
Valued Senior Member
James 3:15 For jealousy and selfishness are not god's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil.

Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous god.

How would you, (the religious man), reconcile this? On the one hand god happily declaring that he is jealous, (so much so that he states his name is Jealous), and on the other hand we clearly see the bible stating that jealousy is earthly, unspritual and motivated by the devil.

Has god been motivated by the devil as the text would imply?

I'm just interested to see you all defend something so vehemently if your god does it, but claim it as evil if any human does the same.
I think the differing contexts point plainly to differing meanings SnakeLord. And what version are you using for James 3:15? I looked it up but I see differently.

Not that I am religious, but I think we can agree that there can be no discrepancy if the texts differ contextually. If you don't agree, tell us what you think the contexts of the respective verses are. Secondly, I think any remaining problem is simply one of anthropomorphism.


Who said jealousy was evil? That is an absurd notion.
Why are we disturbed by the contradictions of jealousy? I am more concerned with the statement on selfishness.
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§outh§tar: Not that I am religious, but I think we can agree that there can be no discrepancy if the texts differ contextually. If you don't agree, tell us what you think the contexts of the respective verses are. Secondly, I think any remaining problem is simply one of anthropomorphism.
M*W: SS, I've been meaning to ask you what the turning point was for you. This post jogged my memory. I now believe that Atheism is a process, at least it was for me. It happened gradually over many years. Only recently I believed that Jesus existed, but now I can see that it was all myth. I am currently researching the existence of Abraham and his clan, Moses and David. I'm beginning to think that none of them existed and the stories that were told were simply older myths with new names.

I'd really like to hear from you. If you would rather PM me, that's fine. You are truly an inspiration.
I think the differing contexts point plainly to differing meanings SnakeLord.

How do you figure that? The context is that jealousy is earthly, unspiritual and motivated by the devil. That is the biblical stance on jealousy as spoken by James. As a result to that, god stating he is jealous brings James' statements into play.

Unless you're telling me he's referring to a different "version" of jealousy?

And what version are you using for James 3:15? I looked it up but I see differently.

Why would that matter? The bible is the bible.. no?
I would be interested to know what "translation" you are getting that quote from snakelord

James 3NKJV
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
I would be interested to know what "translation" you are getting that quote from snakelord

As I said earlier, I don't see what difference it would make. The bible is the bible.

However as it's merely out of interest, These come from the NJV and the new believers bible.
Adstar said:
I would be interested to know what "translation" you are getting that quote from snakelord
why not try answering the original post, instead of diverting the attention away, with this inane rubbish.
"which version".
does it matter thay all say basically the same thing.

bible versions said:
NJV James 3:15 For jealousy and selfishness are not god's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil.

NKJV James 3:14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.

RSV James 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.
15 This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish.

KJV James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

HCSV James 3:14 But if you have bitter envy and selfish ambition in your heart, don't brag and lie in defiance of the truth. 15 Such wisdom does not come down from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic.

NASV James 3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.

why not just admit you cant find the answer.
What I've been getting at is the typical religious response to emotions such as jealousy. They have often told me, (yes even several christian on this forum), that jealousy is that bad - and cite the case where Cain, through jealousy, killed his brother Abel. They cite it as evil, as sin. I backed that stance up by showing James - who mentions how abhorrent jealousy actually is.

The thing is, these very same people will justify it if god does the exact same thing. In Exodus he mentions how jealous he is concerning people worshipping idols and other gods, and then exterminates a whole heap of jews just to show the level to which his jealousy burns.

Cain kills one person and get's scalded by the religious masses, god does the very same thing on a mass scale and gets praised.

What I'm looking for is the all-clear:

"Jealousy is fine and harmless [regardless to whether it leads to loss of life]" or an understanding that jealousy is serious evil as James states - and then that god is also a victim of this evil - which he is more than happy to tell the world.

Or we could just skip the whole thing and you can just continue worrying about what specific versions use what specific word - as if it makes a difference.
SnakeLord said:
How do you figure that? The context is that jealousy is earthly, unspiritual and motivated by the devil. That is the biblical stance on jealousy as spoken by James. As a result to that, god stating he is jealous brings James' statements into play.

Unless you're telling me he's referring to a different "version" of jealousy?

Do you know what anthropomorphism is?

You are not talking to a Christian so I don't need to adhere to any fundy rules (ie. James and Exodus are both literal in nature etc). The context tells me that a God is being referred to in human terms.

