It is the time to begin

while no one else gets it at all.
Pfft, GeoffP and I knew exactly what you were talking about. As did Chimpkin and maybe a couple of others.
If you were intending to be obscure you'd have to try harder than that.

Blood and souls for my Lord Arioch!
And I don't mean the guy who posts here.
@Dyw --

I'll accept the blood(I can always find buyers for that) but the soul market has just entered a decline and I won't be able to offload them before they go bad(have you ever tried eating a stale soul? It's not pleasant).
@Dyw --

I'll accept the blood(I can always find buyers for that) but the soul market has just entered a decline and I won't be able to offload them before they go bad(have you ever tried eating a stale soul? It's not pleasant).

Perhaps some new soul food recipes?

Or serve them with a dip or a sauce....:D

@Dyw --

I'll accept the blood(I can always find buyers for that) but the soul market has just entered a decline and I won't be able to offload them before they go bad(have you ever tried eating a stale soul? It's not pleasant).
Stormbringer and Mournblade require their fill first anyway...
Stormbringer and Mournblade require their fill first anyway...

The Rune blades: Brought to earth centuries before and wielded by the Melnibon`e emperors, these blades where turned over to the Gods and placed in the pulsing cavern when they became too powerful to control. They are known by the names StormBringer and MournBlade. They have the ability to give the wielder unparalleled strength. They are also sentient and require feeding to appease them. This feeding is in the form of souls taken during battle. Many of Elric's enemies plead not to be killed by his fearsome blade, StormBringer, as their souls are sent straight to hell for eternity. Although Elric is able to overcome his genetic weaknesses, and for the first time in his life he no longer needs to ingest his sorceress potions to sustain his life, this strength is gained at the price of a symbiotic relationship with his blade. Many is the time he will regret unsheathing it, as StormBringer has a taste for friend and foe alike.

So, there are some here that enjoy fantasy tales? :cool: I am not familiar with the works of Michael Moorcock, but somewhere in my collection I have Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series.
Familiar with?
Bah! I'm the guy that used to order Moorcock's books from my local bookshop 6 months before they were published.
But I now tend to stick to Moorcock, Karl Edward Wagner (RIP) and Stephen Donaldson, although Richard Morgan's The Steel Remains (volume 1 of A Land Fit For Heroes) seems to be re-writing the fantasy genre quite radically.

I did read the first 50 or so of McCaffrey's Dragonrider series a couple of decades ago. Unfortunately now they come across as twee and over-similar.

Le Guin's Wizard of Earthsea is also worth a read, as is much of Jack Vance's work.
Possibly Roger Zelazny falls into the fantasy genre (especially the Amber Chronicles), but the guy is worth reading for his use of language and overall erudition. One of my few regrets is that I never let him know how much I appreciated his work. :bawl:

X3…Damn it!

All I have is a banana.


I can fix you up with an excellent recipe for banana bread. ;):D
Familiar with?
Bah! I'm the guy that used to order Moorcock's books from my local bookshop 6 months before they were published.
But I now tend to stick to Moorcock, Karl Edward Wagner (RIP) and Stephen Donaldson, although Richard Morgan's The Steel Remains (volume 1 of A Land Fit For Heroes) seems to be re-writing the fantasy genre quite radically.

I did read the first 50 or so of McCaffrey's Dragonrider series a couple of decades ago. Unfortunately now they come across as twee and over-similar.

Le Guin's Wizard of Earthsea is also worth a read, as is much of Jack Vance's work.
Possibly Roger Zelazny falls into the fantasy genre (especially the Amber Chronicles), but the guy is worth reading for his use of language and overall erudition. One of my few regrets is that I never let him know how much I appreciated his work. :bawl:

Somehow, I might not have guessed that you enjoyed such material. Why the regrets with Roger Zelazny? Are you in the habit of communicating with authors whose works you enjoy?

I swear some of that looks like codons.

(uh not sure if "swear" was best choice of words)

back to the banishing ritual:
Why the regrets with Roger Zelazny?

Are you in the habit of communicating with authors whose works you enjoy?
No, except for the few I know personally. But Zelazny was, IMO, an exceptional wordsmith, I've never come across anyone else that can write the way he did.

I swear some of that looks like codons.

(uh not sure if "swear" was best choice of words)

back to the banishing ritual:


Time for me to practice my own banishing ritual.......on myself. Have to catch a few hours of sleep as I transition from the schedule of the day-siders (as I call them) into my personal role of Queen of the Darkness.


No, except for the few I know personally. But Zelazny was, IMO, an exceptional wordsmith, I've never come across anyone else that can write the way he did.

Then I shall have to take a look at a sampling of his work, as you, who are rather sparing of praise, consider him to be so exceptional.

Thank you for the recommendation. :)
A very well written short story indeed. Zelazny manages to to provide much detail and imagery, by his choice of words and use of symbolism and metaphor.

I thank you for posting the link. It was a most enjoyable thing to look forward to after my work of this night was done. :)

Prudence Listen come her close so I can whisper .

I think we need to tickle you tell you pee your seff , Come on gang lets dog pile . Quite Dw jump on her get her down . O.K. now we have you were we want my pretty . Chimpkin get the whiskey , Hey you our guy that don't believe hold her mouth open . Take a drink my dear . Take A drink . Stop fighting . Take it . Now thats a good litt;le girl . Don't you feel better all ready .

Your so formal my dear