
SnakeLord said:
Take a look at the ten plagues issue. The Egyptians had the jews as slaves. God killed them all, (even though purposely keeping his children as slaves for longer just to inflict pain). That is parenting: Protect your children from enemies, (although it would stand to reason that Egyptians were as much his children as the jews were). Not kill your own children when there aren't any enemies.
He did not kill them all, only the firstborn - and after that only those who pursued Israel through the Red Sea. And only after 9 chances to avoid it. That does not mean Egypt are simply excluded from God's favour:
Isaiah 19:24-25 In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance."​
Israel could not expect preferential treatment because they were counted as God's children, in fact, that made them more accountable in God's eyes. They had to live up to higher standards because they were chosen by him. If they were special, it was because they were chosen to be put through the "furnace of Egypt" to be refined. Not because they were better or more powerful than any other race. They would be protected if they followed Him, not otherwise. This is where the jealousy of God comes in: He would not tolerate them having other gods besides Him.
Amos 9:7 "Are not you Israelites
the same to me as the Cushites?"
declares the LORD.
"Did I not bring Israel up from Egypt,
the Philistines from Caphtor
and the Arameans from Kir?​
Snakelord said:
Here's a reality for you Jenyar whether you accept it or not: The christian/jewish god has killed more humans than any other being in the history of mankind. Nothing else even comes close. This you cannot debate against.
Why should I debate it? God kills every single person on the planet, eventually. Nobody does not die. But He also gives life - twice over. The first birth you have no choice in, the second birth is yours to choose.
Further to which, your last sentence is kind of meaningless. You state that god is protecting us from non-existant beings, (by killing us). That equates to you slaughtering your child because he has an imaginary friend.

You know the 'friend' is not real, and to protect him from what is not real, you give him plague and kill him.
I did not say "us" - God protects those who belong to Him by choice - and certainly not by "killing us". You put that clause in. He protects us so that we can have a life beyond the nest, as adults; and not by letting us have our cherished gods. Our false gods - money, power, success, luck; you name them - keep us complacent and unwilling to accept God's life. It is against them that God warns us. For Israel, other gods simply referred to the deities of other religions (who thought they were real, no doubt) - today we give gods different names, and although they may be more abstract, more complicated, more "civilized", they are no less real to people. They are anything that promise you what only God can give; anything that leads us away from Him. Parasites that feed off our minds and bodies are "predators" too.
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heart said:
Then how is one ever converted to christianity? If they are an atheist and therefore cannot know the things of "god" how do they ever??? I know some atheists turned christian... According to this..I just don't see how it's possible.

Yes, I've encountered this argument too. My answer is this: Many people believe in God, but few believe that God is like what the Bible says.
Many atheists believe in God, but they don't believe God is like what the Bible says.
But similar as one can get to know a person, one can get to know God.
Right now, you know very little or nothing about me, but reading this post, you know that I exist. You could go and ask some posters here if they know me, and what I am like. You can believe what these people tell you about me, or you don't believe what they tell you about me. Either way, it is not my existence that you wonder about -- for you already know that I exist --, but you are wondering what I am like.

* * *

SnakeLord said:
It's like reading a Shakespeare novel to a dog. It would be meaningless.

William, unrot yourself and get out of the grave, you need to write a novel! Dude, you wrote only tragedies, comedies and those lustful ditties -- but now you need to write a novel too! Come on! Time to get modern!

I mean c'mon, god is not a man, love is bloody meaningless. It's just a bunch of chemical reactions that man "suffers" from.

Love is meaningless? You don't love your wife and daughter, or you don't think much about the emotions you have for them -- you think those emotions are meaningless? Petty?

Oh, and the human mind is also just a bunch of chemical reactions. Why the hell talk about it?! It's meaningless!

While you can use that excuse, it is quite sickening to hear. Heart has pointed this out, but all you're saying is that you have the right to squash a worm because you're above him. While some would happily agree with that statement - and proceed to squash some worms, it is indeed very very sickening - and shows the level of god to be far below that of man, (most men).

So all you see that there could be to God is power, might is right?

I think you are talking about nature, not about God.

Well of course we were, unless you're happy to claim that god fucked up? He planted the tree, (knowing man would eat), he planted the snake, (knowing man would listen to it) - he must have designed man to do it, and thus gain the knowledge he supposedly didn't want us to have. I know, you'll say "free will", but then who planted that free will, (to act as it does), in humanity?

Free will is given by God.

