It's Official - Hell Is Real

How about this? If you think that there is an after-life. Notice the words here-> (After=post Or the remaining result of....)..(Life= the act of being;or a self-sustaining motion where motion should have been inert.) After-Life.
I just farted. You smelled it. You called me on it. but now it's gone. It ain't coming back. It's diffuse. (HOMOGENIZED). I might fart again but...well... the next one is going to be the broccoli I ate and not the cream puff that originated the initial fart. OR I lost my arm in an accident. It was a living arm. It was part of me. But now, it's gone. It ain't coming back. maybe a couple of really bad examples but... you get the point. I mean YES technically we're not supposed to be here anyway. But the opposite of (something out of nothing is) (nothing out of something) it is reciprocal. I saw god...when I was born. I cried. He spanked me. I just wanted back into the cave. Now the idea is too disgusting to think about. sorry. But I would put my money on Freud over the Pope. Nietzsche was a dick. But then every dick is usually right. That's why we can't stand them. Nobody likes a know-it-all.
if Pope desires hell, than there he shall go. I don't need any hell or heaven, I am fine with life.

given that its practically impossible to stop oneself going to the toilet, its not clear why you are convinced one can stop oneself going to hell (assuming of course they are a rotten sod)

perhaps you explain it a bit here

there is no hell. there is no heaven. there is life eternal.

when I die my body will die, but not my soul. My soul defines me, the I, and that is all I need and that is all I ask for. Because with self realization comes life and life has a meaning and I ask myself if this life has a meaning precisely because I can ask myself that and because I realize that it does have a meaning.[/QUOTE
so what if this "I" ends up occupying a body in an environment subject to much pain and misery

There is no God.
its not clear what process you applied to make this claim of direct perecption

There is life eternal.
There is no hell.
There is life eternal.
There is no heaven and I never wished for one.
There is life eternal in soul I am.
do you think that the only criminals who have the FBI kick down their doors are the one's that desired to be busted?
(In otherwords doesn't the very notion of punishment override one's desire?)
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Lets not forget who invented was the Persian mystic Zoroaster.

Until that time both the Greeks and Jews had no concept of an afterworld where sinners are punished. There is no hell in the old testament, only a place called Sheol, where the spirits just sort of hang out.

No hellfire speeches in synagogues.

It was only after the Babylonian captivity that some of the Jews started adopting Persian ideals.
Lets not forget who invented was the Persian mystic Zoroaster.

Until that time both the Greeks and Jews had no concept of an afterworld where sinners are punished. There is no hell in the old testament, only a place called Sheol, where the spirits just sort of hang out.

No hellfire speeches in synagogues.

It was only after the Babylonian captivity that some of the Jews started adopting Persian ideals.

Excellent point, a lot of religions borrow HEAVY from Zoroaster.
So, where is your soul when you're born? How does it define you, then?
that was dragon's quote actually

but still its generally sound - to the determine how the soul defines a living entity at birth you just have to compare the specimen with another that is born dead (if the differences aren't immediately detectable one can compare them again after 3 months)
So, the only difference is death? Being alive defines you?
what is weird is that recent Catholic catechism is teaching that that Hell is a "state of eternal separation from God," to be understood "symbolically rather than physically."

His speech reinforced the idea that it is a physical real place. This seems to contradict catholic catechism.
His speech reinforced the idea that it is a physical real place. This seems to contradict catholic catechism.
Indeed, but the catholic catechism contradicts the scriptures.

This was possible for centuries because most catholics couldnt even read the bible, so they didnt know they were being had.

I dont think its any accident that Protestantism was born shortly after the invention of the printing press.
That works both ways LG, or in your case will your "soul" be posting here from the grave? ;)
That works both ways LG, or in your case will your "soul" be posting here from the grave? ;)
which is why the soul is commonly defined as possessing characteristics quite distinct from the body

BG 2.17: That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.

BG 2.18: The material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity is sure to come to an end; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata.

BG 2.22: As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.

BG 2.23: The soul can never be cut to pieces by any weapon, nor burned by fire, nor moistened by water, nor withered by the wind.

etc etc
Kindly provide evidence. Otherwise you are just making blank statements with no empirical evidence to back up such assertions. Just because it's written in some ancient manuscript what it states does not make it true! K! ;)
Kindly provide evidence. Otherwise you are just making blank statements with no empirical evidence to back up such assertions. Just because it's written in some ancient manuscript what it states does not make it true! K! ;)
well if you want to come to the point of direct perception in regards to religious claims the first requirement is that you are not sinful and adopt normative descriptions given in scripture

BG 7.28: Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the dualities of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination.
well if you want to come to the point of direct perception in regards to religious claims the first requirement is that you are not sinful and adopt normative descriptions given in scripture

Which scriptures? There are literally thousands of religions, and thousands of manuscripts, which scriptures do truly bring you to "direct perception"

And are you in "direct perception?" can you provide evidence that YOU!! have direct perception?
Which scriptures? There are literally thousands of religions, and thousands of manuscripts, which scriptures do truly bring you to "direct perception"
and they all tend to converge on the general issues behind sin

And are you in "direct perception?" can you provide evidence that YOU!! have direct perception?
if I said "No" how would you know if I was lying?
if I said "yes" how would you know if I was lying?