Why would that matter? The bible is the bible.. no?

We both know it's not so just be kind and tell me.
Do you know what anthropomorphism is?

Yes. Thank you for asking.

You are not talking to a Christian so I don't need to adhere to any fundy rules

But my post was directed to a christian.

The context tells me that a God is being referred to in human terms.

Which is pointless to the question. I'm an atheist - in my view there is no way it could be in anything other than 'human terms', because there is no god. That is not the point or purpose of my post.

We both know it's not so just be kind and tell me.

A) Once again - it doesn't make a difference

B) I already have.

Once you've finished talking down to me like I'm a three year old, take some time to actually work out the reason behind my post, and who it's directed at. Understood?
Sorry, I didn't mean to patronize you. Regardless of whether or not we look at it from a theist's POV, I think we can still agree that one refers to a supernatural being in human terms and one refers to natural beings in human terms. I initially thought it might be of some use if you didn't understand why there appeared to be a discrepancy but I see differently now.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.
SnakeLord said:
What I've been getting at is the typical religious response to emotions such as jealousy. They have often told me, (yes even several christian on this forum), that jealousy is that bad - and cite the case where Cain, through jealousy, killed his brother Abel. They cite it as evil, as sin. I backed that stance up by showing James - who mentions how abhorrent jealousy actually is.

The thing is, these very same people will justify it if god does the exact same thing. In Exodus he mentions how jealous he is concerning people worshipping idols and other gods, and then exterminates a whole heap of jews just to show the level to which his jealousy burns.

Cain kills one person and get's scalded by the religious masses, god does the very same thing on a mass scale and gets praised.

What I'm looking for is the all-clear:

"Jealousy is fine and harmless [regardless to whether it leads to loss of life]" or an understanding that jealousy is serious evil as James states - and then that god is also a victim of this evil - which he is more than happy to tell the world.

Or we could just skip the whole thing and you can just continue worrying about what specific versions use what specific word - as if it makes a difference.

The problem is you are looking at God as if he is a man like you. God is, well God he is not human, Its not like He is an increadably advanced being and where just not as advanced as Him. No He is God.

Now God can be Jealous without a problem, He can Kill without a problem, Because He is God. The restrictions He places on us come from the fact that we are not Gods. We are just sabotaged humans who have more knowledge than we can justly handle. We where not originally designed to have this knowledge we have.

So God is not a man and Men are not Gods therefore God can justly handle the knowledge of Good and evil, we cannot. Therefore we need to follow His guidance to limit our damaging impact on others and ourselves.

That’s about the best way i can explain it in simple terms.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Ohh I just read the remaining posts in this thread and this came up:

Which is pointless to the question. I'm an atheist - in my view there is no way it could be in anything other than 'human terms', because there is no god. That is not the point or purpose of my post.

Exactly, you see God in "human terms" your understanding is trapped. Because you do not believe in God.

1 Corrinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I've posted this quite a few times before, but here it is again: a deconstruction of the Hebrew word, "Creator"
Pronunciation: "QaNeH"
Comments: This child root is a nest builder, one who builds a nest such as a bird. Also God as in Bereshiyt (Genesis) 14.19;

"God most high creator (qaneh) of sky and earth".

The English word "create" is an abstract word and a foriegn concept to the Hebrews. While we see God as one who makes something from nothing (create), the Hebrews saw God like a bird who goes about acquiring and gathering materials to build a nest (qen), the sky and earth. The Hebrews saw man as the children (eggs) that God built the nest for.

Pronunciation: "QaNA"
Comments: This child root is to guard (often translated as Jealous). A bird watches over the eggs and young with jealousy and will defend them from the enemy and prevent any other bird from entering the nest. This is the picture that the Hebrews had of God as in Exodus 34.14;

"Do not worship any other god, for yhwh (the Lord), whose name is jealous (qana), is a jealous (qana) God".

Just as a bird watches over her eggs from predetors, God also watches over his children in his nest protecting them from predetors - other gods.

source: Ancient Hebrew word studies: Creator
Adstar said:
Now God can be Jealous without a problem, He can Kill without a problem, Because He is God

How is this not a problem? Please do not answer saying "because he's god". What I'm hearing from you is because God is God he can rape, kill, steal, do anything on the face of this earth and it will be correct just because of who he is. Doesn't seem to set a very good example. Of course "do as I say not as I do" never really does.

