It's Official - Hell Is Real


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
"ROME — Hell is a place where sinners really do burn in an everlasting fire, and not just a religious symbol designed to galvanize the faithful, the Pope said.

Addressing a parish gathering in a northern suburb of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI said that in the modern world many people, including some believers, had forgotten that if they failed to "admit blame and promise to sin no more," they risked "eternal damnation — the Inferno."

Hell "really exists and is eternal, even if nobody talks about it much any more," he said."
if Pope desires hell, than there he shall go. I don't need any hell or heaven, I am fine with life.

You live in Hell all ready, Nihilist.

there is no hell. there is no heaven. there is life eternal.

when I die my body will die, but not my soul. My soul defines me, the I, and that is all I need and that is all I ask for. Because with self realization comes life and life has a meaning and I ask myself if this life has a meaning precisely because I can ask myself that and because I realize that it does have a meaning.

There is no God.
There is life eternal.
There is no hell.
There is life eternal.
There is no heaven and I never wished for one.
There is life eternal in soul I am.
Well he should know, many of his fellow pedophiles are gone to be there! ;)
there is no hell. there is no heaven. there is life eternal.

when I die my body will die, but not my soul. My soul defines me, the I, and that is all I need and that is all I ask for. Because with self realization comes life and life has a meaning and I ask myself if this life has a meaning precisely because I can ask myself that and because I realize that it does have a meaning.

There is no God.
There is life eternal.
There is no hell.
There is life eternal.
There is no heaven and I never wished for one.
There is life eternal in soul I am.

So what happens when your heart stops , exactly? Will you come back as "GhostDragon" on scifi?
So what happens when your heart stops , exactly?

You seize to exist! accept it, don't deny it, don't get fooled, everyone dies, don't be afraid of it, why do you think something different will happen to you? LOL... Yea!! right!!! DREAMON!!
Hell is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo real! It's the place you go for worshiping false idols. More specifically......the porcelain god. :m:

Oh yeah, and heaven and hell are just fabrications of the mind to cater to the psyches of those still alive. It's a nice thought to "know" that someone is being punished, or rewarded. But really, when you does reality, and everything associated with
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"ROME — Hell is a place where sinners really do burn in an everlasting fire, and not just a religious symbol designed to galvanize the faithful, the Pope said.
Nice to see them getting back to the original biblical view of hell (a Norse pagan word btw).

Next up, Benedict will problably decide that Mary was never intended to be idolized as a diety...eventually he might even become a protestant!:eek:
Just because the Pope insists that hell is real, does not detract from the fact that is in unprovable and improbable. This is merely a speech designed to galvanize the faithful, and perhaps encourage a few "wayward" sheep.

The speech even uses the more plausible reason for the postulation of such a place, as a mockery! Please, how stupid does he think humanity is?

Oh yeah I forgot...about 84% of them believe some such rubbish.
the pope can go to hell.

You seize to exist! accept it, don't deny it, don't get fooled,

why not get "fooled"? IF we dissapear when we die, "nothing" matters, so we might as well believe we DON'T dissapear if it makes LIFE happier.

DEATH exists only in life. death is a thought. what we think about it matters only in life.

everyone dies, don't be afraid of it, why do you think something different will happen to you?

just because your body dies doesn't mean that your consciousness also dice.

the truth is: if u didn't exist b4 birth, and now suddenly exist, and you stop existing when your body dies...
logic says that you could suddenly start existing again.
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So what happens when your heart stops , exactly? Will you come back as "GhostDragon" on scifi?

I get to be reborn as a soul in my child.

If I don't get a child...I will not be reborn.

My child is my choice to stay in this life or not.

and draqon is how my soul is, the power of will and such...I am just a human as all of you.
I wouldn't get too attached to any view on the post-exhistence of the "soul". The only accounting we have, is the near-death experience. These could be nothing but dying brain stimulated - vivid final dreams. They can be influenced on spiritual feelings while you lived. What is interesting is they could "seem" like forever...
I wouldn't get too attached to any view on the post-exhistence of the "soul". The only accounting we have, is the near-death experience. These could be nothing but dying brain stimulated - vivid final dreams. They can be influenced on spiritual feelings while you lived. What is interesting is they could "seem" like forever...

How about the fact (for me) that I have seen my instances of my future in my dreams? Of course seeing future which did come true, does not mean there is life after death...but it does mean one thing to me...this world is not what it seems to me, its not everything but materealistic, of course than you would ask why I do not believe in God than? The reason is that, besides the fact that there is no proof, that I do not wish for heaven or hell, simply because in heaven or hell I will not change as a soul, I will not change the decisions I make.
I wish for life and life only as it is now, as I am living it now, I wish to be reborn and to forget about everything I knew from this life...but only let it be me, that which identifies me only, the soul I have. I do think that passing DNA material...just a small cell to another organism (woman) is enough to be reborn and feel like it is me. Because a new organism, my child, will be half me and half the woman I love, and that is amazing and that is how I see this life.
Yes a new entity will be born, but since I was the one who gave birth to that entity, it will be me and my wife who will feel as one soul and both have free will within that entity. Thus there will be three entities within my body, me, my wife, and the new child.
I get to be reborn as a soul in my child.

If I don't get a child...I will not be reborn.

My child is my choice to stay in this life or not.

and draqon is how my soul is, the power of will and such...I am just a human as all of you.

M*W: How nicely put! I'm with you.
"ROME — Hell is a place where sinners really do burn in an everlasting fire, and not just a religious symbol designed to galvanize the faithful, the Pope said.

Addressing a parish gathering in a northern suburb of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI said that in the modern world many people, including some believers, had forgotten that if they failed to "admit blame and promise to sin no more," they risked "eternal damnation — the Inferno."

Hell "really exists and is eternal, even if nobody talks about it much any more," he said."

It's amazing how this works isn't it?

"Hell exists"


"Because I said"

That's religion all over that is. :rolleyes:
How about the fact (for me) that I have seen my instances of my future in my dreams? Of course seeing future which did come true, does not mean there is life after death...but it does mean one thing to me...this world is not what it seems to me, its not everything but materealistic, of course than you would ask why I do not believe in God than? The reason is that, besides the fact that there is no proof, that I do not wish for heaven or hell, simply because in heaven or hell I will not change as a soul, I will not change the decisions I make.
I wish for life and life only as it is now, as I am living it now, I wish to be reborn and to forget about everything I knew from this life...but only let it be me, that which identifies me only, the soul I have. I do think that passing DNA material...just a small cell to another organism (woman) is enough to be reborn and feel like it is me. Because a new organism, my child, will be half me and half the woman I love, and that is amazing and that is how I see this life.
Yes a new entity will be born, but since I was the one who gave birth to that entity, it will be me and my wife who will feel as one soul and both have free will within that entity. Thus there will be three entities within my body, me, my wife, and the new child.

Your as bad as a christian. What if your nuts got chopped up by some psycho, before you could have this magical, perfect experience with this amazing woman(boy have you got a lot to learn!). Then your dead forever?