Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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But allowing the Jews to expand their settlements and ignore UN resolutions, practising apartheid, shooting children with snipers etc. requires no action at all. But stealing food?

Live by the sword die by the sword sweetheart :) Maybe it would have been better for Israel to launch rockets randomly into Palestinian neighbourhoods?

Either way, are you claiming that these reports of Hamas torturing/killing political dissidents is not true?
I like how the pro-Israel people ignored my post of the alleged finding of 155mm shells in gaza.

Why wouldn't they find 155mm artillery shells in Gaza, that is the Standard size of Israeli Artillery, 155mm M-109 Paladin.


Standard indirect-fire support weapon of maneuver brigades of armored and mechanized infantry divisions.
I like how the pro-Israel people ignored my post of the alleged finding of 155mm shells in gaza.

Typical kill radius is 50 meters for a 155mm, Having a 10m Circular Error Probability.

So a blast pattern of 150 ft. within a 30 ft. circle.

Or if they are using the new Excalibur.

Average CEP (Circular Error Probability) was demonstrated at about 5 meters (16.5 feet), significantly better than the 10- meter (33 feet) requirement. One projectile detonated with devastating effects less than two feet from the target center.
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So the elected body is trying to assert itself, by insisting it's responsible for aid getting to people, or it's an evil organisation that only has self-interest in mind? So it will use the supplies to coerce Gazans? Or to feed itself instead?

Of course, since Gaza is completely free, the people can just go somewhere else can't they? So it isn't a problem is it?

The Aid isn't getting to the people of Gaza because of Hamas, and it is the U.N. who is responsable for getting that Aid to the people not Hamas.

Again the Arabs in Gaza, (Hamas), ignoring the U.N. to do things their own way, at the expence of the Innocents of Gaza, and now there is no more Aid for the People of Gaza.

Strange how the UN never acted when the Israelis were imposing a diet over the last two years, eh? Apparently, starving people is alright but taking food is bad.

And clearly, not providing food to 1.5 million people is a matter of little concern. But allowing the Jews to expand their settlements and ignore UN resolutions, practising apartheid, shooting children with snipers etc. requires no action at all. But stealing food? Must take action asap. Why, they might actually eat a little bit more than they should!:mad:


Smuggling, weapons, war, Hamas, lost.

Hamas is now stealing the food aid that the U.N. was distrubuting to the People of Gaza, they have stolen two shipments, and now the U.N. is ending that aid because of Hamas's stealing.

Who is really starving the People of Gaza?

The Fighters of Hamas have full bellies tonight but what about the children? Hmmmmmmmmm?????

Hamas for not making a peace.
What about the blockade? If Israel stopped its active prevention of aid getting in?

Why is it the UN's responsibility?

Or if Israel hadn't blockaded Gaza, and created the need for aid, which it now refuses to accept is needed, except for a cursory nod to humanitarianism so it can claim it's a wonderful country?

Then it drops bombs all over Gaza and destroys most of the agricultural industry, and about 99% of other industry, so the world unless it's blind sees the wonderful country actively denying aid, or an economy, or medicine, or anything at all?
Why don't the Gazans go and get their own food? Why don't they just go to an Israeli supermarket say, seeing how they live in total freedom?
What about the blockade? If Israel stopped its active prevention of aid getting in?

Why is it the UN's responsibility?

Or if Israel hadn't blockaded Gaza, and created the need for aid, which it now refuses to accept is needed, except for a cursory nod to humanitarianism so it can claim it's a wonderful country?

Then it drops bombs all over Gaza and destroys most of the agricultural industry, and about 99% of other industry, so the world unless it's blind sees the wonderful country actively denying aid, or an economy, or medicine, or anything at all?

The reason that Israel closed the border was because of Attacks by Hamas, and Arms smuggling by Hamas.

Aid was getting into Gaza, Israel let the U.N. distribute that Aid with no interference.

Hanas want shipment to go through with out inspection to it's ports.

Israel was letting shipment by the U.N in because the U.N. Shipments were free of weapons.

So who is starving the Children of Gaza?

Hamas fighters steal the U.N. food shipment and now the U.N. is no longer going to distribute any more AID, until the stolen Aid is returned.

So I would say that there are a bunch of Hamas big shots with full stomachs, picking their teeth, while a lot if Children in Gaza go to bead hungry tonight.

Great ethic these Hamas Muslims have, let the Children Starve, as long as their bellys are full.
Aid was getting into Gaza, Israel let the U.N. distribute that Aid with no interference.
No interference?

What about the blockade of Gaza, that doesn't count?

