It is the time to begin


Be kind to yourself always.
Valued Senior Member
Enu Shub
Am Gig Absu
Kish Egigga
Gar Shag Da Sisie Amarada Ya
Dingir Ud Kalama Siniku
Dingir Ninab Guyu Nexrraniku
Ga Ya Shu Shagmuku Tu!
I we Todd did
I we Todd did
I sofa king we Todd did:shrug:
Better you serve the Harlot and wind up rotting in one of her boxes, the fumes of delicious heresy gnawing your soul apart so that she may read its secrets.
"We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age." -H.P. Lovecraft, Call of the Cthulhu
You guys are crazy ! Migou Mi-go . Does anybody find that strange besides Me-ki? Fucking M.G.s are gonna haunt me for ever Me thinks . I am not an Alien , Stop calling Me that . Your all aliens !! I am from the earth . The north pole area .
This is one of the weirdest threads I've ever seen. haha. Was he just typing jibberish? Or did you guys actually understand what he said? lol
Looks like we have we a potential initiate: someone completely unaware.
Hmm what do we do with those people?
I think they fall into the "No, don't be silly, it's not a sacrificial altar" category.
Enu Shub
Am Gig Absu
Kish Egigga
Gar Shag Da Sisie Amarada Ya
Dingir Ud Kalama Siniku
Dingir Ninab Guyu Nexrraniku
Ga Ya Shu Shagmuku Tu!

Reading some rather eclectic offerings on that day, were you, Cosmic?

The thread start looks to be in the correct forum. :)


The Place of Calling shall be high in the Mountains, most preferably; or near the Sea; or in some secluded area far from the thoughts of Man; or in the desert; or atop an ancient temple. And it shall be clean, and free from the unwanted. Thus, the Place, once chosen, shall be purified by supplications to thine particular God and Goddess, and by burning offerings of pine and cedar. And a round load shall be brought, and salt. And, having offered it to the personal deities, the Priest shall pronounce, solemnly, the following exorcism that the Place of Calling be cleansed and all Evil that the Place of Calling be cleansed and all Evil banished thereby; and the Priest shall not change one word or letter of this exorcism, but recite it faithfully as it is put down: