It's Official - Hell Is Real

at the very least if you were to drop dead your daily posting average would plummet

Being alive defines everything that is living, according to your logic. So, EVERY living thing is defined by it's soul? EVERY living thing has a soul? Germs? Diseases? Grass? Trees?
I wonder where someone like the pope comes up with that. Is it because people know there is suffering, duality? the separation of good and evil, heaven and hell? they know it could be worse?

he just "knows" there is an everlasting hell. maybe he's right. what dimension is that?

Maybe christians are from hell.

This is my theory. We are sitting in hell right now wearing virtual reality simulator headsets to fool us into believing we're in purgatory or better. We suspect this cannot be when we witness all the evil and pain reality tears through that patronizing canvas of 'safe' life and blue skies etc. The evil ones who know this, are from and deserve to be in hell prey on the ones who don't to stand on their shoulders to take their place in heaven. They are the illuminati, christians, despots, and have had many names. It's an ugly battle.

I'm half joking but every evil or degenerate hearted person with the exception of children i've met has always beleived in a godhead of something, even the ones who don't consciously identify one. They seem to have this hidden agenda of escaping their spiritual lot as if it was real and propagating their own kind. There also seems to be more people or breeds like this too regardless of race versus enlightened people. If you rounded up these bad seeds which come in every look and socioeconomic level, with the exception of most chinese who are aliens, and put them together, they would instinctively identify with eachother. It goes to prove that our genes have agendas we are not consciously aware of.

Just like the predator character everyone has the gift of 'seeing' or noticing things that is not registered in collective consciousness. They can use a different lens like superman.

I've noticed palpably that bad people rise to power and once there they call themselves good and don the adornments and priviledges. They hold that power with an iron fist and help others of their kind rise to the top or proliferate in the world or soceity and its best bounty. This becomes a gradual process of those with most vices versus those who have least. It can't be a coincidence where I've witnessed this pattern too often in life. We don't even know what real good is anymore because it has always been assumed by those less worthy, christians self-servingly attribute innocence or good to moral weakness in guise, forgiveness for vices ironicly proliferating or placating them, or sacrificing others. Among other misguided and typical societal self serving. Sometimes in a blue moon, amidst the majority you will see the truth in someone. The purity that is hidden, the stomped on, mocked, dismissed, called naive not because it is because others are too weak or selfish to live up to it. Sad but this is real and a hidden trail of events in human and spiritual evolution. Hopefully humans will and can evolve to a cleaner being and society.

The book, the people of the lie looks at what happens but most fail to see because most are tainted or guilty. The really enlightened suffer for the existence of the less worthy and the less worthy are actually the most selfish and many times what we consider or call superior in the world. All is not as it seems.
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Being alive defines everything that is living, according to your logic. So, EVERY living thing is defined by it's soul? EVERY living thing has a soul? Germs? Diseases? Grass? Trees?
correct - although I cannot take credit for the 'idea'

SB 4.29.29: Covered by the mode of ignorance in material nature, the living entity is sometimes a male, sometimes a female, sometimes a eunuch, sometimes a human being, sometimes a demigod, sometimes a bird, an animal, and so on. In this way he is wandering within the material world. His acceptance of different types of bodies is brought about by his activities under the influence of the modes of nature.

BS 5.53: I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, by whose conferred power are maintained the manifested potencies, that are found to exist, of all virtues, all vices, the Vedas, the penances and all jīvas, from Brahmā to the meanest insect.

Brahma Vaivarta Puräna : One attains the human form of life after transmigrating through 8,400,000 species by the process of gradual evolution. That human life is spoiled for those conceited fools who do not take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda.

Padma Purana : There are 900,000 species living in the water. There are 2,000,000 nonmoving living entities such as trees and plants. There are 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, and 1,000,000 species of birds. As far as quadrupeds are concerned, there are 3,000,000 varieties, and there are 400,000 human species.