What guidance would that be exactly? I mean, are we free to just choose what guidance to follow and what to ignore? If yes - the laws become meaningless, if no - we should all be stoning our naughty sons, prostitutes and Sunday workers to death. Tell me, in that instance how does gods guidance limit our damage to others?

You equate guidance with (pre)determination.
Yes, we are free to choose what guidance we follow. Whatever we do has consequences.

You are not forced to obey the law. For example, nobody is forcing you not to drive through red. But if you drive through red, you have broken the law, and if the police gets you, you have to face the consequences.

Do you think that in order to be free, to choose whatever guidance you wish, there should be no laws?
heart said:
I know some atheists turned christian...
what foolishness is this, this is not possible, they must have been agnostic.
water said:
Many atheists believe in God.
what foolishness is this, you obviously dont know what an atheist is.

Either of you.

you want God to communicate in a way humans can understand? I think God does.

1)A woman's husband cheats on her, she is has protective feelings for her relationship that is suffering, these feelings are called "jealousy" - they are not condemned by sane people. **this definition fits exodus (although as you should be intelligent enough to understand, God is not a super man, so this definition probably doesn't exactly fit, I'll just say it is close)**

2) A co-worker gets a pay bonus, you don't, you have envious feelings of their reward which you didn't get because you didn't deserve one, or the boss is better friends with the co-worker. The feelings of self-pity and envy are called "jealousy". **this definition fits James**

#1 is ok, #2 is not. Not ipse dixit, because God said it, but because it makes sense.

Your problem is that you look at the bible with the following mentality, "the way I explain the passages makes the bible appear senseless, so that must be the way the bible is meant to be understood, because the bible doesn't make sense."
stefan said:
how so, that what it says.

Read the WHOLE sentence:

Many atheists believe in God, but they don't believe God is like what the Bible says.

Many atheists believe in God BUT they don't believe God is like what the Bible says.

You can't talk about God if you don't believe it is possible to talk about God. This implies that you believe in God in *a certain way* -- that it is possible to talk about God, even though it is just to bring a "proof" that God doesn't exist.

An atheist certainly doesn't believe that God is loving, just, that God created the universe etc. What an atheist can with surety say is that he doesn't hold the belief "God is loving", for example. At best, not holding the belief "God is loving" is a potential factual inconsistency. An inconsistency that sufficient information could resolve.

But noone can prove that God doesn't exist -- by the rules of logic, a negative cannot be proven. So holding the belief "God doesn't exist" is an unprovable statement of faith. To hold the belief "God doesn't exist" is a logical inconsistency. One should be wary of holding logically inconsistent beliefs.

He did not kill them all, only the firstborn - and after that only those who pursued Israel through the Red Sea.

Funny really, I was kind of hanging onto the hope that you would get the gist of what I was saying. Still while we're here.. These Egyptians would have supposedly have been gods children aswell, (we are all the same creation), and yet he directly involved himself in human affairs. Might I ask why he doesn't now? I mean, why doesn't he come down and kill all, (or only firstborn), muslims, (for instance), when they bomb his "chosen" people? Oh wait.. they're not his chosen people anymore. They have been disowned.

That does not mean Egypt are simply excluded from God's favour:
Isaiah 19:24-25 In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth.

Damn, I don't see England in that statement.

Israel could not expect preferential treatment because they were counted as God's children, in fact, that made them more accountable in God's eyes.

Oh right.. How many other cultures slaves did god free while annihilating the enemies for them?

They would be protected if they followed Him, not otherwise. This is where the jealousy of God comes in: He would not tolerate them having other gods besides Him.

Yeah, and that is in no way likened to your bird in the nest analogy. That simply shows bad parenting.

Why should I debate it? God kills every single person on the planet, eventually. Nobody does not die. But He also gives life - twice over. The first birth you have no choice in, the second birth is yours to choose.

You know, I've always been curious about that.. When everyone's finally annihilated by god and he decides to give some of you "new life" in a new golden jersualem, (although hopefully looking nothing like Jerusalem), what will you all look like?

I mean.. will you be born from 0, all be 30, or all be the ages you were when you died? If you all come out as handsome 30 year olds, wont it be somewhat odd looking at your mother, father and grandparents who are exactly the same age as you? It would certainly freak me out.

I'm also curious to know if you would have any memories of your former life, (I assume you must otherwise you wouldn't even recognise your loved ones). Would you, for instance, have memory of the crippling and body eating plague that god gave you, or would memories like that be lost?

I did not say "us" - God protects those who belong to Him by choice - and certainly not by "killing us". You put that clause in.

