It's the 21st century CE, why do people still believe in ancient myths?

(Q), you don't remember me, do you...?

Have I met you before?
(Q) said:
The thing is, after looking at that avatar for a few years now, I can't help but think that is actually you.
I bear a striking resemblance.

I think it has something to do with my horns. ;)

I think it has something to do with my horns.

I might have guessed. :D

It certainly doesn't look anything like Nelly Furtado.
Buddhism is identical to the teachings of Jesus, however not identical to Christianity.
Sorry, MW, but there is proof of the existence of Jesus in Roman reports of his execution.

Yorda seems to understand it the best. They thought Jesus was arrogant to call himself God, because the OT taught them that there is some separation between people and a devine power. Since there isn't, that means that Jesus and you are equally devine. People couldn't handle this, so they created a complex mythology around Jesus that only required one to repeat a certain phrase or acknowledge some belief, thinking that this is what he wanted, it was easier than examining yourself.
spidergoat said:
Sorry, MW, but there is proof of the existence of Jesus in Roman reports of his execution.
M*W: Please provide this evidence. Biblical quotations not accepted.
Enton, what you have provided is some evidence of the existence of Pontius Pilate - not Jesus.

This is NOT evidence of Jesus' existence.

Please try and provide actual documented evidence for the existence of JESUS - as requested by MW.
It probably does exist in anecdotal evidence somewhere outside the Bible, although whether it is reliable is another matter.
Sarkus said:
Enton, what you have provided is some evidence of the existence of Pontius Pilate - not Jesus.It probably does exist in anecdotal evidence somewhere outside the Bible, although whether it is reliable is another matter.
That's not my problem anymore. Anyway, God chooses or calls anyone He likes. Whether there is Jesus the Christ or none but because Pontius Pilate had been mentioned outside the Bible and many other things earlier than the coming of Christ in flesh, like the King Sargon mentioned in the Bible, I cannot help but refer to the prophecies in the Bible which already come to their fulness. I accept the fact that I had not seen the Lord Jesus Christ in personal but the Bible's account met the accuracy of archaeological dig. Anyway, what matters for me much is the life beyond this life. :eek:
enton said:
That's not my problem anymore. Anyway, God chooses or calls anyone He likes. Whether there is Jesus the Christ or none but because Pontius Pilate had been mentioned outside the Bible and many other things earlier than the coming of Christ in flesh, like the King Sargon mentioned in the Bible, I cannot help but refer to the prophecies in the Bible which already come to their fulness. I accept the fact that I had not seen the Lord Jesus Christ in personal but the Bible's account met the accuracy of archaeological dig. Anyway, what matters for me much is the life beyond this life. :eek:
M*W: Bull-fucking-shit! It IS your problem, and you cannot dismiss it because you know you can't find the answer. Answer the fucking question and provide evidence for the existence of Jesus. Thus far, you have NOT provided any evidence for any of the questions posed to you. You are not a credible member of this forum. You are not going to be able to talk yourself around this one. You are a jackass. No biblical prophecy has ever been proven, not even by archeological digs, you moron.

BTW, I showed your posts to some Filipino nurses who work for me, and they were embarassed to know that you were Filipino! They also said Brother Eli is a fake preacher in your country and is in trouble with your government. Where's your Jesus H. Christ now?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Bull-fucking-shit! It IS your problem, and you cannot dismiss it because you know you can't find the answer. Answer the fucking question and provide evidence for the existence of Jesus. Thus far, you have NOT provided any evidence for any of the questions posed to you. You are not a credible member of this forum. You are not going to be able to talk yourself around this one. You are a jackass. No biblical prophecy has ever been proven, not even by archeological digs, you moron.

BTW, I showed your posts to some Filipino nurses who work for me, and they were embarassed to know that you were Filipino! They also said Brother Eli is a fake preacher in your country and is in trouble with your government. Where's your Jesus H. Christ now?
That's very good M*W and you were beginning to scrutinize religions. And have you asked those "Filipino" nurses if they were sloppy and lazy?
enton said:
That's very good M*W and you were beginning to scrutinize religions. And have you asked those "Filipino" nurses if they were sloppy and lazy?
M*W: Consider your religion scrutinized to the max. I don't need to ask those Filipino nurses if they are sloppy and lazy. I evaluate them as I see them... er... that is, when I can find them.
The proof for the existence of Jesus is extrabiblical.

Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out...
Cornelius Tacitus (55-120 AD)

Flavius Josephus (37-97 AD), court historian for Emperor Vespasian:

"At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good and he was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders." (Arabic translation)

However, there is no way to prove what he actually said and of course, the resurrection.
The gospel figure of Jesus is a Jewish adaptation of the mythical godman found under many different names in ancient pagan mystery religions: in Egypt he was Osiris, in Greece Dionysus, in Asia Minor Attis, in Syria Adonis, in Italy Bacchus, in Persia Mithras. All the major elements of the Jesus story, from the virgin birth to the crucifixion and resurrection, can be found in earlier stories of pagan godmen.

The doctrines of reincarnation and karma were replaced by the irrational and unjust dogma that belief in Jesus is sufficient to absolve us of all our sins and secure us an eternity of heavenly bliss, while unbelievers will suffer eternal torment in hell.

The 'Gospel' story is merely an idealized fiction, written by Christian mystics in imitation of esoteric mysteries of the 'Pagans,' showing the initiation trials and tests of the candidate for initiation; and it is not very well done, there being much error and many mistakes in the 'Gospels.'

The 'Christ principle,' the awakened and glorified Spirit of Truth, being universal and eternal, the true Christos cannot be monopolized by any one person... We may learn from the Gospel according to Luke, that the 'worthy' were those who had been initiated into the mysteries of the Gnosis, and who were 'accounted worthy' to attain that 'resurrection from the dead' in this life... In other words, they were the great adepts of whatever religion; and the words apply to all those who, without being Initiates, strive and succeed, through personal efforts to live the life and to attain the naturally ensuing spiritual illumination in blending their personality -- (the 'Son') with (the 'Father,') their individual divine Spirit, the God within them.

This 'resurrection' can never be monopolized by the Christians, but is the spiritual birth-right of every human being endowed with soul and spirit, whatever his religion may be. Such individual is a Christ-man. On the other hand, those who choose to ignore the Christ (principle) within themselves, must die unregenerate heathens -- baptism, sacraments, lip-prayers, and belief in dogmas notwithstanding... He who finds Christos within himself and recognizes the latter as his only 'way,' becomes a follower and an "Apostle of Christ", though he may have never been baptized, nor even have met a 'Christian,' still less call himself one.​
There are many sources outside of christianty that referto Jesus, the talmud has a number of them
plus those listed already above..

Also this quote from the ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA 15th edition 1974. should help clear
up the matter:

"These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never
doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time on inadequate grounds by
several authors at the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th
The historical Jesus is an ongoing debate, unfortunately the evidence is stacked against a historical Jesus. Herewith the as yet still unrefuted "The Jesus Puzzle"

"Part One,
"A Conspiracy of Silence," takes a detailed look at the pervasive silence on the Gospel Jesus of Nazareth which we find in almost a hundred years of earliest Christian correspondence. Not once does Paul or any other first century epistle writer identify their divine Christ Jesus with the recent historical man known from the Gospels."

The main site:
No unbiased historian has made any such claim- only the ignorant would believe any claim made
by such people.

The number of inscriptions from tombs from the first and second century alone kill this lunacy.

Thallus, A Samaritan historian who wrote around 52 Ad of which we have portions of his
whitens records the eclipse of the sun during the crucifixion and attempts to explain it away by
some natral means ( even though it occurred during a full moon period)

below are some links one needs to look over.

Did Jesus Christ Really Live? Annotated and Corrected

Jerusalem Burial Cave Reveals:
Names, Testimonies of First Christians


If The Gospels Quote Other Sources, Does This Affect Their Validity?


The Gospels As Historical Sources For Jesus,The Founder Of Christianity