You say "night vision by use of EMR"... how is it used?
Otherwise, I am not sure you are saying anything new here at all... just twisting words around such that it might seem that way...
Light is merely what we use to refer to the visible spectrum of EMR that we can detect with our eyes. But EMR does exist. It is real. It is a "thing". Our brain interprets the spectrum of EMR that it can sense in a way that gives rise to colour, to brightness, to tone etc. and this is what we refer to as light.
Light is not an illusion, any more than the ability of your microwave oven to heat food is an illusion. Microwaves are merely different frequencies of the same EMR spectrum. They are real. Light is merely that range that we can interpret through the use of our eyes.
So I think all you are doing is getting twisted up in the label of "light", "night" and "dark" etc.
You can only have "dark" relative to "light", for example. What you seem to mean is that there is no dark, no light, only EMR.
At least as far as I can tell. And as such, you are not saying anything new.
Strictly, they see ranges of the EMR spectrum that we struggle with, and in levels of light that we struggle with.
What we refer to as "dark" are low levels of EMR in the spectrum that our eyes sense.
Furthermore, this "evidence" (and all the rest you put forward) also supports the prevailing theory (if it indeed it is even different to yours), so is hardly going to be taken as evidence that suggests you are correct and is a different theory. If all tests and evidence supports both theories equally then at best you have the same theory merely worded differently, and possibly with layers of redundancy.
??? you've lost me here.
And here you are just twisting and equivocating meanings and uses of the word "dark".
If you mean "light" as in we say "it is light outside at the moment" then this is just equivocation of the word, the same word being used to mean two related but different concepts:
- One is the EMR itself, the visible spectrum.
- The other is the interpretation of that EMR by our brains, as being sufficient to navigate / observe with our eyes.
You seem to be mixing the two meanings and if not confusing yourself you are confusing the rest of us.
The antonym of the meanings for light, "Dark" is either the absence of EMR in the visible spectrum, or it is the subjective interpretation of the level of EMR (that our eyes can normally sense) as being too low to be able to observe what is emitting that EMR.
I thank you for the great post that actually discusses the idea .
I agree completely that EM radiation is a thing. And the speed of the flow of EM radiation is 299 792 458 m / s.
That is undeniable.
''What you seem to mean is that there is no dark, no light, only EMR.''
What I mean , there is dark, and there is EM radiation, but no light what so ever.
If we had not evolved to see by using the energy present, it would be dark always. I am saying that in day time , it is pitch black.
I agree that this is a crazy idea, but I also see the logic involved.
I know by losing you, when I mentioned white being several shades darker than the invisible, you do not completely understand the constant I mention.
Mr Einstein, said that the speed of light is constant to all observers.
Light does not have a speed, but the EM radiation does have a flow speed.
I really believe that Einstein, had the same thoughts as I do now, and did not want to try and tell the world, that it is never light, and always dark.
On viewing several documentaries of Einsteins work and thoughts, I really think he was trying to explain my constant.
I will break down the sentence and explain my logic on it.
The speed of light - is really the speed of the electromagnetic radiation linearity from source. A velocity that does not alter unless by interaction with matter or a medium. Isotropic in all directions.
Is constant - continued, no variance, unaltered,
to all observers - This is the part that opened the door to my logic, observers , meaning viewing, observing, seeing. The speed of light is measured at a constant to all observers making the measurement.
The speed of light constant is not ''seen'' by all observers, we can not see the speed of light, EM radiation in a constant velocity is invisible, it is not apart of the spectral range.
The constant speed to sight , is a constant invisible, we observe a constant, we all see empty space the same, constant to all observers.
Science says that the EM radiation in empty space is a mixture of frequencies, white being thought of because of spectral mixes making white. What we see as light in empty space, is not colored, it is invisible and colorless, we can clearly see white as a color through the constant of invisible.
The speed of light measured constant by all observers.
The speed of light is constantly seen as invisible by all observers
Dark is constant to all observers.
Darkness, low light, is not constantly seen the same by all observers. I.E other species.
I believe by my critical thinking, that this is what Einstein was really saying,
I also think by rational thinking that the invisible constant is only seen as a singular and not mixed frequencies.
If the EM radiation, was in a constant change of frequency state, in the invisible constant, a carrier wave from a satellite would not be received.
It would be the opposite of trying to send a 10hrtz carrier signal through 10hrtz of 3 dimensional space, the signal would be blended in and not detected.
If you understand the invisible constant I mention, and for practical reasoning consider this like being underwater in a clear water with no disturbance, then add a dye to the water , you instantly notice the dye,
this is to show reason, of how matter interaction works.