No I didn't. In your very last statement, you said: "God kills every single person on the planet" and yet here you are now trying to debate against it.

We can also go back to your first statements concerning the slaughtered Egyptians, or stop on nearly any page in the OT where god goes about killing someone, (who you might claim he is "'protecting' like a bird in a nest"). You go on to say that: "He protects us so that we can have a life beyond the nest, as adults; and not by letting us have our cherished gods", which is the point - because the minute someone cherished those other gods, your gods version of protection came out as mass murder and most likely eternal damnation. Are you telling me that is a bird looking after it's young?

Our false gods - money, power, success, luck; you name them - keep us complacent and unwilling to accept God's life.

Oh I see, and as a result of that, to find god we need to be poor, unsuccessful, and unlucky? Doesn't a parent want the best for his children? Not only what's best overall, but in every instance of their life? And so if one of his children happens to have worked hard and earnt a lot of money, isn't that a good thing for him? Sure, eventually your children will "leave the nest", and find their own way. Just because they go in a direction we specifically don't understand or appreciate, does that mean we it's right to kill them and damn them forever?

The fact is that if you are loving and present, then a child will always respect you no matter if he has money, luck and success or not. If you think that's how you earn love and respect, then I sincerely hope you do not have children. If a child abandons you, does that mean you abandon him back? Only if you're a lousy parent.

today we give gods different names, and although they may be more abstract, more complicated, more "civilized", they are no less real to people. They are anything that promise you what only God can give; anything that leads us away from Him. Parasites that feed off our minds and bodies are "predators" too.

The purpose of this life is what exactly? You are seemingly promoting the idea that we all just sit here and do nothing. That we don't have fun, don't be successful, etc etc etc. That's really quite perverse. I assume you work, and earn money to put food on the table. That alone is taking you away from god. You are dependant upon that job to feed you when you should be dependant upon god to feed you. So either god expects you to be a puppet and do nothing, letting him do it all for you, (perhaps dropping food down from the sky as featured in the bible), or does god expect you to achieve, to use your own effort to work and get food and so on, (i.e succeed)? Some undoubtedly earn more than others, but how does that take them anymore away from god than anyone else? If you believe in god, it wouldn't make a difference how much you earn. Take priests for example who earn shitloads. Does it take them away from god? If so, why go and listen to them? If not, how would money be a false god and something to avoid?



William, unrot yourself and get out of the grave, you need to write a novel! Dude, you wrote only tragedies, comedies and those lustful ditties -- but now you need to write a novel too! Come on! Time to get modern!

That's so sweet. You remind me of my 5 year old. Please, don't let me stop you acting like a child.

I'm sorry Water, did you actually have something to say or were you just trying to impress me by acting like a prick?

Love is meaningless? You don't love your wife and daughter, or you don't think much about the emotions you have for them -- you think those emotions are meaningless? Petty?

Dude, go back and read what I wrote again. Although I will admit my English can cause some confusion given that I'm a Londoner, I would have hoped you could grasp the context of what I was saying. If you're still struggling, let me know and I'll provide further details.

So all you see that there could be to God is power, might is right?

I think you are talking about nature, not about God.

Eh? I didn't use the excuse. Adstar said: "Now God can be Jealous without a problem, He can Kill without a problem, Because He is God."

I merely responded to how that is just plain wrong, (from a human perspective - because I am a human).

Am I missing something? Now you've got me confused. 1-1.

Free will is given by God.

Says who?

You equate guidance with (pre)determination.

From the quote you used, I didn't equate anything with anything. I asked three questions to the guy who told me we need to follow god's guidance to avoid damaging others. I then asked him how stoning your naughty son to death, (if you follow that guidance he says we need to follow), in any way helps avoiding damage to others.

I thought the issue was worth claryfing with him. Your personal opinion has also been noted, but I would prefer his reply.

Do you think that in order to be free, to choose whatever guidance you wish, there should be no laws?

Humans have created human laws to deal with humans, (from a human perspective). In general they help man get along with each other. However, if tomorrow a new law was put in place that told me I need to stone my son to death if he was naughty, I would certainly have issue with it. Any consequence of not obeying that I would happily put up with. I guess everyone pretty much agrees, 'cause even the god followers ignore him on that one. They too shall face the consequences of their disobedience in due time.


Cole Grey:

1)A woman's husband cheats on her, she is has protective feelings for her relationship that is suffering, these feelings are called "jealousy" - they are not condemned by sane people. **this definition fits exodus (although as you should be intelligent enough to understand, God is not a super man, so this definition probably doesn't exactly fit, I'll just say it is close)**

Would it be condemned if she then went and killed him and everyone else in the vicinity?

