It is the time to begin

How come that the people who apparently love to read, cannot explain to others what there is to love about this or that text ...
How come that the people who apparently love to read, cannot explain to others what there is to love about this or that text ...

it is to explain Signal . It is the swarm thing . You got to be able to read swarm. It is fuck difficult as hell to read and Me i am just starting to get a handle on the language , Dw is lucky cause he reads a lot is all I can say . Chimkin learned from the school of hard knocks . Goffey there I think he climbed the religious ladder . Me It is the only language I can speak . Fuck it has been a nightmare trying to relate. But they say petients is a virtue and well I get that from my Mother cause Dad well he can be a real ass hole at times . Fly off the handle if you know what I mean .

Why don't ever talk to Me . Are you afraid ? I don't bite very had . You will like it once you try it . Just a little of your blood would do Me wonders . Make Me young again

Your so formal my dear


My formal presentation is a skill set, Me, that suits my present occupations.

Be a good fellow now, and behave yourself.

When I arrive at the virtual pub, you will be so good as to find me a chair, and pour me a beverage.

No dog-pile, no tickling, and no biting. :bugeye:

Otherwise, I shall have my virtual horse (Caramel accompanies me on these escapades) pin you to the wall while I run up your bar tab buying rounds for the house.

Capiche? :D
Patients are a virtue...especially mental patients...

My formal presentation is a skill set, Me, that suits my present occupations.

Be a good fellow now, and behave yourself.

When I arrive at the virtual pub, you will be so good as to find me a chair, and pour me a beverage.

No dog-pile, no tickling, and no biting. :bugeye:

Otherwise, I shall have my virtual horse (Caramel accompanies me on these escapades) pin you to the wall while I run up your bar tab buying rounds for the house.

Capiche? :D

your horse works for Me , but at last I will be good and get my kind lady a drink of your choice . After your plied with liquor I will have you right were I want you . You gonna feel 17 again . Cause we gonna dance the night away . In the morning it will be like that song Maggie May. Like you was kicked in the head , so my best advice is not to drink to much of the stuff at one time

Time for me to practice my own banishing ritual.......on myself. Have to catch a few hours of sleep as I transition from the schedule of the day-siders (as I call them) into my personal role of Queen of the Darkness.

(Ed: then the demure Queen appears and is banished)

Hey, your Queen has got some pretty nice codons herself.
From that alone, I can relate to the lowly one there depicted.
Not that I would really... never mind.