This does not set well with me - I simply cannot understand that type of reasoning. So if you could dummy it down for me and further explain how it is not a problem, I'd appreciate it.

Adstar said:
Exactly, you see God in "human terms" your understanding is trapped. Because you do not believe in God.

1 Corrinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Then how is one ever converted to christianity? If they are an atheist and therefore cannot know the things of "god" how do they ever??? I know some atheists turned christian... According to this..I just don't see how it's possible.
Regardless of whether or not we look at it from a theist's POV, I think we can still agree that one refers to a supernatural being in human terms and one refers to natural beings in human terms.

Well, it's certainly dependant upon the notion that the bible is god's word, dictated by god, from god.

If it is, and I was a believer, then I would trust that god's ancient Hebrew was fluent enough for him to be able to convey exactly what he intended to convey. A religious man does not dismiss "thou shalt not kill", because it's just 'human terms'. Who knows, maybe god meant something completely different, like "thou should kill frequently", but we just couldn't understand what he was saying.

If he wants to say: "I am jealous", a believer should trust that he is competent enough to realise that what he is saying is for the 'benefit' of the humans and thus needs to be readily understood by their understanding.

It's like reading a Shakespeare novel to a dog. It would be meaningless. As a result you talk to it on a level that it can understand. The smart and appropriate method with which to dictate to a 'lesser' being is by communicating on it's level of understanding.

If he had have meant to confuse humans he would have just used "god words" like: akbnkbnriobeirbibrkebkrjbkjb instead of talking to them in their human language.

When god says: "I am jealous", a believer should trust that he wants to convey a feeling that he has that can be understood by humans, appreciated by humans, and indeed, (if we are made in his likeness), shared by humans [although perhaps to a lesser degree].

When people say "love", you could state that humans have love, and god has love. Believers would state that god's love is far above ours, so would not the same be true of every other kind of emotion? When a man loves, god loves more, to a higher degree, when a man has wrath it cannot in any way compete with the god version of wrath, and as a logical addition to that: man's jealousy is only a fraction of what god's jealousy is. It doesn't make the emotion different, just greater.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

It's all good, forget about it :)

The problem is you are looking at God as if he is a man like you. God is, well God he is not human, Its not like He is an increadably advanced being and where just not as advanced as Him. No He is God.

Tell me something, am I permitted to use this quote any time you say god is loving, or that god cares, or that god 'wants' man to love him?

What you've broken this down to is that none of us have the slightest clue, and that any mention of god, (in any manner), is utterly worthless.

I mean c'mon, god is not a man, love is bloody meaningless. It's just a bunch of chemical reactions that man "suffers" from. No godly being would suffer from such petty emotions.. right?

But of course not, you'll happily describe god down to a T, but the minute someone describes something that you don't personally like or agree with, we fall back on the lame argument of: "god is above you, he's not human, you can't talk about him in human terms".

As a result: god is meaningless. You might aswell just say woojooboojoo, because it means just as much from a human point of view.

However, as a believer you should trust in your god's ability to communicate on a human level whereby humans can fully understand what he's getting at. (I don't see you complaining about the ten commandments - oh no, he said that in perfectly understandable ancient Hebrew).

From now on don't even bother claiming god is loving or caring, or wants this or that.. You're just giving me 'human term' gibberish.

Now God can be Jealous without a problem, He can Kill without a problem, Because He is God.

While you can use that excuse, it is quite sickening to hear. Heart has pointed this out, but all you're saying is that you have the right to squash a worm because you're above him. While some would happily agree with that statement - and proceed to squash some worms, it is indeed very very sickening - and shows the level of god to be far below that of man, (most men).

We where not originally designed to have this knowledge we have.

Well of course we were, unless you're happy to claim that god fucked up? He planted the tree, (knowing man would eat), he planted the snake, (knowing man would listen to it) - he must have designed man to do it, and thus gain the knowledge he supposedly didn't want us to have. I know, you'll say "free will", but then who planted that free will, (to act as it does), in humanity?

Besides which, I consider it a very worthwhile thing to have.. I can't speak for you, but I'm very happy to understand that murder is wrong. I'm very happy to understand that homosexuality is wrong, (etc etc). Without that knowledge we would have no morals whatsoever. We could fart in god's face without understandable consequence and so on.