2) A co-worker gets a pay bonus, you don't, you have envious feelings of their reward which you didn't get because you didn't deserve one, or the boss is better friends with the co-worker. The feelings of self-pity and envy are called "jealousy". **this definition fits James**

Would it be condemned if you then went and killed your co-worker and everyone else in the vicinity?

#1 is ok, #2 is not. Not ipse dixit, because God said it, but because it makes sense.

What's wrong about being envious that someone else earns more than you do? (as long as it doesn't lead to the slaughter of everyone in the vicinity).

Your problem is that you look at the bible with the following mentality, "the way I explain the passages makes the bible appear senseless, so that must be the way the bible is meant to be understood, because the bible doesn't make sense."

What dark orifice did you extract this statement from? Nowhere have I said, or even implied, that it doesn't make sense. god says he's jealous and then kills everyone because they wont worship him. I point this out, and have all the religious people tell me that:

1) god can do whatever he wants because he's god and

2) I'm not allowed to be a human if I want to understand god, because he isn't a human, (although then giving that very same being all the other human qualities such as love etc)

Basically they've turned sense into nonsense.
Many atheists believe in God BUT they don't believe God is like what the Bible says.

Lol. If an atheist believes in a god, he's no longer an atheist. Extraordinary..

You can't talk about God if you don't believe it is possible to talk about God. This implies that you believe in God in *a certain way*

A capital LOL! I guess you can't talk about fairies, minotaurs, leprechauns or mermaids without believing in them too.

Lol dude, you're such a joker.

Shakespeare didn't write novels. When you said "It's like reading a Shakespeare novel to a dog. It would be meaningless.", I'm afraid the meaninglessness you were referring to was not the one that Shakespeare actually didn't write any novels. Had you said "It's like reading a Shakespeare tragedy to a dog. It would be meaningless." you had a point. But now you only showed an embarrassing lack of literature knowledge. A Shakespeare novel! I mean really.

As for a God-given free will:
If we talk about Christianity, the Christian discourse, then we say that free will is given by God. It's pointless to talk about a discourse and yet doubt what it says.
It's like doubting that Hamlet's name was Hamlet.
Or that the words "table" or "book" are not English words.
If we talk about a discourse, we don't doubt that it posits the concepts that it posits.

Also, read WHOLE sentences and WHOLE paragraphs.

Oh, and I can't be a prick or a dude.
SnakeLord said:
Would it be condemned if she then went and killed him and everyone else in the vicinity?
yes. and this is your ONLY argument - God is not fair, God kills people and then says it is bad for us to kill people. Ok, that is not an easy issue to brush aside with a happy christian platitude, like many people do (I admit). Don't confuse your argument with an empty accusation that these verses must be describing the same emotion, since the english translation uses "jealous" for both. (how does God have an emotion? the same way we do? with chemical processes?)
The greek word, can be, and is in other passages, translated as zeal as well.

SnakeLord said:
Would it be condemned if you then went and killed your co-worker and everyone else in the vicinity?
Yes. (See above response)

SnakeLord said:
What's wrong about being envious that someone else earns more than you do? (as long as it doesn't lead to the slaughter of everyone in the vicinity).
It depends. If you are self-pitying, and see everything as something that happens to you, not due to your own choices, there is no way to say that you are experiencing something God does. My point - there is a difference between the way you can describe how God would be "jealous", and how a human would be. NOT because of any see-sawing in the bible, but due to common logic. There are ways we think which God does not.

EDIT- if it is simply a feeling that you would like a bonus too, while you understand the situation, and perhaps try to do something positive to effect a change so that you get a bonus, perhaps asking for one and asking how that can be done, then the "envy" is ok. Cain could have said, "oh, this sacrifice isn't ok for you, let me fix that," but instead was lost in self-hate, an "emotion" God cannot have.

snakelord said:
Basically they've turned sense into nonsense.
Or perhaps their "sense" doesn't agree with yours and so it is nonsense. So you say "this is crap", and interpret everything you see in the bible as feeding that idea. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating when I say everything you read, maybe not, but your bias is a formidable opponent to you using your common sense sometimes, I think. In the same way, a fundamentalist christian bias that everything makes sense in the bible, ipse dixit, God said it, I read it, and that's good enough, is an opponent to the use of common sense and logic. Maybe one bias or another leads more easily to the truth, but either way arrives there with a lot of mis-representation.
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Shakespeare didn't write novels. When you said "It's like reading a Shakespeare novel to a dog. It would be meaningless.", I'm afraid the meaninglessness you were referring to was not the one that Shakespeare actually didn't write any novels. Had you said "It's like reading a Shakespeare tragedy to a dog. It would be meaningless." you had a point. But now you only showed an embarrassing lack of literature knowledge. A Shakespeare novel! I mean really

