumerians, (Abraham was Sumerian), and that the stories depicted in the early parts of the bible are but exaggerated versions of those earlier stories. They can't even call the one and only god, god.. they call him "gods".

Of course we could just turn a blind eye to history, ignore the evidence and just claim that these are all original accounts and events as told by some jew we don't know.

Since when has the majority been correct?

I agree completely.
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