You guys would have no reason to listen to jesus - because it simply wouldn't mean anything. You guys wouldn't appreciate that you're sinners - because you wouldn't understand sin.

Without that knowledge you would be an animal. There would be no difference between you and a lion, you and a frog, you and a tyrannosaurus rex.

It's strange to see a person who most likely considers man as "important", wanting to be on the same level as a hedgehog or pubic louse.

So God is not a man and Men are not Gods therefore God can justly handle the knowledge of Good and evil, we cannot.

So what you're saying is you would rather be back in the position of not understanding good and evil? A position whereby murder has no consequence, where theft doesn't mean anything, where love has no value?

Therefore we need to follow His guidance to limit our damaging impact on others and ourselves.

What guidance would that be exactly? I mean, are we free to just choose what guidance to follow and what to ignore? If yes - the laws become meaningless, if no - we should all be stoning our naughty sons, prostitutes and Sunday workers to death. Tell me, in that instance how does gods guidance limit our damage to others?

Exactly, you see God in "human terms" your understanding is trapped. Because you do not believe in God.

Everyone would have to see god in 'human terms', because we're all humans - regardless to religious or non-religious views. As such all our understanding is 'trapped'. Loving, caring, wanting, all go out the window aswell as anything else man has ever inferred about a god being.

Just as a bird watches over her eggs from predetors, God also watches over his children in his nest protecting them from predetors - other gods.

Let's look at your quote: A bird watches over her eggs, (young), from predators. By the same token you would have to state that, (if "god" works to this analogy), that god watches over his children from those against his children. Instead, our analogy would turn out thus:

A bird kills its own young when they don't do exactly what he says. If the young bird flaps it's wings incorrectly, the father bird swiftly decapitates it.

Jenyar, I won't speak for you personally, but in general a persons offspring are not his predators. The predators are the ones trying to harm your offspring.

Take a look at the ten plagues issue. The Egyptians had the jews as slaves. God killed them all, (even though purposely keeping his children as slaves for longer just to inflict pain). That is parenting: Protect your children from enemies, (although it would stand to reason that Egyptians were as much his children as the jews were). Not kill your own children when there aren't any enemies.

Here's a reality for you Jenyar whether you accept it or not: The christian/jewish god has killed more humans than any other being in the history of mankind. Nothing else even comes close. This you cannot debate against.

Does that sound like: "a bird protecting it's eggs" to you?

If so you must know very little about birds.

Further to which, your last sentence is kind of meaningless. You state that god is protecting us from non-existant beings, (by killing us). That equates to you slaughtering your child because he has an imaginary friend.

You know the 'friend' is not real, and to protect him from what is not real, you give him plague and kill him.

Dude, your analogy sucks.
"Now God can be Jealous without a problem, He can Kill without a problem, Because He is God

How is this not a problem? Please do not answer saying "because he's god". What I'm hearing from you is because God is God he can rape, kill, steal, do anything on the face of this earth and it will be correct just because of who he is. Doesn't seem to set a very good example. Of course "do as I say not as I do" never really does.

This does not set well with me - I simply cannot understand that type of reasoning. So if you could dummy it down for me and further explain how it is not a problem, I'd appreciate it.

Ok lets try to dumb it down a bit. Many people campaign against the death penalty because they know that human judges, juries and police get things wrong sometimes, The thought of an innocent person being executed offends them. They would prefer the death sentence to be changed to a life sentence. Even though a life sentence for an innocent person is not a good thing where there is life there is hope that justice may eventually be done and the innocent person could be released. Now the difference between the Human Law system and God is that God is Perfect in His judgements. He never makes a mistake. Therefore there is no longer the fear of injustice when God decides to kill, for He cannot make a mistake.

“ Exactly, you see God in "human terms" your understanding is trapped. Because you do not believe in God.

1 Corrinthians 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Then how is one ever converted to christianity? If they are an atheist and therefore cannot know the things of "god" how do they ever??? I know some atheists turned christian... According to this..I just don't see how it's possible.

Accepting the possibility of God and genuinely seeking Him does not take spiritual discernment. Once one Believes God it is then that Spiritual discernment is added in portions while the seeker looks for the will of God. Spiritual discernment is a process that occurs after salvation is accepted. One does not need to know everything to believe something. No one knows everything about God. But God can reveal deeper truths to whom He wills through The Holy Spirit.

So basic knowledge does not need Spiritual discernment but deeper understanding does.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days