That's it Water, keep being a pedantic nitwit if it gives you some comfort and allows you to miss the rest of my post. You know damn well what I was talking about, and must be aware that humans are not perfect by any means, but sometimes, (just occasionally), we use the wrong wording. If it really means that much to you, then sue me. And even implying that the usage of one wrong word shows "an embarrassing lack of literature knowledge", is almost as retarded as saying if a person mentions a god it must mean they believe in it. I mean really..

Now, if you don't mind.. Kindly get out of my thread and leave it to people who actually have something worthwhile to say.

As for a God-given free will:
If we talk about Christianity, the Christian discourse, then we say that free will is given by God. It's pointless to talk about a discourse and yet doubt what it says.
It's like doubting that Hamlet's name was Hamlet.
Or that the words "table" or "book" are not English words.
If we talk about a discourse, we don't doubt that it posits the concepts that it posits.

The point being that you can't in any way confirm such a thing as 'free will'. It is openly and happily debated. As such you are stating god made something that you still cannot show as reality. Of course that's all down to personal opinion - some believe everything has all been planned down to the last letter, (often mentioned as "god master plan") etc. If that is the case then nobody has a choice in anything. The people that killed jesus, had to kill jesus in order for jesus to die for our sins and so on.

That's why I asked: "Says who?".

You starting to understand yet?

Also, read WHOLE sentences and WHOLE paragraphs.

To you I say the opposite. Don't read whole sentences or paragraphs. It seems you're getting lost with too much information for your brain to decipher.

Oh, and I can't be a prick or a dude.

It would seem you're intepreting the words too literally. Either that or you're just continuing along with your habit of being predantic.
yes. and this is your ONLY argument - God is not fair, God kills people and then says it is bad for us to kill people. Ok, that is not an easy issue to brush aside with a happy christian platitude, like many people do (I admit).

Well, then I guess it's lucky that that's the ONLY argument I was actually making. If the bible is considered as god's word, (I appreciate that it quite often isn't), then informing the world that jealousy is evil, motivated by the devil and so on, while happily espousing your own level of jealousy, shows some serious hypocricy - regardless to who or what you are, (especially if you are considered to be "intelligent"). As the bibles dictator, god must be aware that the wording he uses is all important in order for humans to understand what he is communicating. When he says he is jealous, there is no cause to believe that his meaning of jealousy is closer to our meaning of love or sympathy, or respect for his children. The actions from both forms come out the same: jealousy then the death of humans. god has done it to humans, and humans have done it to humans.. so who here can honestly judge one without judging the other?

Don't confuse your argument with an empty accusation that these verses must be describing the same emotion, since the english translation uses "jealous" for both.

That's like saying also that one cannot argue that verses depicting god's love are describing the same emotion that we have. This is attested to given that with the human emotion of love a person would never doom his child to an eternity of fire. Clearly god's love is on it's own level, and entirely incompatible with our own. Thus when someone says god is loving, they're actually talking nonsense - and just using an English translation of something that we don't understand.

What we are left to argue with are the actions caused by those emotions. We then relate those actions to our own understanding of the word and see if they match up. So you would look at the times when the verses use love and see if god's actions of love are similar to our own. In that way we can make an educated guess at what god love is like. The same is true of other emotions such as jealousy, wrath etc.

If we look at god wrath vs human wrath we see a great deal of similarity. The same goes for jealousy. Do you think the same goes for love? Does human love kill it's own children and doom them to an eternity of hellfire? (It's quite interesting to note that we acknowledge that sometimes someone can love someone else too much, which generally leads to disastrous consequences).

(how does God have an emotion? the same way we do? with chemical processes?)

Who would know? From what I've gathered here, we cannot make any estimation concerning god because he is simply unknowable in these issues. As a result, you would have no justifiable position to deny jealousy or promote love. They would both be meaningless to a human who cannot know god.

My point - there is a difference between the way you can describe how God would be "jealous", and how a human would be.

What difference is that? So because he's invisible and lives in the sky it instantly means he doesn't have emotions, or if he does that they are completely unlike our own, (even though we're made in his image/likeness)?

