It's the 21st century CE, why do people still believe in ancient myths?

Medicine Woman, you know what, you're absolutely right. I'm compeled to believe in god because of some experiences and freaky stories i've heard from credible family members. Even though i believe in god to a certain extent, religion is a load of crap molded by priests and other assholes through the times. This doesen't just count for Christianity, other religious books have also been corrupted by worshipers for their own benifits.

I mean seriously, and i'm not being racist, which god would demise and be sexist towards the women...? i mean, in some muslim countries... if a woman cheats on the man, she is allowed to be killed on the spot. Also they wear towels around their heads, not allowed to show their hair... because its sexual in some way!? how come the men dont wear it? Also, the men are allowed to be married to multiple women at once... doesen't it sounds much more benificial to the man? I find find it hard to believe that the creator of the entire universe would be compeled to create two different sexes in which one clearly dominates the other, not just in power but also in actions... Why say this you ask? well... don't you think god would create us to be equels, and dont you think the greed of the men would result to a change in the religion to benifit them...? men are stronger then women, and if one sex is to have altered the bibles/kurans(keep in mind, *they were written by god*) to their befinits, i blame the men... thats one piece of evidence to suggest that religion is entirely bullshit, well atleast some religions.
Don't get the impression that i'm being racist towards the muslims just because im christian, it doesen't work that way, i don't follow the minor rules of christianity, i follow common sense. Going to church doesen't mean you're religious and you're going to heaven. Belieiving in god and following the simple rule: Don't be bad, and you're alright. No need for towels around your head, no need to keep your virginity 'till you get married, no need to sacrifice your life because of some bullshit people wrote thousands of years ago, at the time they burned women accusing them for witchcraft.
Damn, i'm bein very defencive of women today... lolz
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Quote Paul299
"No unbiased historian has made any such claim- only the ignorant would believe any claim made by such people."

* Some evidence regarding bias/non bias would be appreciated (why do you make that claim?), as well as some logical comments on why, for example, you think there was such a overwhelming silence in the contemporary writings regarding a Jesus Christ?
If you really believe that there is "overwhelming silence" then we have to forget about 50
percent of what we know that has happened in the past.

It’s a very poorly thought up argument dressed up in false clothes for those that have already
made up their minds about the issue.
Quote Paul:
"If you really believe that there is "overwhelming silence" then we have to forget about 50
percent of what we know that has happened in the past.

It’s a very poorly thought up argument dressed up in false clothes for those that have already
made up their minds about the issue."

* OK, its evident you are not up to debate. Why are you here?
To give you some pointers as to potential debate, regarding the silence issue.

1. If someone was going around raising the dead, would this not be WELL documented in the current writings?

2. Someone who was causing tremendous political upheavel that led to cruxifiction, would this not merit more intense documentation?

3. Why does nobody mention the historical Jesus or document his history, even in Christian writings, for 100 years after his death?

4. Why did Jesus only come out of the closet in his 30`s. What did he do up until then?

* Think it through and comment.
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