It's all about awareness


I'm not sure I really want to get into this one, but here goes.

I look at myself and wonder, "what is man that thou art mindful of him". I see nothing special, but I wonder what it is that those I come into contact with want to know me at all. There is no halo above my head, no special characteristics that would separate me from other men. I see hypocrisy, lies, and facades that have been put in place at diverse times to present a better picture to those who I percieve looking at me with the same eyes that I have towards them. I see someone who someday may die and all my beliefs, dreams and hopes will die with me. Then I cast those thoughts away. It is not I that people see any more. They see that beautiful ONE who I also see in others--whether they believe it or not. This is what gives me hope in others and also in myself. If I only looked to the surface of others, whatever their beliefs, there would be only chaos, corruption and death. Therefore, I only try to look beyond the surface and see the spark of intelligence that I know is there if you can get beyond the facades created by environment and circumstances. When that is accomplished to some degree, only then can they see the ONE in me. No Jesus talk, to religious talk, no facades. Just the ONE reaching out to the other ONE.
Anyone ever been to the Boston Mueseum of Science? They have this thing that makes it so you can see someone else's reflection in the mirror. I had my best friend/person I love more than anyone/godess....anyway, sit on the other side. It was pretty cool.
I'll be in the corner laughing my ass off at the lot of you

Random notes on the topic:
Perhaps you need to re-phrase the question?
Interesting, Xev. While I agree that the question could, in fact, be written with a little more detail and enthusiasm, I think it serves the purpose well. Your reply is quite demonstrative.
My point is, your question is mostly meaningless until you clarify what you are actually asking about.
Adam, as much as I hate to recommend it, try listening to Michael Jackson:
I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer:
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make the change
Look, I hardly ever recommend Michael Jackson, largely because his lyrics reflect a very simplistic perspective of life. But it seems such simplicity is called for. You wrote:
Whatever people say, you will say "No! You're really seeing THIS!" Different people will answer different things until or unless you explain your point further.
This is largely the point, insofar as I can tell. We worry too much about what other people think. What, then, do you see when you look in the mirror?

You're perfectly happy to look at other things and people and make observations that others will contradict. Why be afraid of it now?
This is just a trick. Whatever you say is going to be turned against you, and will inevitably lead to the "proof" that you're not aware or enlightened or whatever.
Spyfox ... perhaps it will, but as Adam pointed out, perceptions differ. I find much presumption of character and circumstance in your condition for refusal. The simple fact is that most people see a couple of things they don't like about themselves when they look. It's too bad people are so focused on what others might think to actually address those perceived inadequacies of the self.
Yeah, whatever you say, Nelson will make some backhanded insult out of it.
Aw, Xev, why deny Nelson the same privileges of scathing insult we all enjoy? Seems very very hypocritical to me.
1. A mirror
2. My body
Aww, Truthseeker, I'm so disappointed! :eek:

What happened to the backhanded insult? I was really really looking forward to it.
Anyone ever been to the Boston Mueseum of Science? They have this thing that makes it so you can see someone else's reflection in the mirror. I had my best friend/person I love more than anyone/godess....anyway, sit on the other side. It was pretty cool.
Now that would be trippy.

In General

Neither do I know why this topic was posted nor why the most part of the responding parties wasted their time. Really, has Sciforums finally degraded into a wallow for loathsome idiots with nothing better to do with their time than rehash childish spite and immature caprice? I see a badly presented question and a bunch of people who, by and large, would rather pick on the form of the question than give it any sincere thought. Tyler, Cactus Jack, I am compelled specifically to inform you that you are both outside the boundaries of my foul reaction.

TruthSeeker: one of the reasons this question is so rarely addressed at Sciforums, and generally to such poor result, is that the most part of our posters are afraid of it. They are afraid of themselves. This is nothing new to the metaphysician, as I am sure you're aware. But they have to get over themselves before they'll answer such questions.

In the meantime, having offered such sentiments, I shall give the topic some specific consideration and, if you still want an actual reflective answer to the question, I will offer one when I have it.

Tiassa :cool:

That's actually one of the few Jackson songs I like for more than pop music value.

I am not afraid of any philosophical content of this thread. It is simply that going on TS's past performance, he was incredibly likely to make a response such as "No! What you're seeing is Love, the Truth of the Universe!"

As for what I see when I look in a mirror, well, that's far too big a matter for me to type in right now, and I'm not sure I'd want to anyway.

TruthSeeker: one of the reasons this question is so rarely addressed at Sciforums, and generally to such poor result, is that the most part of our posters are afraid of it. They are afraid of themselves. This is nothing new to the metaphysician, as I am sure you're aware. But they have to get over themselves before they'll answer such questions.

In the meantime, having offered such sentiments, I shall give the topic some specific consideration and, if you still want an actual reflective answer to the question, I will offer one when I have it.

Yeah I know... but it's not an easy question to answer for most people... but my point here in that people usually perceive themselves as their body... but that's not quite the reality...

When you dream, for example, you are still alive (of course...) but you are not in the body. If you dream that you are being attacked by extraterrestrials from the planet Zork, that's not really happening...:bugeye:

If you perceive that you are not the body nor the mind you are pretty self-aware... :)


Once again, I am moved by the profound nature of your logic. I salute you sir, for seeing better than most.

With that mind, I thought about what you wrote, and thought I might post a more hopeful reply. Here goes.

I see a person who is afraid of the world. He hides behind simplicity so that the world doesn't seem as conflicting as it is. He clings to science, to reason, if not to gain any insight, then to makes the world an easier place to predict.

I also see a child, a boy trying to tear away from his own insecurities, that he wears it in his cloths, he speaks it in his language, he demonstrates it in his walk and stance. He's young, and has a lot to learn.

Lastly, I see a man. An image I could be, a person I want to be. Hopeful, inspiring, kind, caring, thoughtful, logical, considerate. A man that could be the best father in the world, the valued mentor, the guiding teacher, the loving husband, the desired lover.

How does that do?
"When you dream, for example, you are still alive (of course...) but you are not in the body. If you dream that you are being attacked by extraterrestrials from the planet Zork, that's not really happening..."

Actually, you are in your body. You're conscienceness is just basically imagining. Doesn't mean you're conscienceness is actually moved.

Intersting point; in my dreams, I never see my face, and most often am at a camre angle from upper, behind my body.

You're conscienceness is just basically imagining.
How can you distinguish reality from imagination?
When you are in a dream, are you aware that you are dreaming or you think that it's real?

Intersting point; in my dreams, I never see my face, and most often am at a camre angle from upper, behind my body.
:p Not the same with me...:)
I usually see myself in many angles and sometimes I see from inside my body...:D

Tell me... do you play many games like Tomb Raider, which the camera is in an angle from upper, behind the character?? :D:D:D

Ever seen the Tomb Raider movie? I own it on dvd.......dvd players have pause........ :eek: *Ohhh god*
Now THOSE are some breasts! I mean.

you can distinguish reality from imagination because of how they come about.

When you are in a dream, are you aware that it's just a dream?

great... graphics... :D:D:D
Usually, though not always.

I know, then you'll pose the question 'then how do you know THIS isn't a dream?' Well for one, I don't dream about theists. And for two, I don't know and I don't care. How do you know you're not schizophrenic and I don't actually exist? You don't. Does it matter? No. It's the same as the butterfly question.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
My point is that:
Consciousness is separated from the body.

But the body is simply a perception within consciousness, so how can demonstrate that it has a location seperate from consciousness?