You have no justifiable position with which to say that. It's a leap of faith - one aimed at completely excusing an entity under the premise that for some unexplained reason it can't have the same kind of emotions that we do, and indeed act on them as we would.

There are ways we think which God does not.

How do you know?

EDIT- if it is simply a feeling that you would like a bonus too, while you understand the situation, and perhaps try to do something positive to effect a change so that you get a bonus, perhaps asking for one and asking how that can be done, then the "envy" is ok. Cain could have said, "oh, this sacrifice isn't ok for you, let me fix that," but instead was lost in self-hate, an "emotion" God cannot have.

But god did have that very same emotion. He didn't just obliterate the other false gods, he obliterated the humans who worshipped something other than he. As the only real god he could have easily zapped the golden calf into nothingness and showed that if that's what they wanted to worship, then they could.. but that the golden calf could not compete. Instead he just obliterated the humans, just as Cain swiftly dismissed of his brother.

It's also odd to see "god cannot have", from a man whom I assume believes god can do anything and have anything he wants to.

Or perhaps their "sense" doesn't agree with yours and so it is nonsense. So you say "this is crap", and interpret everything you see in the bible as feeding that idea. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating when I say everything you read, maybe not, but your bias is a formidable opponent to you using your common sense sometimes, I think. In the same way, a fundamentalist christian bias that everything makes sense in the bible, ipse dixit, God said it, I read it, and that's good enough, is an opponent to the use of common sense and logic. Maybe one bias or another leads more easily to the truth, but either way arrives there with a lot of mis-representation.

Dragged from that very same deep, dark orifice. All I'm waiting for is a reasonable explanation. Telling me I cannot know god because I'm a human and he's god doesn't work, given that those very same people then describe god down to a T, (while leaving all the negativity out). That is bias.

And what was your explanation? Ah yes, "god cannot have that". You expect me just to say: "well done Mr Cole, that's logical"? Get real. It's utter hypocricy. Eventually in a thread in the near future you'll probably find the time to say god is loving, cares about us etc. I will then turn round and say: "But Cole, god cannot have that". I'm certain you'll then argue against the very thing you're trying to promote right now and yet there is no difference between the two, other than one sounds nice to you while the other doesn't.

Mr Cole: I ask questions and give ideas to promote debate - to aid everyone's understanding, (mine and others). I try to remain bias free, (and am only ever called bias when I say something that a christian personally objects to). Who is really being bias? The man that will explore all angles, or the man who says: "god cannot have that/do that" the minute it entails something that sounds anti-your belief.

I have given everyone a chance to explain, and still do, but currently all I've had are answers failing to explain the issues. From Water's stupidity over a misplaced word, Adstar telling me that to know god I can't think of god in human terms, (thus leaving us all up shit creek), and you telling me that "god cannot do that", without being able to justify it.

And you dare say "common sense and logic" to me? Pfft.
SnakeLord said:
James 3:15 For jealousy and selfishness are not god's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil.

Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous god.

How would you, (the religious man), reconcile this? On the one hand god happily declaring that he is jealous, (so much so that he states his name is Jealous), and on the other hand we clearly see the bible stating that jealousy is earthly, unspritual and motivated by the devil.

Has god been motivated by the devil as the text would imply?

I'm just interested to see you all defend something so vehemently if your god does it, but claim it as evil if any human does the same.

Hello Snakelord,

It is good to see you posting still, I hope you are well.

My response as a Christian is as always pretty simple.

If you hire an 18 certificate video out to watch would you allow your 11 year old daughter to watch it?

Personally I would try my best not to allow my child to view it, as it has a certificate for a reason.

Now God has created evil as well as good for a reason, so He will tell you one thing and do the other, does this sound familiar?

Why does God do this? Protection for the well being of His children is my answer, just as it would be mine for not allowing my child to view material that exists but could be detrimental to their well being.

He isn’t called father for nothing.

Why did God create evil? Well in my opinion you have to counter balance good with evil to achieve perfection or else we would all be robots.

This will probably not be sufficient for you, but these days I haven’t got time to answer long posts so please just try to consider what I wrote and condense your reply if you require a response.

Take care,

water said:
Many atheists believe in God BUT they don't believe God is like what the Bible says.

Relative atheism ?

Is there any limit to your fantasy ?
It is good to see you posting still, I hope you are well.

Great as always thanks. Nice to see you again.

If you hire an 18 certificate video out to watch would you allow your 11 year old daughter to watch it?

Personally yes. Just to aid the analogy I might aswell tell you my daughter is 5 and yet she has happily sat down and watched an 18 or two.