If the UN was setting up a distribution centre anywhere else on the planet and an army arrived and interfered with it, by surrounding the population, then bombing the crap out of it, destroying UN warehouses and killing the civilians, would the security council do something?
No interference?

What about the blockade of Gaza, that doesn't count?

If the UN was setting up a distribution centre anywhere else on the planet and an army arrived and interfered with it, by surrounding the population, then bombing the crap out of it, destroying UN warehouses and killing the civilians, would the security council do something?

What don't you want to understand that Israel is not interfearing with the U.N. Food distributation, the active combat operations have ended.

The Israels have with drawn from Gaza, the U.N. has moved in, these theft took place in Gaza, by Hamas Militants.

Only 8 hours ago:

Hamas steals food and aid supplies so UN halts shipments whi...
Feb 6, 2009 ... Current is a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV.

UN halts Gaza aid over 'thefts'

UN trucks have been passing through Kerem Shalom crossing to deliver aid
The UN aid agency in Gaza says it has suspended all aid shipments, accusing the Hamas government of seizing hundreds of tonnes of food supplies.

Ten lorries carrying flour and rice were taken from the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing, the UN's Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa) said.

Israel is letting in Aid from the U.N., it is Hamas who is making the problems.
Why don't the Gazans go and get their own food? Why don't they just go to an Israeli supermarket say, seeing how they live in total freedom?

Because Hamas sends, suicide bombers, with the Hungry People, and Israeli Children die.

That is one of the reasons the crossings were closed, if you care to remember.
Israel has been blocking food for two years to the point that Hamas broke down the Rafah barrier with bulldozers so they could get food. 80% of the people are below poverty level because the Israelis put them on a "diet". No one was bothered. Now the UN denies Hamas the recognition due an elected representative and suddenly everyone is SOOOOOOOO concerned about the children of Gaza, while dead babies with sniper bullet holes in their heads or burned by white phosphorus are ignored.

Fucking hypocrites.
Hey Ben, I think this is the first time I've seen you post on a political topic. Thanks for the info. The lack of attention paid to human rights violators aside from Israel and the US pisses me off to no end. Anyone here want to talk about apartheid? How about the 50% of people living under apartheid in Iran and like-minded countries, where the Y chromosome is your passport to having a normal life? It's not the criticisms against Israel that get to me, even though sometimes the allegations are blatantly exaggerated by orders of magnitude. What gets to me is how Hezbollah shoots rockets out of bedroom windows, Hamas stashes weapons in mosques, and women and children are sent to blow themselves up near Israeli soldiers, yet the world looks the other way every time. Their silence is absolutely deafening- does anyone here care to tell me that these are acceptable acts or that they should be ignored?

Strawdog, would you care to tell us what you think of incidents like this? Hamas' version of the armoured personnel carrier

Who here really thinks that placing 100% of the blame on America and Israel is a good way to fast-track a lasting peace?
Live by the sword die by the sword sweetheart :) Maybe it would have been better for Israel to launch rockets randomly into Palestinian neighbourhoods?

Either way, are you claiming that these reports of Hamas torturing/killing political dissidents is not true?

I would be surprised if it were otherwise. Someone obviously gave the Israelis a lot of information about Gaza before the bombing. What would you do in their place? Like I said, even the ZOB executed the Judenrat. No one likes a traitor.
Hey Ben, I think this is the first time I've seen you post on a political topic. Thanks for the info. The lack of attention paid to human rights violators aside from Israel and the US pisses me off to no end. Anyone here want to talk about apartheid? How about the 50% of people living under apartheid in Iran and like-minded countries, where the Y chromosome is your passport to having a normal life? It's not the criticisms against Israel that get to me, even though sometimes the allegations are blatantly exaggerated by orders of magnitude. What gets to me is how Hezbollah shoots rockets out of bedroom windows, Hamas stashes weapons in mosques, and women and children are sent to blow themselves up near Israeli soldiers, yet the world looks the other way every time. Their silence is absolutely deafening- does anyone here care to tell me that these are acceptable acts or that they should be ignored?

Strawdog, would you care to tell us what you think of incidents like this? Hamas' version of the armoured personnel carrier

Who here really thinks that placing 100% of the blame on America and Israel is a good way to fast-track a lasting peace?

Hay Cap, great video, a U.N. Ambulance being used to move Hamas fighters in combat, OMG.

Yes, I want to hear Straw Dog, and SAM defend that, and explain the claims that Israel is targeting the U.N facilities and trucks with no cause.

Yes, lets hear from the rest of the appoligist for Hamas, video proof of Hamas using U.N. vehicles for Military Purposes's and operations.

Now I have to wonder about the U.N. claims that there were no Hamas fighters in the U.N. compounds?
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