Personally I would try my best not to allow my child to view it, as it has a certificate for a reason.

Now God has created evil as well as good for a reason, so He will tell you one thing and do the other, does this sound familiar?

Why does God do this? Protection for the well being of His children is my answer, just as it would be mine for not allowing my child to view material that exists but could be detrimental to their well being.

In the case of the analogy: You don't allow your daughter to watch 18's because in your mind you are protecting her. One day you come home and find she has sneakily watched an 18 movie so you take her outside and kill her. Then, if that isn't enough, you bring her back to life just to inform her that you're now sending her into a pit of eternal torment. You go on to say: "He isn’t called father for nothing", but if that is how you see the role of a father, there are some serious underlying issues that should be dealt with.

The thing is with my daughter: Not once in her life has she ever misbehaved, ever. I am very open with her, and find that by being so she is all the better off for it. If I sit down and say: "Don't do this", I know eventually the rebellious instinct will kick in and all hell will break loose, (this is where god is going wrong). Instead I sit here with a can of beer. I tell her she can have some if she wants, and she knows exactly what the outcome of alcohol consumption is - and even though she knows she can freely have some without me saying a word or being even remotely upset - she wont. It's the same with swearing. I have no problem with swear words, and will not shield her ears from them. She knows that swearing can upset people and cause problems, and although I tell her it's fine if she wants to swear - she wont.

It's like this all across the board.

What my wife and I have ended up with is the most perfect child in existence, who loves her parents beyond words. We don't ask for love, it comes naturally because we treat her like an equal, we don't demand that she obey and behave, she does so naturally because we treat her like an equal.

This is where parents, (including god), mess up. They treat their child as lesser beings and thus deserve everything they get in return, (although that wouldn't then justify them killing the child).

Remember, your child has her own legs. Yes, she will stumble and fall occasionally - and that is where you come in to provide love at her times of need. You can aid her along her path by informing her of the dangers, but you cannot walk the road for her, and nor can you really justify killing her/damning her to hell whenever she messes up.

Of course I am open and loving with my daughter for the same reason I treat her like an equal: I was adopted which plays a major part in it. When you go through life with the idea that your parents didn't love you, you generally find you don't want to make the mistake.

I guess it's just a shame god was never adopted.

Why did God create evil? Well in my opinion you have to counter balance good with evil to achieve perfection

Perfection heh? Is that what you call it?

Take care,

Same to you :) Nice seeing you.
SnakeLord said:
Personally yes. Just to aid the analogy I might aswell tell you my daughter is 5 and yet she has happily sat down and watched an 18 or two.

Hello there,

I can continue to complete the questions you asked but firstly I must ask "Why?" to the above conclusive statement. In essence why do you allow it?

I can continue to complete the questions you asked but firstly I must ask "Why?" to the above conclusive statement. In essence why do you allow it?

She understands the difference between real and fictional. When she watches Tom and Jerry she knows they're not real animals. If she watches, for example, Lethal Weapon, she knows it's just make up and "tomato ketchup". She's not an idiot.. some people assume we should treat children as if they're simpletons, I disagree.

What I do find serious distaste with are those parents who think they're in a position to force their personal religious beliefs upon their children. This is a prime example of how people do not treat their children as equals, and do not allow their child the right to form their own opinions and beliefs. I treat my dog better than most people treat their kids.

As I mentioned earlier, you will eventually find that the child will rebel regardless to what you tell them. You can say "don't smoke", and the more you tell them not to, the more likely they are to become an addict.

There's a vast difference between telling them something is bad for them and outright denying them their choices in life.

I am fully confident in my daughters ability to make her own judgements on what is "right and wrong" or "beneficial and non-beneficial". She doesn't drink beer not because I tell her she can't through fear of pain and punishment, but because she chooses not to for her own benefit.

If she chooses to watch a movie with me, it is because she knows she can handle it. If she chooses not to watch a movie with me, it's because she knows she can't.

Just because they're small does not mean they're stupid.

It was kind of a roundabout way of doing it, but did that answer the question sufficiently?

As a quick addon I should point out that my wifes sisters, (3 of them), who are all authoritarian style parents, have the worst bloody kids imagineable. They misbehave, they nag, they whine, they draw on the walls, etc etc etc.

Worst of all is their parents blame the child instead of pointing the finger where it rightfully belongs.

And hey, that's the common way, (round here at least). People seem to have kids simply to serve as footstools. It's quite sickening really.
everneo said:
Relative atheism ?

Is there any limit to your fantasy ?
In order to be an atheist, I presume you have some idea what "theos" you are "a" about. As such, you have to have some picture of what God is like in your mind, and from this picture you derive your atheism from. SnakeLord has a "bad parent" picture in his mind (vs. "good parenting"), and therefore interprets everything he hears about God in the most uncharitable sense possible. Your idea of God shapes your atheism (otherwise "atheism" might as well have referred to your stance on Ancient Egyptian ice-hockey) - it is "relative" to that idea.

Snakelord said:
Funny really, I was kind of hanging onto the hope that you would get the gist of what I was saying. Still while we're here.. These Egyptians would have supposedly have been gods children aswell, (we are all the same creation), and yet he directly involved himself in human affairs. Might I ask why he doesn't now? I mean, why doesn't he come down and kill all, (or only firstborn), muslims, (for instance), when they bomb his "chosen" people? Oh wait.. they're not his chosen people anymore. They have been disowned.
The Egyptians were not God's children in the sense it is used by God. Children do what their parents do (which is what you rely on by bringing up your daughter your way):
John 8:39-42
“Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham's children,” said Jesus, “then you would do the things Abraham did. As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. You are doing the things your own father does.” ... “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here.​
When Adam rebelled against God, he became a runaway, an exile. Israel represented God's children in exile, but still under his wing. That was how God made sure man would not be eternally separated from Him - they would herald his chosen Christ to the world, who would spread God's message of reconcilition to it: the good news; the gospel. Muslims (for instance) aren't excluded from this promise. It is what God chose to do, and a decision that Christ will seal finally at his return.
Jenyar said:
I did not say "us" - God protects those who belong to Him by choice - and certainly not by "killing us". You put that clause in.
No I didn't. In your very last statement, you said: "God kills every single person on the planet" and yet here you are now trying to debate against it.

We can also go back to your first statements concerning the slaughtered Egyptians, or stop on nearly any page in the OT where god goes about killing someone, (who you might claim he is "'protecting' like a bird in a nest"). You go on to say that: "He protects us so that we can have a life beyond the nest, as adults; and not by letting us have our cherished gods", which is the point - because the minute someone cherished those other gods, your gods version of protection came out as mass murder and most likely eternal damnation. Are you telling me that is a bird looking after it's young?
God "kills" everyone in the sense that we all die - from whatever cause or consequence. But you maintain that the purpose of death is for our protection. I don't see how that follows. Maybe some people are spared a certain amount of suffering when death intervenes, but you fail to see what God is protecting. It isn't our material bodies or our physical lives, but our life with Him. It often does take the form of being physically spared, but that's not the final salvation that we count on or hope for. It's not the message Jesus brought.

He came into our lives, wherever we are and whatever we are doing, so that who we are and whatever we do can find meaning and purpose in Him. We can be healthy, live long and prosper, but you don't get to keep your money when you die - money and possessions can sustain you and be used in service of God, as a gift from Him, or it can enslave you and pit you against Him. That's when it becomes a false god, and it can happen with anything you do. God does not come down and "smite" you for it, but when you die they won't help you as they promised to do while you were alive.
Snakelord said:
The purpose of this life is what exactly? You are seemingly promoting the idea that we all just sit here and do nothing. That we don't have fun, don't be successful, etc etc etc. That's really quite perverse. I assume you work, and earn money to put food on the table. That alone is taking you away from god. You are dependant upon that job to feed you when you should be dependant upon god to feed you. So either god expects you to be a puppet and do nothing, letting him do it all for you, (perhaps dropping food down from the sky as featured in the bible), or does god expect you to achieve, to use your own effort to work and get food and so on, (i.e succeed)? Some undoubtedly earn more than others, but how does that take them anymore away from god than anyone else? If you believe in god, it wouldn't make a difference how much you earn. Take priests for example who earn shitloads. Does it take them away from god? If so, why go and listen to them? If not, how would money be a false god and something to avoid?
God infuses life with meaning and purpose, and it is through our lives that it can become visible to other people. Sitting there and doing nothing is the surest way to cloud His purpose for you. But when we work, play, and live, we can do so with a different perspective and attitude - we can find joy beyond its immediate merits or promises.

The ability to enjoy life is a luxury for many people, and it threatens to become a false god for many more. The ability to find meaning and joy despite our circumstances is just one hope we have in God. Or lives have meaning whether we see it or not. Because of God, our achievements and successes don't have to be measured in materialistic terms, and our lives doesn't have to serve materialistic gods. You can serve God regardless of what you have or how much you make; you can serve Him with what you have, and it will be sufficient.